Hey, if anyone is feeling generous, My cousin is running the Race For Life marathon in June. She's running on behalf of her mother who was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer (it caused her arm to snap in half getting out of bed, and she was diagnosed when she went to the hospital to get it set.). They've had a rough year and would appreciate all the support you guys can give to cancer research to help develop cures or preventatives so nobody has to go through the trauma they've been through.
Thanks for taking the time to read this (incidentally, that's the last line on my C.V. That's 'Resumé' to you american types. :P), and I hope you donate! Every little helps!
Hey, if anyone is feeling generous, My cousin is running the Race For Life marathon in June. She's running on behalf of her mother who was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer (it caused her arm to snap in half getting out of bed, and she was diagnosed when she went to the hospital to get it set.). They've had a rough year and would appreciate all the support you guys can give to cancer research to help develop cures or preventatives so nobody has to go through the trauma they've been through.
My mom had two seizures four weeks ago tomorrow and was put in the hospital for five days. When she got out, she recovered extremely quickly (considering how far she fell, that is. She never made it back to her previous state) and had two good weeks. Last Sunday, due to any number of factors, between the strain of going to church for Mother's Day, missing her medication, or maybe an infection that would've caused it anyway, she had four more and was re-admitted to the hospital.
On Wednesday morning, despite being in the hospital and on double her previous dose of seizure medication, she had seven more seizures within an hour. She was sedated and moved to the ICU while they tried to find the cause of the seizures and stop it. The last report as of a couple days ago was that there was no sign of seizure activity in her brain, so they were trying to wake her up. Unfortunately, she has an auto-immune disease that's severely compromised her liver, so it's taking quite a while for her liver to metabolize the sedative and for her to wake up. And when she does, I don't know how big the impact on her recent memory will be.
So that's why I haven't been around lately. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm on here now.
My mom had two seizures four weeks ago tomorrow and was put in the hospital for five days. When she got out, she recovered extremely quickly (considering how far she fell, that is. She never made it back to her previous state) and had two good weeks. Last Sunday, due to any number of factors, between the strain of going to church for Mother's Day, missing her medication, or maybe an infection that would've caused it anyway, she had four more and was re-admitted to the hospital.
On Wednesday morning, despite being in the hospital and on double her previous dose of seizure medication, she had seven more seizures within an hour. She was sedated and moved to the ICU while they tried to find the cause of the seizures and stop it. The last report as of a couple days ago was that there was no sign of seizure activity in her brain, so they were trying to wake her up. Unfortunately, she has an auto-immune disease that's severely compromised her liver, so it's taking quite a while for her liver to metabolize the sedative and for her to wake up. And when she does, I don't know how big the impact on her recent memory will be.
Wow, sounds bad. I don't envy your position. It must be horrible not knowing how bad her condition is. I mean, I get paranoid everytime I get an unexpected phone call, expecting to hear the news that a family member has been in an accident or something, so I have no idea how I'd cope in your situation.
But I'm sure she'll be alright in the long term, you just have to keep optimistic and hope for the best!
My mom had two seizures four weeks ago tomorrow and was put in the hospital for five days. When she got out, she recovered extremely quickly (considering how far she fell, that is. She never made it back to her previous state) and had two good weeks. Last Sunday, due to any number of factors, between the strain of going to church for Mother's Day, missing her medication, or maybe an infection that would've caused it anyway, she had four more and was re-admitted to the hospital.
On Wednesday morning, despite being in the hospital and on double her previous dose of seizure medication, she had seven more seizures within an hour. She was sedated and moved to the ICU while they tried to find the cause of the seizures and stop it. The last report as of a couple days ago was that there was no sign of seizure activity in her brain, so they were trying to wake her up. Unfortunately, she has an auto-immune disease that's severely compromised her liver, so it's taking quite a while for her liver to metabolize the sedative and for her to wake up. And when she does, I don't know how big the impact on her recent memory will be.
So that's why I haven't been around lately. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm on here now.
Your mother and family are very lucky to have someone like yourself around Guru. I've never had this sort of thing happen to me in my immediate family so I can only imagine how you feel right now.
