I just finished my first playthrough and it is everything I could have wanted from a walking dead game. I am now intrigued by the other choices and how these choices will change things in future episodes. Now all I want to do is go back and start a 2nd playthrough.
It was a bit short, but it is a good 10-15 hours if you add all 5 episodes together. Then there is the huge replaybility, so this is great value for money.
I loved the graphic style and how it is similar to the comics.
The voice acting was great. Lee was very convincing and whilst playing episode 1, I found it hard to believe that he was guilty of the crime he was accused of. He just seemed like a genuine guy and he seemed to care a lot (well my Lee anyway). By the end of the episode I grew to like Lee as a protagonist. I thought he was the perfect choice.
Oh and I loved the soundtrack, as I thought it really set the mood for the game.
I also loved the fact that when I finished the episode, it let me know which percentage of users chose which choice. That was a nice touch
The only negative thing I have to say is that for some reason when I minimised the game and went back to it, there was quite a lot of stuttering. I had to exit the game and relaunch it to resolve it.
Overall great job telltale. Thanks for delving into the walkiing dead universe. It's definately one of my favourites and I've played them all.
Now I can't wait to play the next episode, but it is going to be tough to wait a month to play it.
Same here tbh, in fact I never ever registered to a game forum before unless I had a prob with a game I couldn't fix myself. But in this case I just had to sign up and say thanks for an absolutely great experience. I have to admit TWD pretty much is my first game by TT (well sure tried the one or other S&M season but I didn't enjoy those as much as the original) and that first episode just left me behind speechless. I always used to love games with descisions have to be made within seconds, always loved those kind of interactive games/movies tho there aren't too many out there for PC.
I didn't even expect too much of TWD to be honest, not even a huge fan of the series nor the comic but when I stumbled into some trailers back a few weeks I was pretty much excited. Of course I was having a closer look on TT and according to many reviews of JP I was really doubting to get this game but I couldn't resist and hell thank god I couldn't.
I really really enjoyed the first episode, I so love the atmosphere being built up, I just adore the characters growing more and more into (or not) The relationship between Lee and Clem is just fascinating, I somehow even got emotional when I realized her parents wouldn't come back at all (probly). Not to mention the desperation out there you can like breathe in yourself...wow.
Well guess I am kinda running off topic here...uh not really but anyways, just wanted to thank TT for such a great experience, keep the good work up, I am really really looking forward to such high quality episodes to follow in terms of atmosphere, conversations etc....
Also I think you guys did a brilliant job mixing between the characters relationships and right placed/paced violence showing the brutalilty of a desperated mind, fighting for his life at any costs....woah *goosebump*
I have a question. As I have the steam version, after being given a steam code, would the choices carry over if I download episode 2 from the Telltale site?
i think the mess was releasing a game thats not finished, and wont be for several months.. all while charging for a complete package up front.
...It's called EPISODIC GAMING. Honestly people, at least do SOME research on what you're preordering. This is meant to mimic the comics in the sense that you are playing through a comic and waiting for the next episode coming giving you that, "what's going to happen next?" mentality. However the plot twist here is that YOU'RE creating the story by the choices you make, which only makes it that more engaging.
no i just threw it because it had popped up in the picture when i scrolled over the window across the street. i just dont know what to do next, i have talked to everyone a dozen times, and i am walking around the pharmacy and do not know what to do next
Hm, thinking bout how I could help you without spoiling anything (too much) for you. Could you please tell us exactly what you did so far? As you already threw the brick into the glass of the TV-store I assume you already managed to open the iron gate in front of the drugstore hm?
i cant figure out what to do next!! i am super stuck... can anyone help? im in the pharmacy, i have already bandaged clementines finger, fed everyone, threw the brick through the window of the tv store...what the heck do i do next!!!!
If you've busted out the window in the TV store, have you gotten the TV remote from the drawer in the back office and turned on the TV's in there?, the zombies should be distracted, you need to run across the street to that dude trapped under the streetlight and take his keys, then use those to get into the pharmacy. You're actually only about 5 minutes from the end of the episode...the guy is laying outside right next to the "hastily built fortification" there. You'll have one more big decision in terms of whether to save one person or another, and then it's pretty much episode over...
i think the mess was releasing a game thats not finished, and wont be for several months.. all while charging for a complete package up front.
it was fun, but theres very little replay value.
