Agreed, great start to what will no doubt be a great season! As a fan of the comics I really feel Telltale nailed the atmosphere and the dialogue was perfect. Second the good mix of action and adventure, it really made the experience feel risky without being overly harsh.
I found the textures of low quality, they are low rez and there are seams especially on the characters hair.
The voice audio seemed to be either a bit low quallity or it might be a incompatibillity with my headset.
As for the movie itself i found it pretty good and entertaining, much better then Jurassic park, can't wait for the other episodes.
First off, thank you for sending an email so that I can download the game through Steam.
Secondly, thank you for creating an awesome game. I didn't think it was going to be THIS good. I still have goose bumps after the Pharmacy ending. I hope you guys can keep this kind of tension throughout the entire series.
Hey Guys,
Great start to the Walking Dead Game, Love it.
My question:
Can I get Episode 2?
I bought Episode 1 through steam and the only connection I can see is to get a Season Pass, but I can not find the link and would really love to get it.
I was actually kind of expecting more Monkey Island-esk gaming. I was very pleased with the game play. The tension and sense of urgency created at the key moments was fantastic. Awesome job TTG!
Hey Guys,
Great start to the Walking Dead Game, Love it.
My question:
Can I get Episode 2?
I bought Episode 1 through steam and the only connection I can see is to get a Season Pass, but I can not find the link and would really love to get it.
Thank you for your time,
Zombies Down Under
I believe if you bought it through Steam (paid the $24.99) that is a season pass. Meaning you will get all 5 episodes as they come available. 2 comes out next month.
I don't know quite how to convey to you my appreciation for the work you've done in this game; environment, character development, over-all tone, pacing.
Please, please, please - make multiple seasons of this. Please?
Loved every minute of this first episode. They're hitting us with a few extremely well done moral dilemma already, and the hard choices were tough. I get the feeling they're going to get harder.
Just please don't make me chose between saving Clem or a whole bunch of people. Just don't.
I also loved it. The atmosphere was amazing, and I felt emotionally attached to several of the characters... especially Clem! Cutest kid in all of video game history By the end, I felt a real bond with Kenny's family as well, and hated Mean Dad(cannot remember his name).
The moral choices were rough, and the conversation timer and QTEs added a sense of tension that you almost never feel in an adventure game.
My only issues were:
-weird skipping/pausing when
fleeing the zombies in the woods
(apparently an ATI-specific issue that can be solved by turning down/off shadows).
-sluggish mouse cursor using high resolution(despite my system being quite decent)
-a few audio oddities, especially near the end of the episode
-the game froze and had to be restarted when I was
dealing with the infected woman in the motel
I'll definitely be re-playing the game twice(once more to see the outcomes of other choices, and then again as a "final" go through using the choices that suit "my" Lee.
- Love the cel-shading art and hand-drawn comic book style you guys went with!
- I'm sucked into that Walking Dead world.
- The music, ambiance and tone was 100%. (Congrats Telltale!)
- Initially it felt "short", but when you put the $5 into perspective, it's like an interactive comic issue monthly. Then it magically transforms into pretty darn good value! (i'm not sure how TV fans or 1st time Telltale customers or L4D2 players would feel about this.... )
- I'm replaying it on the 2nd slot now, nasty style.
- MAJOR BUG found here
----> If i go with "Don't give her the gun"...
Have to force-quit (CMD+OPT+ESC) the game and replay the scene and go with "Give her the gun". :mad:
I'm on a 27" iMac Late-2009 2.8 GHz Core i7
4GB RAM & ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
Mac OS X 10.7.3
- Sporadic glitchy/screechy audio!
- Some transitions (after you selected your choice) freezes for 5-10 secs before progressing.
Plays fine on my little Macbook Pro. I gave her the gun and had no problems. I have a macbook pro with a 2.26 GHz Intel core 2 processor, 4 GB RAM, and Mac OSX Version 10.6.8.
