I wasn't sure if I wanted to upload this one, but oh well, whatever >.>
Copy paste from Tumblr
"So here’s that flamenco Sameth I’ve mentioned a couple of times. It is now my headcanon that all of Sam’s family are horrible dancers except at one specific kind of dance that’s different for all of them, with Sameth being flamenco and tango for Sam (obviously inspired by that other pic [link]). This is also totally how Sameth made his wife swoon for him and months later there were puppies everywhere.
Your Flint Papers are still very telltalized, but you really manage to get him to look more edgy, as Purcell's depictions of the character normally are. LIKE IT!
BTW, that quote could well be the title of a Flint Paper novel. Hey, did anyone here see "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"? Just asking.
There's something rather amusing I made but I'm pretty sure it would be unsuitable for the forum, so I'll just tell you what it is: A meme image of The Human Centipede with the caption: HUMAN CENTIPEDE? BETTER GET THE SERIOUS TOOTHPASTE!
EDIT: NSFW: If you are really curious http://qkme.me/35f3ot
Note: If mods consider the link to be unwanted, feel free to remove. I don't want to break any site rules, and if I am please just remove link and pm me.
Thank you! I really like to do something of a mix between the two.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, from the cartoon? YES!
In fact, I was referring to the Robert Downey Jr. movie, which plays a lot with those crime novel clichees (and in fact invents its own author), including the inner dialogue of the narrator/detective. I felt reminded of it because of that quote!!
Now I know that there was in fact a Sam & Max series episode by that name. Stunning. One day, I'll get that series...
In fact, I was referring to the Robert Downey Jr. movie, which plays a lot with those crime novel clichees (and in fact invents its own author), including the inner dialogue of the narrator/detective. I felt reminded of it because of that quote!!
Now I know that there was in fact a Sam & Max series episode by that name. Stunning. One day, I'll get that series...
I, through a technicality, now possess two copies of it. I will get one of them to you in trade if you have an extra Sam and Max sketchbook lying around...
Do I really have to make a rough count how many of your last posts were about that sketchbook? Go make your own, this is an art thread!
Sorry! I just wish Telltale would stop making everything limited edition and refusing to reprint them when new fans appear. I became a fan through Devil's Playhouse and Telltale seems to have no intent to cater to their new fans at all. It's like they're punishing us for not knowing about Sam and Max earlier. I won't post non-art shiz in the art thread anymore, just upset about being forced to spend $300 on Amazon for something originally costing less than $20.00
Especially since my budget every month is less than $200.00
This would be interresting collaboration.
It's not finished yet, I'll add shading and background when I'll have some free time later tonight.
*Max and Jazz*
oh GEEZ it's weird to see Max drawn more rabbit like but it's also really freakin' cool. Keep it up!
Sorry! I just wish Telltale would stop making everything limited edition and refusing to reprint them when new fans appear.
I know how you feel, but spamming the forum is definitely NOT the solution.
To put this matter to rest: I don't have any of those sketchbooks (as of Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011 ). In fact, my join date pretty much represents any activity in this forum and purchases from the TTG store. I'm not sure if the sketchbooks were even still available in 2009. But a "Limited Edition" is never, ever an attempt by the seller to make a product available to LESS customers, rest assured. Many vendors just want to make it feel that way, because it enhances the feeling of "exclusivity" on the side of the buyer ("Get yours today!!"). Rather, limited editions are always a product range where the seller/producer has to make a very precise estimate in advance as to how many copies he can sell. Sadly, that is the reason why I don't see a reprint just around the corner. Keep your eyes open on ebay, that is probably your best bet. If prices are too high, consider waiting longer or not owning those products.
I'd give my left shoe for a hardcover "Surfin' the highway", but NOT my left leg. I still need that one.
Annd two months later, page 2 of my Noir Max comic! Again, please bear with me as I try and figure out what style I want to settle on for this thing :rolleyes:
... yes!
Thanks for reposting. It IS good, great even.
What exactly is the problem?
Thanks for the support. I guarantee you won't be dissappointed with the results.
Hi there Tora
Also, blame Maritza for this one >.>
Ahh, thank you so much! It's very appreciated!
Have a tiny chibi-esque Papierwaite too! (Chibiwaite?)
Oh, and your flamenco Sameth is still adorable too, Sunny. Epic 'stache!
This was actually intended as being chibi-like, haha.
Nope. Chuck Testa.
Do you know now?
I have the power to comprehend chibi
and have been abusing it thusly
Thank you so much!
Aww, that is just too precious.
Hahaha, that's awesome.
MOAR Flint Paper.
Edit: wait no I can see the hair and the ears now.
Your Flint Papers are still very telltalized, but you really manage to get him to look more edgy, as Purcell's depictions of the character normally are. LIKE IT!
BTW, that quote could well be the title of a Flint Paper novel. Hey, did anyone here see "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"? Just asking.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, from the cartoon? YES!
I'm on the case!
EDIT: NSFW: If you are really curious http://qkme.me/35f3ot
Note: If mods consider the link to be unwanted, feel free to remove. I don't want to break any site rules, and if I am please just remove link and pm me.
In fact, I was referring to the Robert Downey Jr. movie, which plays a lot with those crime novel clichees (and in fact invents its own author), including the inner dialogue of the narrator/detective. I felt reminded of it because of that quote!!
Now I know that there was in fact a Sam & Max series episode by that name. Stunning. One day, I'll get that series...
It's not finished yet, I'll add shading and background when I'll have some free time later tonight.
I, through a technicality, now possess two copies of it. I will get one of them to you in trade if you have an extra Sam and Max sketchbook lying around...
Sorry! I just wish Telltale would stop making everything limited edition and refusing to reprint them when new fans appear. I became a fan through Devil's Playhouse and Telltale seems to have no intent to cater to their new fans at all. It's like they're punishing us for not knowing about Sam and Max earlier. I won't post non-art shiz in the art thread anymore, just upset about being forced to spend $300 on Amazon for something originally costing less than $20.00
Especially since my budget every month is less than $200.00
oh GEEZ it's weird to see Max drawn more rabbit like but it's also really freakin' cool. Keep it up!
I know how you feel, but spamming the forum is definitely NOT the solution.
To put this matter to rest: I don't have any of those sketchbooks (as of Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011
I'd give my left shoe for a hardcover "Surfin' the highway", but NOT my left leg. I still need that one.
But on to the art now!!
That reminds me, I need to kick my brain into high gear and finish that MLP fancomic I've been making.
Awesome piece, by the way.