Is it not finished? From the interviews and such I've seen, even if the actual coding isn't quite done yet, they already know what the storyline is...they mentioned how they had huge multi-page diagrams to keep track of how decisions in game 1 will affect things in later games and such. I don't know if they've actually coded the game yet, but I'm pretty certain they know exactly where things are going.
the fact that I've finished it a couple times now and gotten very different "next time on The Walking dead" previews implies there's a lot more variation than you're allowing for, there's entire characters that could simply not be in episode two depending on how you choose to run episode one and who you choose to save or not save at given times. There's also different scenes depending on whether you side with one group over another...don't want to go into much more detail or I'd be spoiling for people who haven't played yet, but I'd wait until all the episodes are released before I start commenting on replay value. *shrug*
Is it not finished? From the interviews and such I've seen, even if the actual coding isn't quite done yet, they already know what the storyline is...they mentioned how they had huge multi-page diagrams to keep track of how decisions in game 1 will affect things in later games and such. I don't know if they've actually coded the game yet, but I'm pretty certain they know exactly where things are going.
Yup, that's exactly it, the other episodes aren't done yet (although parts of them will be in various stages of completeness). For people who don't get this, think of it like a weekly soap opera -- you pay your TV subscription at the start of the month, and get a new episode each week, each of which is filmed that week.
Anyway it was all covered quite clearly and openly by the word "PREORDER". That means you're paying for something before it's ready. I don't see these complaints being levelled at Minecraft.
I certainly like the direction the game is going, but I didn't really feel like my choices mattered. At Hershal's farm, I chose to save his kid instead of Duck, and when then failed to do so(could you save him?), he was still ticked off at me regardless of my decisions and I still was kicked off. Duck's dad didn't even seem ticked off that I didn't even attempt to rescue him. Same with other scenarios, such as trying to prevent the one girl from commiting suicide. She died regaurdless!
What I LOVED however were the action sequences and just the general Walking Dead feel! Moments such as the shotgun-cop sequence at the beginning of frantically figuring out what the best scenario was was a great idea. I do however wish there was a bit more happening during the sequences. By which I mean, say when you were killing the zombies with a screwdriver, I only fought one zombie at a time with one option. It would have been a cool idea in the future to say pick the biggest threat at the time of choose a proper weapon immediately instead of the one thing you already have on you.
All in all, it is a great start, probably losing some shock factor in that the major shocks were shown off in the trailers, so those didn't catch me as much. That certainly won't be a problem with episodes 2-5, and it looks like the season is going in a direction that I'm sure many fans will enjoy.
i also didn't like that i can't leave that girl to roamers. I ment - don't bother with her "resque", she's most obviously doesn't want to be saved, this operation would place our group at risk and it's just like my character would deside, cause i tried to pick up jerk-lines on my 2nd walkthrough.
I'm sugesting not to limit this tread to user's reviews, but also post gameportal's ones (at least ones that are interesting)
Sorry for all-caps but fully justified. I LOVE what you have done with TWD. There is real emotional weight to this game, just like there is in the AMC series (have unfortunately not read the comic books and expect they are the same probably more so). I can't wait for all of the rest of the chapters. It will be agony waiting for each new episode but something I will really look forward to. Terrific terrific job.
one thing i didnt like was not being able to skip cutscenes.. if i died I'd have to watch them over again. Maybe a fix for that in future episodes? but overall its a fun game, i like the Borderlands look to everything. brutal zombie hack n slashing last second choice-making IT ALL HAPPENS SO FAST!!!! , gets a little funky using the mouse and WASD moving around but manageable, cant wait for episode 2!! keep it up telltale games. Oh BTW who won the sweepstakes?!?!? dam id love to be a zombie...
I got the same freeze, had to do the cmd-opt-esc. But when i selected the second time "don't give here the gun", it passed and i could play along. Strange but true.