I would want the gun too if I was bitten and felt like turning into a zombie was inevitable.
I just wanted to doff my hat to you and raise a glass to your continued success.
I'm playing The Walking Dead, and without doubt, Clementine is one of the most sincere and real depictions of not only a child, but a video game companion, in a video game, ever.
When I saw in the trailer when Lee tells Clementine that her parents might be gone for a while and she replies 'oh', it was so beautifully understated and genuine - and the voice acting so classy - that I signed on the dotted line and bought the season right there.
Kudos and respect to the writing, sir. Much luck for the rest of the season.
The voice actors all did a wonderful jobs, but Clementine really stood out. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her parents may not be coming back. I lied and said that they would find us. The only lie Lee ever told her.
First of all, before I say anything else, I want to give a HUGE thank you to the Telltale Team for tirelessly working overtime to fix the issues surrounding the game's release, and for giving a free Steam key when all else failed. I may have been really critical of Telltale lately, but there isn't a single other game company out there that cares more about its fans, so thank you. Now go get some sleep.
Anyway, after BttF and JP being such letdowns, I wasn't going into this game particularly optimistic. Maybe it's just that my expectations were so low, but overall I was pleased.
For starters, the writing was great, although you can say that about every Telltale game (even the bad ones!). Telltale's always been really good when it comes to getting an emotional reaction out of the player, whether it's laughing your ass off at Sam and Max or feeling bad for a young Emmett Brown, so it was pretty interesting seeing what they'd come up with in an M-Rated environment. Stuff like having to repeatedly swing an axe into your brother is...creative, to say the least. There aren't a lot of games that force you to perform acts of violence but make you feel uncomfortable about it (I guess GTA4 could count, maybe), so props to Telltale for venturing into mostly unexplored territory. I also found myself liking all the characters too (except Lilly's dad. Fuck that guy :rolleyes: ).
The game's nice, graphically. Telltale found a decent middle-ground between cartoony and realistic that mostly avoids the issues with both styles. The sets were incredible as well, I should add. I don't think Telltale's ever put this much detail in their backgrounds before. And Jared Emerson-Johnson's music is great as always.
Now onto the real meat of the matter, the gameplay. Like Jurassic Park, this is an interactive movie. Unlike Jurassic Park, this is an interactive movie done right. While you're still sort of moving on rails through the path the game sets out for you, they give just enough freedom along the way to keep the player engaged. Also, that whole motel scene was just incredible. Probably the best Telltale moment since the fight with Charlie Ho-Tep.
I'd also like to discuss the non-linearity this game loved to use as a selling point. Now, this is obviously a nice idea since it allows the player some freedom. One of my gripes with JP (and to a lesser extent BttF) was scrapping the Sam and Max-style dialogue trees and instead having these long...dialogue sequences, where you're forced to pick something to say and you can't backtrack. This was especially irritating because it usually didn't even matter what you picked, and the game would move forward regardless. (Hell, sometimes they'd even say the exact same line, no matter what option you picked.) In adventure games, progress should happen by solving puzzles, and a "puzzle" that solves itself no matter what is...well, it's just a crappy puzzle. Anyway, The Walking Dead does a huge improvement on these "dialogue sequences" by having what you say matter...and giving you a limited time to answer. Suddenly, these once-boring scenes can get pretty tense.
At the same time, though, I get the feeling in the long run this game might not be quite as non-linear as Telltale claims. It's kind of hard to judge this when there's only one episode so far, but I'd like to point out the incident on Hershel's farm. I chose to save Shawn, yet despite my choice Shawn died and Duck lived. It seems pretty clear that, no matter what you pick, you're going to follow the same basic story with a few minor differences. I was sort of expecting there'd be an opportunity for some huge deviations, to the point that Episode 5 would be a completely different game for everyone who played it. But to be fair, that kind of game would be difficult for even a big-budget developer to do, much less a smaller one like Telltale, so I won't complain too much.
