Well, I have officially graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a BA in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (one major).
So, this is a thing that happened.
Now, on to my PhD program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics!
Wooooo! Congratulations, Miss Mortis. You should be very damn proud. Hope you're doing something a bit special to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work - you deserve it!
Wooooo! Congratulations, Miss Mortis. You should be very damn proud. Hope you're doing something a bit special to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work - you deserve it!
I am celebrating with my favorite comfort food, fried rice!
And my parents are coming tomorrow for my second graduation. Yes, there's two. One for the whole school (today) and a smaller one for just my major (Tuesday).
Old worn-out bibles do have personality. Mum got an antique bible for my brother and his new wife as a wedding gift. It had a gift inscription dated 1868, wishing this pastor luck on his voyage from England to Australia. He'd made a whole bunch of notes in the margins too. Even a non-religious person can appreciate the historical coolness of that.
Old worn-out bibles do have personality. Mum got an antique bible for my brother and his new wife as a wedding gift. It had a gift inscription dated 1868, wishing this pastor luck on his voyage from England to Australia. He'd made a whole bunch of notes in the margins too. Even a non-religious person can appreciate the historical coolness of that.
I suppose so, in the same way that any antique that old and that personal may have personality. Still, the degree of wear a bible might accrue in one man's early lifetime - assuming DAISHI is in his late 20s - early 30s - can't be that great, can it?
One of the things that's great about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the epitome of it: a thread for whatever random thought happens to be passing through your mind.
For example, I've just been struck by the most random craving for Taco Bell nachos.
One of the things that's great about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the epitome of it: a thread for whatever random thought happens to be passing through your mind.
For example, I've just been struck by the most random craving for Taco Bell nachos.
Old worn-out bibles do have personality. Mum got an antique bible for my brother and his new wife as a wedding gift. It had a gift inscription dated 1868, wishing this pastor luck on his voyage from England to Australia. He'd made a whole bunch of notes in the margins too. Even a non-religious person can appreciate the historical coolness of that.
Haha, silly people thinking >150 year-old bibles are impressive. You obviously have yet to see the Bible I have in *my* house.
Haha, silly people thinking >150 year-old bibles are impressive. You obviously have yet to see the Bible I have in *my* house.
I've seen pictures. It is damn glorious.
Also, I haven't forgotten you; I haven't spoken to any of my friends in several months. Grad school workload inundation! One month left, and then... real work inundation. But at least I won't have to think about work on the weekends. I hope.
It's just about twenty to four in the morning and I'm sat here on my bed wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life. I mean here I am, a 30 year old man with no job (nor any real prospect of employment in the near future), very little in the way of qualifications and applicable job skills and next to no social life. I really can't think of any achievement to be proud of in my life.
But what gets me the most is how lonely I feel. I need a relationship. It's not about sex (though it would be nice if that could happen at least once in my life), I just want to love and be loved in return. To love and not have it returned hurts so much. I just want to be held and comforted. I had a strange night last week. I went out to meet up with some friends in a pub and I found them sharing a table with a couple if older ladies. I'm not sure how this all came to be but I quickly realised that one of my friends was trying to get with one of the women. Anyway, as the evening progressed one of the women starting talking to me, asking about where I lived and what not. We talked for a bit, long enough to realise how drunk she was. But then she started touching me, on the leg, arm around the shoulder, little things. Oh man I loved it. The fact that she was drunk did put a bit of a downer on it but I still loved getting attention like that as I've never had it before. And frankly I don't expect to again. Oh if only I could be in that situation with someone more sober and a lot less married(!) then I think I would be in heaven.
This could all have a bit to do with the fact that my mother will be 60 in a couple of weeks and I guess I would like her to have some grandchildren. She hasn't really said much along those lines but I can tell she's a little disappointed that not a lot is happening on that front. Well at least for her sake my brother is in a fairly serious relationship which could bare fruit in the not to distant future. I'm a very very very long shot at best.
One of the things that's great about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the epitome of it: a thread for whatever random thought happens to be passing through your mind.
For example, I've just been struck by the most random craving for Taco Bell nachos.
One of the things that's awful about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the sad epitome of it: a thread for whatever inane thought happens to be passing through your mind.