Otherwise the game runs smoothly (have the newest imac i7 radeon hd6970), but sometimes it takes long pauses during the auto-saves. It took sometimes 30 seconds of still picture before i was able to play further.
Overall a great game but I would have preferred more active choices. I don't only want to affect people's feelings. I want to affect game outcome in a greater way than pass/fail. I'd like to be able to use the axe to get into the pharmacy so that I never have to unlock the front and therefore save both Doug and Carly. I want to be able to grab Larry the wrong pills and kill him. I want to be able to save Shawn. Though it is canon that he die, that needn't mean that he die on my watch.
I hope someone at TT reads this before they finish Episode 3(as i'm sure Episode 2 is mostly complete or at least fully story-boarded by now.)
All right, Gman, yours is official this time. I will mercilessly merge any floating review-type stuff posts and threads into this review thingie from now on.
Overall a great game but I would have preferred more active choices. I don't only want to affect people's feelings. I want to affect game outcome in a greater way than pass/fail. I'd like to be able to use the axe to get into the pharmacy so that I never have to unlock the front and therefore save both Doug and Carly. I want to be able to grab Larry the wrong pills and kill him. I want to be able to save Shawn. Though it is canon that he die, that needn't mean that he die on my watch.
I hope someone at TT reads this before they finish Episode 3(as i'm sure Episode 2 is mostly complete or at least fully story-boarded by now.)
Yea i agree with almost all of this.
However i think some of us are really going way to far with how we are expecting to affect the game with just 2 hours into it.
I mean being an interactive story and all at the end its going to be about 10 hours long game, you can't really start killing everyone when its just starting. However i do expect that my choices become harder and have more effect as the story continues lol.
However i think some of us are really going way to far with how we are expecting to affect the game with just 2 hours into it.
I mean being an interactive story and all at the end its going to be about 10 hours long game, you can't really start killing everyone when its just starting. However i do expect that my choices become harder and have more effect as the story continues lol.
I have been waiting patiently for my opportunity to play Ep 1 A New Day and have read plenty recent threads opinions and reviews since the 24th. I myself knew what would unfold during my first 10 to 15 min involving the police officer and your handcuffs. From the get go if your an avid comic book reader like myself The Walking Dead Game sucks you into the universe of the comic and if you don't approach this game like it's the next Dead Island Left 4 Dead or Dead Rising installment than I really believe this game is for you. All in all this is just MY feedback to Telltale. I do hope though this game is received well by the players an that we continue to see Telltale work alongside Kirkman so that in Episodes 2,3,4 and 5 the game will only get more and more in depth with aspects of surviving a zombie apocalypse an the discussions and conversations Lee makes with other survivors continue to spiral into making a tough decision over another just as equally crucial choice. I look forward to a gory graphical adventure Telltale and thank you for coming through on The Walking Dead.
they mentioned how they had huge multi-page diagrams to keep track of how decisions in game 1 will affect things in later games and such.
That's what I really hoping for. F.e: "you made a choice that you think is minor in ep1, but it will have huge impact in episode 4".
It would make game worth to play multiple times, just to see alternatives and "what-if"s.
At the other and Im affraid it would be like in other games:
"You have multiple choices in episodes, but general output will be pretty much the same anyway".
Plays fine on my little Macbook Pro. I gave her the gun and had no problems. I have a macbook pro with a 2.26 GHz Intel core 2 processor, 4 GB RAM, and Mac OSX Version 10.6.8.
I would want the gun too if I was bitten and felt like turning into a zombie was inevitable.
i would too but when i played i didn't give her the gun because i don't know i should of gave her the gun.
I am really Impressed by Telltale games they did a excellent job in landing the mood of the walking dead universe and i cannot wait to dig deeper into the storyline Great job telltale i think this series will get a 2nd season no doute.
I really like this game, so far. I haven't really had any problems, although It would be nice to have an option to disable the time limit to read the conversation options though. I'm not a fast reader.
I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but it's pretty freaking good. I would kinda like this series turned into an mmo, it could definitely work. I hate mmo's and I'd play it.