Is there any other negative stuff I should bring up? ...Well, I miss point-and-click adventure games. I guess I shouldn't hold it against The Walking Dead for being something completely different, though. "It's not an adventure game!" was a valid complaint with BttF because it tried to be one but failed, and it was a valid complaint with Jurassic Park because the new direction that game took was just plain abysmal, but with The Walking Dead...yeah, I guess I can't fault it too much. If I raise a big stink about how it's not an adventure game, I guess I'd be as bad as the 13-year-old kids whining about how it's not an FPS. Still, I do hope Telltale gives us something more...traditional soon. I guess there's always King's Quest.
Oh, and the Steam achievements are really uncreative. They're all progress-related. Come on, how about something you need to go a little out of your way for? I guess the achievement whores out there will like it, though.
Anyway, so far I'm liking this a lot. Easily the best game Telltale's done since The Devil's Playhouse. Eagerly looking forward to the other episodes.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with something far scarier than a zombie outbreak...finals week.
- MAJOR BUG found here
----> If i go with "Don't give her the gun"...
Have to force-quit (CMD+OPT+ESC) the game and replay the scene and go with "Give her the gun". :mad:
I'm on a 27" iMac Late-2009 2.8 GHz Core i7
4GB RAM & ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
Mac OS X 10.7.3
- Sporadic glitchy/screechy audio!
- Some transitions (after you selected your choice) freezes for 5-10 secs before progressing.
I have the same iMac as you except I have 16GB of RAM instead of 4 and am also running 10.7.3 and I didn't have any of the problems you had. My game settings were on max and highest resolution as well.
In fact, I encountered absolutely no bugs at all or any kind of lag/stutter.
The most impressive feature I have noticed so far is the "On the Next Episode of . . . " continuity of your choices so far having a direct impact on future events. I played through twice as to discern for sure if this was true of just coincidence.
Oh, and the Steam achievements are really uncreative. They're all progress-related. Come on, how about something you need to go a little out of your way for? I guess the achievement whores out there will like it, though.
We actually had to come up with all our achievements for the entire season due to the way consoles are handling our episodic format. So I'm afraid it will only get even less creative in the future.
We actually had to come up with all our achievements for the entire season due to the way consoles are handling our episodic format. So I'm afraid it will only get even less creative in the future.
That sucks to hear. Still, I guess it's only achievements.
To go off on a little tangent, I really liked the in-game "awesomeness" achievements in SBCG4AP. Encouraging exploration is always a good thing. It'd be great to see something like that again.
Overall I think the episode was pretty good however there are a few points I'd like to raise. While I didn't find them too distracting it did make the difference between being polished and being simply well done.
a) Audio Compression - I noticed a fair amount of clipping and hissing as mentioned in another thread, mostly likely due to over-compression to reduce file size but please if possible consider a slightly less aggressive amount of compression. I also noticed slight level differences between dialogue snippets.
b) Blocky Shadows - Mostly during cinematics and likely due to me playing at a higher resolution, a pity really. Also in many cutscenes none of the zombies were casting shadows which I found broke the immersion.
c) Slow movement speed - Not a biggie I guess but a slightly faster movement speed would be really nice.
d) Over-Exaggerated Facial Animations - I understand the sense of emotion you're trying to convey but in certain instances I felt that Lee's "expressive" or "high emotion" facial animations were a little too exaggerated especially when compared to Clementine who was handled superbly (can I haz her?). Perhaps consider conveying stronger emotion through your voice actors, Lee's tone change way too little for such extreme circumstances.
Other than that congratulations on such great work despite the launch issues. Looking forward to the next episodes!
Loved Episode 1, my only complaint is that when you have a limited time to make a decision, they don't even give you enough time to read all of the options. I understand that they want you to feel the anxiety of making a snap judgement, but if the entire idea of this game is to make a choice, it's executed poorly by not giving you a chance to even read all of the choices.
