It's funny cause the same credits song was used in both S02E02 and S04E02 but also in both of those episodes we've met a returning characters. Coincident? I think not!
Telltale really made it up to me in my eyes, which is why I'm sad to see them in such despair, episode 2 was really good and I totally forgive AJ for what he did now (although I spent the whole episode telling him what he did was wrong, and I was shocked to see you could spit on Marlon's grave, I picked every options to be empathetic towards Marlon but it seemed like the game considered Marlon to be an asshole.)
I'm really satisfied and glad I got to see Clem kiss Louis, although I must admit I would have loved a ship between Clem and James.
Also kinda dissapointed that you don't have the possibility, (kinda like in life in strange) to keep your plants alive, I would love it if we could water them and I guess put them in the sun so they don't die, I dunno it would have been a cool little detail.
Got all the collectibles for now, I dunno if I enjoyed this episode because I was sad to think it would end here (apparently they will finish it somehow) or if they really improved quality or something.
Well thats not exactly what I mean, the world is over, there really isnt that many kids left. Is all this really worth it just to get a few … morekids? Plus these kids are always fighting back, this isnt a real world situation where many times its kidnapping very kids from defenses homes, these kids have their own weapons and dont want to be taken, seems like waaay too much effort to basically be attacking another place while they are too busy with attacks from another place just to get a few kids.
I guess thats why they were looking for Marlon so they could get him to trick some more kids out, but after hearing he was dead, and things like being shot at by Violet you'd think they'd know it may not be worth it anymore, seeing as the kids clearly knew what was happening and would fight back.
Maybe, it really isnt that big of a flaw imo, I just found it a bit weak mostly because it kinda feels like they want you to go "oh shit Lily bad" without needing to give more context (but Im sure if episode 3 does come out they will go into more details about the Delta base and their whole thing) I mean its already better than the weird rape cult theories people were making smh
Lilly being a villain or not, she still is great!
The pacing felt off sometimes, I though that shooting scene was really poor done, and I am note sure about how well developed the raiders will be. But still overall a really good episode! Not my favorite, I was also hoping for a little more character interactions, but still a 8/10.
yeah...I was sort of dreading a potential rape group....these 2 episodes are approaching ANF length...if the 2 final ones come will potentially close to 10 hours if current trends hold.
Maybe, it really isnt that big of a flaw imo, I just found it a bit weak mostly because it kinda feels like they want you to go "oh shit Lil… morey bad" without needing to give more context (but Im sure if episode 3 does come out they will go into more details about the Delta base and their whole thing) I mean its already better than the weird rape cult theories people were making smh
Oh yeah I must admit I was pretty dissapointed when I heard they didn't kidnap those girls for sex, WAIT NOW i'm not a psycho but just it would have made more sense, and not to be sexist, but if a community was looking for soldiers, they would be taking the boys first, and also Marlon with his trained dog would have been a really good soldier.
I thought that was kinda unrealistic, come on, a community kidnapping young teenage girls, to use them as soldier ?
yeah...I was sort of dreading a potential rape group....these 2 episodes are approaching ANF length...if the 2 final ones come will potentially close to 10 hours if current trends hold.
Oh yeah I must admit I was pretty dissapointed when I heard they didn't kidnap those girls for sex, WAIT NOW i'm not a psycho but just it wo… moreuld have made more sense, and not to be sexist, but if a community was looking for soldiers, they would be taking the boys first, and also Marlon with his trained dog would have been a really good soldier.
I thought that was kinda unrealistic, come on, a community kidnapping young teenage girls, to use them as soldier ?
7/10, we got kicked out of the school group early on but then the game sent us back after barely 10-15 mins. I really liked James so I was a little bummed he didn’t reappear near the end.
Lily coming back feels odd, but I hope it goes somewhere in Ep3 and Ep4. I let Abel go with the food last episode but it didn’t have any impact on this episode.
I kissed Louis but now I regret it, when I replay this episode I’m definitely staying neutral when it comes to romances except for James.
The Bow n Arrow gameplay felt weird, pressing A instead of RT. Was that just a glitch or something?
And the ranch....why did Telltale do that, such a tease.
7/10, we got kicked out of the school group early on but then the game sent us back after barely 10-15 mins. I really liked James so I was a… more little bummed he didn’t reappear near the end.
Lily coming back feels odd, but I hope it goes somewhere in Ep3 and Ep4. I let Abel go with the food last episode but it didn’t have any impact on this episode.