First of all, stayed up late because I couldn't put the game down, it was a LOT of fun! Now I'm sure I looked at all the stickies three times to be sure there wasn't an official thread to put gameplay suggestions and I can't see it (if there is one, blame it on the fact you made your game too much fun and sorry about that post).
1. Make it more obvious when the game saves to know where you will start back if you stop playing.
2. Allow skipping the "In the next episode" scene. I might be the only person on Earth that hates those things but if not, maybe a simple click-skip with a: "Are you sure you wish the skip the preview" would be perfect!
This was seriously one of the most involving, enrapturing gaming experiences I've ever had. I wasn't a big fan of Jurassic Park, I thought the new system was a little shaky and just not what I was used to with Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, etc.. but gee, Telltale, you have truly mastered it in this game. I didn't see it so much as a game as more of an interactive movie, without the corniness. I felt such so dutiful in my care for Clementine I wouldn't dare upset her, or hurt her, it just didn't feel right. The characters were so well developed, and the relationships established just felt so natural (having read the comics might have given me more depth to them, but it's too late now). The walkers attacks were suspenseful, I had shivers down my spine, and once I had gotten to grips with the dialogue system, I really put myself into Lee's responses. I initially didn't know why the farmer (can't remember the name) accused me of being a liar in the Barn, but I realised it was a consequence of previous dialogue.
I am ranting like a boss, but what I'm trying to say is... Telltale, I've loved you since 2008, and this has been the greatest game you have produced so far. Nevermind the haters with their pre-order issues; THIS. WAS. BOSS. 9/10! I can't wait for EP2.
After the disaster that was Jurassic Park, I'm glad to say The Walking Dead isn't. I was very aprehensive about buying this game, but after hearing mostly positive things I bought the game two hours ago and just finished it.
As with all Telltalegames the storytelling is really good and certainly the strong suit of the game, although I'm not sure the choices I made will actually have any really significant ramifications in future episodes. They didn't even manage that in the Mass Effect series, so I would be pleasently surprised if Telltale should actually pull that off in Future Episodes.
The graphics are pretty good and it seems the Telltale Engine hides its shortcommings much better with the stylized comic graphics. Still there were some really low-res Textures to be found throughout the game that shouldn't have been there in 2012 pc game. Also the character animation wasn't all it could have been. The animations were pretty basic and wooden not to mention that Lee didn't seem to have a run cycle in one spot and just seemed to akwardly "run" with standard walk cycle.
The audio was ok too, I guess I cought a lucky break and directly started with V2 of episode 1. The compression of the voices seemed overall ok to me just the music to sometimes cut from one cue to another one without any transition wich was quite distracting. Also the standard volume settings seem suboptimal as the music was sometimes way to loud and had to be turned down manually. The voiceacting is as usual a very solid effort and really did a good job bringing the characters to life.
Now on to the really important part of a game... the gameplay. Well it's not perfect but it is actually a game, unlike Jurassic Park, wich was merely an "cg movie" with some anoying button mashing mixed in. Jes the story was very solid, but it wasn't a game, it was an aggrevating patience tester.
Luckily The Walking Dead is actually a game, but just a casual game. There was really no challange in beating this game at all. Everything was extremly straight forward and I managed to finish the game without putting any thought into the "puzzles". Everything more or less just fell into place and then it was alreay over. Was it fun? Sure, but it doesn't feel like a victory to beat it. You don't have to solve any clever puzzle or anything else that is actually challanging, so it doesn't feel like an achievement that you survived that day in the zombie apocalypse.
So it's a short fun casual game but it just lacks the important feeling of achievment when you make it to the end of the episode.
Telltale redeemed themselves after Jurassic Park with The Walking Dead
The gameplay was great and the game has a very good mix between Sam & Max, Monkey island and Strong Bad's gameplay (Point and click) and Jurassic Park's Quick Time Events (because theres more Point and click than Quick time events) the first episode of the game proves that Telltale has learned from their mistakes and made it better than Jurassic Park
That was the best vid I have seen on the game thus far. First time watching anything from him too. Great commentary! Thanks for that link, Gman!
