Now, I'm sunburned on the backs of both my hands, my right elbow, and my left knee (and nowhere else), I got one hour of sleep before being woken up to go on this fishing trip against my will (which I object to the fishing part less than the being told that this is how I'm spending my day), and the only fish I managed to hook got away just off shore, while the rest of the day, fish were eating my bait away without taking the hook. Probably going to go to bed soon.
I'm not sure what conversation the above is in relation to but I love Barton Fink, it's one of the Coen Brothers very best films.
There were no discussion behind it Davies.
I've suggested Doodo to watch it in his musings thread before. Just wanted to remind him.
It is indeed. I'm a big fan of Coens. I love all of their films. I can't wait to hear some news about the sequel "Old Fink". It'll be Coen's 1st sequel and I'm sure they have a good reason for making it.
Have you seen "The Man Who Wasn't There" as well Davies?
Davies! Where the hell you been , man!? It's good to see ya!
Thanks man
I've been lurking around these forums at times but I've mostly been keeping myself busy with...
*L.A. Noire - A fantastic game that is without a doubt within the adventure game genre. Playing it takes me back to enjoying the original Police Quest. In fact, I'm almost certain had Sierra's classic been made in modern times, then it would have been very similar to L.A. Noire. So, in essence; L.A. Noire is Police Quest V... awesome. Also, the facial motion capture; come on!
*Duke Nukem Forever - So after all of that irritating controversy of critics claiming that it's an appallingly trite title; a crime to all of gaming and fans on the other side claiming it's brilliant and nigh on the second coming, I have come to my own conclusion; it's average.
I don't regret buying the game and anyone who says it's absolutely god awful and a 1/10 is quite frankly a pretentious snob. Equally, anyone who hits back at the critics by saying that the game is sublimely entertaining, wonderful, a 9/10 and the best thing since sliced bread are pure fanboys without objectivity.
All in all, it's a game that is competent at what it does despite a few design issues. One of its greater failings is that it comes across as a game without its own sense of identity; one moment it wants to be Half-Life 2, the next it wants to be Halo, then it wants to be more akin to Duke Nukem 3D, followed swiftly by a desire to be a racing game. The problem is when you lack focus you become a jack of all trades and a master of none.
It's ultimately a game that would have been better received had it been released at the start of the current generation of consoles. As it is, in todays gaming climate it's a poster child for mediocrity. A fun distraction with some neat ideas but not much else.
*Beyond Good & Evil HD - I hadn't played this game since it was originally released for the PS2 / X-Box and PC. I had always remembered it as being a blast (and criminally under appreciated) but I'd forgotten just how good it actually is. The world you inhabit reminds me of the level of vision, attention to detail, originality and imagination usually displayed by Tim Schafer with titles such as Grim Fandango.
The absolute enjoyment I'm experiencing replaying Beyond Good & Evil makes the lack of the on-again / off-again sequel all the more upsetting. A bitter sweet experience.
*Watching many a film - Far too many to list but a few are:
Zodiac - Fascinating, well directed, with beautiful cinematography and obsessively detailed in its recreation of true events. Superb.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut- Brilliant as always. A true classic, now refined to near perfection. Need I say more?!
L.A. Confidential - Can you guess what inspired me to watch this?
Paranormal Activity 2 - A bit crap. The original was hardly a masterpiece but it was an entertaining enough way to kill an hour and a half whilst being mildly scared. The sequel though is dull as dish water. Oh, and there's also some atrocious retconning.
* Writing angry letters to the BBFC - I posted a copy of my letter a few pages back on this very thread. Here it is again for those who missed it...
Dear people at the BBFC,
a great many thanks for banning "The Human Centipede 2". Prior to hearing of your decision regarding said film, I had been kept awake at night; worrying that I would have no choice but to watch Tom Six's film though eyes of disgust. I mean, it's not as though I could have made the choice not to have watched it as a grown adult could I?
I now rest easy with the knowledge that due to the banning, there won't be anarchy on the streets of Britain, following us fragile minded members of the public having watched a horror film. Thank you so very much for dictating what I'm capable of experiencing.
