The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited January 2011

    @nikodem123asdf I know I didn't directly use your suggestions, but you gave me some ideas! So here's the new pic, complete with kangaroo paw backscratcher, playboy bunny storm trooper and Dummie's Guide to Necromancy - hopefully weird enough :P
  • edited January 2011
    This is great! I love the colors!
  • edited January 2011
    Love the Storm Trooper helmet, lol! XD
  • edited January 2011
    necromancy for dummies :) love it ^_^
  • edited January 2011
    So I have a bunch of minipics and some more elaborated pics I have uninked, lying around. I'm pretty tight on time this month. I'm undecided on which I want to do. I can ink a big one or three minis for next week.

    I have these minis:

    * Sad picture of Sam Standing in the Snow with Sadness. No wait, actually he's at the bay after Max's death. Max shows up.
    * Super cartoony Sam. Don't ask.
    * Armpit fart Max
    * More badass noir Sam
    * Max eating ice cream

    Big ones:

    * A pic pretty much in the vein of the one of Sam and Max checking the notes. Sam and Max are hanging around at some street.
    * Sam and Max hear the phone ringing. Race!
    * Badass pic of Sam and Max getting ready to shoot some bad guys. Or at least questionable guys. C'mon, work with me here.

    What would you like to see?
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    * Super cartoony Sam. Don't ask.
    * More badass noir Sam
    * Max eating ice cream

    This is my vote.
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    What would you like to see?

    Anything and everything you've finished.
  • edited January 2011
    What he said but mostly
    crfh wrote: »
    * Super cartoony Sam. Don't ask.
    * More badass noir Sam

    Big ones:

    * Sam and Max hear the phone ringing. Race!

    And a sketch from me
    Last time before this one that I tried to draw him was horrible (no, I didn't scan it), so I practiced a bit again. Just his head with had, nervous without hat, looking up, and full body without clothes (gave him the loincloth he has in HtR's dressing minigame >.>). At first the big one only had him smiling, but then I thought it'd look better (and cuter I must admit >.>) if he was blushing (for obvious reasons). I don't like how the feet ended up though.
  • edited January 2011
    I guess I'll post this here, I mean, it is relevant..sort of.


    I messed around and came up with the Brotherhood of Yog-Soggoth uniform. Though, usually the colours are dark red and brown, and black if they are a leader of the faction in the area. Though the member I've illustrated here has gone rogue, hence the green coloration and the mask. The mask isn't usually a part of the outfit, it's used when a member is out on important missions and must remain incognito.

    Okay I'll shut up now.
  • edited January 2011
    I dunno if it's relevant but it's fascinating :)
  • edited January 2011
    Okay, first one. Super Cartoony Sam is actually not so super cartoony, he was just a little bit more cartoony.

    Windy day! Or something.

  • edited January 2011
    I'm so loving this thread! Anyway...
    This short idea came from my wondering of Sam's alter ego. What if, when they were kids, Sam finally had a bully that Max couldn't handle? Could this be how Sam's tougher side came into existence? What do you think? :confused:

  • edited January 2011
    ... I've been estranged from this thread and its awesometastic contributors for too long.

    I shall commence the healing with new art! (apologies for the size in advance)


    Fan Art Calendar! December! Gradientpalooza 2011!
    oh my

    This is also the second time I've inflicted a wound on Sam. Except here it's (almost) completely gratuitous. If this happens again, I might have to start wondering if there's something wrong with me.
    1nky wrote: »
    From an interview, the source of which I forget. :/

    It's been awhile since you posted that, but just in case ... here's that elusive source. (Also wanted to mention how much that comic made my day back when you posted it. So adorable and oddly warming and true to both of those impish kidlets. <3 )
    Cheri wrote: »
    I guess I'll post this here, I mean, it is relevant..sort of.

    [mysterious uniform is mysterious]

    I messed around and came up with the Brotherhood of Yog-Soggoth uniform. Though, usually the colours are dark red and brown, and black if they are a leader of the faction in the area. Though the member I've illustrated here has gone rogue, hence the green coloration and the mask. The mask isn't usually a part of the outfit, it's used when a member is out on important missions and must remain incognito.