Loved Episode 1, my only complaint is that when you have a limited time to make a decision, they don't even give you enough time to read all of the options. I understand that they want you to feel the anxiety of making a snap judgement, but if the entire idea of this game is to make a choice, it executes poorly by not giving you a chance to even read all of the choice.
I had a rougher time my first play through reading all the possible choices too, but the second time through I did not. I don't know why that was, but it was. I have noticed the speed of the timer is not the same for all choices. It depends upon the situation. Herschel, for example, will not wait very long for a reply when he asks something. He is just that kind of person. Other choices must be made fast or people die. Heroes learn not to hesitate long
I just finished 1st episode and I'm really surprised how good it is. I love TWD comic books (and just "like" TV series) so I had some doubts about how will you present story in that universe, but you made it perfectly. Tough choices, deep personalities, dramas - now I'll have not only wait every month for comic book, but for another episode as well. Even more, with results of choices in-game, when whole season will be done it will be worth to play it multiple times just to see totally different consequences - which is great thing!
There's a little mess with release day (and the decision to give out Steam keys was really wise) but it was worth to wait - game is amazing.
I had a rougher time my first play through reading all the possible choices too, but the second time through I did not. I don't know why that was, but it was. I have noticed the speed of the timer is not the same for all choices. It depends upon the situation. Herschel, for example, will not wait very long for a reply when he asks something. He is just that kind of person. Other choices must be made fast or people die. Heroes learn not to hesitate long
I know and completely understand the thought behind that. The problem is that not everyone reads at the same speed.
Just thought i'd share my thoughts and feelings after playing through TWD ep.1 from start to finish, Just encase anyone was interested. Be warned, its 2:30 am and my grammer and spelling isn't the best when i'm tired.
First of all let me get this out the way; I understand there can be many a complication when releasing a game but this release really did take the cake. From a consumers point of view, I really have felt let down the last two days by telltale. Now enough has been said about the lack of preperation Telltale performed for the release of TWD all over the forum, so I won't got into it any further other then by saying this; fail to prepare then prepare to fail.
Now onto the game review...
Although very glitchy (mainly sound and bad texturing) and bad consistency (I.E Hershacal refering to the girl as Lee's daughter even though you told him already that she isn't) in places, TWD is a very deep in-grossing story that grabs you from the first scene.
Telltale do a very good of making Lee YOUR charecter. This is a story that although already has it's path laid out ahead of you, you make the minute personal decisions that effect major outcomes to yourself and other charecters around you. This for me was on par with some of the great games like the mass effect series.
Now i'm guessing 99.9999% of people playing this, watch or read the walking dead currently so let me put you out your misery if your wondering if they captured the universe feel.. they did and they have done it well (although i have a few gripes about the cameo charecters but thats just personal taste)
This game follows the comic version of events, it's timeline and slower pacing too. I think TT really did capture the desperate grimey feel of the comic but in thier own style very well. It's nothing fancy but then again niether is the art work in the comics, its there to serve a purpose though and it does it wth satisfying results.
In short.. If you love TWD, story and moral compass on the spot decision making plus can look past some bad technical hiccups, then this is the game for you.
Well done TT but please make the next episode releases go alot smoother. Cheers.
Without spoiling anything I just want to write a mini-review for those still on the fence about whether or not to get this. In short: buy it. It's a better adaptation of The Walking Dead comic book than the TV series.
The story is great (man with a mysterious past trying to find redemption in protecting a little girl), the characters are well developed and interesting. The music fits the atmosphere well, really heightens the tense moments. And the art style is great, very stylized. In terms of choices & consequences, you do make a few during the game which are commented on by other characters, but I think we're not meant to see the consequences until much later on. My only niggle right now are the audio problems, it is noticeably low quality, which is a shame.
At the end of chapter one there's a 'Next time on The Walking Dead' segment, which I skipped (I don't want to be spoiled!). Hopefully that won't impact on me importing my save into the next chapter. I just wish I had it to play now.
