Favorite Quotes From "Broken Toys"
What are some of your favorite quotes from Broken Toys?
Cause my God, for me to list all of them, I'd be here for a while. My top 5 quotes are: (In no particular order)
Louis: They said we were bad people, Clem. They weren't wrong. Still, none of us deserved to be ditched out here in the middle of the forest by the people who were supposed to make us better.
Willy: Chronic Masturbation!!
Lee: You were a handful. But I didn't "get stuck" with anything. You kept me going.
Lee: Wow. Just look at you....Just look at you.
Lilly's whole "parable of the twins" speech. Shit was raw asf.
And this is without including all the other great line deliveries. Violet's pissed off tone when she found out what Lilly did to Minnie's mind. Louis' in the same situation. James' "You don't fucking scare me" at the end, and so many more great lines that I know I'm forgetting. AJ's lines about the 3 eyes. His confusion about how Willy was yelling at Tenn instead of showing him the right way.
What are yours?
Isn't Willy like 13 years old at max? And the apocalypse has started like 7-9 years before The Final Season? How the hell did he masturbate?
Yeah, I was wondering that myself.
And what about 'excessive' masturbation would warrant being sent to a bording school?!
Like everybody else.
His parents probably saw him humping pillows repeatedly or some shit. Who knows? It could also be a punchline of his, but then Ruby would've told us why he was really there...so...ugh Idk...weird images are running through my mind now...
My favorite quote was when Clem told Abel she'd make him talk even if he turned into a walker. It was funny because AJ was like: I thought walkers couldn't talk. and Clem was like: This one will. Lol, I cracked up how she said it.
My favorite quote/line from the episode is the "You don't fucking scare me" line from James,he's so confident when he says it,it's awesome.
the Lee "look at you" line was also great too.
Abel : "well that ain't no way to wake an old' man up from his afternoon nap,i was having a nice dream too,but a girl i used to know..from before,she also had me tied up and i wasn't a prisoner if you get my meaning hehe"
AJ talking about the people eyes or whatever can't remember it exactly but that was cool.
And there's more but i'm so tired right now so that's all i got.
Chronic masturbation
Amirite bois? Hehehe [nudge nudge] pls ?
So do you wanna show yourself out, or should I?

Nah I appreciate you.
I think it’s probably for the best
Clem telling Aj to lick the salt lick
"This is not good."
-Abel after coughing up several gallons of blood
"I don't know."
Clem to AJ after he asks her if she licked a salt lick. I was laughing so hard I was crying.
Here's what I took down.
"We're gonna throw one last Hootnannie."
"Maybe something country?"
"That's my favorite!"
"Never would've guessed."
"I'm noticing a bomb theme."
"What's that mean?"
"Ahn-ahn--don't you dare" * Points at Willy and Violet *
"Is that the consequence? That you're an asshole."
It's apparently possible, though.
Clems "I don't know.." response about the salt lick made me smile.
"I'm noticing a bomb theme here"
"Rugugugugguugguffufufu" - Louis on the boat.
"I thought I told you to keep this short."
"Uh, you don't know how hard it is to find scissors these days."
"I'm getting real smart."
"Is that right?"
"Yes. Because I'm always thinking all the time."
"It does something weird to my stomach. Like I'm gonna get the dookies."
"We can show them how to survive and they can teach us to be... normal."
"My mom came to get me five hours later. I hadn't moved. She asked why I didn't call the police or an ambulance or anything. I just shrugged and told her it wasn't like Grandma was going anywhere. And besides... I just wanted to finish my cartoons."
"The question is, which twin are you going to be. The loyal one... or the dead one?"
"Wake up! Stupid shitting fuckhead!"
Clementine imitating ruby was funny.
Clementine: I really miss you Lee.
Willy: chronic masturbation.
Ruby when she first sees James.:
Good lord!
"Chronic Masturbation"
"You were a handful but at least I didn't get stuck, you kept me going"
Those two quotes are way too close
My favorite quote was
Lilly - "My father let the electricity go out, to show actions have consequences"
Clem - I guess Asshole runs in the family
Abel's lament about always relying upon his strength of will, only for his body to fail him, was rather chilling and made me respect him a lot more.
I also loved Lilly's last words before dying... "I don't wanna die!"
"'Ey yo. You better cool it or you're gonna get yourself hurt."
"Fuck Off."
"You just decided "hey, I'll work for these people, they seem friendly enough"!"
"I'll be the one who breaks out at night and cuts your throat while you sleep."
Clem to Lilly. That line, ohhhhhh I love badass Clem.
That was the best!
Violet: I won't let her take you. I care about you, Clem, you and AJ.
"You're gonna be stuck in that broken shell of a body forever."
Easily the most sadistic and coldest line Clem has ever said. I love it.
The way Clem looks and the way say she says it. Just pure ice, she has no remorse for Abel.
DO IT, AJ!!!
if you saved Violet said there something I want to try with someone I cared about but never had a chance that was misleading and all she wanted was a dance
“I command you to die.”
"I may scheme worm, but I never cheat."
"I am challenged by a mere child?"
"Kneel and become my warrior."
"Need a reminder of my power cretin?"
"Your suffering will be immeasurable."
"I don't like trauma. I don't even like the way it sounds."
"Oh Clem, you always get like this before something big."
"That little motherfucker...."
Abel: You evil cunt. Call it off, you fucking psycho!
Violet: I won't let her take you or AJ. I really care about you, Clem. I can't lose you, too.
Louis: After everything she's done, you're just going to help her? Fuck you! I can't tell if I'm more focused or less. You're just using me for my looks?
James: You don't fucking scare me.
Lilly: I don't wanna die.
Clem: Maybe you just end up trapped; along for the ride. You can sink with the rest of them. Do it, AJ.
I can't remember exactly what Minerva says but it's after Lilly leaves and Clem is just staring her down through the bars and Minnie screams "Don't you dare look at me!" lol, Clementine's stare is enough to freak her out.
Lilly’s quote of the parable of the twins.
"I couldn't let them take you, you're too important to me." -Clem
Which one exactly?
Understandable reaction, she does have an intimidating glare.