The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited May 2013
    Well, Dashing was the one who found this deal for me. GameCube, Hulk game, and nine other crappy games for forty bucks. Which, considering this was everything I wanted, I felt was a pretty good deal.

    What are the crappy games? And I'm surprised Dashing didn't just say "Don't get a Gamecube ever because it sucks and everything on it sucks.".
  • edited May 2013
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition.
    Certainly hope you got it a few days ago when it was half price.

    As for Gamecube titles, there's some quality ones out there, though they're mostly first-party ones. Also, several were ported to the Wii (Pikmin I + II, Metroid Prime I + II), so I won't list those.

    1080° Avalanche
    Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg (on PC as well, but only in Europe)
    Doshin the Giant (Europe only, I'm afraid)
    Eternal fucking Darkness
    F-Zero GX
    Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    Geist (OK, it's not amazing, but it's still pretty interesting)
    Harvest Moon (all three of them)
    Ikaruga (it's also on XBLA and Android, apparently)
    killer fucking 7
    Lost Kingdoms I + II
    Luigi's Mansion
    Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
    Mario Party 4-7 (but only one of them - they're pretty samey)
    Megaman: Network Transmission (it's hard as hell, but not bad at all)
    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
    P.N. 03
    Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
    Resident Evil 0 / 1 (these are the remakes, the others on the GC are ports of the originals)
    Skies of Arcadia: Legends
    Starfox Adventures (flawed, but still fun)
    Starfox Assault (see Starfox Adventures)
    Super Mario Sunshine (yes the cleaning elements get old, but it's still a good game)
    Tales of Symphonia (rumoured to be getting a PS3 remake, so maybe wait and see with this one)
    The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (play it co-op, for the love of Jehovah)
    The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (getting a WiiU port, though I'm not 100% about the new art style)
    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC version plays better, even if it's not quite as pretty)
    Universal Studios Theme Park Adventures (nah, I'm just kidding. This one's lame)
    Virtua Quest (NTSC only. Not great, but certainly interesting)
    Wave Race: Blue Storm

    Sure I'm missing some there, but that should get you started.
  • edited May 2013
    Well, I don't even know if I'll even have time to play many games on it. One of the ironies of my position. Sure, I can afford all these things I always wanted now... but I don't have any free time to devote to actually using them.

    I feel like I'm just stockpiling up things to do when I'm retired. Except I don't ever want to retire.
  • edited May 2013
    There are two Gamecube games that are a requirement of humanity to play. Eternal Darkness, and Paper Mario: TTYD.
  • edited May 2013
    There are two Gamecube games that are a requirement of humanity to play. Eternal Darkness, and Paper Mario: TTYD.
    I'd add that at the very least trying Killer7 is a requirement to keeping your street cred, even if I did forget it came out on the PS2 as well as the NGC. Oops.
  • edited May 2013
    Certainly hope you got it a few days ago when it was half price.

    As for Gamecube titles, there's some quality ones out there, though they're mostly first-party ones. Also, several were ported to the Wii (Pikmin I + II, Metroid Prime I + II), so I won't list those.

    1080° Avalanche
    Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg (on PC as well, but only in Europe)
    Doshin the Giant (Europe only, I'm afraid)
    Eternal fucking Darkness
    F-Zero GX
    Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    Geist (OK, it's not amazing, but it's still pretty interesting)
    Harvest Moon (all three of them)
    Ikaruga (it's also on XBLA and Android, apparently)
    killer fucking 7
    Lost Kingdoms I + II
    Luigi's Mansion
    Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
    Mario Party 4-7 (but only one of them - they're pretty samey)
    Megaman: Network Transmission (it's hard as hell, but not bad at all)
    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
    P.N. 03
    Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
    Resident Evil 0 / 1 (these are the remakes, the others on the GC are ports of the originals)
    Skies of Arcadia: Legends
    Starfox Adventures (flawed, but still fun)
    Starfox Assault (see Starfox Adventures)
    Super Mario Sunshine (yes the cleaning elements get old, but it's still a good game)
    Tales of Symphonia (rumoured to be getting a PS3 remake, so maybe wait and see with this one)
    The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (play it co-op, for the love of Jehovah)
    The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (getting a WiiU port, though I'm not 100% about the new art style)
    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC version plays better, even if it's not quite as pretty)
    Universal Studios Theme Park Adventures (nah, I'm just kidding. This one's lame)
    Virtua Quest (NTSC only. Not great, but certainly interesting)
    Wave Race: Blue Storm

