The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited January 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Thoughts, or mayhaps advice? I'm more of a 3D animator, but without the resources, so...

    What I know about animating falls in the negative integers, so I can't help you there; but since I've been thinking about wanting a Sam & Max/Bad Apple crossover for a while now, I already sort of have ideas about what characters I think should be in it.

    At the beginning, Sam and Max instead of Reimu and Marisa, since they're the main characters.
    Kaguya or Eirin should be replaced with Hugh Bliss, but I'm not sure which one or who the other would be. The Prismriver Ensemble could be the Mariachis, obviously, and the part where Chen, Ran, Tewi, and Reisen all pop up could be Peepers, Specs, Whizzer, and Brady. Instead of Suika, maybe Beelzebub? But only because they both have horns...also, the part where Alice drops Shanghai should be someone holding Charlie Ho-Tep, but I don't know who that would be.

    ...I haven't actually thought about it that much. I only have vague ideas.
  • edited January 2011
    For absolutely no reason at all.

  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    For absolutely no reason at all.


    I can think of FIVE good reasons for this masterpiece!
    1. Max never ate New York. Not completely.
    2. We need more Maxthulu, or at least its after-effects in a still-living Max.
    3. You're work is brilliant and will make the lives of those who view it a little less miserable.
    4. This is a Sam and Max Fanart thread, and you wanted to impress.

    I never getg tired of your line art!
  • edited January 2011

    Mmmm.... no...
  • edited January 2011
    LOL, thanks Queen :D

    Good recolorization G!
  • edited January 2011
    And since I'm around... yeah, why the Hell not.

    I inked this bit around New Year's Eve but wasn't happy with some of the details. I redid the legs, etc. I have noticed I usually draw Sam's legs too skinny, and it's partly the fault of the clothes. So I've been drawing Sam naked lately and then I put in the clothes. I'm sure you were dying to know that.

    *Strong Bad peeks in* Too much information, man. You're Too Much Information Man.

    Shut up, you.

    Anyway, this was a failed idea for the calendar. At first I wanted to portray a "domestic" scene, a typical Sam and Max scenario, like fighting over the phone, etc. I liked this idea of them in a case and checking their notes to decide what they should do next. I loved the notebook of Season 3, it was really useful, and it was also funny that it was so raggy and mangled and stuff. So I sketched this and I liked it.

    The main problem with this one was that it was too vertical-oriented. It doesn't work in landscape. Oh well. I inked it anyway.
  • edited January 2011
    Great story crfh, but where's the picture?
  • edited January 2011
    Oh wow, I'm a freaking genius :mad: :rolleyes:

  • edited January 2011
    Hahah, no worries! Love the picture.
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Oh wow, I'm a freaking genius :mad: :rolleyes:


    cfrh, that is... quite adorable, actually. I get what you mean, how it probably wouldn't work in a landscape setting. Maybe if you positioned them mostly to the side? Although it'd probably work better if Sam was leaning against something, instead.

    Nonetheless, it's still an awesome drawing, and I love how confident your lines are! :D I love how Max is holding up the pages for Sam, there. Nice little details like that are always a soft spot of mine. Great job!
  • edited January 2011
    @ crfh - you really know how to capture their personalities - I envy you man. :D
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    So I've been drawing Sam naked

    Don't we all? (j/k) The one time I did do it though, even though I showed nothing I think I made a couple of people's eyes bleed. Lets not even get started on the nightmare fuelish Max XD

    Still, that's an interesting way to solve your problem, which seems to be the opposite of mine when drawing him actually.

    Absolutely love the drawing.

    Re: The other picture

    You have no idea how much that made me laugh XD

    Re: Ginny's pic

    I really like your coloring tbh.
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks a bunch, guys :D

    Sunny: what do you mean the opposite, you tend to make Sam's legs too chubby?

    Sam is quite hard to draw compared to Max. He's not really fat, more like heavy. He does have a belly, but it's not like he's 8 months pregnant XD And his legs are quite muscular.

    All that is behind thick fabric and a suit that, truth to be told, quite works for him.

    So try to draw a guy whose face is thin, but has a belly, but has all of these sort of balanced with massive legs and feet and whose clothes make him look thinner and you have a mess.

    What works for me is to draw the body beneath and then the clothes.