    Okay I'll shut up now.

    Nah, I dig. I'm a backstory fiend. I always get a kick out of seeing expansions on a fictional world's mythos, official or fan-made.
  • edited January 2011
    I squealed when I saw you posted something in here, Light. And as usual, it's gorgeous.
  • edited January 2011
    Fan Art Calendar! December!

    You have no idea how utterly adorable Max's face is there. That is fantastic.
  • edited January 2011
    That is absolutely lovely! I need my calendar NAO


    What's the bandage for? Did Sam beat up street urchins until his knuckles bled?
  • edited January 2011
    Oh wow, I absolutely love the calendar picture. How did Sam injure himself? Papercut? Broken glass? Accidentaly bit his own hand while eating something XD

    @Gohaku: Yay child versions.

    @crfh: Haha, that's cute XD

    @Cheri: Ooh, nice, stuff like this is cool to see.
  • edited January 2011
    @light_rises:it looks almost like an original poster BUT BETTER !
  • edited January 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Oh wow, I absolutely love the calendar picture. How did Sam injure himself? Papercut? Broken glass? Accidentaly bit his own hand while eating something XD

    @Gohaku: Yay child versions.

    @crfh: Haha, that's cute XD

    @Cheri: Ooh, nice, stuff like this is cool to see.

    Yes! Child versions! You know, I personally do think that whole Noir deal with Sam goes back to when they were kids. I mean, it had to suck to not have the courage to fight back. Maybe it's repressed anger :p
    My little story isn't done here either...Sam looks like he's got something to say ;)
  • edited January 2011

    I shall commence the healing with new art! (apologies for the size in advance)

    *PNG of awesome*

    That is... bloody amazing. The colours are nice and muted to suit the atmosphere, it's a lovely setting - Max is adorably reality-deficit as usual (I used to do that with gum, actually) and I love Sam's espression... The composition is incredibly well done, too. I really could go on, so I'm gonna stop myself there. That is an amazing piece. Awesome job!

    @Cheri - You like your backstories and AUs, eh? I saw that picture you posted in the General Art thread, the one of Human!Norrington, Sybil and Lincoln's daughter, and the Unnamed Protagonist. Colour me incredibly intrigued. (And BIG YES to Lincoln's daughter having rock fists.) Aside, this design really does work with the whole Yog-Soggoth gig. :) Nice job!

    @crfh - Cartoony Sam is still adorkable Sam. Nice little quick sketch, there. :) Great job, and I definitely want to see more!

    @Gohaku - Continue - I'm interested! While your consistency, particularly with faces, is quite good - you might want to work on the anatomy a tad. Keep it up!


    I drew this while I was visiting London, thinking about how little we see Max angry angry. That piece of material he's grabbing? Pretend it's your collar. :P
  • edited January 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    That is... bloody amazing. The colours are nice and muted to suit the atmosphere, it's a lovely setting - Max is adorably reality-deficit as usual (I used to do that with gum, actually) and I love Sam's espression... The composition is incredibly well done, too. I really could go on, so I'm gonna stop myself there. That is an amazing piece. Awesome job!

    @Cheri - You like your backstories and AUs, eh? I saw that picture you posted in the General Art thread, the one of Human!Norrington, Sybil and Lincoln's daughter, and the Unnamed Protagonist. Colour me incredibly intrigued. (And BIG YES to Lincoln's daughter having rock fists.) Aside, this design really does work with the whole Yog-Soggoth gig. :) Nice job!

    @crfh - Cartoony Sam is still adorkable Sam. Nice little quick sketch, there. :) Great job, and I definitely want to see more!

    @Gohaku - Continue - I'm interested! While your consistency, particularly with faces, is quite good - you might want to work on the anatomy a tad. Keep it up!

    T__T Thank you so much 1nky! I thrive off of constructive feedback. Yes, I will continue! You know, I do need to work on anatomy some more. It has been my kryptonite as I've been relearning to draw.

