Great stuff, I was throughly impressed with my first outing, so much so that I've replayed it-- twice. Just some feedback on your accomplishment!
First, please take note that I have the 360 version. I know where a 360 stands in terms of power compared to a gaming PC, so maybe machine limitation was my problem. My graphics got choppy whenever they were alot of zombies (5+) on screen during the cinematic scenes more so than the free world or QTEs. I expected this from a certain Ubisoft or Bethesda golden child, but not here.
Alot of sound choppiness. More so toward scenes in the end of the game rather than the beginning. Sometimes the subtitles would even lag and end up zooming by impossibly fast, my only inkling that I missed something came from the blur of colours and the voices doing a quick hiccup as if I was listening to The Stones backwards for a second (!!!PIHSROW NATAS).
Also, and I didn't go around purposely trying to break the game (I only do that when I'm told ), but after I bandaged a certain finger, and I was supposed to have the scene where SOMEONE gets stuck and I gotta go help them? Well before Clementine started whining "hey I asked you a question!..... Answer me!) I hit X to start a convo with her. What happened was after was that she didn't ask me any question, but still insisted I answer it. Glenn never called for help, and I just had to go talk to Carlie and tell her I was ready to go. Weird hey?
However, I loved this game. The graphics were exactly what I expected from TWD. The voice acting was seamless even if the voice playing wasn't always. I felt right at home in this game. It wasn't as freeworldly as I had anticipated. There are still much worse buys in XBLA, and for 400 points you cannot beat this game in terms of all around quality. Fantastic job on making me love the characters! Many times did the time bar almost expire while I agonized over a decision.
Thanks for the great weekend TellTale, I'm glad we've decided to make this a continuing thing. I'll see you next month, how much do I owe you? Lol
ONE LAST THING!! Does Doug wear socks with sandals irl? See the scene with Doug working on the remote. That has sealed his fate with me in many a save file lol
loved it! everything is perfect except for one MAJOR issue!!! i beat this episode on hard in about 30mins. so if all episodes are like this one then i can beat the game in under 2hours and 30 mins which is extremely way to fast! so please step up ur game. also u desperately need to make way harder difficulties! example q and e shoule be randomized between q,w,e,r,a,s,d,f,z,x,c,v, ext for consoles. and finally i can read fast sure but that does not mean i want to while trying to make an important decision in the dialog when there is nothing happening around us i replayed all 3 times with the 3 saves provided just to see it all
loved it! everything is perfect except for one MAJOR issue!!! i beat this episode on hard in about 30mins. so if all episodes are like this one then i can beat the game in under 2hours and 30 mins which is extremely way to fast! so please step up ur game. also u desperately need to make way harder difficulties! example q and e shoule be randomized between q,w,e,r,a,s,d,f,z,x,c,v, ext for consoles. and finally i can read fast sure but that does not mean i want to while trying to make an important decision in the dialog when there is nothing happening around us i replayed all 3 times with the 3 saves provided just to see it all
The game didn't have a difficulty mode so there is no hard mode. Plus it is near impossible to beat the game in a half an hour when the dialog is unskippable/will take a lot of your time...
This is my first TT game. I must say the game doesn't flow that well on PC. It wasn't hard to over come the maneuver / mouse / dialogue it is just different from anything I've played on PC. Other than that small annoyance which I quickly got over the game went well beyond what I hoped for it. All the complaints about system issues, I'm on a 5 year old machine with 2GB ram and I had no issues at all with video or sound.
Storyline 4 of 5
Action 4 of 5
Decision tree 5 of 5 ( it really makes you feel like you are there)
scare/anxiety 4 of 5
I described it to a friend this way. It has the look of the comic book and the feel of the TV series. I'm sure you all did Kirkman proud. Playing the game I felt like I was in his universe. Thanks for doing a great job and I look forward to the rest of the season not to mention many more!
