Geez, I shouldna opened my big mouth. I definitely don't want to say anything about the cut puzzle before the episode comes out...and by then everybody will have such baroque ideas about it that the truth will be a disappointment. We'll see.
We are fans. We always want to know. That should be a rule already.
I think if you haven't played any of the previous seasons, you won't get some of the jokes, like the one Momma Bosco says about the extra $15 Million "some idiots" gave her son.
I think Sam and Max's reaction makes it obvious they're the idiots in question.
I think Sam and Max's reaction makes it obvious they're the idiots in question.
True, but the context of it makes it funnier. Especially after you realize that Bosco didn't spend all that money between the Seasons to change his store to a secret conspiracy theory lab.
Hey Andy! I've got a question that is not related to mobius strips at all.
What do you do around the time one of your episodes comes out? Are you ever nervous about the response it will get, or are you usually so confident in its awesomeness that you don't worry at all?
Do you celebrate? Do you obsessively check the reviews? Do you switch off all electronic devices, unplug your toaster and go spend a week in the wilderness? Do you sacrifice a goat, smear yourself in its blood, and dance naked under the light of the moon?
Is the goal of Telltale to keep the episode lengths at about the same level they are now ( i.e - 4-5 hours gameplay tops on average) or are you guys planning on widening each episode's scope?
I enjoy the games immensely, but I doubt anyone reading this wouldn't love a few extra gameplay hours per episode
I enjoy the games immensely, but I doubt anyone reading this wouldn't love a few extra gameplay hours per episode
I LOVE that the episodes are only 4-5 hours tops, on average. Due to obligations in my life (work, family, friends, etc), breaking down the game into episodic chunks actually makes it far easier for me to plan to play. But we all knew that.
More is better of course. I would actually prefer it if the season arcs increased in the number of episodes perhaps. Also the inclusion of mini-games that Strong Bad had in game, and Monkey Island had out of game, seems like a great way to add optional "hours of gameplay" for people who have more free time than me.
Sure, I read reviews as they come out, preen over the good ones and chafe over the bad ones. I want everybody to like the games I design. At the same time, though, by the time the game's out and getting reviewed I've moved on to a new project, and the game everyone's talking about is a distant memory.
Haven't tried goat blood...if you have good evidence that it works, let me know.
Shin Tav et al: I'd say Telltale is still trying to nail down the ideal episode size: long enough to be a satisfying play experience, but not so long that you start to forget it's just one chapter in the story. If some episodes have come out a bit longer than originally intended, that's just a function of our ambitions...we're always trying to top whatever we did the month before.
Thanks for your honesty, Andy. Hope you get good reason to preen when your next "distant memory" is released... I'll take care of the goat blood just in case.
Also the inclusion of mini-games that Strong Bad had in game, and Monkey Island had out of game, seems like a great way to add optional "hours of gameplay" for people who have more free time than me.
Just theorizing...
I thought the Extended Play in SBCG4AP was a great idea. Maybe that's what the Nutri Specs update will be like IF PC USERS GET IT ANYTIME SOON (hint, hint)(even though i know it will take a lot of effort on telltale's part)
(even though i know it will take a lot of effort on telltale's part)
...? They already have it done and ready to go, it's just planned as part of an upcoming promotion. They don't have to like, remake it from the ground up or anything.
At the end of season 2, Satan says something like "Don't get tired of me so soon, because you'll be seeing so much of me later". Now, since Season 3 is called "The DEVIL's Playhouse and we saw the DEVIL's Toy Box, has Satan's warning something to do with the plot of the game?
No, it's just him saying that Sam & Max are going to hell when they die. But I wouldn't mind a cameo! Personally, I felt he was a strong, albeit minor, Season 2 character.
No, it's just him saying that Sam & Max are going to hell when they die. But I wouldn't mind a cameo! Personally, I felt he was a strong, albeit minor, Season 2 character.
Wait, Minor Character, how was he a minor character. He was basicaly i really important character in episode 205(and a mention in episode 201) He
sent Sam to Hell!
You had to save his job from the
Soda Poppers
How was he a minor character?
Also, will we see more of the crime tron/carol in this episode.
I saw that in the intro for The Penal Zone that instead of saying "The Penal Zone" it says "The Devil's Playhouse". Does this mean it will be almost the same intro for each episode?
I saw that in the intro for The Penal Zone that instead of saying "The Penal Zone" it says "The Devil's Playhouse". Does this mean it will be almost the same intro for each episode?
I would imagine so. Those must be a real migraine to create, though they are so much fun.
You have to remember that the title cards are different. The Season Two ones came up immediately before the intro and featured the same style and colors, and transitioned from the same music so it seemed like they were part of the intro itself. I guess that was the point. But to do a completely new intro every time would be...difficult. And not very economic.
I saw that in the intro for The Penal Zone that instead of saying "The Penal Zone" it says "The Devil's Playhouse". Does this mean it will be almost the same intro for each episode?
I assumed it was the Season intro, and that we'd only see it that once.
I assumed it was the Season intro, and that we'd only see it that once.
