Not sure if it's just me... this chapter seemed a bit too sexual, including:
- Jerk bait island
- Spoon island
- A bunch of mermaids who seem to be modelled from Thai ladyboys... bunch of jokes surrounding them (including the 1st mate shagging a male one without knowing...)
- That island that sounds like "I love you" or something... where you get a hint that your partner on the ship is gay
These little sexual jokes seemed to saturate the chapter, and in my view weren't really in line with the kinda humour I enjoyed in MI 1, 2 & 3... such humour was a LOT more subtle (particularly in the first 2) I believe...
Not sure if it's just me getting old, and being less fun?
I think it's just you reading too much into things myself...
- Spoon Island... note: spooning is having sex... where you lie like spoons (legs bent the same way) give another reason why it's called Spoon Island... it's soooo intentional! **SEX JOKE**
Good grief you have a warped mind. "Spooning" is not having sex. It's nothing more than a hug. In no culture does it refer to a sexual position. (There's even a book on the subject: The Art of Spooning: A Cuddler's Handbook.)
"Jerk" is a type of Caribbean food, the signs for which I walk past every day here in London.
How you decided that the androgynous Merfolk were based on Thai ladyboys speaks volumes about YOUR state of mind.
The one I'll concede is the "nice cans" joke, which was indeed about the size of the Voodoo Lady's breasts.
I think you've embarrassed yourself here, Mr. LaGrande.
And I thought Jerkbait reffered, well, to Jerkbait, which is essentialy one of types of worms used as bait for catching fish.
Wow, good point! I thought it was a Carribean reference, but it was actually just a fishing reference... Triple meanings!!! (Maybe we're coming close to uncovering a sinister plot!)
EDIT: No, even better idea! Let's make it si(e)xfold!
6x = sextuple
If all those sex related jokes in ToMI have sextuple meanings, then the Telltale team are immortal geniuses!
I think I found my new religion!
No, she can't do both at the same time, so she's a Mast-or-Baiter.
Lol! Well done! Did anyone notice that Ron Gilbert's new game is called Death SPANK and old game was called MONKEY Island. Spank... Monkey... It's everywhere!!!
if i'm going to make any complaint about the games jokes it wouldn't be the sexual references it w ould be that there's maybe one too many references to the original games rather than telltales own gags.
Also, a lot of Spinner Cay focused on people fiddling with Guybrush's mast. I think we all know what that's a euphemism for.
Well, Morgan finds the mast annoying and hates when Guybrush says something about it... On the other hand, Anemone seems to put it up in few seconds every time it's down.
And when I played the game, I thought it was not about sex, but a fish-man joke about about betting him to be a fresh fish for 24 hours.
All of the one-liners from Anemone are left ambiguous to whether she's flirting with Guybrush or not. She makes him uncomfortable by calling him 'sailor', which could be harmless or could also be sexual. Guybrush responds saying 'will you please stop calling me that.'
Thats why later Guybrush gets a dialogue option to flirt with her, and she responds to that in an ambiguous way too.
This either makes Winslow's encounter with the Merfolk excusable, or even more disturbing.
Yeah, I had thought that the merfolk were designed as they are on purpose. Also, red grouper are the most delicious fish in the world. Has nothing to do with ep 2, I just love red grouper.
P.S. Largo, you might not want to play any S&M if Spinner Cay is a little much for you.
Yeah, I had thought that the merfolk were designed as they are on purpose. Also, red grouper are the most delicious fish in the world. Has nothing to do with ep 2, I just love red grouper.
P.S. Largo, you might not want to play any S&M if Spinner Cay is a little much for you.
I don't know if the dev team got the idea from fish like that or not.. but it doesn't make sense to say, fish genders are ambiguous, so half-human half-fish should be ambiguous also. They're half-human after all. has never been said that they don't have two genders, they just are to much alike for the ordinary human to tell them apart. this makes so much sense, since i usually can't tell which fish is male and which is female. the merfolk is probably ambiguous only by human standards. in fact that makes a lot of sense...not like with star trek aliens, that all look like humans, but with different noses or ears or something.
so, in the end there are quite some sexual references in spinner cay, but it's not as bad as it seems.
this makes so much sense, since i usually can't tell which fish is male and which is female.
Yea how does that make sense, half-human half-fish aren't the same thing as fish.
Anyway, the game isn't any more explicit about sex than TV sitcoms so it shouldn't really be an issue for people. The biggest problem with sexual innuendo is that it can turn too easily into really dumb 'that's what she said' types of jokes.
lol this thread is all too funny, people put their own meanings into the jokes and who knows what they were originally meant to be about but people find them funny in their own way because theres no real explanation.
lol this thread is all too funny, people put their own meanings into the jokes and who knows what they were originally meant to be about but people find them funny in their own way because theres no real explanation.
Yea how does that make sense, half-human half-fish aren't the same thing as fish.
that's the whole point...they are not half-human/half-fish. at least not in the classic style, with the lower half being completely fishy and the rest being a hot chick.....sorry, attractive female. the telltale mermaid-version is a lot more fishlike and so it is also harder to tell which gender they are, like with real fish. makes sense to me...on the other hand, the rest of the world can't seem to understand my kind of sense...mostly.:D
that's the whole point...they are not half-human/half-fish. at least not in the classic style, with the lower half being completely fishy and the rest being a hot chick.....sorry, attractive female. the telltale mermaid-version is a lot more fishlike and so it is also harder to tell which gender they are, like with real fish. makes sense to me...on the other hand, the rest of the world can't seem to understand my kind of sense...mostly.:D
I feel the same way....