Your welcome, its part of a series called "WTF is" where he plays a game(usually for the first time) and gives his first impressions of it. I would check out his WTF is of Super Meat Boy, Botanicula, and Inside a Star Filled Sky if you really want to see some good ones.
Just wanted to throw in a comment of congratulations to Telltale for this game, I really enjoyed this first episode. I know absolutely nothing about "The Walking Dead" comics or TV show, but as a fan of adventure/story games I was really impressed with the engaging characters, and the lack of story context - totally just feel thrown into it, discovering bits and pieces through casual interaction in a very non-expositiony kind of way. Cool storytelling sensibilities, loved it.
I am anxious to see how things will pan out for the characters, though I am getting the distinct impression that it's not going to be too happy...
I have never played a story game like this before. I am more of a RTS or First Person Shooter type of gamer, but this was really a fun game. At the price, it's like a monthly comic book subscription. I would certainly recommend it to my friends.
You Sirs, I love you. Very good animation of the characters in the game and very good use of the blur effect, Looking forward to this!
Overall, a good game!
It was a bit short, but it is a good 10-15 hours if you add all 5 episodes together. Then there is the huge replaybility, so this is great value for money.
I loved the graphic style and how it is similar to the comics.
The voice acting was great. Lee was very convincing and whilst playing episode 1, I found it hard to believe that he was guilty of the crime he was accused of. He just seemed like a genuine guy and he seemed to care a lot (well my Lee anyway). By the end of the episode I grew to like Lee as a protagonist. I thought he was the perfect choice.
Oh and I loved the soundtrack, as I thought it really set the mood for the game.
I also loved the fact that when I finished the episode, it let me know which percentage of users chose which choice. That was a nice touch
The only negative thing I have to say is that for some reason when I minimised the game and went back to it, there was quite a lot of stuttering. I had to exit the game and relaunch it to resolve it.
Overall great job telltale. Thanks for delving into the walkiing dead universe. It's definately one of my favourites and I've played them all.
Now I can't wait to play the next episode, but it is going to be tough to wait a month to play it.
I didn't even expect too much of TWD to be honest, not even a huge fan of the series nor the comic but when I stumbled into some trailers back a few weeks I was pretty much excited. Of course I was having a closer look on TT and according to many reviews of JP I was really doubting to get this game but I couldn't resist and hell thank god I couldn't.
I really really enjoyed the first episode, I so love the atmosphere being built up, I just adore the characters growing more and more into (or not)
Well guess I am kinda running off topic here...uh not really but anyways, just wanted to thank TT for such a great experience, keep the good work up, I am really really looking forward to such high quality episodes to follow in terms of atmosphere, conversations etc....
Also I think you guys did a brilliant job mixing between the characters relationships and right placed/paced violence showing the brutalilty of a desperated mind, fighting for his life at any costs....woah *goosebump*
so long, chapeau devs, chapeau!
And thanks God TTG guys were wrong and my notebook played it!!!
...It's called EPISODIC GAMING. Honestly people, at least do SOME research on what you're preordering. This is meant to mimic the comics in the sense that you are playing through a comic and waiting for the next episode coming giving you that, "what's going to happen next?" mentality. However the plot twist here is that YOU'RE creating the story by the choices you make, which only makes it that more engaging.
Maybe not right now, but don't you want to go back when it's all over and see what making different choices might do to your game?
Hm, thinking bout how I could help you without spoiling anything (too much) for you. Could you please tell us exactly what you did so far? As you already threw the brick into the glass of the TV-store I assume you already managed to open the iron gate in front of the drugstore hm?
If you've busted out the window in the TV store, have you gotten the TV remote from the drawer in the back office and turned on the TV's in there?, the zombies should be distracted, you need to run across the street to that dude trapped under the streetlight and take his keys, then use those to get into the pharmacy. You're actually only about 5 minutes from the end of the episode...the guy is laying outside right next to the "hastily built fortification" there. You'll have one more big decision in terms of whether to save one person or another, and then it's pretty much episode over...