By way of review, I gotta say that my wife (who is not a gamer but a big fan of the comics and TV show) was GLUED TO THE COUCH while I was playing. You really sucked her into the storyline. Well done.
One thing she noticed (which I suspect to be true) is the "In the next episode The Walking Dead" teaser at the end of episode one, we heard dialogue that hints back to some choices I made while playing. If that's the case, it's even more brilliant storytelling. Haven't had a chance to go back and try a different plot tree yet to verify, but the dialogue mechanics are really intriguing.
Great voice acting on the whole. So often gaming dialogue sounds like actors reading scripts in disparate sound booths over the course of several different sessions. Rarely does it sound (or feel) like the actors are physically in the same space with each other. TWD does a great job of making all these lines of dialog mesh and sound natural, which, when I think about it, is made all the more challenging by the fact that there must be multiple dialogue trees as well.
Thanks for the amazing effort you've put in, TTG. I can't wait to see what's coming up.
How's the replay value? For ones who have finished EP1 - do you see yourself replaying choosing different dialog?
Absolutely gonna play it again to see how different choices play out. Played it last night till the wee hours then had to go check all the doors and windows before I could sleep.
My wife observed (and I expect she's right) that in an ending cutscene teaser for "In the next episode of The Walking Dead" that some of the scenes directly referenced choices I made while playing - all during typically cinematic, quick-cut scenes. It played like a typical TV teaser but I swear that if I played it again, I'd see different content within that teaser. I'll find out tonight, might even leave work a little early to see if I can get in a little play time before I pick up my 3 year old.
The one challenge I see to this is that while I may open up different narrative branches, seeing some of the core scenes multiple times may become a little repetitious. But there's really no other way to work that storytelling mechanic (except, perhaps if TTG allowed a toggle in the settings menu to allow one to skip cutscenes with a button press after you had played through the first time).
I get the impression that choices you make in earlier episodes will carry over into subsequent episodes. If that bears out it has the opportunity to be a really rich narrative experience with a certain degree of replayability.
One thing she noticed (which I suspect to be true) is the "In the next episode The Walking Dead" teaser at the end of episode one, we heard dialogue that hints back to some choices I made while playing.
This is of course completely true. The teaser even tries to center as much as possible on what you've decided in the game. On my third playthrough, more than half of the teaser were different scenes.
is it possible to have a timer put in and if people are zipping through the game can they prove it instead of just saying so..
i'm about to embark on a lee turns ass hole play through (my third) and i'll be doing it as fast as possible also i'll time it so assuming i don't cock up, we see if gman is full of shit...
Lee can be really selfish, overcautious, unnecessarily aggressive and, when it comes to Clementine, pretty clumsy, but I'm not sure if he can really be played as a complete asshole in the game.
I have read over some of the posts on this thread and many others and many people are wondering when the second episode comes out, i myself as already bought and played the first episode wanted to have the second in my greedy paws For anyone that wants to know the second episode is scheduled to come out on May 30th, but could be delayed for any reason.
Lee can be really selfish, overcautious, unnecessarily aggressive and, when it comes to Clementine, pretty clumsy, but I'm not sure if he can really be played as a complete asshole in the game.
I dunno. If Kenny's final line of,
"I'm not letting anyone else die today... even if he is an asshole,"
is any indication, you can sure come close to it, if not hit it directly.
Yes, this was my best telltale experience since season 3 of sam & max! Judging from first episode only, I'd say it beats Tales of Monkey Island even (which is my second-favourite). Let's see if further episodes can keep up (sure hope so!)
The Walking Dead has been my first experience with a Telltale game and I loved chapter one.
My attention was brought to it by Totalbiscuit's WTF is..... of The Walking Dead, which went along way for me to actually go and buy it since point and click things aint really my thing because I'm really bad missing items and things of import in games. (Damn Chapter 3 in the Witcher 2) but its fun, imaginative and has a deeply chilling story.
