The Walking Dead Episode 1 REVIEW THREAD
I just completed the first episode and i must say.. WAW this game is just incredible. It is so intense. Such a cool, interesting story and so much fun. I just love that you finaly get way more freedom now with this game than older Telltale ones. I have aswell been reading the forums with people having alot of issues with the game. I haven't had any problems at all. Everything went incredibly well so i suggest to clean ur pc up or get a serious one really. Great First Episode Telltale i'm proud too say this is ur best game yet that i have ever played from u guys! You did lots of efford and it shows off! Cannot wait for second episode looks very promising as what i have seen at the end of the first episode! I seriously did not know this game would be so awesome and polished!
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Favourite moments were the little touching bits with certain characters. The only issue I had was with some iffy audio quality for the dialogue, so hopefully that gets patched in time for my second run through.
Great job Telltale.
When is it coming out?.. Kinda bad to releash only 1/5 of a game.
That is the normal TTG-model. You buy the whole season and get the episodes on a monthly basis.
They are certainly still working on episode 2. They will tell you when it comes out as soon as they know the date.
Trust them. They have made this many times.
- Crashes on startup
- Poor Audio Quality yet Again
- Controller Problems
What a great first episode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had no problems at all. Maybe you should keep your posts in those other threads and keep the developers informed of your issues and specs.
I loved it. Makes me want to go back through and replay it again to find out what would of happened if I made different choices.
Yes because thread titles are simply the best judge of quality.
Nothing to do with the fact that people with problems are more likely to post than people who haven't had any.
No Crashes for me. Great audio for me. No controller problems for me... you gotta connect your controller when your ingame at startupscreen else it won't recognize. This game is a near perfection for me!
Good note and to add only disgruntled customers like to bash.
Or simply people that can't play the game they bought because TT doesn't know QWERTY isn't the only keyboard configuration in the world... And because TT just passed 5 mins on the portabilty because they doesn't give a sh** for the PC users !
i7 running oc 3.8ghz liquid cooled
6 gb ram ddr3
1 ati 4890 1gb power color
raid 0 hdd 2tb
max settings and only have a bit of audio distortion and the most of the cut scenes skip.
This is sad, I don't want to wait a few month to play this game. I won't even fell like finishing it by then.
Imo they should have completed it and releashed as a whole.
The game is very good but this method don't make me want to buy games from them.
u seriously should of read about telltale or the walking dead game before you bought it then shouldnt you. a little bit of research goes a long way.
I haven't gotten mine yet. What gives?²
In short; Yes. Absolutely. There's some clearly obvious choices you have to make that i think will gradually change the future your lee everett experiences, and how the survivors react to you... hell even clementine.
I'm ready for the second episode, now, so please release it right now.
The Walking Dead:
Pros: Its good
Cons: Zombies Smell
Suggestions: Buy
The End.
My favorite thing has to be the conversations, I actually do want to hear what everyone has to say! I also like that you streamlined the item usage. I don't have to search for stuff in a box anymore, it just shows up under clickable events. Nicely played!
My only complaint is probably the same one everyone else had. When playing on Steam, I had a huge halted slow down at the first scene but as soon as I could I just turned my shadows down and the rest of the episode was fine. For some reason I always have a problem with shadows being set to high with my ATI card.
Again, great work and can't wait for the next episode!
And I played it on the PS3 and didn't have a single glitch, except that weird freezing screen after the episode is over.
Did you pre-order on Steam?
If so, restart Steam, hope it helps.
First thing is I have an i7 2600K 4.1 Ghz 16GB Ram and a GTX 570. I maxed out the settings on my PC. I downloaded this from steam with the code provided and I had no technical issues. The Audio has popped maybe twice but other than that I have had no audio problems at all. Nothing like Jurassic Park. I have also been able to use my Logitech controller to play this so far with no problems for those concerned about controller compatibility.
Now on to the game. First of all I like this animation. Its a mix between cell shading and comic book style. Telltale has done a great job of bringing the pages of a comic book to life in a way I've never seen before. It really is easy on the eyes. Cinematic games have been tried several times but Telltale might have hit that perfect combination for this type game.
The sound is good but the music does overshoot the voices sometimes. Not nearly enough to complain much though. I've really liked the score so far and it really flows well with the on screen action.
Playing the game is also a fun. I've never seen this system implemented in a game before quite like this. I heard someone complain on IGN the other day about this being all QTE's. They have no idea how misinformed they were. The only QTE I have seen so far is when you are in a struggle with a walker. The QTE then feels almost natural as you are in the struggle pressing the buttons to try and escape a Walkers grasp. The way your character moves and the camera pans with it also works well. I don't really have any complaints with the control scheme. I haven't tried the keyboard setup yet so I'm not sure how that one works.
The Story has been superb so far and written very well. When a scene gets intense it is just like watching the show or reading the comic. You literally sit on the edge of your seat. So far I feel this game has done justice to the comics. The internal conflicts and emotions of the humans trapped in this hell is very evident and it works as well as the comics and show. I really didn't want to stop playing but I knew I had to pull myself away from the game. First time that has happened for me in a long time. I wanted to stop in and write this real quick as to ease the minds of those that are upset with the situation of not being able to download this directly from telltale. This is going to be a fun game to watch unfold.
EVERYTHING in The Walking Dead was top notch. The voice acting, the gorgeous cel shaded art, the decisions, the setting, the took me THERE, I played with my heart through the episode's duration.
Thank you ever so much for this FANTASTIC work of art!
Minus the zombie pillow smothering. You guys know that covering a car window with a pillow and elbowing it will dull the sound right? More so than using a pillow as a gun silencer?
The grown woman having no clue about how to use a radio however -and a radio reporter at that- was a bit funny and out of place, but in the midst of the rest of that excellence, I'm willing to put it down to zombie shock.
The game was AMAZING. Only "issues" was some of the lip synching that was a bit off and tears in the sound during the later half, but again these are but minor quibbles on an awesome, awesome game that every adventure fan should check out.
I need to sleep so I am not a zombie in my work! Is 2:25
Damn it. Couldn't stop playing and now I want to follow other decisions. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Anyway, thanks for such an amazing game.