Hope that helps..
Is it not finished? From the interviews and such I've seen, even if the actual coding isn't quite done yet, they already know what the storyline is...they mentioned how they had huge multi-page diagrams to keep track of how decisions in game 1 will affect things in later games and such. I don't know if they've actually coded the game yet, but I'm pretty certain they know exactly where things are going.
the fact that I've finished it a couple times now and gotten very different "next time on The Walking dead" previews implies there's a lot more variation than you're allowing for, there's entire characters that could simply not be in episode two depending on how you choose to run episode one and who you choose to save or not save at given times. There's also different scenes depending on whether you side with one group over another...don't want to go into much more detail or I'd be spoiling for people who haven't played yet, but I'd wait until all the episodes are released before I start commenting on replay value. *shrug*
Yup, that's exactly it, the other episodes aren't done yet (although parts of them will be in various stages of completeness). For people who don't get this, think of it like a weekly soap opera -- you pay your TV subscription at the start of the month, and get a new episode each week, each of which is filmed that week.
Anyway it was all covered quite clearly and openly by the word "PREORDER". That means you're paying for something before it's ready. I don't see these complaints being levelled at Minecraft.
I certainly like the direction the game is going, but I didn't really feel like my choices mattered. At Hershal's farm, I chose to save his kid instead of Duck, and when then failed to do so(could you save him?), he was still ticked off at me regardless of my decisions and I still was kicked off. Duck's dad didn't even seem ticked off that I didn't even attempt to rescue him. Same with other scenarios, such as trying to prevent the one girl from commiting suicide. She died regaurdless!
What I LOVED however were the action sequences and just the general Walking Dead feel! Moments such as the shotgun-cop sequence at the beginning of frantically figuring out what the best scenario was was a great idea. I do however wish there was a bit more happening during the sequences. By which I mean, say when you were killing the zombies with a screwdriver, I only fought one zombie at a time with one option. It would have been a cool idea in the future to say pick the biggest threat at the time of choose a proper weapon immediately instead of the one thing you already have on you.
All in all, it is a great start, probably losing some shock factor in that the major shocks were shown off in the trailers, so those didn't catch me as much. That certainly won't be a problem with episodes 2-5, and it looks like the season is going in a direction that I'm sure many fans will enjoy.
I'm sugesting not to limit this tread to user's reviews, but also post gameportal's ones (at least ones that are interesting)
I have 21.5-inch, Mid 2011 iMac. 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 12 GB of RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB.
I haven't tried the option where you give her the gun. I don't trust her, heh.
I got the same freeze, had to do the cmd-opt-esc. But when i selected the second time "don't give here the gun", it passed and i could play along. Strange but true.
Otherwise the game runs smoothly (have the newest imac i7 radeon hd6970), but sometimes it takes long pauses during the auto-saves. It took sometimes 30 seconds of still picture before i was able to play further.
Still a fine game experience
I hope someone at TT reads this before they finish Episode 3(as i'm sure Episode 2 is mostly complete or at least fully story-boarded by now.)
Totally awesome game, you guys nailed it!
Yea i agree with almost all of this.
However i think some of us are really going way to far with how we are expecting to affect the game with just 2 hours into it.
I mean being an interactive story and all at the end its going to be about 10 hours long game, you can't really start killing everyone when its just starting. However i do expect that my choices become harder and have more effect as the story continues lol.
Well, more choices like the day/night choice.
That's what I really hoping for. F.e: "you made a choice that you think is minor in ep1, but it will have huge impact in episode 4".
It would make game worth to play multiple times, just to see alternatives and "what-if"s.
At the other and Im affraid it would be like in other games:
"You have multiple choices in episodes, but general output will be pretty much the same anyway".
1. Make it more obvious when the game saves to know where you will start back if you stop playing.
2. Allow skipping the "In the next episode" scene. I might be the only person on Earth that hates those things but if not, maybe a simple click-skip with a: "Are you sure you wish the skip the preview" would be perfect!
On this... man a month to wait now!
A Check out this shit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FNEoVck7U4 !