I kissed Louis but now I regret it, when I replay this episode I’m definitely staying neutral when it comes to romances except for James.
The Bow n Arrow gameplay felt weird, pressing A instead of RT. Was that just a glitch or something?
And the ranch....why did Telltale do that, such a tease.
Extremely good, just as good as the first. Annndd, believe it or not, it got me to like AJ just a little bit more, so there’s a plus. Also we need more card games with Louis in the future, assuming the next episodes do release
Loved it, would rate a 8/10 the reason 8 is because I play on Xbox and for some reason half of the time I couldn't hear back round music. BTW is it just me or did anyone get creeped out by James walking up to you really fast when you first see him or just me?
Yeah... I think it's a little more complicated than that, men are generally stronger than women, because of testoterone, also generally taller, if you're gonna take teenagers for soldiers, then you better take the boys because unless the girls are doing heavy weightlifting, they are gonna be generally weaker than the men.
It's just scientific facts, men are more athletic than women (if both are untrained) so for better results as soldiers you take men.
I'm not at all for sexism or mysgonism but there is a reason why men were sent to war instead of woman, if we all take away the bullcrap like "Women should stay at home cooking and taking care of children" then it still leaves biology, men are stronger than women.
I loved it. It's a damn shame about everything that's going on because the quality of this season has been top notch in my opinion. Playing it was very bittersweet though.
9/10 at least. Definitely up there with Done running. I'm happy to see things (possibly) end on such a high note. All the neat little mechanics being introduced, the relationships being done so so so well, and still caring about all the kids and really hoping they wouldn't meet their untimely end this episode. A healthy blend of set up and execution. Also another 2.5 hour episode in a row. Wow. Sure as hell gonna miss that. Damn good episode.
Lilly is the last person alive what we know of the core group of season one so holds a very special meaning to my clem and probably others,clementine even at the young age at the RV knew it was wrong to leave her for dead,it's like a bond that goes deeper than all current friendships she has
It was alright. Weaker than the first episode, but still good. As others have mentioned, the flow of the episode was a bit off. 7/10
I'm not sure I'm digging the direction they're taking Lilly. So far they didn't really utilize the fact that it's Lilly besides making player possibly go "oh shit, it's lilly", but I guess they have more plans with her in future episodes. (if we ever get them of course) I was really hoping Telltale wouldn't just make her evil, but right now it seems she's irredeemable. I loved the moment where she couldn't bring herself to shoot Clem though, so there might be some hope left for her.
I'm honestly torn as to whether I like this episode more, or Done Running. It looks like this episode had much better choice impacts, but I was also expecting a bit more screen time and development for both Lilly and the raiders and more in regards to the ranch. That being said, I still loved this episode because we got to spend more time with some of the other children at the school, got to enjoy another card game, the last 20 or so minutes was very well done, and (despite every fiber of my being telling me not to), I made Louis and Clem a thing. I also liked James and the way they handled a comic tie in, it's not bringing in a plot armor character like Jesus, but more of a nod to events that happened, which was very cool for comic readers like myself.
I guess if I had to grade it, probably a 9/10, but subject to change as my initial feelings wear off and I see alternate outcomes.
Oh yeah, sure a group of adults who are at war with another community want to kidnap kids and force them to fight for them and kill them if they don't.
Yeah there not bad at all
Abel, sure, but Lily showed some heart in this episode.
so you condemn Abel for his actions but not Lilly, It's clear that Lilly has more authority than him and he was just following her orders.
Honestly, Lilly seems to have become very selfish, and Abel is too, seriously Lilly hesitated to kill Clementine, and if it wasn't for that guy that saved her (sorry mate, didn't memorise your name, rest in peace) I'm sure she would have shot. Abel also seems to be a pretty shitty guy, I was skeptical in the first episode cause he just wanted food but now clearly he is fucked up, he even enjoys hurting a little kid so yeah..
Cause she isn’t a bad person?
How the hell not? please explain this to me.
No one is
Oh yeah, sure a group of adults w… moreho are at war with another community want to kidnap kids and force them to fight for them and kill them if they don't.
Yeah there not bad at all
Abel, sure, but Lily showed some heart in this episode.
so you condemn Abel for his actions but not Lilly, It's clear that Lilly has more authority than him and he was just following her orders.