    Sure I'm missing some there, but that should get you started.

    and there's Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle which both were remade for PS3, Xbox and Steam but the DX & Battle packs are DLC so...
  • edited May 2013
    I'd add that at the very least trying Killer7 is a requirement to keeping your street cred, even if I did forget it came out on the PS2 as well as the NGC. Oops.

    Screw PS2. I play its exclusives, but GCN always has better graphics. Always.
  • edited May 2013
    And I'm surprised Dashing didn't just say "Don't get a Gamecube ever because it sucks and everything on it sucks.".
    I did, but this was also probably the cheapest way to just get Hulk Ultimate Destruction playable in a single purchase. Yeah, I have my own opinions, but far be it from me to not help out and give somebody every option possible without being an ass about it and pushing my own perspective.

    The games were:

    TY the Tasmanian Tiger

    The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction

    From Russia With Love 007

    Crash Tag Team Racing

    Army Men Sarges War

    Naruto Clash of Ninja


    The Incredibles

    Mortal Kombat Deception

    Sponge Bob Square Pants Battle For Bikini Bottom
  • edited May 2013
    There are two Gamecube games that are a requirement of humanity to play. Eternal Darkness, and Paper Mario: TTYD.
    I'd add that at the very least trying Killer7 is a requirement to keeping your street cred, even if I did forget it came out on the PS2 as well as the NGC. Oops.
    Also, there's:
    • Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
    • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (controls are far better than for Wii)
    • Metroid Prime
    • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
    • Tales of Symphonia
    • Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
    • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2 or 3
    • Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
    And a GameBoy Player, which physically attaches to the bottom of the GameCube so that you can play GameBoy, GBC, and GBA games.
  • edited May 2013
    With a Game Boy Player, she could theoretically play all 13 Zelda games released before Phantom Hourglass on one system (though Four Swords would require a friend). But I'll settle for Ocarina of Time. We have an arrangement. If I finish Planescape: Torment, she plays Ocarina of Time.
  • edited May 2013
    That sounds like the best arrangement ever.

    Last bought:


    It's $1 on IndieGameStand (dot com), so what the hell are you people waiting for.
  • edited May 2013
    That sounds like the best arrangement ever.

    It's a hell of a lot better than my arrangement with Dashing to play KOTOR if he finished Gemini Rue.
    It's $1 on IndieGameStand (dot com), so what the hell are you people waiting for.

    I was on the fence about it, but you talked me into it. I'll even spring for the extra 30 cents to get the BTA stuff.
  • edited May 2013
    With a Game Boy Player, she could theoretically play all 13 Zelda games released before Phantom Hourglass on one system (though Four Swords would require a friend). But I'll settle for Ocarina of Time.
    You realize that the Zelda collection on Gamecube that contains Ocarina of Time is like $80 right?

    EDIT: Actually, now I'm seeing them for about $45. Were they always around this price or did they drop? It's still a high cost relative to the Virtual Console releases.
  • edited May 2013
    With a Game Boy Player, she could theoretically play all 13 Zelda games released before Phantom Hourglass on one system (though Four Swords would require a friend). But I'll settle for Ocarina of Time. We have an arrangement. If I finish Planescape: Torment, she plays Ocarina of Time.

    If she's gonna play Twilight Princess, it's better to play Ocarina of Time first, as TP pays a huge amount of homage to it.