Just for the record, I will be purchasing a region 1 copy of "The Human Centipede 2" on DVD, as will countless others across the UK (especially now you've effectively made the film a must see for any self respecting horror fan). It's good to know that the BBFC is still the same forward-thinking, liberal organisation that banned the tasteless garbage that is "The Exorcist".
Yours, ashamed to be British,
Ed Davies
I got a response from the conservative people over at BBFC Towers and it pretty much read as follows...
"Thanks you for your letter and interesting thoughts. Please head over to the relevant section of our website to see why we banned The Human Centipede 2. Thank you for your interest".
...the condersending priggs!
* Getting even more hyped for Ridley Scott's Prometheus - This is already looking like a contender for film of next year. Maybe even the decade. The feedback from all those involved and the media who've seen bits and pieces here and there is unanimously positive. Words such as "breathtaking sets", "epic and intelligent sci-fi" and "visionary" are being branded about with gay abandon.
Watch this space because this film is going to be a fucking event. Mark my words.
* Listening to lots of "hippie" music - such as Donovan and The Purple Gang. Granny Takes a Hurdy Gurdy Trip to Atlantis and all that wonderful malarkey.
* Partaking in copious amounts of onanism with my good friend Dr.Wang - Come on, you really don't want the details of this particular past time, do you?!
Have you seen "The Man Who Wasn't There" as well Davies?
Indeed I have and very good it is too. I particularly love the shot of the car flying through the air as it crashes and the majestic black and white cinematography. Plus the story and characters aren't half bad either.
*L.A. Noire - A fantastic game that is without a doubt within the adventure game genre. Playing it takes me back to enjoying the original Police Quest. In fact, I'm almost certain had Sierra's classic been made in modern times, then it would have been very similar to L.A. Noire. So, in essence; L.A. Noire is Police Quest V... awesome. Also, the facial motion capture; come on!
You know. I thought this too(thus my recent plunge into PQ3 discussion). The way you are belittled for making a mistake is heavily reminiscent of the Police Quest games as well. It lacked the humour aspect, but if I remember correctly, PQ4 shifted away from that anyways. I would definitely recommend one to the other.
You know. I thought this too(thus my recent plunge into PQ3 discussion). The way you are belittled for making a mistake is heavily reminiscent of the Police Quest games as well. It lacked the humour aspect, but if I remember correctly, PQ4 shifted away from that anyways. I would definitely recommend one to the other.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who made that analogy. I was rather surprised to find that none of the reviews which I had read made that connection, do none of these young'un reviewers know their gaming heritage? Dagnabbit!
I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I've never played Police Quest 2 and 3 (despite owning the 1-4 collection). Although, I enjoyed 1 and 4 a lot. I'd say that the original is still the best but I thought that the fourth had overtones of the classic Gabriel Knight 2 due to the use of FMV, which is certainly no bad thing.
Also, could you clarify your comment regarding humour please? Personally I thought that both the Police Quest games I've played, as well as L.A. Noire contained a fair amount of appropriate humour. For example the strip Birthday present in the original Police Quest or the partner chit-chat when driving from one crime scene to the next during L.A. Noire.
Um, Nobody says that. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence in his or her brain would willfully say that unless they were on some kind of illegal hallucinogenic drug. And yes, I get the reference, I just wanted to get that criticism out of my brain.
Um, Nobody says that. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence in his or her brain would willfully say that unless they were on some kind of illegal hallucinogenic drug.
I just discovered a bee/wasp nest in the garage. Darn. it's only a small one mind (around 6cm I would say), and probably new today/yesterday. I haven't seen any sign of life yet though. It looks almost identical to this one.
I shall have to attack it with a broom and then run tomorrow. Although I have to close the garage door to reach it. Hmm...
I just discovered a bee/wasp nest in the garage. Darn. it's only a small one mind (around 6cm I would say), and probably new today/yesterday. I haven't seen any sign of life yet though. It looks almost identical to this one.
I shall have to attack it with a broom and then run tomorrow. Although I have to close the garage door to reach it. Hmm...
