Or fetal, fœtal, faetal or fætal.
Basically everything goes as long as you use an F
While we're off-topic: the Greek 'ph' became 'pf' in German (which became 'p' for English, eg. pepper) and just 'f' in Arabic (albeit with their equivalent letter). To that end, there is no 'p' sound in Arabic at all. So how to stall a terrorist? Get them to try saying the Peter Piper tongue-twister lol.
I'm trying real hard not to think about the fact that I'm going to travel tomorrow and will have to wait until the end of the week to download and play this episode.
Dunno. Chtlullu Max might be too much of a spoiler for new buyers (same reason why they changed the original title of 106). And there is the additional thingie on the left (portal, film, pyramid, cards)...
Dunno. Chtlullu Max might be too much of a spoiler for new buyers (same reason why they changed the original title of 106). And there is the additional thingie on the left (portal, film, pyramid, cards)...
I hope that it'll be out after I come back from work (at about 6pm GMT) so I can download it immediatly. I just don't want to wait for it, I'm too impatient!!!
So that's an illustration. If it's actually in the game, it might suggest the astral projector might come into play again, or they visit the future (remember one future vision was from 2109?) so they see an illustration of themselves in the present day.
HOWEVER, the amount of work it would take to work all those things into the plot is probably far bigger than they actually had. So I'm guessing this is just a nice bit of cover art from a special edition DVD or something.
Guessing it's the DVD cover too. But that does no justice to the happy I swear I'm about to burst from at this moment. That little glimpse of whatever-awesomeness-that-is on top of everything else today ... just ... *happy, happy sigh*
I'm thinking DVD cover as well... looks like some awesome art. So... it's not out just yet then. That means more waiting! Knowing that I would get some sweet Sam and Max gaming tonight was the only thing keeping me sane at work.
Digging around on the server I found this old thing, too.
When cutting together a very early version of the Devil's Playhouse trailer, Shauntron (our video guy!) forgot that he had Pandora running in the background. The result is some accidental brilliant timing between unintended music and a very early form of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4HIORypcI
Digging around on the server I found this old thing, too.
When cutting together a very early version of the Devil's Playhouse trailer, Shauntron (our video guy!) forgot that he had Pandora running in the background. The result is some accidental brilliant timing between unintended music and a very early form of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4HIORypcI
Haha! That works really well! Especially when Bob says 'and you'll reveal a new location on your map'!
Digging around on the server I found this old thing, too.
When cutting together a very early version of the Devil's Playhouse trailer, Shauntron (our video guy!) forgot that he had Pandora running in the background. The result is some accidental brilliant timing between unintended music and a very early form of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4HIORypcI
Digging around on the server I found this old thing, too.
When cutting together a very early version of the Devil's Playhouse trailer, Shauntron (our video guy!) forgot that he had Pandora running in the background. The result is some accidental brilliant timing between unintended music and a very early form of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4HIORypcI
Dangnabit! This one needs sound. At least lunch break is coming up soon.
Yeah Jake! I hate to sound horribly impatient, but my breakfast is about to arrange an escape out of gastric prison and I'd like to at least know 305 is out before the plan is set into action.
Or fetal, fœtal, faetal or fætal.
Basically everything goes as long as you use an F
While we're off-topic: the Greek 'ph' became 'pf' in German (which became 'p' for English, eg. pepper) and just 'f' in Arabic (albeit with their equivalent letter). To that end, there is no 'p' sound in Arabic at all. So how to stall a terrorist? Get them to try saying the Peter Piper tongue-twister lol.
Well it's 3am UK time but still Sunday back in Telltale land. I suppose we're talking less than 24 hours but more than 12.
It's obviously not working.
*Is very impatient*
And we don't even have the icon on our download pages yet .
even though we all know what will be on the icon
It's almost too much to take!
I think it will have a.... star
Star doesn't really say anything to me... hmmm... the plot thickens.
The finale of Tales of Monkey Island wasn't out until about the middle of the day, though, as far as I remember.
they change it sometimes! like with 304
HOWEVER, the amount of work it would take to work all those things into the plot is probably far bigger than they actually had. So I'm guessing this is just a nice bit of cover art from a special edition DVD or something.
Wouldn't mind seeing that on the DVD cover, indeed.
When cutting together a very early version of the Devil's Playhouse trailer, Shauntron (our video guy!) forgot that he had Pandora running in the background. The result is some accidental brilliant timing between unintended music and a very early form of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4HIORypcI
This is AWESOME! Please tell me you are going to release a print of that!
Haha! That works really well! Especially when Bob says 'and you'll reveal a new location on your map'!
You really know how to fill the last minutes.
We only hope these are the last minutes.
And dang, I sure hope that picture was a glimpse of the DVD cover! Looks truly awesome (and maybe a poster too! WANT.)
Well, my clock is Valve past nine. I got used to delays...
Dangnabit! This one needs sound. At least lunch break is coming up soon.
What she said.
Might just be me though.
Also, darn it for Pandora not to be listenable for non-US folks.
Hear, hear! We Europeans might have somewhere to be first thing tomorrow morning.