    EDIT: Actually, there should be some sort of deal like, if she plays Ocarina of Time, you have to stream a playthrough of King's Quest VI.
    You realize that the Zelda collection on Gamecube that contains Ocarina of Time is like $80 right?

    EDIT: Actually, now I'm seeing them for about $45. Were they always around this price or did they drop? It's still a high cost relative to the Virtual Console releases.
    Depends on the quality and whether one can get it at such as GameStop. GameStop is selling it used for 30 bucks.

    As I recall, it really was only ever the "new" ones that were expensive.
  • edited May 2013
    You realize that the Zelda collection on Gamecube that contains Ocarina of Time is like $80 right?

    I did say theoretically. Also, if I wasn't concerned with LoZ, Zelda II, or Majora's Mask, the Ocarina of Time Master Quest disc is much cheaper. Also, you really end up paying a lot more on eBay when you only look at Buy it Now auctions, which is what I know you're doing.
  • edited May 2013
    Also, just because everyone is talking about the GameCube...

    Rather Dashing's list of Worthwhile Games on the GameCube

    Because this is AlcoreMortis's first and only console, this list can and will contain multiplatform titles.

    1. H1o6mGu.jpg
    Remake of the first Metal Gear Solid, the remake is exclusive to the GameCube.

    2. mkgyT1s.jpg?1
    Compilation of previous MegaMan games, also had Xbox and PS2 versions.

    3. PIudgon.jpg?1

    4. U1ADn5K.jpg?1

    5. uNz7nwU.jpg?1
    Had a PS2 port.

    6. 0fvSYbp.jpg?1
    Had a PS2 version.

    7. JUrt1Lm.jpg?1

    8. XjMkDDR.jpg
    Exclusive. Microphone-controlled Pinball/RTS mash-up

    9. WKBDx3O.jpg?1
    Had Dreamcast and XBLA releases.

    10. wjbxWvD.jpg?1

    11. V6y9Dqm.jpg?1
    Also on PS2

    12. S03UwlY.jpg?1

    13. f8wDVBf.jpg?1

    14. CwfLQ9n.jpg?1

    15. iswm3go.jpg?1

    16. WwnzBDp.jpg

    There you go. Every game worth playing on the GameCube, minus Ultimate Destruction and multiplayer-focused titles.
  • edited May 2013
    There's a couple gems there, but for the most part, this list makes me sad.
  • edited May 2013
    What about?

  • edited May 2013
    I've played it coolsome. It's kinda 'meh'. (But for a wrestling game, that's pretty damn good!)
  • edited May 2013
    There's a couple gems there, but for the most part, this list makes me sad.

    Also, no one has mentioned Super Mario Sunshine yet.

    edit: or F-Zero GX, or Pikmin 2.
  • edited May 2013
    I did, but this was also probably the cheapest way to just get Hulk Ultimate Destruction playable in a single purchase. Yeah, I have my own opinions, but far be it from me to not help out and give somebody every option possible without being an ass about it and pushing my own perspective.

    The games were:

    TY the Tasmanian Tiger

    The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction

    From Russia With Love 007

    Crash Tag Team Racing

    Army Men Sarges War

    Naruto Clash of Ninja


    The Incredibles

    Mortal Kombat Deception

    Sponge Bob Square Pants Battle For Bikini Bottom

    In my opinion and being fair, Spongebob is a good collect platformer that has the spirit of the first 3 seasons and movie in my opinion. Also Ty is enjoyable in my opinion as well as another good platformer. Madagascar is a OK movie game. Not in the worst of the movie game pile.
  • edited May 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    no one has mentioned Super Mario Sunshine yet.

    edit: or F-Zero GX, or Pikmin 2.
    I mentioned all three in my list. Glad to see people were paying attention.
  • edited May 2013
    There's a couple gems there, but for the most part, this list makes me sad.