    Whoa, now that's an angry Max. I think this is the first time that I've actually reconsidered hugging the little guy.
  • edited January 2011
    Uh, please don't kill me Max? .___.
  • edited January 2011
    @1nky: Wow. I actually feel threatened by Max in your picture.

    ...I'm scared.
  • edited January 2011
    Howdy ya'll! After seeing all the awesome work the past few pages I feel kinda ashamed to post this but it's some more of my WIP for the calander which I really need to hurry up on but this and that get in the way. I'm curently stuck on what to do background wise, you see kids, this is why you always plan this crap out D:

  • edited January 2011
    Lads, just to say again that I am loving all this pieces of art lately, some fantastic stuff. <33

    1nky - you should upload more cos that is freakin' amazing.

    SillyStell - love the idea, and the details.. and the faces on the cereal box it's brilliant! For background... em... I'm thinking of like a wallpaper pattern... like in a kitchen.. or something??
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks guys! :D

    Whoooa inky, those are some sharp teeth. Ironically enough the teeth look scarier than the gun o.O

    Sillystell, yeah you don't need a very elaborate background, the piece is complex enough to carry on with little. Terrific work!
  • edited January 2011
    Also "adorkable". That's Sam. That's Sam, right there. Adorkable. I love this.
  • edited January 2011
    Well it has indeed been a while since I've been around here.
    I bring fanart! I finally finished my half of a trade with rubygloommel...several months later.
    HUGE IMAGE AHEA- wait. oh of course, preview isn't gonna load.
    here it is resized via photobucket:
  • edited January 2011
    Whoa, greenheadphones, looks to me like you've gotten a secret glimpse of Season 4 there! And stay away from that bed....
    SillyStell wrote: »
    I'm currently stuck on what to do background wise, you see kids, this is why you always plan this crap out

    Plan? Who has time for that? I agree with others that the background should be simple so as not to distract from the foreground, yet it has to be absurd enough for Sam & Max to feel right at home there. How about a playground or park containing interesting activities that might explain extra thumb ingredients? That would make their table a picnic table.
  • edited January 2011
    Sam and Max have this military surplus pile full of various military wares...
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks so much, guys! :'D

    Man, I love the creativity the calendar has inspired. Everything has been wonderful. I can't wait to see everyone's work in print.

    1nky, I'll be filing away "adorably reality-deficit" as a descriptor for Max in my mental wordbank of perfectly cromulent character summations. Thank you (and for the kind comments as well).

    Gohaku, I'll go into more detail on DA when I get the chance, but I look forward to the rest of your comic too! Seeing more of Sam and Max as kids always makes me happy, and what you've got going is pretty good and intriguing so far.
    crfh wrote: »
    What's the bandage for? Did Sam beat up street urchins until his knuckles bled?
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    How did Sam injure himself? Papercut? Broken glass? Accidentaly bit his own hand while eating something XD

    Hee. There's a clue about that in the picture, albeit a veeerry subtle one. (HINT:
    Look around the vicinity of the DeSoto. More specifically, the front grill.
    1nky wrote: »

    I drew this while I was visiting London, thinking about how little we see Max angry angry. That piece of material he's grabbing? Pretend it's your collar. :P

    Gradients in the shading, huzzah! Ahem.

    I like! The perspective is a little wonky on Max's arm, but it works well enough to get across the feeling of imminent bodily harm, along with everything else. And you're right -- we almost never see Max well and truly angry. Sam and Max's corner of existence is perhaps better off for it. *knocks on wood*
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Howdy ya'll! After seeing all the awesome work the past few pages I feel kinda ashamed to post this but it's some more of my WIP for the calander which I really need to hurry up on but this and that get in the way. I'm curently stuck on what to do background wise, you see kids, this is why you always plan this crap out D:

    Pfft. Plans are for chumps!

    In other news, I like this a heckuva lot and agree with the others. A simple background (maybe using a nifty texture overlay or two) should do. Looking at some vintage cereal boxes and ads could also be good for inspiration on that front.
    Well it has indeed been a while since I've been around here.