If you blow smoke at it, then I think the little critters will get sleepy and not attack you as you whack away at their home. *guilt guilt*
Night time would also probably help in the "not getting stung" department.
He only says that because he already has a talking toaster. People never appreciate what they already have...
"Wise words. Really wise words Alcoremortis. Naive, foolhardy and just plain smeggin' wrong they may be but they're wise words all the same."
"Ya know, maybe, when you're woken up at the ungodly hour of 1:30pm every afternoon by a deranged Titan manufactured hunk of smeg, asking you for approximately the 78th time that hour wether you'd care for a lightly toasted bagel with sesame seeds, then maybe you'll start to appreciate just how much it rubs your tits up the wrong way."
"Wise words. Really wise words Alcoremortis. Naive, foolhardy and just plain smeggin' wrong they may be but they're wise words all the same."
"Ya know, maybe, when you're woken up at the ungodly hour of 1:30pm every afternoon by a deranged Titan manufactured hunk of smeg, asking you for approximately the 78th time that hour wether you'd care for a lightly toasted bagel with sesame seeds, then maybe you'll start to appreciate just how much it rubs your tits up the wrong way."
Lister underestimates how much I like toast. And other toasted products. Though, I suppose if it did get too annoying to have around, I could always give it to my brother as a Christmas present...
Also, I just realized that if the thing got too annoying I could also just always call it a Frakkin Toaster. Crossing genres FTW!
I just discovered a bee/wasp nest in the garage. [...]
I shall have to attack it with a broom and then run tomorrow. Although I have to close the garage door to reach it. Hmm...
My Dad would cover the nest with a butterfly net so nothing could get out, drown it in insect spray to kill anything in there, then demolish it.
You can also get special wasp killer / nest destroyer insecticide, which sort of foams up when you spray it on something. Probably overkill for a 6cm nest though.
Okay, so since the series hasn't taken off too well in Europe and America, Capcom don't really want to try.
So there are two options available:
- Play Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii
Why I don't want to:
- Don't really play the wii
- Wiimote controls are lame (I'm a nintendo fan, but I just got put off with the Wii after the novelty ended and the game stream dried out...)
- Classic controller is supported but Gamecube controllers are not!
(Classic controller is inferior. Plus version better but I don't have it. )
- Monster Hunter on the PSP
Why I don't want to play it:
- Monster Hunter isn't so good on the small screen
- No-one to play online with. (via xlink kai or whatever its called)
- Analogue nub is my nightmare personified, especially since I own a PSP-1000. which is incredibly bulky and on its last legs really. Plus after playing Guitaroo Man on it, I do NOT want to have a hole in my thumb again...
This is the sort of game I would actually pay a subscription for. Its so fun to play and play online with.
Its a shame that the PC/360 game is Asia (since i think its not just in Japan) only, as I really do have the itch.
That was hilarious. My favorite bit: "How many arms do you think we're up to?"
What a beautiful scene. Truly beautiful.
"First immortality then the bitches."
I'm not sure what conversation the above is in relation to but I love Barton Fink, it's one of the Coen Brothers very best films.
Davies! Where the hell you been , man!? It's good to see ya!
This confirms everything I suspected, but it makes me very sad.
I've suggested Doodo to watch it in his musings thread before. Just wanted to remind him.
It is indeed. I'm a big fan of Coens. I love all of their films. I can't wait to hear some news about the sequel "Old Fink". It'll be Coen's 1st sequel and I'm sure they have a good reason for making it.
Have you seen "The Man Who Wasn't There" as well Davies?
Thanks man
I've been lurking around these forums at times but I've mostly been keeping myself busy with...
*L.A. Noire - A fantastic game that is without a doubt within the adventure game genre. Playing it takes me back to enjoying the original Police Quest. In fact, I'm almost certain had Sierra's classic been made in modern times, then it would have been very similar to L.A. Noire. So, in essence; L.A. Noire is Police Quest V... awesome. Also, the facial motion capture; come on!