There's a short version of the Credits Song in the Games Files. I guess is because the Opening in the next chapters will be shorter or something like that.
Anyway, I don't mind watch the Opening every chapter if you ask me. It's a really cool opening, and I'm the kind of people who watch the opening for the next 10 chapters before forward them ^^!
Has any one else noticed sam now standing at the ticket box on The Devil's Playhouse page Here?
Have you also noticed that you can click on what I think is a ticket or something in his hand which takes you Here?
Has any one else noticed sam now standing at the ticket box on The Devil's Playhouse page Here?
Have you also noticed that you can click on what I think is a ticket or something in his hand which takes you Here?
Yep. I think it's there since ep 1 has been launched
MarkoH01: I wouldn't expect to see controls like the ability to turn off the film-grain effect, at least not in episode 2. The art director likes it, and he wants you to like it too. Personally I dig it...I think it adds texture (and is particularly appropriate for episode 2). But the fans have ultimate veto power. Organize a big enough protest against film grain and we will reconsider.
I do like what you're going for with the film grain, especially with the way the intro and everything went. I do have a great distaste for the fact that it's on ALL THE TIME. It hardly seems related to the story if it's on ALL THE TIME. I mean, when you see the announcer sure, when you're in max's head and using his psychic powers sure, hell when you're driving the possessed desoto, or viewing a future vision, put the grain on, but I feel the effect loses it's meaning when it's ubiquitous. not to meantion that it SLOWS DOWN THE GAME on my computer VERY NOTICEABLY. which means I have to play the game at setting 1, which completely removes ALL EFFFECTS INCLUDING THE FILM GRAIN. lame. why can't we decide which shaders and such to turn on, or at least do me the favor of only turning on the film grain when something psychic is happening? I really wouldn't mind if my computer slowed down only at a couple parts in the game, also it just makes more sense that way, why would it always be there?
P.S. how long are your development cycles? do you work on multiple games at one time? how soon before the release date do you usually finish games?
OH! and has anyone ever thought of dropping the cursor on the console version in favor of a "highlighted usable item" dynamic? i.e. moving the joystiq switches between useable items in the room instead of having to joystick the mouse over then click? the mouse works perfectly with computers but just simply doesn't translate that well over to console.
OH! and has anyone ever thought of dropping the cursor on the console version in favor of a "highlighted usable item" dynamic? i.e. moving the joystiq switches between useable items in the room instead of having to joystick the mouse over then click? the mouse works perfectly with computers but just simply doesn't translate that well over to console.
... Um, this is exactly how it works on the PS3 version. The right analog stick lets you select an object in the direction you flick it towards, while tapping L1 or R1 will cycle through all selectable items visible on the screen. Unless you're talking about how the actions are mapped to a gamepad when playing the PC version, or something else ... ?
I saw that in the intro for The Penal Zone that instead of saying "The Penal Zone" it says "The Devil's Playhouse". Does this mean it will be almost the same intro for each episode?
Sneakin in here to say: The credits sequence appears in all the eps, like a TV show. Maybe if we think a first act runs really long we will truncate the intro, but it hasn't happened yet. Episode titles are in a title card which shows up somewhere towards the end of the first act. (eg, In 301: Skunkape lands, says "Sorry about that building," then "The Penal Zone" title card comes in.)
I see that Sam no longer allows us to make him shoot at random objects whenever we like. Now, this is a feature that I sort of miss because, in past seasons, I found that being able to shoot everywhere all willy-nilly was a great stress-reliever for when you were frustratingly stuck (or if you needed to relieve the anger that the Soda Poppers always brought). So, is there any possibility that you will allow us to make Sam once again shoot almost anything at any time? Or even include a mini-game or a puzzle that requires us to frantically fire our gun (a little like Whack-da-Rats I guess)?
Hey, I have a question for Andy Hartzell.... This season of Sam & Max has some fairly substantial design and style differences relative to the previous two seasons. As a writer/designer for a specific episode, how much say did you have in terms of the overall design of the season, and to what extent did you feel restricted or liberated by the shift?
Thanks for the answer, Jake, and also, Dave247, the is also featured in the future vision video, and that's how i got there in the first place.
... Um, this is exactly how it works on the PS3 version. The right analog stick lets you select an object in the direction you flick it towards, while tapping L1 or R1 will cycle through all selectable items visible on the screen. Unless you're talking about how the actions are mapped to a gamepad when playing the PC version, or something else ... ?
Oh wow! Sorry, I'm an xbox user, only exposed to the previous sam and max seasons, we were kinda shorted on this one so ps3 could join in on the fun. Hopefully well be seeing and xbox release of tdp before too long, I can't get a consisent performance from the game above graphic setting 1 on my MacBook sadly on 1 you don't even get the film grain anywhere so I can't say for sure if it's an effective plot device or not
We are fans. We always want to know. That should be a rule already.
I never espected to hear a reasonable reason, just a reason. But if that will be revealed eventually, don't even quote me. I don't wanna know now.
I just chalked it up to what Momma Bosco said when you ask her about Max's psychic abilities.
I think Sam and Max's reaction makes it obvious they're the idiots in question.
True, but the context of it makes it funnier.