    It has! Welcome back! :D
    I bring fanart! I finally finished my half of a trade with rubygloommel...several months later.
    HUGE IMAGE AHEA- wait. oh of course, preview isn't gonna load.

    here it is resized via photobucket:
    [image of thing that needs to be an actual story]

    I am thoroughly tickled by every single aspect of this. I have nothing to add except unconditional approval of its existence.

    A-like a-so:

    crfh wrote: »
    Also "adorkable". That's Sam. That's Sam, right there. Adorkable. I love this.

    YES. Ahem.
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks so much, guys! :'D

    Man, I love the creativity the calendar has inspired. Everything has been wonderful. I can't wait to see everyone's work in print.

    Gohaku, I'll go into more detail on DA when I get the chance, but I look forward to the rest of your comic too! Seeing more of Sam and Max as kids always makes me happy, and what you've got going is pretty good and intriguing so far.
    Thanks light!

    I still couldn't figure out what happened to Sam's hand in your pic. Did he nail his had by mistake or were there thorns in the wreath....?
  • edited January 2011
    I think there was barbed wire in it
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    I think there was barbed wire in it

    Aha! Nice subtlety.I had to look a little closer to see that. Barbed wire... wait, WTH?!?
  • edited January 2011
    It has! Welcome back! :D

    I am thoroughly tickled by every single aspect of this. I have nothing to add except unconditional approval of its existence.

    A-like a-so:


    :'D OH that has also made my night...THANK YOU ALL!! All this hard work was so worth it.
    LIGHT I forgot to mention how incredible your art looks...And now I have!
    As well as @SillyStell, @Cheri, @1nky, @Gohaku, and @crfh!!
  • edited January 2011
    @greenheadphones *Girly scream* Can't get over how much I love this!!! :D


    Joker Max, you know you love it! :P
  • edited January 2011
    Second one. I was going to ink the one with Max eating ice cream, but I got an idea and expanded into a big one.

    Instead, have some depression.

    At the bay...


    Sad Sam is sad. :(

    Turn around, you doofus.
  • edited January 2011
    Well it has indeed been a while since I've been around here.
    I bring fanart! I finally finished my half of a trade with rubygloommel...several months later.


    That... that is just... wow. Wow.

    Small, teeny-tiny quip for an otherwise awesome piece - the lineart around Sam's face seems a bit crooked. The colouring's gone outside it, I mean. But who the f*ck cares aaaaaaaahh.

    I actually want to take this time to say that you are an amazing artist - I saw you on deviantArt prior, actually. :D Might have to watch you, now.

    Gradients in the shading, huzzah! Ahem.

    I like! The perspective is a little wonky on Max's arm, but it works well enough to get across the feeling of imminent bodily harm, along with everything else. And you're right -- we almost never see Max well and truly angry. Sam and Max's corner of existence is perhaps better off for it. *knocks on wood*

    Indeed. Angry Sam or Max is a chilling, chilling event. :/

    Thanks for the concrit. It looked funny to me, too. Initially, the elbow was on top of the arm, and I realized how painful it looked. D: I'll try to keep that in mind.

    Thank you so much!

    Joker Max, you know you love it! :P

    We do indeed. :D Love how devilish he looks.
    crfh wrote: »
    Second one. I was going to ink the one with Max eating ice cream, but I got an idea and expanded into a big one.

    Instead, have some depression.

    At the bay...


    Sad Sam is sad. :(

    Turn around, you doofus.

    Turn around and godd*mn hug him HE'S RIGHT THERE! He's RIGHT THERE AUUGGGHH...

    His eyes. I can't stop looking at his eyes. And the pose, and everything... that is a very sad Sam. Great job.
  • edited January 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Second one. I was going to ink the one with Max eating ice cream, but I got an idea and expanded into a big one.

    Instead, have some depression.

    At the bay...


    Sad Sam is sad. :(

    Turn around, you doofus.

    day ruined ç_ç
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