All those qualities I love and expect to see in a good TV show or book I have found in a video game, which is no mean feat.
Every time I decided something important my feet went cold and I thought: "shit what will happen because I did X" and now I want to see what happens in chapter 2.
Keep it coming!
The chapter 2 preview seemed a tad spoilerish, I'm usually cool with previews like that as long as there is no context, but it might have revealed a bit too much for my taste.
Hello folks! This might be a little late as the game has been out for quite a few days already but, as owner of The Mostly Gaming Blog, I would like to direct you to my review of The Walking Dead: A New Day. I hope it is as informative as it is entertaining to read. If you like what you see or read, please don't hesitate to leave a message or to follow/subscribe.
ONE LAST THING!! Does Doug wear socks with sandals irl? See the scene with Doug working on the remote. That has sealed his fate with me in many a save file lol
I've had and is still having a heap of trouble starting and running this game on my pc. But I've played through it on my macbook pro. And I made my spouse do the same. The only game in years to keep us hooked all the way through. Roughly 2-3 hrs of play through the first episode. Telltale did an awesome job on this one. Game feels fresh and the feel is the same I got with the comic. Fabolous stuff! Can't wait for the next episode. I do enjoy the wait though. It's like when you were little, before the digital revolution.
re-posting here -- didn't catch this thread when I posted originally my bad...
Hey guys, I really enjoyed this game and I'm not traditionally even into point and click games. I'm trying to get into the youtube thing, and I went ahead and did a video review at:
I tried to keep it relatively spoiler free, so no need to worry too much if you're looking to check out this game.
It's like my second review ever, but tell me what you think :-P
Keep up the good work telltale, (please fix the stuttering issues though)
Ok, first of all: no crash problems. Only thing is, I have to play with low details, cause on high details I get a lot of graphical bugs. Don't know what the problem is, my drivers are all up to date, maybe problem with my ATI card.
But the problem doesn't really bother me, game looks good enough for me, even with low details.
Now to the topic: Ep.1 is just AWESOME! I played through it twice and chose different options. Expected a bit more different events from the decisions I made, but the story is great and it plays really cool, I can't wait for the next episodes. One of the best games I ever played.
Only hope that I get the opportunity in future episodes to get rid of Larry (preferably by letting him get eaten by some zombies), I HATE that guy and after what he did to me at the end of Ep.1, I just want to pay him back twice ;-)
Summary: GREAT game!!! I love it, can't wait for the next episode and hope that there will be a season 2.
"With a great art style, an intense and horrifying story, and choices that feel like they really matter, this adventure game makes all of the changes and tweaks that I’ve been wishing for from the genre. It feels like a step forward not just for Telltale, but for the genre as well"
what can i say but great game, I love the comic books and the tv show one could even say i am obsessed:D. the game makes you feel like you are there in the comic world of the walking dead protecting clem and meeting the people that will become your post apocalyptic family. its great that you get to make the choices that anyone in that predicament would have to make. only problem is i think 5 episodes are not enough i mean the story can go on forever and i hope that TTG sees that and makes more episodes;)
I ended up playing Episode 1 of The Walking Dead in one sitting, late night, with the lights off and have to say its one of the most intense horror experiences I've had since playing the older Fatal Frame games, or some moments in Forbidden Siren 2. Given my dislike of spoilers I'd avoided any information about the game beyond the fact that it was going out, and as such was more than pleasantly surprised by how well the artwork evoked the feel of the comics. Unlike others, I had no issue with the graphic textures, or the sound, and beside a very infrequent hiccup during scene changes at a couple of points, no real issues there.
The pace of the conversations / choices was a joy, since it was the first I'd seen since the Sakura Wars series, although it'd be interesting if in future if TT added another aspect of that system, which is where options would change if you waited rather than answering straight up.