I wholeheartedly agree, TellTale's all-round best production so far. None of my friends / housemates had really played any TTG series before. I showed them the trailers for this a month or two ago and that got them all pretty excited - now they've played the first episode I can say for certain there are some new TTG fans around here
Just a few days ago I didn't even know this game ever existed but after being recommended to play/review I thought I might as well give it a try as the price is very cheap for one episode. I started this game with low expectations and at the end of the game all I could say is "BRING ON EPISODE 2" in this review I will tell you why it is that good.
The voice audio seemed to be either a bit low quallity or it might be a incompatibillity with my headset.
As for the movie itself i found it pretty good and entertaining, much better then Jurassic park, can't wait for the other episodes.
Secondly, thank you for creating an awesome game. I didn't think it was going to be THIS good. I still have goose bumps after the Pharmacy ending. I hope you guys can keep this kind of tension throughout the entire series.
Great start to the Walking Dead Game, Love it.
My question:
Can I get Episode 2?
I bought Episode 1 through steam and the only connection I can see is to get a Season Pass, but I can not find the link and would really love to get it.
Thank you for your time,
Zombies Down Under
I was actually kind of expecting more Monkey Island-esk gaming. I was very pleased with the game play. The tension and sense of urgency created at the key moments was fantastic. Awesome job TTG!
I don't know quite how to convey to you my appreciation for the work you've done in this game; environment, character development, over-all tone, pacing.
Please, please, please - make multiple seasons of this. Please?
And Thank you!
- iWraith
Just please don't make me chose between saving Clem or a whole bunch of people. Just don't.
The moral choices were rough, and the conversation timer and QTEs added a sense of tension that you almost never feel in an adventure game.
My only issues were:
-weird skipping/pausing when
-sluggish mouse cursor using high resolution(despite my system being quite decent)
-a few audio oddities, especially near the end of the episode
-the game froze and had to be restarted when I was
I'll definitely be re-playing the game twice(once more to see the outcomes of other choices, and then again as a "final" go through using the choices that suit "my" Lee.
- Love the cel-shading art and hand-drawn comic book style you guys went with!
- I'm sucked into that Walking Dead world.
- The music, ambiance and tone was 100%. (Congrats Telltale!)
- Initially it felt "short", but when you put the $5 into perspective, it's like an interactive comic issue monthly. Then it magically transforms into pretty darn good value! (i'm not sure how TV fans or 1st time Telltale customers or L4D2 players would feel about this....
- I'm replaying it on the 2nd slot now, nasty style.
- MAJOR BUG found here
----> If i go with "Don't give her the gun"...
Have to force-quit (CMD+OPT+ESC) the game and replay the scene and go with "Give her the gun". :mad:
I'm on a 27" iMac Late-2009 2.8 GHz Core i7
4GB RAM & ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
Mac OS X 10.7.3
- Sporadic glitchy/screechy audio!
- Some transitions (after you selected your choice) freezes for 5-10 secs before progressing.
For me, i can't wait for Ep.2! :eek:
How about you guys???
I would want the gun too if I was bitten and felt like turning into a zombie was inevitable.
I just wanted to doff my hat to you and raise a glass to your continued success.
I'm playing The Walking Dead, and without doubt, Clementine is one of the most sincere and real depictions of not only a child, but a video game companion, in a video game, ever.
Kudos and respect to the writing, sir. Much luck for the rest of the season.
First of all, before I say anything else, I want to give a HUGE thank you to the Telltale Team for tirelessly working overtime to fix the issues surrounding the game's release, and for giving a free Steam key when all else failed. I may have been really critical of Telltale lately, but there isn't a single other game company out there that cares more about its fans, so thank you. Now go get some sleep.
Anyway, after BttF and JP being such letdowns, I wasn't going into this game particularly optimistic. Maybe it's just that my expectations were so low, but overall I was pleased.