    His list is not bad....better than I expected. Mine:

    GAHEGG.png GKBEAF.png GK4E01.png GGEE41.png GEZE8P.png GGTE01.png GCBE7D.png GXCE01.png GDQE7L.png GPKE41.png GDDE41.png GYBE01.png GKDP01.png GEDE01.png GFZE01.png GFPEA4.png GFGEA4.png GHGEEB.png GUME52.png GK7E08.png GKYE01.png GLME01.png GFTE01.png GM4E01.png GMPE01.png GP5E01.png G6QE08.png GREE08.png GM8E01.png G2ME01.png GOOE01.png GPNE08.png G8ME01.png GPIE01.png GPVE01.png GC6E01.png GXXE01.png GPTE41.png G2OE41.png GKME41.png GRHP41.png GBIE08.png GHAE08.png GLEE08.png G4BE08.png GIHE78.png GXSP6W.png GSNE8P.png GRSEAF.png GXPE78.png GK2E52.png G2PE6U.png GQPE78.png GSAE01.png GMSE01.png GMBE8P.png GM2P8P.png GALE01.png GSUE70.png GJUE78.png G2FE78.png GQSEAF.png GHBE7D.png GHUE7D.png G4SE01.png D43E01.png GZLE01.png GZ2E01.png GSPP69.png GHQE7D.png GCEE41.png GL8E4F.png GVJE08.png G2VE08.png GWLE6L.png GZWE01.png GWWE01.png GX3E41.png
  • edited May 2013
    I don't know about Chyron but I averted my eyes and skipped over the rest of the list after I came across the f word in the fifth game. Besides you can't expect people to read posts that long without some pictures or something.
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, I'm sorry if my language offended you.

    Wait, no. No I'm not. Not even remotely.

    And Fawful - LOT of images. Can you possibly find some smaller ones? Thanks.
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, I'm sorry if my language offended you.

    Wait, no. No I'm not. Not even remotely.

    And Fawful - LOT of images. Can you possibly find some smaller ones? Thanks.

    No. I spent two hours on that. That's the maximum amount of time I'm willing to spend finding video game covers.
  • edited May 2013
    I don't mind finding smaller ones for you if you'll let me restore/edit your post.
  • edited May 2013
    I don't mind finding smaller ones for you if you'll let me restore/edit your post.

    Knock yourself out.
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, I'm sorry if my language offended you.

    It didn't. Just a failed attempt at mocking Chyron for missing the sixth game on your list.
  • edited May 2013
    Knock yourself out.
    Almost did. End result looks way better though, wouldn't you agree? ;)
  • edited May 2013
    Almost did. End result looks way better though, wouldn't you agree? ;)

    Yeah although now I want to take out Wario World and add Jimmy Neutron Attack of the Twonkies, Fairy Oddparents Breakin Da Rules, and Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem, but I'm content to let this post do it for me. Also you did amazing work. It's gorgeous.
  • edited May 2013
    His list is not bad....better than I expected. Mine:

    Several of these games actually came up as he was building the list. He considered but didn't include: Alien Hominid, Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (because of the required bongo controller), Doshin the Giant (because it's an import game), Luigi's Mansion (because he felt it was a good atmosphere but not good gameplay, unlike the sequel), Pikmin, the Resident Evils (best I can figure, because he's a Silent Hill fan), Wario World, WarioWare, and any "party games", like Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros (because Alcoremortis will likely be playing alone).

    We also discussed Super Mario Sunshine (which was his least favorite 3D Mario because of the environment and the jetpack gameplay), Star Fox Adventures (which I argued is an amazing game set in the Star Fox universe that just doesn't use traditional Star Fox gameplay, and he didn't care for it), and Tales of Symphonia, which both Dashing and Alcoremortis didn't think was a very good game.
  • edited May 2013
    Several of these games actually came up as he was building the list. He considered but didn't include: Alien Hominid, Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (because of the required bongo controller), Doshin the Giant (because it's an import game), Luigi's Mansion (because he felt it was a good atmosphere but not good gameplay, unlike the sequel), Pikmin, the Resident Evils (best I can figure, because he's a Silent Hill fan), Wario World, WarioWare, and any "party games", like Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros (because Alcoremortis will likely be playing alone).