The characterisations were spot on, and I found myself (much to my embarassment given that I'm a reader of the comics) trying desperately to save Shawn in as many different ways that I could think of. How the sequence sets up Hershel's farm in the comics was brilliantly down, and the other cameo was enjoyable. The interplay between the different characters and the folks that they meet really raised the bar on what I was expecting from an adventure game, with the voice acting feeling some of the most natural I've heard.
I found myself in a near perpetual state of nearly unbearable tension, waiting for a zombie attack, and worrying that any of the cast might get killed at any point in time.
Personally, I'm hoping for a sequence with Larry similar to what occurred with Shane in the comics, except involving his heart condition.
We absolutely loved it, I've been a bit 'meh' about recent TellTale games (despite buying them all) but this one really hits the spot. Come and have a look at
Hey we posted a review at we loved it, this should be the future of licensed adventure games, I'm pretty confident the template could work in lots of other universes.
I agree with most of what you said, I hope that decisions you make do make a bigger effect in this game. I think the last decision you had to make in Episode 1 will make an impact. But yeah I am not going to replay it until I have finished Episode 5, I am gonna live with my decisions. I hope as well that there will be a few more complex puzzles than just having to turn the batteries around the other way, I don't think that was meant to be a puzzle but it would be good if they included more but I did love the Motel section like you said. Good review.
Trying out Gamersgate (aka Ripoff Artists) version of the game for PC.
Voice acting and animation are fantastic. That's it. The mechanics of the game suck so intensely that there are not adjectives strong enough to describe this.
If I had known this was a PORT from a console, I never would have purchased it.
If I had known that there are zERO camera controls (no zoom, no camera rotation, no nothing) I never would have purchased this game.
If I had know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to remap the keys, I never would have purchased the game.
If I had known that every five minutes I would be KILLED by a sucker-punch style attack, with a crappy useless slow interface that gives NO chance to react in time....I never would have purchased this game.
Way, way back in the days when the only games were in Video Arcades, there was a horrible game on Laser Disk called something like
Dragon's Lair.
This turd cost twice as much to play, 50 cents a game, which lasted maybe two minutes because, like Walking Dead, you die within milliseconds of being attacked and you have to make decisions in microseconds.
Like WD, it tells a story, but DEMANDS you react at the speed of light with no warning.
So, you die, reload. Oh joy, a suspense game that DRAINS every single possible DROP of surprise of pleasure from the game by making combat impossible to you get to reload and repeat, reload and repeat, reload and repeat.....then RAGEQUIT.
When will game designers learn that FRUSTRATION does not equal FUN?
Sorry guys as this is my first ever post and hearing great reviews!!!
Just one silly question as i'm about to buy the game of steam.
Is this a one off payment $24.99 for all 5 episodes or we have to pay for each episode monthly when there released?
Sorry again but i cannot make it out. Cheers for anyone prepared to help.
Save your money until you have played a Demo and are sure this game is for you! The interface SUCKS and it is a Port from a Console with NO ability to remap the keys.
First, please take note that I have the 360 version. I know where a 360 stands in terms of power compared to a gaming PC, so maybe machine limitation was my problem. My graphics got choppy whenever they were alot of zombies (5+) on screen during the cinematic scenes more so than the free world or QTEs. I expected this from a certain Ubisoft or Bethesda golden child, but not here.
Alot of sound choppiness. More so toward scenes in the end of the game rather than the beginning. Sometimes the subtitles would even lag and end up zooming by impossibly fast, my only inkling that I missed something came from the blur of colours and the voices doing a quick hiccup as if I was listening to The Stones backwards for a second (!!!PIHSROW NATAS).
Also, and I didn't go around purposely trying to break the game (I only do that when I'm told
However, I loved this game. The graphics were exactly what I expected from TWD. The voice acting was seamless even if the voice playing wasn't always. I felt right at home in this game. It wasn't as freeworldly as I had anticipated. There are still much worse buys in XBLA, and for 400 points you cannot beat this game in terms of all around quality. Fantastic job on making me love the characters! Many times did the time bar almost expire while I agonized over a decision.