They're advertising "Wild Turkey Honey" here. I'm trying to imagine if that would be good or disgusting.
I finally got to try this. It isn't so great by itself, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what it would mix with. Maybe lemonade, if I wouldn't feel like it's sore-throat medicine.
But what gets me the most is how lonely I feel. I need a relationship. It's not about sex (though it would be nice if that could happen at least once in my life), I just want to love and be loved in return. To love and not have it returned hurts so much. I just want to be held and comforted. I had a strange night last week. I went out to meet up with some friends in a pub and I found them sharing a table with a couple if older ladies. I'm not sure how this all came to be but I quickly realised that one of my friends was trying to get with one of the women. Anyway, as the evening progressed one of the women starting talking to me, asking about where I lived and what not. We talked for a bit, long enough to realise how drunk she was. But then she started touching me, on the leg, arm around the shoulder, little things. Oh man I loved it. The fact that she was drunk did put a bit of a downer on it but I still loved getting attention like that as I've never had it before. And frankly I don't expect to again. Oh if only I could be in that situation with someone more sober and a lot less married(!) then I think I would be in heaven.
I've been there, though maybe not at age 30. Older ladies tend to cut through the crap and get right to the point of what they want. You probably want to stay away from the married drunk kind, though. If you get your act together, you can find someone who works well with yourself. You can get that kind of attention from someone more appropriate. Don't give up.
Age thirty is old? Damn... I'm going to have to get my shit together. I've only got seven and a half more years... and most of those are going to be spent being a grad student and having no social life.
One of the things that's awful about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the sad epitome of it: a thread for whatever inane thought happens to be passing through your mind.
She won't be getting Granchildren anytime soon, but I have to admit I like the little buggers.
Always had fun messing with kids.
I guess its because I'm still a big kid myself! XD
EDIT: Its one of the main reason I still like my job on checkouts.
Seeing all those little kids, happy and seeing the world with wonder, (when they aren't screaming their heads off over being bored or hungry that is! XD). It reminds that not everything in life is so horrid and miserable.
Its the simplest things in life that make people happy.
I don't want to forget that.
One of the things that's awful about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the sad epitome of it: a thread for whatever inane thought happens to be passing through your mind.
For example, I think I might be a little jaded.
Oh how things have changed in these past two years.
Age thirty is old? Damn... I'm going to have to get my shit together. I've only got seven and a half more years... and most of those are going to be spent being a grad student and having no social life.
That's OK, 30 can be young if you're a biochemist and molecular biophysicist. Just get those molecules to do what you want.
Tell me about it! My mother is so desperate for grandchildren, she'd cry tears of happiness if I happened to knock up a one night stand. NO KIDDING.
And here's the thing: those won't be HER children she has to raise, pay for, and take care of. I'm not having children to"gift" someone. Children aren't iPods. You're stuck with them for life, even if they cost millions to repair and can't be traded in after water damage. Sure, your mother can coo over and borrow them for a while, but she'll spoil them rotten and then give them back when she's done having fun.
I know I'm never having children, and my mother utterly abhors me saying so. My disease is genetic and there is a 75% chance my child will have it as well (50% if I have a girl, and guaranteed if I have a boy), and worse than me.
Also, I have no desire to drop my career for a child. Period. If my potential husband wants kids that badly, he'll stay at home with them. I have no desire or interest to ever be a housewife, even temporarily, and with my skillset and career path, would likely be a) earning a lot more than him and b) have to travel to a new country and move every 2 or 3 years.
If I do ever decide on raising children, I'm adopting. Period. I know it's crazy expensive, but I'm not brining a life into the world when I know how crazy hard it is for myself never being able to drive. The US just isn't very accommodating to people without a license (unless in a city, but I live in one now and it still takes me two hours to get to the zoo by public transit when it's only 15 minutes away by car).
The US just isn't very accommodating to people without a license (unless in a city, but I live in one now and it still takes me two hours to get to the zoo by public transit when it's only 15 minutes away by car).
You know the public transportation system is shit when it's literally faster to walk. Wow.
It's not so bad here. Short distances, the bus is about 3x the time of driving(avoiding "times the time" there), and long distances, it's about 2x. Not THAT bad.