*Duke Nukem Forever - So after all of that irritating controversy of critics claiming that it's an appallingly trite title; a crime to all of gaming and fans on the other side claiming it's brilliant and nigh on the second coming, I have come to my own conclusion; it's average.
I don't regret buying the game and anyone who says it's absolutely god awful and a 1/10 is quite frankly a pretentious snob. Equally, anyone who hits back at the critics by saying that the game is sublimely entertaining, wonderful, a 9/10 and the best thing since sliced bread are pure fanboys without objectivity.
All in all, it's a game that is competent at what it does despite a few design issues. One of its greater failings is that it comes across as a game without its own sense of identity; one moment it wants to be Half-Life 2, the next it wants to be Halo, then it wants to be more akin to Duke Nukem 3D, followed swiftly by a desire to be a racing game. The problem is when you lack focus you become a jack of all trades and a master of none.
It's ultimately a game that would have been better received had it been released at the start of the current generation of consoles. As it is, in todays gaming climate it's a poster child for mediocrity. A fun distraction with some neat ideas but not much else.
*Beyond Good & Evil HD - I hadn't played this game since it was originally released for the PS2 / X-Box and PC. I had always remembered it as being a blast (and criminally under appreciated) but I'd forgotten just how good it actually is. The world you inhabit reminds me of the level of vision, attention to detail, originality and imagination usually displayed by Tim Schafer with titles such as Grim Fandango.
The absolute enjoyment I'm experiencing replaying Beyond Good & Evil makes the lack of the on-again / off-again sequel all the more upsetting. A bitter sweet experience.
*Watching many a film - Far too many to list but a few are:
Zodiac - Fascinating, well directed, with beautiful cinematography and obsessively detailed in its recreation of true events. Superb.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut- Brilliant as always. A true classic, now refined to near perfection. Need I say more?!
L.A. Confidential - Can you guess what inspired me to watch this?
Paranormal Activity 2 - A bit crap. The original was hardly a masterpiece but it was an entertaining enough way to kill an hour and a half whilst being mildly scared. The sequel though is dull as dish water. Oh, and there's also some atrocious retconning.
* Writing angry letters to the BBFC - I posted a copy of my letter a few pages back on this very thread. Here it is again for those who missed it...
Dear people at the BBFC,
I now rest easy with the knowledge that due to the banning, there won't be anarchy on the streets of Britain, following us fragile minded members of the public having watched a horror film. Thank you so very much for dictating what I'm capable of experiencing.
Just for the record, I will be purchasing a region 1 copy of "The Human Centipede 2" on DVD, as will countless others across the UK (especially now you've effectively made the film a must see for any self respecting horror fan). It's good to know that the BBFC is still the same forward-thinking, liberal organisation that banned the tasteless garbage that is "The Exorcist".
Yours, ashamed to be British,
Ed Davies
I got a response from the conservative people over at BBFC Towers and it pretty much read as follows...
...the condersending priggs!
* Getting even more hyped for Ridley Scott's Prometheus - This is already looking like a contender for film of next year. Maybe even the decade. The feedback from all those involved and the media who've seen bits and pieces here and there is unanimously positive. Words such as "breathtaking sets", "epic and intelligent sci-fi" and "visionary" are being branded about with gay abandon.
Watch this space because this film is going to be a fucking event. Mark my words.
* Listening to lots of "hippie" music - such as Donovan and The Purple Gang. Granny Takes a Hurdy Gurdy Trip to Atlantis and all that wonderful malarkey.
* Partaking in copious amounts of onanism with my good friend Dr.Wang - Come on, you really don't want the details of this particular past time, do you?!
Oh wow! Slap me around the head and juggle my balls... I had no idea at all.
Life is good sometimes, life is good.
Indeed I have and very good it is too. I particularly love the shot of the car flying through the air as it crashes and the majestic black and white cinematography. Plus the story and characters aren't half bad either.
You know. I thought this too(thus my recent plunge into PQ3 discussion). The way you are belittled for making a mistake is heavily reminiscent of the Police Quest games as well. It lacked the humour aspect, but if I remember correctly, PQ4 shifted away from that anyways. I would definitely recommend one to the other.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who made that analogy. I was rather surprised to find that none of the reviews which I had read made that connection, do none of these young'un reviewers know their gaming heritage? Dagnabbit!