For starters, the writing was great, although you can say that about every Telltale game (even the bad ones!). Telltale's always been really good when it comes to getting an emotional reaction out of the player, whether it's laughing your ass off at Sam and Max or feeling bad for a young Emmett Brown, so it was pretty interesting seeing what they'd come up with in an M-Rated environment. Stuff like having to repeatedly swing an axe into your brother is...creative, to say the least. There aren't a lot of games that force you to perform acts of violence but make you feel uncomfortable about it (I guess GTA4 could count, maybe), so props to Telltale for venturing into mostly unexplored territory. I also found myself liking all the characters too (except Lilly's dad. Fuck that guy :rolleyes: ).
The game's nice, graphically. Telltale found a decent middle-ground between cartoony and realistic that mostly avoids the issues with both styles. The sets were incredible as well, I should add. I don't think Telltale's ever put this much detail in their backgrounds before. And Jared Emerson-Johnson's music is great as always.
Now onto the real meat of the matter, the gameplay. Like Jurassic Park, this is an interactive movie. Unlike Jurassic Park, this is an interactive movie done right. While you're still sort of moving on rails through the path the game sets out for you, they give just enough freedom along the way to keep the player engaged. Also, that whole motel scene was just incredible. Probably the best Telltale moment since the fight with Charlie Ho-Tep.
I'd also like to discuss the non-linearity this game loved to use as a selling point. Now, this is obviously a nice idea since it allows the player some freedom. One of my gripes with JP (and to a lesser extent BttF) was scrapping the Sam and Max-style dialogue trees and instead having these long...dialogue sequences, where you're forced to pick something to say and you can't backtrack. This was especially irritating because it usually didn't even matter what you picked, and the game would move forward regardless. (Hell, sometimes they'd even say the exact same line, no matter what option you picked.) In adventure games, progress should happen by solving puzzles, and a "puzzle" that solves itself no matter what is...well, it's just a crappy puzzle. Anyway, The Walking Dead does a huge improvement on these "dialogue sequences" by having what you say matter...and giving you a limited time to answer. Suddenly, these once-boring scenes can get pretty tense.
At the same time, though, I get the feeling in the long run this game might not be quite as non-linear as Telltale claims. It's kind of hard to judge this when there's only one episode so far, but I'd like to point out the incident on Hershel's farm. I chose to save Shawn, yet despite my choice Shawn died and Duck lived. It seems pretty clear that, no matter what you pick, you're going to follow the same basic story with a few minor differences. I was sort of expecting there'd be an opportunity for some huge deviations, to the point that Episode 5 would be a completely different game for everyone who played it. But to be fair, that kind of game would be difficult for even a big-budget developer to do, much less a smaller one like Telltale, so I won't complain too much.
Is there any other negative stuff I should bring up? ...Well, I miss point-and-click adventure games. I guess I shouldn't hold it against The Walking Dead for being something completely different, though. "It's not an adventure game!" was a valid complaint with BttF because it tried to be one but failed, and it was a valid complaint with Jurassic Park because the new direction that game took was just plain abysmal, but with The Walking Dead...yeah, I guess I can't fault it too much. If I raise a big stink about how it's not an adventure game, I guess I'd be as bad as the 13-year-old kids whining about how it's not an FPS. Still, I do hope Telltale gives us something more...traditional soon. I guess there's always King's Quest.
Oh, and the Steam achievements are really uncreative. They're all progress-related. Come on, how about something you need to go a little out of your way for? I guess the achievement whores out there will like it, though.
Anyway, so far I'm liking this a lot. Easily the best game Telltale's done since The Devil's Playhouse. Eagerly looking forward to the other episodes.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with something far scarier than a zombie outbreak...finals week.
So i take it corrupted saved data???
Yup. Same here. I would die on my own terms.
In fact, I encountered absolutely no bugs at all or any kind of lag/stutter.
I suck! Maybe I should put an official discussion thread up this morning? Is it too late?