    We also discussed Super Mario Sunshine (which was his least favorite 3D Mario because of the environment and the jetpack gameplay), Star Fox Adventures (which I argued is an amazing game set in the Star Fox universe that just doesn't use traditional Star Fox gameplay, and he didn't care for it), and Tales of Symphonia, which both Dashing and Alcoremortis didn't think was a very good game.

    Resident Evil isn't scary until 3, but I love playing them as awesome B movie types. Silent Hill is quite a bit above even A material, with 2 up there with some of the best classic stories. Luigi's Mansion has great gameplay. The bongo controller is neat and I don't understand why that would be a negative. Wario World is just okay and I'm sorry I included it. Mario Party can be fun alone due to minigames, but I didn't make that list for Alcoremortis.

    My list for Alcoremortis would be significantly smaller and down to absolute must-plays. Sunshine is fun and I love the environment in it. I have more fun with Sunshine than I EVER had with SM64. Come at me, bros.

    I don't even want to hear about SFA hate, so I'll pretend you didn't say that, and Tales of Symphonia has great visuals but just okay story.

    This list I made is just a list of games I consider worthwhile on the Gamecube as an antithesis to Dashing, although I value his opinion and found his list surprisingly good.
  • edited May 2013
    Resident Evil isn't scary until 3, but I love playing them as awesome B movie types.

    I would've recommended RE4. It's a damn fine game, and it's the one that hooked me on the franchise and got me to look at the earlier games (though I've still only played 0, 4, and 5 because the only other game I own is REmake, and I'm waiting until I own 2, 3, and Code:Veronica.)
    The bongo controller is neat and I don't understand why that would be a negative.

    Because it's an additional purchase? I thought the DK Bongos were neat, but I've had very limited experience with them and never managed to pick up a set.
    Wario World is just okay and I'm sorry I included it.

    Dashing said that he loves every Wario game except that one. I haven't actually played a Wario game, so I had nothing to say in return.
    Sunshine is fun and I love the environment in it. I have more fun with Sunshine than I EVER had with SM64. Come at me, bros.

    This is pretty much exactly what I told Dashing last night. He defended it for being groundbreaking. I don't regret playing it or even 100%ing it, it's just not my favorite 3D Mario, and I enjoyed Sunshine much more.
    I don't even want to hear about SFA hate, so I'll pretend you didn't say that

    Hey, I'm with you. I adore SFA. It's easily one of the prettiest games on the GameCube, and it's a hell of a lot of fun.
  • edited May 2013
    You can't buy a hug :(
  • edited May 2013
    Regarding 64 vs sunshine I don't understand the argument that doing it first automatically means doing it better. Many reviewers give lower ratings to good games or movies just because something else did it first, I guess.
  • edited May 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Regarding 64 vs sunshine I don't understand the argument that doing it first automatically means doing it better. Many reviewers give lower ratings to good games or movies just because something else did it first, I guess.
    INVENTING something is generally more admirable than COPYING something. The lightbulb is a pretty impressive thing but nobody's going to celebrate if I make one now the same way they might if the thing had never been made.
  • edited May 2013
    True, but I would much rather use a lightbulb produced today than the first lightbulb made by Edison. Just because you did it first, that doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
  • edited May 2013
    I'm just saying, "Just because they did it first" is a poor argument for demeaning the value of inventing something. Doing something first IS by itself a quality worth celebrating by itself. Denigrating that by using "just" to pretend the act of inventing how to do open 3D games is in some way no less impressive than just doing "that, but again" is ridiculous. Two things that are exactly the same other than one being the first to ever do what they do are not actually equal things, there's a real false equivalency there.
  • edited May 2013
    True, but I would much rather use a lightbulb produced today than the first lightbulb made by Edison.

    Do you know how much you could sell the first lightbulb for!?
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