I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I've never played Police Quest 2 and 3 (despite owning the 1-4 collection). Although, I enjoyed 1 and 4 a lot. I'd say that the original is still the best but I thought that the fourth had overtones of the classic Gabriel Knight 2 due to the use of FMV, which is certainly no bad thing.
Also, could you clarify your comment regarding humour please? Personally I thought that both the Police Quest games I've played, as well as L.A. Noire contained a fair amount of appropriate humour. For example the strip Birthday present in the original Police Quest or the partner chit-chat when driving from one crime scene to the next during L.A. Noire.
How very beautiful, I may weep openly.
TOASTER: "Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?"
RIBS: "No!"
TOASTER: "Aah, so you're a waffle man."
You know what they say all toasters toast toast.
I see that you are already fluent in the hidden dialect of the Toastifarians.
Dave Lister has something to say about that...
"No you smeggin' don't!"
Um, Nobody says that. Nobody with an ounce of intelligence in his or her brain would willfully say that unless they were on some kind of illegal hallucinogenic drug. And yes, I get the reference, I just wanted to get that criticism out of my brain.
I assumed that was the theme of Hotel Mario.
He only says that because he already has a talking toaster. People never appreciate what they already have...
I just discovered a bee/wasp nest in the garage. Darn. it's only a small one mind (around 6cm I would say), and probably new today/yesterday. I haven't seen any sign of life yet though. It looks almost identical to this one.
I shall have to attack it with a broom and then run tomorrow. Although I have to close the garage door to reach it. Hmm...
If you blow smoke at it, then I think the little critters will get sleepy and not attack you as you whack away at their home. *guilt guilt*
Night time would also probably help in the "not getting stung" department.
"Ya know, maybe, when you're woken up at the ungodly hour of 1:30pm every afternoon by a deranged Titan manufactured hunk of smeg, asking you for approximately the 78th time that hour wether you'd care for a lightly toasted bagel with sesame seeds, then maybe you'll start to appreciate just how much it rubs your tits up the wrong way."
I hear word that the local councils in Manchester employ much the same tactic when dealing with unwanted tenants.
Babies are not for throw.
Lister underestimates how much I like toast. And other toasted products. Though, I suppose if it did get too annoying to have around, I could always give it to my brother as a Christmas present...
Also, I just realized that if the thing got too annoying I could also just always call it a Frakkin Toaster. Crossing genres FTW!
My Dad would cover the nest with a butterfly net so nothing could get out, drown it in insect spray to kill anything in there, then demolish it.
You can also get special wasp killer / nest destroyer insecticide, which sort of foams up when you spray it on something. Probably overkill for a 6cm nest though.
And as a Bow Tie, to boot! Because, y'know, they're cool.
Tell that to Rather Dashing.
Babies... for CHRISTMAS!?
Okay, so since the series hasn't taken off too well in Europe and America, Capcom don't really want to try.
So there are two options available:
- Play Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii
Why I don't want to:
- Don't really play the wii
- Wiimote controls are lame (I'm a nintendo fan, but I just got put off with the Wii after the novelty ended and the game stream dried out...)
- Classic controller is supported but Gamecube controllers are not!
(Classic controller is inferior. Plus version better but I don't have it. )
- Monster Hunter on the PSP
Why I don't want to play it:
- Monster Hunter isn't so good on the small screen
- No-one to play online with. (via xlink kai or whatever its called)
- Analogue nub is my nightmare personified, especially since I own a PSP-1000. which is incredibly bulky and on its last legs really. Plus after playing Guitaroo Man on it, I do NOT want to have a hole in my thumb again...
This is the sort of game I would actually pay a subscription for. Its so fun to play and play online with.
Its a shame that the PC/360 game is Asia (since i think its not just in Japan) only, as I really do have the itch.
My plan has succeeded! I knew creating a series of increasingly bizarre videos was all it would take.
Of course, now I can't stop making these damn things.