We actually had to come up with all our achievements for the entire season due to the way consoles are handling our episodic format. So I'm afraid it will only get even less creative in the future.
That sucks to hear.
To go off on a little tangent, I really liked the in-game "awesomeness" achievements in SBCG4AP. Encouraging exploration is always a good thing. It'd be great to see something like that again.
a) Audio Compression - I noticed a fair amount of clipping and hissing as mentioned in another thread, mostly likely due to over-compression to reduce file size but please if possible consider a slightly less aggressive amount of compression. I also noticed slight level differences between dialogue snippets.
b) Blocky Shadows - Mostly during cinematics and likely due to me playing at a higher resolution, a pity really. Also in many cutscenes none of the zombies were casting shadows which I found broke the immersion.
c) Slow movement speed - Not a biggie I guess but a slightly faster movement speed would be really nice.
d) Over-Exaggerated Facial Animations - I understand the sense of emotion you're trying to convey but in certain instances I felt that Lee's "expressive" or "high emotion" facial animations were a little too exaggerated especially when compared to Clementine who was handled superbly (can I haz her?). Perhaps consider conveying stronger emotion through your voice actors, Lee's tone change way too little for such extreme circumstances.
Other than that congratulations on such great work despite the launch issues. Looking forward to the next episodes!
you saved so and so achievements and with a little joke after it
which would look like this
You saved duck are you quackers ?
you saved shawn that was a close shave!
Achievement Unlocked: Undead Greeting Card
Couple of easy ones to steal.
Give away all the energy bars in the store.
There's a little mess with release day (and the decision to give out Steam keys was really wise) but it was worth to wait - game is amazing.
Thnx and keep up good work!
I know and completely understand the thought behind that. The problem is that not everyone reads at the same speed.
it was fun, but theres very little replay value.
First of all let me get this out the way; I understand there can be many a complication when releasing a game but this release really did take the cake. From a consumers point of view, I really have felt let down the last two days by telltale. Now enough has been said about the lack of preperation Telltale performed for the release of TWD all over the forum, so I won't got into it any further other then by saying this; fail to prepare then prepare to fail.
Now onto the game review...
Although very glitchy (mainly sound and bad texturing) and bad consistency (I.E Hershacal refering to the girl as Lee's daughter even though you told him already that she isn't) in places, TWD is a very deep in-grossing story that grabs you from the first scene.
Telltale do a very good of making Lee YOUR charecter. This is a story that although already has it's path laid out ahead of you, you make the minute personal decisions that effect major outcomes to yourself and other charecters around you. This for me was on par with some of the great games like the mass effect series.
Now i'm guessing 99.9999% of people playing this, watch or read the walking dead currently so let me put you out your misery if your wondering if they captured the universe feel.. they did and they have done it well (although i have a few gripes about the cameo charecters but thats just personal taste)
This game follows the comic version of events, it's timeline and slower pacing too. I think TT really did capture the desperate grimey feel of the comic but in thier own style very well. It's nothing fancy but then again niether is the art work in the comics, its there to serve a purpose though and it does it wth satisfying results.
In short.. If you love TWD, story and moral compass on the spot decision making plus can look past some bad technical hiccups, then this is the game for you.
Well done TT but please make the next episode releases go alot smoother. Cheers.
The story is great (man with a mysterious past trying to find redemption in protecting a little girl), the characters are well developed and interesting. The music fits the atmosphere well, really heightens the tense moments. And the art style is great, very stylized. In terms of choices & consequences, you do make a few during the game which are commented on by other characters, but I think we're not meant to see the consequences until much later on. My only niggle right now are the audio problems, it is noticeably low quality, which is a shame.
At the end of chapter one there's a 'Next time on The Walking Dead' segment, which I skipped (I don't want to be spoiled!). Hopefully that won't impact on me importing my save into the next chapter. I just wish I had it to play now.
Please go to to read the full review
Thanks happy to hear you liked it.
Its it coming next month?
God I hope so.