I actually quite liked the greenhouse scene because I enjoyed learning more about Ruby and Mitch. It definitely hung death flags over them both though so it's wasn't a huge surprise what happened later
My favourite parts were probably anything to do with Clem & AJ. AJ is really starting to grow on me. The part where he said he loved Clem got me all misty eyed (which wasn't the only time this ep lol). The other part I nearly cried at was after AJ got shot and Clem fell while carrying AJ. I really enjoyed the scenes with James as well. Seems like a cool character so far. I think what I liked most about the episode was probably the pacing 2/3 of the episode flew by and was going really fast, about up until the dream sequence point, then it kinda slowed down.
The weakest parts were actually the parts with Lilly in my opinion. I really don't like her as a character (I guess that's the point?). I thought they gave Clem & AJ a little too much time on their own. We still didn't really get to know Aasim/Willy/Omar much. I also feel like they rushed the romance angle. I really didn't know who too choose, and I completely regret my decision.
Overall a great episode. Better than the first episode, but not by much.
Cause she isn’t a bad person?
How the hell not? please explain this to me.
No one is
Oh yeah, sure a group of adults w… moreho are at war with another community want to kidnap kids and force them to fight for them and kill them if they don't.
Yeah there not bad at all
Abel, sure, but Lily showed some heart in this episode.
so you condemn Abel for his actions but not Lilly, It's clear that Lilly has more authority than him and he was just following her orders.
I just finished playing the episode while I really enjoyed it, the overall flow felt a bit odd to me. I have to replay it at least one to have a definitive opinion but i'd give it a something between 7.5-9/10 for now
Yeah... I think it's a little more complicated than that, men are generally stronger than women, because of testoterone, also generally tall… moreer, if you're gonna take teenagers for soldiers, then you better take the boys because unless the girls are doing heavy weightlifting, they are gonna be generally weaker than the men.
It's just scientific facts, men are more athletic than women (if both are untrained) so for better results as soldiers you take men.
I'm not at all for sexism or mysgonism but there is a reason why men were sent to war instead of woman, if we all take away the bullcrap like "Women should stay at home cooking and taking care of children" then it still leaves biology, men are stronger than women.
This time around Clementine spend time with the the teenagers she didnt in episode 1. So we got Mitch and Rosie, Voliet and Louie. This time around i really liked Mitch (Robbie Daymond AKA: Prompto from FF15. Fun fact: For those ppl who didnt know Marlon was voiced Ray Chase who voice Noctis from FF15 both him and Robbie became friends on facebook since they worked on that game way over 2 years). I guess since both of them had great cemisty tell-tale let them be friends in TWD TFS too .
So yeah I'm sad to see Mitch go this one round. Tell-tale hired really good voice actors for their games. Yes some were unknown at the time but others were kinda of big name Troy Baker, Laruen Bailey, Travis Willingham would habe been expensive to hire. I have no idea on Robbie and Ray. TT liked to hire voice actors that play well of each other. I love the episodes that TTG gave us over the years. Unlike everyone i LOVE all the the seasons of TWD, also love Wolf and Game of Thrones. Geez hiring the HBO tv actors would have been expensive, I do see why Tell-tale went under TT__TT. They did the best they could with what they had but some things were out of their control.
Just as good as the first I like how the Violet/Louis choice mattered. I wish Lily got more screen time but I felt the Ruby and Mitch segment dragged on a bit too long for my liking. Still that ending was great. Violentine, motherfuckers
It's funny cause the same credits song was used in both S02E02 and S04E02 but also in both of those episodes we've met a returning characters. Coincident? I think not!
Telltale really made it up to me in my eyes, which is why I'm sad to see them in such despair, episode 2 was really good and I totally forgive AJ for what he did now (although I spent the whole episode telling him what he did was wrong, and I was shocked to see you could spit on Marlon's grave, I picked every options to be empathetic towards Marlon but it seemed like the game considered Marlon to be an asshole.)
I'm really satisfied and glad I got to see Clem kiss Louis, although I must admit I would have loved a ship between Clem and James.
Also kinda dissapointed that you don't have the possibility, (kinda like in life in strange) to keep your plants alive, I would love it if we could water them and I guess put them in the sun so they don't die, I dunno it would have been a cool little detail.
Got all the collectibles for now, I dunno if I enjoyed this episode because I was sad to think it would end here (apparently they will finish it somehow) or if they really improved quality or something.
In any case, I'm satisfied.
9/10 because the pacing was a bit off.. and it's not the same as playing Done Running cause it might be the last episode Telltale ever makes.
It was fantastic, screw IGN.