I know I'm not exactly good friends with anyone here, but being here, I feel I should at least say something. If I didn't, to myself, it would seem like I didn't care and as a person who is genuinely a nice person, it would have really bothered me if I seemed that way. I'm sure this doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but I really do hope for the best as I do not wish anyone ill will, especially someone who has similar interests and is generally here selflessly to help others.
My grandmother is also in a similar situation and went through a bad patch where she refused to eat shortly after a slight recovery. She is actually starting to get a little better months later after it seemed she was only getting worse. These events are a roller coaster ride on the heart and mind for sure.
I know I'm not exactly good friends with anyone here, but being here, I feel I should at least say something. If I didn't, to myself, it would seem like I didn't care and as a person who is genuinely a nice person, it would have really bothered me if I seemed that way. I'm sure this doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but I really do hope for the best as I do not wish anyone ill will, especially someone who has similar interests and is generally here selflessly to help others.
My grandmother is also in a similar situation and went through a bad patch where she refused to eat shortly after a slight recovery. She is actually starting to get a little better months later after it seemed she was only getting worse. These events are a roller coaster ride on the heart and mind for sure.
Again, I wish you both the best.
Sounds horrible. My Gran is going through similar issues. She's had heart issues, and just when they were on the mend, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. That's gone now (at least we hope so. She can't have chemo, so they chopped the whole lot out.), but she recently lost her appetite, (dropping two stone in two weeks). She's on different medication now, and is feeling better, but there's still a sense of unease amongst all of us, as to how long it will last.
Anyway, I wish your grandmother a speedy recovery. You can go for years with no illness in the family and then, out of the blue someone gets diagnosed with something serious, or has a chain of misfortune.
As for you worrying about appearing uncaring, I don't think anyone here thinks that. You're one of the friendliest people here. Sometimes it can just be hard to find the right words to get across your empathy, which is why I stay silent more often than not when someone is in emotional crisis or such, but so long as the thought is there, that's all that people can ask.
My nan has diabetes.
That kinda sucks, but it was dealt with fairly straightforwardly.
(She always has loads of sweet things around though. Can't help but thrust upon us chocolate and cans of coke whenever we visit. heh.)
Then she had cancer a few years ago.
It was tough. I was worried about her all the time.
My mum was especially worried about it. She used to check up on nan all the time then, giving her the support she needed.
(Didn't help that her dad passed away, (well the dad she had when she was growing up) not to long ago, and I think she was still kind of reeling over it (It was such a fast and sudden illness and death, that one could barely process it (he's been active and pretty healthy practically all his life, then suddenly his body turns against him, putting him in a few days of horrible pain as his health degenerates, then he peacefully passes on). He was a lovely man, and is sorely missed by my mum in particular)))
She even lost a lot of her hair during the treatment.
But she is a tough old bird, (she had to be, she raised 6 kids!), and she got through it.
I imagined it was really hard on her. She definately couldn't put a brave face on over it. Kept saying she was going to die all the time, kind of making little dark jokes about it, (I guess thats how she could cope with it I guess). I guess she wanted us to make a bit of a fuss with all of the "don't be silly nan, you'll get better" routines, but she was too proud to just ask for it.
I am going to be genuinely sad when she eventually kicks the bucket, which is why I want to visit more often, (its hard, since I need A LOT of time. Time changes when your in her house. You think you've only been there for about 30 mins, and you've been there for like 2 hours! XD).
My mum visits regularily though. I always at least ask her how she's getting on, and to pass on my best wishes.
Great PC from the sky hear my cry,
Transform thyself from off to on,
And give me access to my prawn,
Envelop my face with your glow,
so to youtube I can go,
Unlock your files from deep within,
So that together we can look at funny pictures of cats,
Take me to the desktop as I call your name,
Winged PC of Ra!
Thank you very much Peebles. It was certainly one of the hardest things i've ever done. I'd been smoking for nearly ten years so it was good to kick it in the buttocks and to be finally be high on life! Also glue.
It...is the second toughest thing I've done..I put Joan Crawford to shame with my temper..and now that I have to find something do with my hands..I found I have a nack for cooking. also now everything tastes better, and woo!