Or more importantly, can you make the release date of the release date of the release date, today?
What do you do around the time one of your episodes comes out? Are you ever nervous about the response it will get, or are you usually so confident in its awesomeness that you don't worry at all?
Do you celebrate? Do you obsessively check the reviews? Do you switch off all electronic devices, unplug your toaster and go spend a week in the wilderness? Do you sacrifice a goat, smear yourself in its blood, and dance naked under the light of the moon?
I for one am curious to know.
I enjoy the games immensely, but I doubt anyone reading this wouldn't love a few extra gameplay hours per episode
(yeah yeah yeah double negative... bite me
How does "tops on average" work?
I LOVE that the episodes are only 4-5 hours tops, on average. Due to obligations in my life (work, family, friends, etc), breaking down the game into episodic chunks actually makes it far easier for me to plan to play. But we all knew that.
More is better of course. I would actually prefer it if the season arcs increased in the number of episodes perhaps. Also the inclusion of mini-games that Strong Bad had in game, and Monkey Island had out of game, seems like a great way to add optional "hours of gameplay" for people who have more free time than me.
Just theorizing...
Sure, I read reviews as they come out, preen over the good ones and chafe over the bad ones. I want everybody to like the games I design. At the same time, though, by the time the game's out and getting reviewed I've moved on to a new project, and the game everyone's talking about is a distant memory.
Haven't tried goat blood...if you have good evidence that it works, let me know.
Shin Tav et al: I'd say Telltale is still trying to nail down the ideal episode size: long enough to be a satisfying play experience, but not so long that you start to forget it's just one chapter in the story. If some episodes have come out a bit longer than originally intended, that's just a function of our ambitions...we're always trying to top whatever we did the month before.
I thought the Extended Play in SBCG4AP was a great idea. Maybe that's what the Nutri Specs update will be like IF PC USERS GET IT ANYTIME SOON (hint, hint)(even though i know it will take a lot of effort on telltale's part)
...? They already have it done and ready to go, it's just planned as part of an upcoming promotion. They don't have to like, remake it from the ground up or anything.
Wait, Minor Character, how was he a minor character. He was basicaly i really important character in episode 205(and a mention in episode 201) He
Also, will we see more of the crime tron/carol in this episode.
He was a major character in that episode but a minor character in the season.
I would imagine so. Those must be a real migraine to create, though they are so much fun.
You have to remember that the title cards are different. The Season Two ones came up immediately before the intro and featured the same style and colors, and transitioned from the same music so it seemed like they were part of the intro itself. I guess that was the point. But to do a completely new intro every time would be...difficult. And not very economic.
I assumed it was the Season intro, and that we'd only see it that once.
There's a short version of the Credits Song in the Games Files. I guess is because the Opening in the next chapters will be shorter or something like that.
Anyway, I don't mind watch the Opening every chapter if you ask me. It's a really cool opening, and I'm the kind of people who watch the opening for the next 10 chapters before forward them ^^!
Have you also noticed that you can click on what I think is a ticket or something in his hand which takes you Here?
Yep. I think it's there since ep 1 has been launched
I'd figured that.
I noticed it a while ago but I noticed that nobody posted anything about it...
At least not here.
I do like what you're going for with the film grain, especially with the way the intro and everything went. I do have a great distaste for the fact that it's on ALL THE TIME. It hardly seems related to the story if it's on ALL THE TIME. I mean, when you see the announcer sure, when you're in max's head and using his psychic powers sure, hell when you're driving the possessed desoto, or viewing a future vision, put the grain on, but I feel the effect loses it's meaning when it's ubiquitous. not to meantion that it SLOWS DOWN THE GAME on my computer VERY NOTICEABLY. which means I have to play the game at setting 1, which completely removes ALL EFFFECTS INCLUDING THE FILM GRAIN. lame. why can't we decide which shaders and such to turn on, or at least do me the favor of only turning on the film grain when something psychic is happening? I really wouldn't mind if my computer slowed down only at a couple parts in the game, also it just makes more sense that way, why would it always be there?
P.S. how long are your development cycles? do you work on multiple games at one time? how soon before the release date do you usually finish games?
... Um, this is exactly how it works on the PS3 version. The right analog stick lets you select an object in the direction you flick it towards, while tapping L1 or R1 will cycle through all selectable items visible on the screen. Unless you're talking about how the actions are mapped to a gamepad when playing the PC version, or something else ... ?
Sneakin in here to say: The credits sequence appears in all the eps, like a TV show. Maybe if we think a first act runs really long we will truncate the intro, but it hasn't happened yet. Episode titles are in a title card which shows up somewhere towards the end of the first act. (eg, In 301: Skunkape lands, says "Sorry about that building," then "The Penal Zone" title card comes in.)
Is Sal in this Episode? And will we be able to have that Puppet Toy?
Oh wow! Sorry, I'm an xbox user, only exposed to the previous sam and max seasons, we were kinda shorted on this one so ps3 could join in on the fun. Hopefully well be seeing and xbox release of tdp before too long, I can't get a consisent performance from the game above graphic setting 1 on my MacBook