Thanks for the great weekend TellTale, I'm glad we've decided to make this a continuing thing. I'll see you next month, how much do I owe you?
ONE LAST THING!! Does Doug wear socks with sandals irl? See the scene with Doug working on the remote. That has sealed his fate with me in many a save file lol
The game didn't have a difficulty mode so there is no hard mode. Plus it is near impossible to beat the game in a half an hour when the dialog is unskippable/will take a lot of your time...
Storyline 4 of 5
Action 4 of 5
Decision tree 5 of 5 ( it really makes you feel like you are there)
scare/anxiety 4 of 5
I described it to a friend this way. It has the look of the comic book and the feel of the TV series. I'm sure you all did Kirkman proud. Playing the game I felt like I was in his universe. Thanks for doing a great job and I look forward to the rest of the season not to mention many more!
One thing she noticed (which I suspect to be true) is the "In the next episode The Walking Dead" teaser at the end of episode one, we heard dialogue that hints back to some choices I made while playing. If that's the case, it's even more brilliant storytelling. Haven't had a chance to go back and try a different plot tree yet to verify, but the dialogue mechanics are really intriguing.
Great voice acting on the whole. So often gaming dialogue sounds like actors reading scripts in disparate sound booths over the course of several different sessions. Rarely does it sound (or feel) like the actors are physically in the same space with each other. TWD does a great job of making all these lines of dialog mesh and sound natural, which, when I think about it, is made all the more challenging by the fact that there must be multiple dialogue trees as well.
Thanks for the amazing effort you've put in, TTG. I can't wait to see what's coming up.
My wife observed (and I expect she's right) that in an ending cutscene teaser for "In the next episode of The Walking Dead" that some of the scenes directly referenced choices I made while playing - all during typically cinematic, quick-cut scenes. It played like a typical TV teaser but I swear that if I played it again, I'd see different content within that teaser. I'll find out tonight, might even leave work a little early to see if I can get in a little play time before I pick up my 3 year old.
The one challenge I see to this is that while I may open up different narrative branches, seeing some of the core scenes multiple times may become a little repetitious. But there's really no other way to work that storytelling mechanic (except, perhaps if TTG allowed a toggle in the settings menu to allow one to skip cutscenes with a button press after you had played through the first time).
I get the impression that choices you make in earlier episodes will carry over into subsequent episodes. If that bears out it has the opportunity to be a really rich narrative experience with a certain degree of replayability.
This is of course completely true. The teaser even tries to center as much as possible on what you've decided in the game. On my third playthrough, more than half of the teaser were different scenes.
i'm about to embark on a lee turns ass hole play through (my third) and i'll be doing it as fast as possible also i'll time it so assuming i don't cock up, we see if gman is full of shit...
The Walking Dead has been my first experience with a Telltale game and I loved chapter one.
My attention was brought to it by Totalbiscuit's WTF is..... of The Walking Dead, which went along way for me to actually go and buy it since point and click things aint really my thing because I'm really bad missing items and things of import in games. (Damn Chapter 3 in the Witcher 2) but its fun, imaginative and has a deeply chilling story.
All those qualities I love and expect to see in a good TV show or book I have found in a video game, which is no mean feat.
Every time I decided something important my feet went cold and I thought: "shit what will happen because I did X" and now I want to see what happens in chapter 2.
Keep it coming!
The chapter 2 preview seemed a tad spoilerish, I'm usually cool with previews like that as long as there is no context, but it might have revealed a bit too much for my taste.
Man...I thought it was stylish...
You would!
Hey guys, I really enjoyed this game and I'm not traditionally even into point and click games. I'm trying to get into the youtube thing, and I went ahead and did a video review at:
I tried to keep it relatively spoiler free, so no need to worry too much if you're looking to check out this game.
