Also, could you clarify your comment regarding humour please? Personally I thought that both the Police Quest games I've played, as well as L.A. Noire contained a fair amount of appropriate humour. For example the strip Birthday present in the original Police Quest or the partner chit-chat when driving from one crime scene to the next during L.A. Noire.
I suppose you're right. I was implying that LA Noire was lacking the humour aspect. You've made a good counterpoint though. I forgot there were some funny moments. hmm. Guess they're even more similar.
I suppose you're right. I was implying that LA Noire was lacking the humour aspect. You've made a good counterpoint though. I forgot there were some funny moments. hmm. Guess they're even more similar.
Another similarity is that your character in Police Quest, Sonny Bonds, starts out on traffic duty, then moves to narcotics and on to being an undercover agent. In Police Quest II, Sonny is then promoted to the homicide division and in Police Quest III he is promoted to Sergeant.
Do dogs have their own system of right/ wrong. Do dogs naturally offend other dogs, do dogs naturally get along or hate one another as humans do. Dog goes in the trash, human yells at dog. But are their any examples separate from human, where the dog has it's own code amongst other dogs? Or is all that dogs do , everything goes, once the human is removed?
Do humans give dogs their moral codes? Do dogs have any true concept of right from wrong? Just how much are we reprograming these dogs? Are we observing their true intelligence or simple behaviors that reflect upon our own patterns, own knowledge of they physical world?
Is the physical relationship to dog, to human, to nature, to the planet, pure? Or is it a fabrication justified by human means? Do we ever truly let a dog live out his / her life? When we share a bound with dogs are we influencing , entirely changing their natural state of mind, changing what they are as essentially animals with their own connection to nature? As a more intelligent species do we excel their abilities and potentials, or is it a delusion? Do we teach a dog things such as love, or does a dog try to teach us? What is the true relationship of nature and to man and dog?
Have we created modern dog through breeding and training? Is their anything left of their original species?
Or are these domesticated pets only able to survive with our influence? Thoughts? Not sure if I'm on the right direction or not.
15 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Maybe this is why higher species don't influence us that often, or desire to be unseen by the masses, majority. It's for own good and protection. You must understand as your relationship to dog.
6 minutes ago
Do dogs even have the opportunity to evolve as a animal , properly, with human involvement or have we enslaved dogs and take away that chance from them? Genetically altered the species?
5 minutes ago
Do humans give their children moral codes? Do people have any true, pure concept of right from wrong? Just how much are we reprograming these children? Are we observing theirs and our own true intelligence or simple behaviors that reflect upon our own taught patterns, our own taught knowledge of our perceived physical world?
Well, the nest was actually empty. It had a set of honeycomb things, four of which were covered with a white coating, one of which had a small hole in it where a larvae had broken through. My guess is the wasp/bee gave up when it realised inside a locked garage was a daft place for a nest.
Well, the nest was actually empty. It had a set of honeycomb things, four of which were covered with a white coating, one of which had a small hole in it where a larvae had broken through. My guess is the wasp/bee gave up when it realised inside a locked garage was a daft place for a nest.
My Dad would cover the nest with a butterfly net so nothing could get out, drown it in insect spray to kill anything in there, then demolish it.
You can also get special wasp killer / nest destroyer insecticide, which sort of foams up when you spray it on something. Probably overkill for a 6cm nest though.
Me, I'd just call the pest people. Mostly because people in my family have a tendency to blow up like balloons when they're stung. But partly cos I am a-scared...
Another similarity is that your character in Police Quest, Sonny Bonds, starts out on traffic duty, then moves to narcotics and on to being an undercover agent. In Police Quest II, Sonny is then promoted to the homicide division and in Police Quest III he is promoted to Sergeant.
Remind anyone of another game?
I swear that said necrotics the first time I read it...
Bees have hairy bodies, while wasps have smooth, hairless bodies. Wasps have thinner waists, too. Bees are vegetarian and wasps are carnivorous. Some species of bees make honey (although most species don't), while wasps never do.
Bees have stingers shaped like harpoons to do damage as they're being taken out as much as pushed it, but it means when they sting a human, whose skin is much tougher than insects', the stinger is harder to get out, and the bee's abdomen gets torn as they try, usually killing them in the process.
Wasps don't have that kind of stinger, so while bees usually die after stinging a human once, wasps can sting as many humans as many time as they want.
That's why it's said that it a bee stings you, it dies afterwards. Some survive, though.
They have different venoms so it's possible to be allergic to one and not the other.
Other physical differences: wasps are bright yellow and black, bees are more brown and black or even completely black for some species.
This being said, both bees and wasps are actually made of lots of different species that have their own differences (at least 20,000 different species of bees are known, for instance). It seems more species of wasps are solitary (as oppose to social) than species of bees (both types of animals have social species and solitary species, though).
EDIT: I forgot a distinction that is useful for humans.
Because bees are vegetarian and their primary activity is as gatherers, they don't attack humans (or anything, really) unless they're defending their nest or themselves. So if you don't pose a threat and leave them alone, they'll leave you alone.
Wasps, on the other hand, are hunters, and way more aggressive. They might attack you just because you're there. Leaving them alone is still a good idea of course, but you might want to avoid them even more, as sometimes they can be more aggressive and just attack, which bees don't do.
Wait a minute...
