Too many sexual references?
Not sure if it's just me... this chapter seemed a bit too sexual, including:
- Jerk bait island
- Spoon island
- A bunch of mermaids who seem to be modelled from Thai ladyboys... bunch of jokes surrounding them (including the 1st mate shagging a male one without knowing...)
- That island that sounds like "I love you" or something... where you get a hint that your partner on the ship is gay
These little sexual jokes seemed to saturate the chapter, and in my view weren't really in line with the kinda humour I enjoyed in MI 1, 2 & 3... such humour was a LOT more subtle (particularly in the first 2) I believe...
Not sure if it's just me getting old, and being less fun?
- Jerk bait island
- Spoon island
- A bunch of mermaids who seem to be modelled from Thai ladyboys... bunch of jokes surrounding them (including the 1st mate shagging a male one without knowing...)
- That island that sounds like "I love you" or something... where you get a hint that your partner on the ship is gay
These little sexual jokes seemed to saturate the chapter, and in my view weren't really in line with the kinda humour I enjoyed in MI 1, 2 & 3... such humour was a LOT more subtle (particularly in the first 2) I believe...
Not sure if it's just me getting old, and being less fun?

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I'm in a minority then looks like
A spinner is also something you use fishing.
As well as a spoon.
There are other way more interesting stuff in the game though.
I believe that we really should learn to affirm and re-affirm our claims if we want to be upstanding members of this forum community...and we should wipe away the mess of ignorance and misinformation from the face of the boards.
Your examples aren't strong enough, leaving your argument limp and flaccid. Your weak examples are unable to penetrate anything but those that accept it already. To really enter the rest of the community, you have to ram them repeatedly with solid and firm examples, grounded in facts and well-explained.
That's what she said.
I'm not here to get into a heated debate, but if you want to discuss some of the specific points with me then I'll be glad to respond.
To those who say "it's only you... these CAN be normal things..." have you ever heard of puns before? Play MI 1 & 2 NOW... I played them when I was about 12, and all the jokes were safe. Now I go back and play and am thinking aaaaaaw... I never picked that one when I was young! Something that really makes Monkey Island is the abundance of a lot of really dodgy puns... they're EVERYWHERE and it's really funny.
- Isle of Ewe... prompting Guybrush to say "I love you" to the fat guy. He responds by saying something like "oh do you? Cool, I'm interested! But uuum... lets discuss it a little later..." **GAY JOKE**
- Guybrush asks the fat guy "how do you tell the difference between the boys and the girls" (something along those lines... he says he's found out the hard way. **LADYBOY JOKE**
- The voodoo lady's boobs on the secret island... "nice cans"... and you can get a close-up of her tits... **BOOBS JOKE**
- Jerk Bait island is just randomly the island where these gender-confused creatures live, and at the same time they all try to hit on Guybrush as he walks past "hey sexy legs!!"...etc. **IT'S NOT UNINTENTIONAL...*
- Spoon Island... note: spooning is having sex... where you lie like spoons (legs bent the same way) give another reason why it's called Spoon Island... it's soooo intentional! **SEX JOKE**
They're not even subtle to be honest... they're all VERY intentional. I think most would find them funny... I do! But I think this chapter's saturated with them and they could have laid off them a bit (no pun intended.)
I like the game... just saying... this chapter's peppered with dirty jokes/puns. The 1st wasn't... guessing the 3rd won't either...
C'mon... Isle of Ewe... they even give away why it was called the Isle of Ewe!!! The islands have always had VERY intentional names that related with their contents, are ALWAYS puns about something funny. Play the whole series! They are ALWAYS puns... no exceptions!
The game wouldn't be true to its form if they were unintentional/random names with no puns involved.
I can't take this seriously from a guy who wears a bra...:p
I need to check, but I believe that it's called Spooner Island. Also, you may want to reread Rather Dashing's post, as I think you may have missed his subtle joke...
Playing devil's advocate, I don't think that would make much of a difference...
Sorry, buzzing from caffeine at the mo.:eek:
Which is why there is not much of a difference. Still a sexual reference/innuendo...
Anyway, I don't think it's saturated with them. I only saw them here and there and thought it was funny every time.
I think thats the point, they are all Double entendre
Could be worse, elaine could have said "dont you remember when you came into me in the sitting room last week"
see it can always get worse
I completely penis agree with you.
I completely rectum with the last comment
Later, once we decided Merfolk would be much more interesting, I changed the name of the Spinner Cay to Phorcopolis ("Phorcus" (fôr'kus) [key], in Greek mythology, sea god. + "-opolis", Suffix: used for city names.) This, however, was starting to sound WAY more like Indiana Jones than Monkey Island, so we just stuck with the Islands named after different kinds of bait.
So there you have it. Nothing deviant about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go give my wife a "Singing Manatee"!
It bothers me as well, apparently anything related to sexuality/nudity is just going too far, even when there's violence next to it, it seems so silly.
You're sick...
Really... I don't think I'll ever be able to normally hold a spoon. The same situation as with grapes... uhm... don't ask, I suppose.
Come on, don't be so puritan about it.
This is like with Starship Troopers. You had an alien sucking a mains brain out and people were complaining about the mixed shower scene.
There is something very disturbing about the attitude that violence and killing is fine for the younger public as long as they don't see any sex references.
You want more children to grow up like psychopaths, or what?
Yes it IS just you.
Isle of Ewe is a reference to the Isle of Man (<-is THAT sexual????) or the actual existing Isle of EWE.
the Island names are mostly references to fishing terms.
The cans on the voodoo lady NEVER zoom in, you just see the entire picture and it pans quickly to the actual cans.
The merfolk being neither men or women is just a way to make a joke that people tend to think of mermaids like beautifull girls with fish tales... now it is unclear making everything they say and do just funny... it can't be sexual since they aren't male or female, they're merfolk.
Thus coming to the conclusion that 1: sexual references can be funny without being frustrated about it (MI2 had it in the bra you get from Mad Monty).
2: You are one sexualy frustated puppy Lagrande.
and 3: what on earth is wrong with these simple maybe sexual references????
Somehow, I just *know* that there's an Urban Dictionary entry for that. And it's probably nightmare fuel.
I love the irony of this post, even if it was a typo.
Damn you, i was just about to post the same thing !
Stupid typos. I fixed it. :P
It will forever live in my quote, though
That would stuck.
you know what this is? ever used one of these? it's perfect for eating soup. or breakfast cereals or stuff like that. nothing sexual about it.
i bet you always think of golden shower when you see a bottle of champaign.
okay, so there are a few sexual references in spinner cay...i mean, check out winslow. he's a walking sexual reference. it's not that bad however.