I think they were hoping for them to roll over seeing numbers...but Clem and the rest were ready.
Maybe, it really isnt that big of a flaw imo, I just found it a bit weak mostly because it kinda feels like they want you to go "oh shit Lily bad" without needing to give more context (but Im sure if episode 3 does come out they will go into more details about the Delta base and their whole thing) I mean its already better than the weird rape cult theories people were making smh
Lilly being a villain or not, she still is great!
The pacing felt off sometimes, I though that shooting scene was really poor done, and I am note sure about how well developed the raiders will be. But still overall a really good episode! Not my favorite, I was also hoping for a little more character interactions, but still a 8/10.
yeah...I was sort of dreading a potential rape group....these 2 episodes are approaching ANF length...if the 2 final ones come will potentially close to 10 hours if current trends hold.
Oh yeah I must admit I was pretty dissapointed when I heard they didn't kidnap those girls for sex, WAIT NOW i'm not a psycho but just it would have made more sense, and not to be sexist, but if a community was looking for soldiers, they would be taking the boys first, and also Marlon with his trained dog would have been a really good soldier.
I thought that was kinda unrealistic, come on, a community kidnapping young teenage girls, to use them as soldier ?
can carry a gun....can shoot...all you need in a soldier.
8'5/10 the last part of the chapter was great
7/10, we got kicked out of the school group early on but then the game sent us back after barely 10-15 mins. I really liked James so I was a little bummed he didn’t reappear near the end.
Lily coming back feels odd, but I hope it goes somewhere in Ep3 and Ep4. I let Abel go with the food last episode but it didn’t have any impact on this episode.
I kissed Louis but now I regret it, when I replay this episode I’m definitely staying neutral when it comes to romances except for James.
The Bow n Arrow gameplay felt weird, pressing A instead of RT. Was that just a glitch or something?
And the ranch....why did Telltale do that, such a tease.
Your bow should not have been activated by pressing A, you probably changed the controls or something.
Extremely good, just as good as the first. Annndd, believe it or not, it got me to like AJ just a little bit more, so there’s a plus. Also we need more card games with Louis in the future, assuming the next episodes do release
I'm playing right now and all I can say is: wow.
Loved it, would rate a 8/10 the reason 8 is because I play on Xbox and for some reason half of the time I couldn't hear back round music. BTW is it just me or did anyone get creeped out by James walking up to you really fast when you first see him or just me?
Yeah... I think it's a little more complicated than that, men are generally stronger than women, because of testoterone, also generally taller, if you're gonna take teenagers for soldiers, then you better take the boys because unless the girls are doing heavy weightlifting, they are gonna be generally weaker than the men.
It's just scientific facts, men are more athletic than women (if both are untrained) so for better results as soldiers you take men.
I'm not at all for sexism or mysgonism but there is a reason why men were sent to war instead of woman, if we all take away the bullcrap like "Women should stay at home cooking and taking care of children" then it still leaves biology, men are stronger than women.
I didnt like it, I couldnt side with Lilly, so much for choices matter.
I loved it. It's a damn shame about everything that's going on because the quality of this season has been top notch in my opinion. Playing it was very bittersweet though.
But I didn’t. Default controls but RT didn’t work. With Telltale in a bad spot I’m not sure it’ll change
When Lilly couldn't shoot clem and clem replied about being family....i had to bite my lip
That's weird, it was RT for me.
Amazing episode, I hope we will have the chance to see the ending some day.
Why would you want to side with Lilly?
i wanted to side with Lilly
9/10 at least. Definitely up there with Done running. I'm happy to see things (possibly) end on such a high note. All the neat little mechanics being introduced, the relationships being done so so so well, and still caring about all the kids and really hoping they wouldn't meet their untimely end this episode. A healthy blend of set up and execution. Also another 2.5 hour episode in a row. Wow. Sure as hell gonna miss that. Damn good episode.
But why? She literally wants to kidnap kids to fight in her war, or kill them if they resist. I can't believe people are still defending this bitch.
Cause she isn’t a bad person? No one is. Abel, sure, but Lily showed some heart in this episode.
