The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited May 2011
    The first time I read Bone (in the nine smaller volumes, two of which I own, the other seven from my school library years later), it was in black and white anyway. The only time I've ever seen it in color was when Disney Adventures ran it, which is what got me into Bone in the first place.

    I own the entire series in color, only problem is that a stack of nine graphic novels is surprisingly bulky.
  • edited May 2011
    From Amazon:


    From The Valve Store:

  • edited May 2011
    There's a print coming to the Valve store that I would love to own, but the shipping to England is so much! I went through the pretence of wanting another print to see how much and it came up as $40! :( So I doubt I'll be getting that print anytime soon.
  • edited May 2011
    'Commandos 3: Destination Berlin', since it was only a buck on Steam. I probably won't play it, but I might as well add it to my games collection.
  • edited May 2011
    Hayden wrote: »
    'Commandos 3: Destination Berlin', since it was only a buck on Steam. I probably won't play it, but I might as well add it to my games collection.

    One of the best reasons to buy a game. :D

    And for what I am going to buy, I better just post it now.
    I am going to pre-order Duke Nukem Forever, and I am going to buy an Indie game called Garshasp: The Monster Hunter.
  • edited May 2011
    The Witcher. Because apparently I'm a sucker for things recommended by Dashing that are on sale, whether I know shit about them or not.
  • edited May 2011
    The Witcher and The Witcher 2

    Funnily enough I owned all the 5 games to choose from.
    (well it actually was pretty deliberate actually. I didn't want to get stuck with Gothic 2 as I already own that. So I got it in a JoWood sale with the rest of the Jowood stuff)

    So I got to choose any game from the catalogue.
    Wasn't much of a choice since I own most of the catalgue (Sales man. Sales)
    so hopefully I'll get a free copy of Unreal Tournament 2004
    (I lost my copy...)
    Why Unreal 2004?
    Well its likely to not be on sale, its $9.99, and its on my wishlist.
    plus mods.
  • edited May 2011
    Literally? Three 1.25 Litre bottles of Cherry Coke, an 8 pack of Frisps, a pack of Fridge Raiders (Southern Fried flavour) and a Smoked Pork Sausage.

    EDIT: Wait, what Jowood sale?
  • edited May 2011
    Some Wii / Gamecube games i've bought




    and i bought Alone In The Dark 1 - 3, The Witcher, Gothic 2, Painkiller and Rayman from Good Old Games.
  • edited May 2011
    Those images are HUGE. Any chance you can find smaller ones?

    EDIT: Eh, I'm bored. Here you go.



  • edited May 2011
    I have two of the three of those that I want. I need to get the GCN versions of Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code: Veronica.
  • edited May 2011
    There are times I wish I still had my GameCube. Hell it's the only Nintendo home console I don't still have access to.
  • edited May 2011
    I just bought Amnesia the Dark Descent. Going to play it this weekend. XD
  • edited May 2011
    There are times I wish I still had my GameCube. Hell it's the only Nintendo home console I don't still have access to.
    If you have a Wii, you have a Gamecube. I hear they're going cheap these days ;)

    GuruGuru - I actually have all the GC/Wii Resident Evil games. There's actually Wii ports of the Gamecube versions of Residents Evil 0 and 1 (if that makes sense), so you might wanna look into those if you don't already have them. If you have the GC versions though, it's not worth the effort.

    Also, bear in mind that the Gamecube ports of the later REs in the series are literally that - ports. They look like N64 games, because that's basically what they are. Just straight-up conversions of the original Playstation games. And for some reason, Code Veronica X still comes on two discs. I do not know how that works, but it's just as much a pain as always.

    Back on topic, the last thing I purchased was today's Sun newspaper. Exciting, huh?
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, I own Zero and the REmake. The rest of my Resident Evil collection consists of 4, 4 Wii Edition, Umbrella Chronicles, and Darkside Chronicles. I've beaten Zero and 4, and I came close to beating Umbrella Chronicles before I sent my Wii in and lost my data. I sort of decided to hold off on playing the REmake until I have the rest.

    And I know the rest are straight ports, but as there's never been remakes of them, I figure I may as well get the ports for my favorite console. And...yeah, I need to get a PS3 so I can get RE5. I played it with my cousin on his Xbox when he borrowed it from a friend, but I'd like to own it.
  • edited May 2011
    If you have a Wii, you have a Gamecube. I hear they're going cheap these days ;)

    True enough but it's still lacking the controllers & the games. Plus, I just would like to have it for completeness sake. I might actually look around for one, when I've got a bit of spare cash.
  • edited May 2011
    The Naked Gun Trilogy and Police Squad - In Color.
  • edited May 2011
  • edited May 2011
    The Witcher!
  • edited May 2011
    Got Serious Sam HD Gold Edition which contains, First and Second Encounter in HD and Classic as it was 75% off.
  • edited May 2011
    With the death of Spotify I picked up a few albums for the old Victrola


  • edited May 2011
    Got Serious Sam HD Gold Edition which contains, First and Second Encounter in HD and Classic as it was 75% off.
    Does it count if I say I would have bought that as well if I didn't already own it?
  • edited May 2011
    T-shirts for work, peanut butter fudge, paper and a new Scott Mariani book.
  • edited May 2011
    Book of Grickle. 8 dollars on Amazon including shipping.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2011

    New shower hose. Old one busted yesterday and left more water spraying onto the ceiling than down through the showerhead.

    Gonna go collect it from Argos now... exciting times indeed.
  • edited May 2011
    I got myself this.
  • edited May 2011
    You bought a man holding a necklace!? did the necklace come free?
  • edited May 2011
    I was wondering why that guy was following me home...
  • edited May 2011
    For £30 I got:

    Ace Combat 6 (360)
    Deadly Premonition (360) (I've been itching to get this for a while, since everone's talking about it!)
    Curse of Monkey Island (PC. Dvd box-sized classic version (2 PC CD-ROM))
    Only have Escape from Monkey Island to get before I have the whole series!
    (I got the first 2 as remakes, Curse just now, and I also already own the Tales series. (I kind of want to get all of them before and play them before I start Tales!)
  • edited May 2011
    I got...


    ... and I'm seriously loving it! :D
  • edited May 2011
    WzAxg.jpg yC9MD.jpg

    From Steam.

    I'm interested in buying Dragon Age: Origins, but I'm currently waiting to see if it goes on sale anywhere soon.
  • edited May 2011
    I loved his doctor who script, so I figured I'd give his novels a try.
  • edited May 2011
    Two long stitch patterns, a couple of kids books, peanut butter m&m's, reeses pieces and other yummy american chocolates. Oh, and a twinkie! (always wanted to try one of them!)
  • edited May 2011
    I'm sure you'll notice a theme.... well almost.
  • edited May 2011
    I've got broads in lala land, sleazy flick merchants rolling about in my gutters and the DA up my ass. It could only mean...

  • edited May 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I'm sure you'll notice a theme.... well almost.

    Don't make an eye patch out of duct tape. Those things rarely turn out well.
  • edited May 2011
    Where the heck were you a couple of hours ago you could have saved me an eyebrow :p
  • edited May 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Where the heck were you a couple of hours ago you could have saved me an eyebrow :p

    Sorry. I was asleep. It's hard work, you know, saving the world and such.
  • edited May 2011
  • edited May 2011
    LA Noire ^_^
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