O_O Oh no... not again!;_ylt=AmqNFVWl_yC86Kabuu8sMLPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110630165746AAXpSSH
I take your Robin Williams, sir and I raise you a Will Smith! UH UH UH WOOOOO! LOL when I get drunk this embodies my spirit.
I suppose you're right. I was implying that LA Noire was lacking the humour aspect. You've made a good counterpoint though. I forgot there were some funny moments. hmm. Guess they're even more similar.
Another similarity is that your character in Police Quest, Sonny Bonds, starts out on traffic duty, then moves to narcotics and on to being an undercover agent. In Police Quest II, Sonny is then promoted to the homicide division and in Police Quest III he is promoted to Sergeant.
Remind anyone of another game?
Do humans give dogs their moral codes? Do dogs have any true concept of right from wrong? Just how much are we reprograming these dogs? Are we observing their true intelligence or simple behaviors that reflect upon our own patterns, own knowledge of they physical world?
Is the physical relationship to dog, to human, to nature, to the planet, pure? Or is it a fabrication justified by human means? Do we ever truly let a dog live out his / her life? When we share a bound with dogs are we influencing , entirely changing their natural state of mind, changing what they are as essentially animals with their own connection to nature? As a more intelligent species do we excel their abilities and potentials, or is it a delusion? Do we teach a dog things such as love, or does a dog try to teach us? What is the true relationship of nature and to man and dog?
Have we created modern dog through breeding and training? Is their anything left of their original species?
Or are these domesticated pets only able to survive with our influence? Thoughts? Not sure if I'm on the right direction or not.
15 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Maybe this is why higher species don't influence us that often, or desire to be unseen by the masses, majority. It's for own good and protection. You must understand as your relationship to dog.
6 minutes ago
Do dogs even have the opportunity to evolve as a animal , properly, with human involvement or have we enslaved dogs and take away that chance from them? Genetically altered the species?
5 minutes ago
Source and replies, yes!(?);_ylt=ApjbmkuYbmpx9XNbYBHL1Jvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110701064944AAnmRne
I literally have no idea what you're saying.
"Whatcu talkin' 'bout Doodo?!"
Why focus on dogs.
"Didn't I tell you George?! That was a daft place to build a nest! Didn't I tell you, hmm? Didn't I?"
"Alright Martha! There's no need to rub it in."
That or they got a visit from Batman.
Bees make honey!
(Bees are the personification of the slight frustration one gets from a minor inconveniance)
Bees look all cute and fluffy, whereas wasps look like the badasses they truly are.
... or what Alcoremortis said.
Awwww, how adorable.
Ewwww, how abhorrent.
A bee trapped in a house, sort of bounces around the windows and looks a bit confused.
A wasp usually just angrily bashes itself against the same pane of glass! XD
I could play that for you. It doesn't work though. (plays it and it turns to night) Oh, well, never mind. It did work!
And some wiseass better not say "That's because it's night where you live, you idiot." or they'll have to deal with me, and stuff.
Now the zombies will come out.
I'm sure there's a song that could be played to send them into a trance. Maybe "Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft 400 (
This is a better zombie song:
We love you too, Ice!
LOL, old rap, got to love it ?
Icedhope likes McFlurries, I guess that makes sense.
I've also downloaded Puzzle Agent 2 but haven't installed it yet. Gotta fix that.
I like pie.
I like your mom!
I'm just kidding, nothing personal.
So you don't like my mum?
I don't know, is she a nice lady? I never meant her before...
I'm sorry, the momma stuff is just flying out today, nothing personal. You're momma might be really cool, I don't know.
I Raise you
I have a fairly good one with mine... Which is good since I live with them (again...).
Me, I'd just call the pest people. Mostly because people in my family have a tendency to blow up like balloons when they're stung. But partly cos I am a-scared...
Wasps can sting you more than once - especially if they fly up your trouser leg and you jump up and down banging on your leg like mad....
I swear that said necrotics the first time I read it...
On an unrelated note, we got our lead in the short film.
Picture of a bee (linked too in case people have a phobia of them)
Picture of a wasp
Bees have hairy bodies, while wasps have smooth, hairless bodies. Wasps have thinner waists, too. Bees are vegetarian and wasps are carnivorous. Some species of bees make honey (although most species don't), while wasps never do.
Bees have stingers shaped like harpoons to do damage as they're being taken out as much as pushed it, but it means when they sting a human, whose skin is much tougher than insects', the stinger is harder to get out, and the bee's abdomen gets torn as they try, usually killing them in the process.
Wasps don't have that kind of stinger, so while bees usually die after stinging a human once, wasps can sting as many humans as many time as they want.
That's why it's said that it a bee stings you, it dies afterwards. Some survive, though.
They have different venoms so it's possible to be allergic to one and not the other.
Other physical differences: wasps are bright yellow and black, bees are more brown and black or even completely black for some species.
This being said, both bees and wasps are actually made of lots of different species that have their own differences (at least 20,000 different species of bees are known, for instance). It seems more species of wasps are solitary (as oppose to social) than species of bees (both types of animals have social species and solitary species, though).
EDIT: I forgot a distinction that is useful for humans.
Because bees are vegetarian and their primary activity is as gatherers, they don't attack humans (or anything, really) unless they're defending their nest or themselves. So if you don't pose a threat and leave them alone, they'll leave you alone.
Wasps, on the other hand, are hunters, and way more aggressive. They might attack you just because you're there. Leaving them alone is still a good idea of course, but you might want to avoid them even more, as sometimes they can be more aggressive and just attack, which bees don't do.