My nan has diabetes.
That kinda sucks, but it was dealt with fairly straightforwardly.
(She always has loads of sweet things around though. Can't help but thrust upon us chocolate and cans of coke whenever we visit. heh.)
Then she had cancer a few years ago.
It was tough. I was worried about her all the time.
My mum was especially worried about it. She used to check up on nan all the time then, giving her the support she needed.
(Didn't help that her dad passed away, (well the dad she had when she was growing up) not to long ago, and I think she was still kind of reeling over it (It was such a fast and sudden illness and death, that one could barely process it (he's been active and pretty healthy practically all his life, then suddenly his body turns against him, putting him in a few days of horrible pain as his health degenerates, then he peacefully passes on). He was a lovely man, and is sorely missed by my mum in particular)))
She even lost a lot of her hair during the treatment.
But she is a tough old bird, (she had to be, she raised 6 kids!), and she got through it.
I imagined it was really hard on her. She definately couldn't put a brave face on over it. Kept saying she was going to die all the time, kind of making little dark jokes about it, (I guess thats how she could cope with it I guess). I guess she wanted us to make a bit of a fuss with all of the "don't be silly nan, you'll get better" routines, but she was too proud to just ask for it.
I am going to be genuinely sad when she eventually kicks the bucket, which is why I want to visit more often, (its hard, since I need A LOT of time. Time changes when your in her house. You think you've only been there for about 30 mins, and you've been there for like 2 hours! XD).
My mum visits regularily though. I always at least ask her how she's getting on, and to pass on my best wishes.
And I'll pass my best wishes to you guys as well.
Glad to hear she pulled through the cancer. I have to admit, I've never been overly close to my relatives. They all live too far away, so I only see them once or twice a year, if that. I definitely should see them more often though.
Read a full-blown facebook argument on my older brother's page.
Its hilariously pointless and bitchy! XD
Ooh, I love it when that happens.
In more depressing news, my sister's media teacher died yesterday, completely out of the blue. They found out today. A heart attack whilst walking the dog. She's left behind several young kids (around 5 years I think) which is really sad. She always seemed really nice too (not in the usual "They're dead so they're suddenly the best person in the world" way. Actually genuinely seeming a nice person.)
In more depressing news, my sister's media teacher died yesterday, completely out of the blue. They found out today. A heart attack whilst walking the dog. She's left behind several young kids (around 5 years I think) which is really sad. She always seemed really nice too (not in the usual "They're dead so they're suddenly the best person in the world" way. Actually genuinely seeming a nice person.)
What became of the dog?
I'm not being sarcastic with this query, I'm genuinely an animal lover.
Articles like this give me hope that one day, I could be as legendary as my own heroes.
Ripper Owens has mad talent though. Awesome he was #1 on the list. I saw him when he was with Iced Earth. A fan of the fan :P I have albums of him with Priest(4), Iced Earth(3), Malmsteen, Charred Walls, Winter's Bane, Beyond Fear, solo...
I'm not being sarcastic with this query, I'm genuinely an animal lover.
I have no idea. If it was anything like our dog, it would have just barked at her grumpily for stopping. But yeah, it makes you think. When we walk the dog, we often go to a field in the middle of nowhere. Its large enough that even if someone saw you collapse it could be 20 minutes before they can get to you. And there's no phone signal there either. Scary thought.
I don't really know the details. The part with the dog wasn't part of the official announcement made by the school, but it came straight out of her tutor group (who would've been the first to have been told, probably by their cover teacher or whatever.), so that part may just be Chinese Whispers.
So it turns out my "wireless" part of my "Wireless router" doesn't work. Currently have everything in my room plugged into whatever it can just so I can post this...
I had a feeling Facebook's stock would tank on the next trading day after the IPO, after all the banks stopped trying to keep it afloat. Next time I have this feeling, I really ought to short the stock.
There was a time when corporations could be pressured to keep their IPO price a little lower than what it was worth, so that the initial buyers would practically be guaranteed a good profit. Now we have Zynga and Facebook, which sold out IPOs at prices above what they were worth. I wonder what changed.
