Gee, you don't sound like a badass hermaphroditic socialist demon ghoul warrior who has a castle made of flesh and blood who rides a soul sucking train-sized motorcycle.
Gee, you don't sound like a badass hermaphroditic socialist demon ghoul warrior who has a castle made of flesh and blood who rides a soul sucking train-sized motorcycle.
well, even the most badass hermaphroditic socialist demon ghoul warrior can be affected by insomnia, despite vain attempts to sleep on the most comfortable bed of writhing souls in a castle made of flesh and blood whilst riding a soul sucking train-sized motorcycle.
well, even the most badass hermaphroditic socialist demon ghoul warrior can be affected by insomnia, despite vain attempts to sleep on the most comfortable bed of writhing souls in a castle made of flesh and blood whilst riding a soul sucking train-sized motorcycle.
Did you just copy paste most of that? You can't even remember what you are, can you? It's obvious that YOU HAVE AMNESIA.
Allow me to re-introduce myself. I am a sexist. I kill people with my sex. It's to die for, if all of these puns don't do the job first. Let's do it, big hell-momma.
I wish people on these forums would tag more threads. The tags here are hilarious, but there are barely any tags in any of the other threads on the forum.
I wish people on these forums would tag more threads. The tags here are hilarious, but there are barely any tags in any of the other threads on the forum.
My works hours are really starting to drive me up the wall, I was just ridiculously angry for the last hour and a half in work this evening, luckily I am a master of deception and nobody knew otherwise.
I am confounded why anyone would want to advertise the size of certain anatomical features online... doesn't that defeat the purpose?
In any case, I was merely stating a fact. sometimes a leg is just a leg. Please see previous post where I also apparently have a socialist hump.
also, shame on you for having such a dirty mind.
well, even the most badass hermaphroditic socialist demon ghoul warrior can be affected by insomnia, despite vain attempts to sleep on the most comfortable bed of writhing souls in a castle made of flesh and blood whilst riding a soul sucking train-sized motorcycle.
Did you just copy paste most of that? You can't even remember what you are, can you? It's obvious that YOU HAVE AMNESIA.
Allow me to re-introduce myself. I am a sexist. I kill people with my sex. It's to die for, if all of these puns don't do the job first. Let's do it, big hell-momma.
and yes, i did use "loins"
>Stops painting
>Starts mockup
The mental image is burned into the back of my corneas....NOOOOOO....
i saw it, I can't unsee it.
How do you tag?
As in "how does one go about tagging," or "how do you tag, personally?"
1) The man with the very short dress and the very red jockstrap. I will definitely require eyeball-scooping spoons now.
2) When they played this. I wish I were joking.
Oh please God, no.
This is more or less what I was screaming for the duration. If I find out which person requested it...
Damnit everyone on the Internet, stop linking this at me.
We just want to spread the pain.
So does everyone else on Telltale.
That's funny. He thought it was you.
Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him? Where?
I'm replaying Brutal Legend right now, in which Tim Curry is the ruler of a bunch of evil bondage demons.
For Alcoremortis and my purposes, though; he is also Sherlock Holmes, for we need him.
Sherlock Holmes has sure changed a lot. For the better, I think.
I like his double pointed staff thingy. It looks pretty badass.
*Gasp* I don't believe it!
I'm...uh...still watching Galactica.
Watson sure has a lot of hair. Maybe this will be a plot point later on.
Did you guys hate the ending of Battlestar Galactica as much as I did?
Shhhh! Spoilers!
I haven't finished it yet.
Great! I'll make sure to discuss the ending when I get there. Which actually, may be later today.
I'm having fun trying to predict everyone who's going to die. It's been a virtual bloodbath at the point that I am right now.
I actually had no problems with it.
Gahhh, needa find a new job soon
I'm scared.
I'll ask when it won't be knowingly spoiling stuff for someone.