I can't even afford to learn how to drive, let alone anything else.
Nor will I be able to pretty much ever, due to the insane fuel and insurance costs in the UK.
Fuel is about £1.40 per litre!
Insurance is normally 3-4x the value of the car you buy (with discounts!))
Tax is like £220 a year.
Lessons are like £20-25 a session. Tests cost about £90-100 (Theory £30, Practical £56-67)
If you fail the test, you have to repay to do them, and lessons as well if you need them.
Its just ridiculous! Young people are literally being driven off the road, (and out of education) with these extortionate prices.
I'm certain there is going to be a mass epidemic of people lacking basic skills and qualifications in this country, and foreign import of labour will increase, and it will be nigh impossible for our economy to recover from.
(And our policitians know that, AND ENCOURAGE IT!!)
EDIT: Thats if a population crisis doesn't hit us first!
(Developed world birth rates decreasing, except for those immigrating into those countries. Yeah, you can see where this is going...)
EDIT 2: I don't want to be seen as racist by saying that, but admittadely as a home-born and rasied British person I am concerned our demographic will eventually evaporate, and UK will basically be just a place where people go to work, and everything will go to the highest bidders.
Wooooo! Congratulations, Miss Mortis. You should be very damn proud. Hope you're doing something a bit special to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work - you deserve it!
I am celebrating with my favorite comfort food, fried rice!
And my parents are coming tomorrow for my second graduation. Yes, there's two. One for the whole school (today) and a smaller one for just my major (Tuesday).
your opinion may change quickly. The beginning isn't that good, I loved it anyway. I actually think it starts improving when Antonio shows up.
The music and Bulk are the parts that made me like it tbh.
Also, anyone else playing SWGemu?
Why do you keep losing them?
Why? Old, worn-out Bibles have personality
>implying there's any personality in religion
Wow, and you even used "graduated" in the original correct grammatical sense! Congratulations!
All the ones you keep buying aren't saying the right things in them?
Old worn-out bibles do have personality. Mum got an antique bible for my brother and his new wife as a wedding gift. It had a gift inscription dated 1868, wishing this pastor luck on his voyage from England to Australia. He'd made a whole bunch of notes in the margins too. Even a non-religious person can appreciate the historical coolness of that.
I suppose so, in the same way that any antique that old and that personal may have personality. Still, the degree of wear a bible might accrue in one man's early lifetime - assuming DAISHI is in his late 20s - early 30s - can't be that great, can it?
His name was Guru Guru.
I've seen pictures. It is damn glorious.
Also, I haven't forgotten you; I haven't spoken to any of my friends in several months. Grad school workload inundation! One month left, and then... real work inundation. But at least I won't have to think about work on the weekends. I hope.
Yeah, same here at first. It takes way too long for Bulk and Spike to actually interact with the Samurai Rangers.
I think you need to buy a new record. This one's broken.
But what gets me the most is how lonely I feel. I need a relationship. It's not about sex (though it would be nice if that could happen at least once in my life), I just want to love and be loved in return. To love and not have it returned hurts so much. I just want to be held and comforted. I had a strange night last week. I went out to meet up with some friends in a pub and I found them sharing a table with a couple if older ladies. I'm not sure how this all came to be but I quickly realised that one of my friends was trying to get with one of the women. Anyway, as the evening progressed one of the women starting talking to me, asking about where I lived and what not. We talked for a bit, long enough to realise how drunk she was. But then she started touching me, on the leg, arm around the shoulder, little things. Oh man I loved it. The fact that she was drunk did put a bit of a downer on it but I still loved getting attention like that as I've never had it before. And frankly I don't expect to again. Oh if only I could be in that situation with someone more sober and a lot less married(!) then I think I would be in heaven.
This could all have a bit to do with the fact that my mother will be 60 in a couple of weeks and I guess I would like her to have some grandchildren. She hasn't really said much along those lines but I can tell she's a little disappointed that not a lot is happening on that front. Well at least for her sake my brother is in a fairly serious relationship which could bare fruit in the not to distant future. I'm a very very very long shot at best.
One of the things that's awful about this forum is its randomness. Well, this is the sad epitome of it: a thread for whatever inane thought happens to be passing through your mind.