(why do can't I help myself seeing the Merman that save Lois in Family guy???:eek:)
that's the whole point...they are not half-human/half-fish. at least not in the classic style, with the lower half being completely fishy and the rest being a hot chick.....sorry, attractive female. the telltale mermaid-version is a lot more fishlike and so it is also harder to tell which gender they are, like with real fish. makes sense to me...on the other hand, the rest of the world can't seem to understand my kind of sense...mostly.:D
They're more fish creatures than real merfolk then I think the idea of mermaids in the first place comes from legends about sirens, which sometimes wouldn't be half-fish at all but fully human, and would lure men with their beauty.
Would be more interesting if it only included the stuff that really was innuendo, then we could compare to this game.
Some of the people things are pointing out in this game I don't see as innuendo either. 'I love you' (from 'Ilse of Ewe') could be platonic. But there's still a bunch there.
yeah, mi2 had some nasty lines two. i understood most of them only recently, when i replayed it in english. back when i was a kid, i didn't get most of the stuff. either because it wasn't translated to german properly...or because i was a kid.
They're more fish creatures than real merfolk then I think the idea of mermaids in the first place comes from legends about sirens, which sometimes wouldn't be half-fish at all but fully human, and would lure men with their beauty.
true indeed, but i guess that's all stories, made up by lonely sailors. "no, i totally wasn't making out with a tuna fish....the top half was a pretty girl."
true indeed, but i guess that's all stories, made up by lonely sailors. "no, i totally wasn't making out with a tuna fish....the top half was a pretty girl." was used to explain drownings.. men jumping in the sea because of being lured by a mermaid.. or ships going off course and hitting rocks because the crew heard the siren's call and were drawn to it
I can safely tell this thread satisfes any possible necessity in electronic erotic entertainment.
I think it's just you reading too much into things myself...
Good grief you have a warped mind. "Spooning" is not having sex. It's nothing more than a hug. In no culture does it refer to a sexual position. (There's even a book on the subject: The Art of Spooning: A Cuddler's Handbook.)
"Jerk" is a type of Caribbean food, the signs for which I walk past every day here in London.
How you decided that the androgynous Merfolk were based on Thai ladyboys speaks volumes about YOUR state of mind.
The one I'll concede is the "nice cans" joke, which was indeed about the size of the Voodoo Lady's breasts.
I think you've embarrassed yourself here, Mr. LaGrande.
Wow, good point! I thought it was a Carribean reference, but it was actually just a fishing reference... Triple meanings!!! (Maybe we're coming close to uncovering a sinister plot!)
Let's make it quadriple!
I don't know how, yet, though.
EDIT: No, even better idea! Let's make it si(e)xfold!
If all those sex related jokes in ToMI have sextuple meanings, then the Telltale team are immortal geniuses!
I think I found my new religion!
Great. Now I'll never be able to look at The Tick the same way again!
The Mast and Bait shop.
Does that make Anemone a Mast and Baiter?
Lol! Well done! Did anyone notice that Ron Gilbert's new game is called Death SPANK and old game was called MONKEY Island. Spank... Monkey... It's everywhere!!!
Well, Morgan finds the mast annoying and hates when Guybrush says something about it... On the other hand, Anemone seems to put it up in few seconds every time it's down.
All of the one-liners from Anemone are left ambiguous to whether she's flirting with Guybrush or not. She makes him uncomfortable by calling him 'sailor', which could be harmless or could also be sexual. Guybrush responds saying 'will you please stop calling me that.'
Thats why later Guybrush gets a dialogue option to flirt with her, and she responds to that in an ambiguous way too.
Yeah, I had thought that the merfolk were designed as they are on purpose. Also, red grouper are the most delicious fish in the world. Has nothing to do with ep 2, I just love red grouper.
P.S. Largo, you might not want to play any S&M if Spinner Cay is a little much for you.
I don't know if the dev team got the idea from fish like that or not.. but it doesn't make sense to say, fish genders are ambiguous, so half-human half-fish should be ambiguous also. They're half-human after all.
so, in the end there are quite some sexual references in spinner cay, but it's not as bad as it seems.
Yea how does that make sense, half-human half-fish aren't the same thing as fish.
Anyway, the game isn't any more explicit about sex than TV sitcoms so it shouldn't really be an issue for people. The biggest problem with sexual innuendo is that it can turn too easily into really dumb 'that's what she said' types of jokes.
I'm selling these fine leather gimp masks.
I feel the same way....
(why do can't I help myself seeing the Merman that save Lois in Family guy???:eek:)
They're more fish creatures than real merfolk then
Would be more interesting if it only included the stuff that really was innuendo, then we could compare to this game.
Some of the people things are pointing out in this game I don't see as innuendo either. 'I love you' (from 'Ilse of Ewe') could be platonic. But there's still a bunch there.
true indeed, but i guess that's all stories, made up by lonely sailors. "no, i totally wasn't making out with a tuna fish....the top half was a pretty girl." was used to explain drownings.. men jumping in the sea because of being lured by a mermaid.. or ships going off course and hitting rocks because the crew heard the siren's call and were drawn to it