I'd love it if there was a Roman MMORPG set in Rome and played like Mount &Blade.
Better yet, the cities would live and breathe as players assumed multiple roles within the world.
And a massive Arena stands within the centre of this gigantic city and much of the game would focus on it.
The tone would be similar to Spartacus: Blood on the Sands as well!
Unfortunately, while I was looking something up, a pop-up came up (one of those ones that forces the page open with a box prompt).
Had to control-alt-delete the whole thing.
I am not too impressed to say the least.
(Going to play some Mount & Blade - Napoleonic Wars to cheer myself up
Page here.
Thanks for taking the time to read this (incidentally, that's the last line on my C.V. That's 'Resumé' to you american types. :P), and I hope you donate! Every little helps!
Well, if you crash your car, you'll be given a free* lift!
*May not actually be free, depending on healthcare policy in your area.
Hope it's nothing too serious!
Good luck to your cousin and aunt.
My mom had two seizures four weeks ago tomorrow and was put in the hospital for five days. When she got out, she recovered extremely quickly (considering how far she fell, that is. She never made it back to her previous state) and had two good weeks. Last Sunday, due to any number of factors, between the strain of going to church for Mother's Day, missing her medication, or maybe an infection that would've caused it anyway, she had four more and was re-admitted to the hospital.
On Wednesday morning, despite being in the hospital and on double her previous dose of seizure medication, she had seven more seizures within an hour. She was sedated and moved to the ICU while they tried to find the cause of the seizures and stop it. The last report as of a couple days ago was that there was no sign of seizure activity in her brain, so they were trying to wake her up. Unfortunately, she has an auto-immune disease that's severely compromised her liver, so it's taking quite a while for her liver to metabolize the sedative and for her to wake up. And when she does, I don't know how big the impact on her recent memory will be.
So that's why I haven't been around lately. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm on here now.
Wahey! Thanks Jed.
Have some cookies. You'll have to eat them quick, as I don't trust the rest of the people in this thread not to eat them.
Wow, sounds bad. I don't envy your position. It must be horrible not knowing how bad her condition is. I mean, I get paranoid everytime I get an unexpected phone call, expecting to hear the news that a family member has been in an accident or something, so I have no idea how I'd cope in your situation.
But I'm sure she'll be alright in the long term, you just have to keep optimistic and hope for the best!
Your mother and family are very lucky to have someone like yourself around Guru. I've never had this sort of thing happen to me in my immediate family so I can only imagine how you feel right now.
Hope your mum has a speedy recovery!
I know I'm not exactly good friends with anyone here, but being here, I feel I should at least say something. If I didn't, to myself, it would seem like I didn't care and as a person who is genuinely a nice person, it would have really bothered me if I seemed that way. I'm sure this doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but I really do hope for the best as I do not wish anyone ill will, especially someone who has similar interests and is generally here selflessly to help others.
My grandmother is also in a similar situation and went through a bad patch where she refused to eat shortly after a slight recovery. She is actually starting to get a little better months later after it seemed she was only getting worse. These events are a roller coaster ride on the heart and mind for sure.
Again, I wish you both the best.
Sounds horrible. My Gran is going through similar issues. She's had heart issues, and just when they were on the mend, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. That's gone now (at least we hope so. She can't have chemo, so they chopped the whole lot out.), but she recently lost her appetite, (dropping two stone in two weeks). She's on different medication now, and is feeling better, but there's still a sense of unease amongst all of us, as to how long it will last.
Anyway, I wish your grandmother a speedy recovery. You can go for years with no illness in the family and then, out of the blue someone gets diagnosed with something serious, or has a chain of misfortune.
As for you worrying about appearing uncaring, I don't think anyone here thinks that. You're one of the friendliest people here. Sometimes it can just be hard to find the right words to get across your empathy, which is why I stay silent more often than not when someone is in emotional crisis or such, but so long as the thought is there, that's all that people can ask.
That kinda sucks, but it was dealt with fairly straightforwardly.
(She always has loads of sweet things around though. Can't help but thrust upon us chocolate and cans of coke whenever we visit. heh.)
Then she had cancer a few years ago.
It was tough. I was worried about her all the time.