It's like my second review ever, but tell me what you think :-P
Keep up the good work telltale, (please fix the stuttering issues though)
But the problem doesn't really bother me, game looks good enough for me, even with low details.
Now to the topic: Ep.1 is just AWESOME! I played through it twice and chose different options. Expected a bit more different events from the decisions I made, but the story is great and it plays really cool, I can't wait for the next episodes. One of the best games I ever played.
Only hope that I get the opportunity in future episodes to get rid of Larry (preferably by letting him get eaten by some zombies), I HATE that guy and after what he did to me at the end of Ep.1, I just want to pay him back twice ;-)
Summary: GREAT game!!! I love it, can't wait for the next episode and hope that there will be a season 2.
The Walking Dead Review
"With a great art style, an intense and horrifying story, and choices that feel like they really matter, this adventure game makes all of the changes and tweaks that I’ve been wishing for from the genre. It feels like a step forward not just for Telltale, but for the genre as well"
The pace of the conversations / choices was a joy, since it was the first I'd seen since the Sakura Wars series, although it'd be interesting if in future if TT added another aspect of that system, which is where options would change if you waited rather than answering straight up.
The characterisations were spot on, and I found myself (much to my embarassment given that I'm a reader of the comics) trying desperately to save Shawn in as many different ways that I could think of. How the sequence sets up Hershel's farm in the comics was brilliantly down, and the other cameo was enjoyable. The interplay between the different characters and the folks that they meet really raised the bar on what I was expecting from an adventure game, with the voice acting feeling some of the most natural I've heard.
I found myself in a near perpetual state of nearly unbearable tension, waiting for a zombie attack, and worrying that any of the cast might get killed at any point in time.
Personally, I'm hoping for a sequence with Larry similar to what occurred with Shane in the comics, except involving his heart condition.
Just one silly question as i'm about to buy the game of steam.
Is this a one off payment $24.99 for all 5 episodes or we have to pay for each episode monthly when there released?
Sorry again but i cannot make it out. Cheers for anyone prepared to help.
Much appreciated.
We absolutely loved it, I've been a bit 'meh' about recent TellTale games (despite buying them all) but this one really hits the spot. Come and have a look at
Voice acting and animation are fantastic. That's it. The mechanics of the game suck so intensely that there are not adjectives strong enough to describe this.
If I had known this was a PORT from a console, I never would have purchased it.
If I had known that there are zERO camera controls (no zoom, no camera rotation, no nothing) I never would have purchased this game.
If I had know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to remap the keys, I never would have purchased the game.
If I had known that every five minutes I would be KILLED by a sucker-punch style attack, with a crappy useless slow interface that gives NO chance to react in time....I never would have purchased this game.
Way, way back in the days when the only games were in Video Arcades, there was a horrible game on Laser Disk called something like
Dragon's Lair.
This turd cost twice as much to play, 50 cents a game, which lasted maybe two minutes because, like Walking Dead, you die within milliseconds of being attacked and you have to make decisions in microseconds.
Like WD, it tells a story, but DEMANDS you react at the speed of light with no warning.
So, you die, reload. Oh joy, a suspense game that DRAINS every single possible DROP of surprise of pleasure from the game by making combat impossible to you get to reload and repeat, reload and repeat, reload and repeat.....then RAGEQUIT.
When will game designers learn that FRUSTRATION does not equal FUN?
Save your money until you have played a Demo and are sure this game is for you! The interface SUCKS and it is a Port from a Console with NO ability to remap the keys.
Yeah? Well by your logic only lying SHILLS praise the game.
It SUCKS, plain and simple, and is a ripoff.
If its a ripoff. Then explain why people are praising the game? You really think everyone that likes the game are lying?
Its ok to not like the game, but please figure out a better way of saying it.
Oooh ok. You ARE a troll then since there isn't a Gamersgate version...
Edit: My review... The game is friggin awesomenesslegified!!!