    Although honestly, none of this is really important, since Steve Purcell seems to draw Sam sometimes heavier, sometimes thinner, in a completely random fashion.
  • edited January 2011
    I take a break from working on the calendar and end up doodling human Norrington. ANATOMY FAILURES LIKE WHOOOA


    No that top right doodle was NOT an excuse to draw open shirt Papierwaite. Shush.
  • edited January 2011
    Why... why does that look like Dr Norrington. No, really. How did you make a tentacle-y, Cthulu-esque creature sticking out of a necromancer-turned-museum curator's chest look human?

    (Oh, and nice series of sketches. :P)
  • edited January 2011
    I just got a weird image of Papierwaite waxing his chest. |D
  • edited January 2011
    Whoa that really does look like Dr. Norrington (I'm a fan of those two) :D
  • edited January 2011
    It's bizarre how much like a human Dr. Norrington that looked like...(hurray for grammar fail, yay.) I love that totally deadpan expression on his face, though.
  • edited January 2011
    This could just be in the vein of forumites seeing more in these pictures than they should, but Human!Dr. Norrington looks like he could be Papierwaite's dad, uncle, or way older brother. Also, he looks like one badass grandpa!
  • edited January 2011
    I am amazed that you made a completely human figure that legitimately looks like a tentacled monstrosity from the Dark Dimension. I'm not sure if it's the eyes or what, but that just is human Dr. Norrington.
  • edited January 2011
    Aw gee guys. Here, you made me do this.

  • edited January 2011
    Simply amazing. No words for how eerie the resemblence is.
  • edited January 2011
    Im not sure if it count's but i made a rather shotty minecraft pixel art of Max.
  • edited January 2011
    Love the human Norrington, Cheri!

    MIlata, yes, it totally counts. Nicely done!


    Jurgen in more classic vampire attire.

    Referenced heavily from J "NeonDragon" Peffer's "DragonArt fantasy characters".

    P.S.: I got one of those whachamacallit deviantArt thingamajigs if anyone's interested.
  • edited January 2011
    Yes, I'm still alive.
    ... THIS WAS A TRIUM-- oh wait, that's not why I'm here.

    @Cheri, you have no idea how much I love you and your art right now. <3

    @crfh, truly amazing. Your Sam and Max art looks like it could be something right out of the comics.

    @Klatuu, I have but two words to say to you: HNNGH, JURGEN. (This is a good thing.)

    As for everyone else, I've seen some brilliant works here. Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • edited January 2011
    I do not like that picture due to Jurgen. but it is well drawn
  • edited January 2011
    OMG... |D why does Jurgen look..... ffffff <333333

    And nice game render of Max there!
  • edited January 2011
    Amazing what a change of clothes does to a character o.O

    Also, damn, that human Norrington is just incredible, it really looks like him. It also kinda reminds me of another character but that's not important XD
  • edited January 2011
    Jurgen sure does look sexy there....
  • edited January 2011
    Vampires always look sexy . . . until they turn purple and grow large fangs!
  • edited January 2011
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Vampires always look sexy . . . until they turn purple and grow large fangs!

    I always thought it was until they started sparkling. Heyooo...

    Aside, that's a great pic. :) Good use of space, and anatomy.

    It kind of reminds me of Anton from the Professor Layton series.
  • edited January 2011
    ... Phew ... just read the whole 94 pages of this thread non stop ... :D You're all amazing guys and girls!
  • edited January 2011
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    ... Phew ... just read the whole 94 pages of this thread non stop ... :D You're all amazing guys and girls!

    Even me? lol.
    Anyway i made another pixel are of sam
    I soughta somewhat *Naughty Word*-ed up with the math and around the mouth and eyes n nose, but im pretty proud of the hat, Either way practice makes perfect
  • edited January 2011
    This is a Max plushie I made
    And look it has a zipper on his back so that you can fill it with CANDY!!!(and that at the end of his back is a TAIL !!!)
  • edited January 2011

    My contribution to the Fan Art Calendar, my entry be August! :D
  • edited January 2011

    My contribution to the Fan Art Calendar, my entry be August! :D
    Awesome but I think they would take more than just regular souvenirs ^_^ thou that is just my thought
  • edited January 2011
    LOL the Ski free yeti is in there... or is that supposed to be a regular snowman?
  • edited January 2011
    @ nikodem123asdf make a good point, suggestions anyone? :)
  • edited January 2011
    Some cursed scrolls from Japan, some run-over-by-a-car-endangered animals, some holy artefacts from tomb of Sammunmak, a real phone booth from London(still sparkling from electricity), a pigmy(i mean the little human) they are going to tie and keep in the closet with Leonard, a new Mr. Spachula preferably some kind of shark who will have its head stuck inside of water cooler and its tail will be hanging outside of it...
    That's it for now ^_^
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