Play List:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05B83C147210EB04
This was seriously one of the most involving, enrapturing gaming experiences I've ever had. I wasn't a big fan of Jurassic Park, I thought the new system was a little shaky and just not what I was used to with Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, etc.. but gee, Telltale, you have truly mastered it in this game. I didn't see it so much as a game as more of an interactive movie, without the corniness. I felt such so dutiful in my care for Clementine I wouldn't dare upset her, or hurt her, it just didn't feel right. The characters were so well developed, and the relationships established just felt so natural (having read the comics might have given me more depth to them, but it's too late now). The walkers attacks were suspenseful, I had shivers down my spine, and once I had gotten to grips with the dialogue system, I really put myself into Lee's responses. I initially didn't know why the farmer (can't remember the name) accused me of being a liar in the Barn, but I realised it was a consequence of previous dialogue.
I am ranting like a boss, but what I'm trying to say is... Telltale, I've loved you since 2008, and this has been the greatest game you have produced so far. Nevermind the haters with their pre-order issues; THIS. WAS. BOSS. 9/10! I can't wait for EP2.
As with all Telltalegames the storytelling is really good and certainly the strong suit of the game, although I'm not sure the choices I made will actually have any really significant ramifications in future episodes. They didn't even manage that in the Mass Effect series, so I would be pleasently surprised if Telltale should actually pull that off in Future Episodes.
The graphics are pretty good and it seems the Telltale Engine hides its shortcommings much better with the stylized comic graphics. Still there were some really low-res Textures to be found throughout the game that shouldn't have been there in 2012 pc game. Also the character animation wasn't all it could have been. The animations were pretty basic and wooden not to mention that Lee didn't seem to have a run cycle in one spot and just seemed to akwardly "run" with standard walk cycle.
The audio was ok too, I guess I cought a lucky break and directly started with V2 of episode 1. The compression of the voices seemed overall ok to me just the music to sometimes cut from one cue to another one without any transition wich was quite distracting. Also the standard volume settings seem suboptimal as the music was sometimes way to loud and had to be turned down manually. The voiceacting is as usual a very solid effort and really did a good job bringing the characters to life.
Now on to the really important part of a game... the gameplay. Well it's not perfect but it is actually a game, unlike Jurassic Park, wich was merely an "cg movie" with some anoying button mashing mixed in. Jes the story was very solid, but it wasn't a game, it was an aggrevating patience tester.
Luckily The Walking Dead is actually a game, but just a casual game. There was really no challange in beating this game at all. Everything was extremly straight forward and I managed to finish the game without putting any thought into the "puzzles". Everything more or less just fell into place and then it was alreay over. Was it fun? Sure, but it doesn't feel like a victory to beat it. You don't have to solve any clever puzzle or anything else that is actually challanging, so it doesn't feel like an achievement that you survived that day in the zombie apocalypse.
So it's a short fun casual game but it just lacks the important feeling of achievment when you make it to the end of the episode.
Story: A-
GFX: C (Hires texture pack pretty please?)
Sound: C+
Gameplay: B-
Overall: C+
Telltale redeemed themselves after Jurassic Park with The Walking Dead
The gameplay was great and the game has a very good mix between Sam & Max, Monkey island and Strong Bad's gameplay (Point and click) and Jurassic Park's Quick Time Events (because theres more Point and click than Quick time events) the first episode of the game proves that Telltale has learned from their mistakes and made it better than Jurassic Park
Your welcome, its part of a series called "WTF is" where he plays a game(usually for the first time) and gives his first impressions of it. I would check out his WTF is of Super Meat Boy, Botanicula, and Inside a Star Filled Sky if you really want to see some good ones.
Just finished playing Episode 1 and I loved it. Felt like I was controlling a actual episode of The Walking Dead.
Cant wait for all the other episodes, just wish I did not have to wait. I want MORE!!!!
I will replay and make some other choices just to mess around.
So far great f#@king game. Hope it gets better and keeps going.
I am anxious to see how things will pan out for the characters, though I am getting the distinct impression that it's not going to be too happy...
Overall, a good game!