Lilly is the last person alive what we know of the core group of season one so holds a very special meaning to my clem and probably others,clementine even at the young age at the RV knew it was wrong to leave her for dead,it's like a bond that goes deeper than all current friendships she has
It was alright. Weaker than the first episode, but still good. As others have mentioned, the flow of the episode was a bit off. 7/10
I'm not sure I'm digging the direction they're taking Lilly. So far they didn't really utilize the fact that it's Lilly besides making player possibly go "oh shit, it's lilly", but I guess they have more plans with her in future episodes. (if we ever get them of course) I was really hoping Telltale wouldn't just make her evil, but right now it seems she's irredeemable. I loved the moment where she couldn't bring herself to shoot Clem though, so there might be some hope left for her.
I'm honestly torn as to whether I like this episode more, or Done Running. It looks like this episode had much better choice impacts, but I was also expecting a bit more screen time and development for both Lilly and the raiders and more in regards to the ranch. That being said, I still loved this episode because we got to spend more time with some of the other children at the school, got to enjoy another card game, the last 20 or so minutes was very well done, and (despite every fiber of my being telling me not to), I made Louis and Clem a thing. I also liked James and the way they handled a comic tie in, it's not bringing in a plot armor character like Jesus, but more of a nod to events that happened, which was very cool for comic readers like myself.
I guess if I had to grade it, probably a 9/10, but subject to change as my initial feelings wear off and I see alternate outcomes.
How the hell not? please explain this to me.
Oh yeah, sure a group of adults who are at war with another community want to kidnap kids and force them to fight for them and kill them if they don't.

Yeah there not bad at all
so you condemn Abel for his actions but not Lilly, It's clear that Lilly has more authority than him and he was just following her orders.
Honestly, Lilly seems to have become very selfish, and Abel is too, seriously Lilly hesitated to kill Clementine, and if it wasn't for that guy that saved her (sorry mate, didn't memorise your name, rest in peace) I'm sure she would have shot. Abel also seems to be a pretty shitty guy, I was skeptical in the first episode cause he just wanted food but now clearly he is fucked up, he even enjoys hurting a little kid so yeah..
I actually quite liked the greenhouse scene because I enjoyed learning more about Ruby and Mitch. It definitely hung death flags over them both though so it's wasn't a huge surprise what happened later
My favourite parts were probably anything to do with Clem & AJ. AJ is really starting to grow on me. The part where he said he loved Clem got me all misty eyed (which wasn't the only time this ep lol). The other part I nearly cried at was after AJ got shot and Clem fell while carrying AJ. I really enjoyed the scenes with James as well. Seems like a cool character so far. I think what I liked most about the episode was probably the pacing 2/3 of the episode flew by and was going really fast, about up until the dream sequence point, then it kinda slowed down.
The weakest parts were actually the parts with Lilly in my opinion. I really don't like her as a character (I guess that's the point?). I thought they gave Clem & AJ a little too much time on their own. We still didn't really get to know Aasim/Willy/Omar much. I also feel like they rushed the romance angle. I really didn't know who too choose, and I completely regret my decision.
Overall a great episode. Better than the first episode, but not by much.
Tbh I’m pulling this out of my ass. I’m still mixed over how to feel, I don’t have a set opinion right now.
I just finished playing the episode while I really enjoyed it, the overall flow felt a bit odd to me. I have to replay it at least one to have a definitive opinion but i'd give it a something between 7.5-9/10 for now
When your communities are probably only miles apart you do not care if it is male or female...carry a gun..a few clips shoot the guys over there.
Loved it 9.5/10
This time around Clementine spend time with the the teenagers she didnt in episode 1. So we got Mitch and Rosie, Voliet and Louie. This time around i really liked Mitch (Robbie Daymond AKA: Prompto from FF15. Fun fact: For those ppl who didnt know Marlon was voiced Ray Chase who voice Noctis from FF15 both him and Robbie became friends on facebook since they worked on that game way over 2 years). I guess since both of them had great cemisty tell-tale let them be friends in TWD TFS too
So yeah I'm sad to see Mitch go this one round. Tell-tale hired really good voice actors for their games. Yes some were unknown at the time but others were kinda of big name Troy Baker, Laruen Bailey, Travis Willingham would habe been expensive to hire. I have no idea on Robbie and Ray. TT liked to hire voice actors that play well of each other. I love the episodes that TTG gave us over the years. Unlike everyone i LOVE all the the seasons of TWD, also love Wolf and Game of Thrones. Geez hiring the HBO tv actors would have been expensive, I do see why Tell-tale went under TT__TT. They did the best they could with what they had but some things were out of their control.
Was anyone else pissed that overrun with walkers =4 walkers at the greenhouse ?! Like really ? That Pristine Venus fly trap was just doing great too .