For example, I think I might be a little jaded.
*cranks up some King Diamond*
I finally got to try this. It isn't so great by itself, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what it would mix with. Maybe lemonade, if I wouldn't feel like it's sore-throat medicine.
I've been there, though maybe not at age 30. Older ladies tend to cut through the crap and get right to the point of what they want. You probably want to stay away from the married drunk kind, though. If you get your act together, you can find someone who works well with yourself. You can get that kind of attention from someone more appropriate. Don't give up.
Close it then. Make Dashing proud.
Its pretty funny really! XD
She won't be getting Granchildren anytime soon, but I have to admit I like the little buggers.
Always had fun messing with kids.
I guess its because I'm still a big kid myself! XD
EDIT: Its one of the main reason I still like my job on checkouts.
Seeing all those little kids, happy and seeing the world with wonder, (when they aren't screaming their heads off over being bored or hungry that is! XD). It reminds that not everything in life is so horrid and miserable.
Its the simplest things in life that make people happy.
I don't want to forget that.
Oh how things have changed in these past two years.
Tell me about it! My mother is so desperate for grandchildren, she'd cry tears of happiness if I happened to knock up a one night stand. NO KIDDING.
Oh righhhhtttt... in nine days, another little baby thread turns two!
That's OK, 30 can be young if you're a biochemist and molecular biophysicist. Just get those molecules to do what you want.
And here's the thing: those won't be HER children she has to raise, pay for, and take care of. I'm not having children to"gift" someone. Children aren't iPods. You're stuck with them for life, even if they cost millions to repair and can't be traded in after water damage. Sure, your mother can coo over and borrow them for a while, but she'll spoil them rotten and then give them back when she's done having fun.
I know I'm never having children, and my mother utterly abhors me saying so. My disease is genetic and there is a 75% chance my child will have it as well (50% if I have a girl, and guaranteed if I have a boy), and worse than me.
Also, I have no desire to drop my career for a child. Period. If my potential husband wants kids that badly, he'll stay at home with them. I have no desire or interest to ever be a housewife, even temporarily, and with my skillset and career path, would likely be a) earning a lot more than him and b) have to travel to a new country and move every 2 or 3 years.
If I do ever decide on raising children, I'm adopting. Period. I know it's crazy expensive, but I'm not brining a life into the world when I know how crazy hard it is for myself never being able to drive. The US just isn't very accommodating to people without a license (unless in a city, but I live in one now and it still takes me two hours to get to the zoo by public transit when it's only 15 minutes away by car).
You know the public transportation system is shit when it's literally faster to walk. Wow.
It's not so bad here. Short distances, the bus is about 3x the time of driving(avoiding "times the time" there), and long distances, it's about 2x. Not THAT bad.
Nor will I be able to pretty much ever, due to the insane fuel and insurance costs in the UK.
Fuel is about £1.40 per litre!
Insurance is normally 3-4x the value of the car you buy (with discounts!))
Tax is like £220 a year.
Lessons are like £20-25 a session. Tests cost about £90-100 (Theory £30, Practical £56-67)
If you fail the test, you have to repay to do them, and lessons as well if you need them.
Its just ridiculous! Young people are literally being driven off the road, (and out of education) with these extortionate prices.
I'm certain there is going to be a mass epidemic of people lacking basic skills and qualifications in this country, and foreign import of labour will increase, and it will be nigh impossible for our economy to recover from.
(And our policitians know that, AND ENCOURAGE IT!!)
EDIT: Thats if a population crisis doesn't hit us first!
(Developed world birth rates decreasing, except for those immigrating into those countries. Yeah, you can see where this is going...)
EDIT 2: I don't want to be seen as racist by saying that, but admittadely as a home-born and rasied British person I am concerned our demographic will eventually evaporate, and UK will basically be just a place where people go to work, and everything will go to the highest bidders.
My mom and grandma are much the same. I told them that I will clone myself and they didn't seem to see this as an acceptable substitute.
I'd have your clone, but I'd raise it in very different conditions and then analyse the results...
EDIT: (And this is why I should never be allowed to raise children. The experiments... *shiftyeyes*)