My mum was especially worried about it. She used to check up on nan all the time then, giving her the support she needed.
(Didn't help that her dad passed away, (well the dad she had when she was growing up) not to long ago, and I think she was still kind of reeling over it (It was such a fast and sudden illness and death, that one could barely process it (he's been active and pretty healthy practically all his life, then suddenly his body turns against him, putting him in a few days of horrible pain as his health degenerates, then he peacefully passes on). He was a lovely man, and is sorely missed by my mum in particular)))
She even lost a lot of her hair during the treatment.
But she is a tough old bird, (she had to be, she raised 6 kids!), and she got through it.
I imagined it was really hard on her. She definately couldn't put a brave face on over it. Kept saying she was going to die all the time, kind of making little dark jokes about it, (I guess thats how she could cope with it I guess). I guess she wanted us to make a bit of a fuss with all of the "don't be silly nan, you'll get better" routines, but she was too proud to just ask for it.
I am going to be genuinely sad when she eventually kicks the bucket, which is why I want to visit more often, (its hard, since I need A LOT of time. Time changes when your in her house. You think you've only been there for about 30 mins, and you've been there for like 2 hours! XD).
My mum visits regularily though. I always at least ask her how she's getting on, and to pass on my best wishes.
And I'll pass my best wishes to you guys as well.
Transform thyself from off to on,
And give me access to my prawn,
Envelop my face with your glow,
so to youtube I can go,
Unlock your files from deep within,
So that together we can look at funny pictures of cats,
Take me to the desktop as I call your name,
Winged PC of Ra!
It...is the second toughest thing I've done..I put Joan Crawford to shame with my temper..and now that I have to find something do with my hands..I found I have a nack for cooking. also now everything tastes better, and woo!
High on Life!
Read a full-blown facebook argument on my older brother's page.
Its hilariously pointless and bitchy! XD
Ooh, I love it when that happens.
In more depressing news, my sister's media teacher died yesterday, completely out of the blue. They found out today. A heart attack whilst walking the dog. She's left behind several young kids (around 5 years I think) which is really sad. She always seemed really nice too (not in the usual "They're dead so they're suddenly the best person in the world" way. Actually genuinely seeming a nice person.)
What became of the dog?
I'm not being sarcastic with this query, I'm genuinely an animal lover.
Articles like this give me hope that one day, I could be as legendary as my own heroes.
Ripper Owens has mad talent though. Awesome he was #1 on the list. I saw him when he was with Iced Earth. A fan of the fan :P I have albums of him with Priest(4), Iced Earth(3), Malmsteen, Charred Walls, Winter's Bane, Beyond Fear, solo...
I don't really know the details. The part with the dog wasn't part of the official announcement made by the school, but it came straight out of her tutor group (who would've been the first to have been told, probably by their cover teacher or whatever.), so that part may just be Chinese Whispers.
Thats like Marmite and Ice cream!
Just so... wrong....
But it's really good! Especially when you put chocolate chips on top. I'm not even joking. We call it frogs on a log.
There was a time when corporations could be pressured to keep their IPO price a little lower than what it was worth, so that the initial buyers would practically be guaranteed a good profit. Now we have Zynga and Facebook, which sold out IPOs at prices above what they were worth. I wonder what changed.
Finally I get some peace and quiet.
But what about your annoying neighbors? I mean, I'm withing 10 miles of you, for Pete's sake.
What if I get a megaphone and hang out, like, 1.2 miles off? Better yet, INTERNET.
Better yet, the cities would live and breathe as players assumed multiple roles within the world.
And a massive Arena stands within the centre of this gigantic city and much of the game would focus on it.
The tone would be similar to Spartacus: Blood on the Sands as well!
He could make an AI that can beam them!
You come here making statements about impossibilities... we'll have to see about that.
You have speakers, right?
Yes, but it's easier to pull the plug on computer speakers than it is to pull the plug on three teenage girls.
I believe this will explain the order of battle quite adequately.
Don't make me start a Mormon Cold War, Dash.
Why should it matter to the Pants Imperium?
And I threw my computer across the room.
Matter? Since when do you do anything that matters?