"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • Doctor Whoooooo

  • edited November 2014


    roumeaz posted: »

    i'm back . . definitely tellale should consider to do this . . i was offline 3,5 years - back then tell-tale adventures were B+ . . th

  • me too, i even made a petition, if you really want this be sure to sign it :)


    I'd actually buy that. No joke.

  • Thanks :D

    I just signed up.

  • I just signed up.

    me too, i even made a petition, if you really want this be sure to sign it https://www.change.org/p/telltale-games-make-a-shrek-game-2

  • edited November 2014


    roumeaz posted: »

    i'm back . . definitely tellale should consider to do this . . i was offline 3,5 years - back then tell-tale adventures were B+ . . th

  • What I would like to see is a Doctor Who point and click adventure game. It would be amazing and I would definitely get it! Another request is to make a sequel for the Back to the Future series because it ends with 'To Be Continued' and I don't want that to be misled information. Possibly next year as part of the 30th anniversary?

  • Telltale needs to make a Season 2 of The Wolf Among Us, and maybe more Monkey Island; but as for a new franchise, I think Telltale should make a Hellboy game for that series needs a good game. It would also be cool if Telltale did a Sherlock Holmes game: I'm not talking about the modern one like Elementary or Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch, I mean the original Sherlock Holmes where everything is set in the Victorian era.

  • Star Trek or starwars would fit brilliantly into episodic games both highly popular and bring in lots of cash for companies! Or Lord of the rings

  • As others have mentioned Indiana Jones, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek - really anything they do is always great. But please make a Blade Runner series.

  • You joined in 2010 but this is your first comment...

    Can I even say welcome to the Forums?

    As others have mentioned Indiana Jones, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek - really anything they do is always great. But please make a Blade Runner series.

  • LOL I will take that as a hello. I have not logged on for a while. I had been playing the Telltale games through Steam and almost forgot about the website here. I logged on and wow the website is all new.

    You joined in 2010 but this is your first comment... Can I even say welcome to the Forums?

  • Probably not, but you might be able to give him the award for the greatest lurker ever.

    You joined in 2010 but this is your first comment... Can I even say welcome to the Forums?

  • It is indeed, well...Still...Welcome to the New Age Forums!

    LOL I will take that as a hello. I have not logged on for a while. I had been playing the Telltale games through Steam and almost forgot about the website here. I logged on and wow the website is all new.

  • Alt text
    Chameleon.....come out to playyyyyy.

    It is indeed, well...Still...Welcome to the New Age Forums!

  • He isn't apart of the Warriors InGen!

    We only mess with the Warriors...

    Chameleon.....come out to playyyyyy.

  • edited November 2014

    ah yeah . . Westminster Palace . . a high ranking m.i.6. enbodied by AUDREY HEPBURN talks charmingly with another agent . . . . the interface of the adventure 'labyrinth' was good for a start . . put that in a circular expanding form . . a primitive version of this is the interface of the adventure 'full throttle' . . it would be smart to use only left click . . one size fits all . . IBM and smartphone

  • Thread: What Should Telltale Adapt Next?

    I think that a Mass Effect series would work. It would be set before Mass Effect 3 and similar to TFTB it would focus on multiple characters(7 to be exact. I don't have the exact story, but you would play as a Male Human, Male Krogan, Asari, Female Turian, Male Drell, a Male Turian, and a Male Batarian. I think it could work really well. you could visit locations like Omega, the Citadel, Thichunka, Illium, Noveria, and Earth. Post what you think below.

  • Thread: Breaking Bad and Sons Of Anarchy

    I loved to see Telltale do a game series for Breaking Bad and Sons Of Anarchy!!!!!
    The Breaking Bad game can be about what happens to Jesse Pinkman after season 5.
    The Sons Of Anarchy can be a all new adventure for Jax's and the gang.

  • Mass Effect. <3

    You won my heart, YES!


  • I would like to see Telltale do an Elder Scrolls game, it would be interesting to see where they go with it. Also, a Mass Effect game would be amazingly awesome if they pull it off right.

  • I'm still on the first Mass Effect, but nevertheless I already can tell that the Mass Effect world/setting has a very very rich story telling ability. If executed properly, Telltale could do an awesome Mass Effect series.

  • Breaking Bad game would be awesome... BITCH

  • I'd like to see a Doctor Who game or maybe even an Attack on Titan game. (That last one is doubtful, but wouldn't it be awesome?)

  • "Tales from the Bioshock" or better yet "Tales from the Rapture" which would be a prequel to bioshock.

    Or another comic book series like invincible.

  • when i was playing tales from the borderlands, I totally felt like bioshock was the next logical step. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS!!!!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE BIOSHOCK AND I WANT THIS!!!!!!

    Lee4ever posted: »

    "Tales from the Bioshock" or better yet "Tales from the Rapture" which would be a prequel to bioshock. Or another comic book series like invincible.

  • Welcome to the Forums.


    I'm the official welcoming party.

    when i was playing tales from the borderlands, I totally felt like bioshock was the next logical step. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS!!!!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE BIOSHOCK AND I WANT THIS!!!!!!

  • edited November 2014

    Firefly/Serenity. No other franchise deserves a new story more than this.

    I would also be happy with 24 or Left 4 Dead.

  • Replace the male drell/batarian with a female of that respective species and I'd be on board.

    5/2 as a gender ratio in a universe where the sexes are treated equally seems a little silly.

  • I'm sorry , I didn't catch that. I was in the middle of some Calibrations.

    Mass Effect. You won my heart, YES! MASS EFFECT!

  • Good point. Since I'm already writing the story, I am actually adding a Female Quarian to the mix. I'll be posting the story on the forum shortly.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Replace the male drell/batarian with a female of that respective species and I'd be on board. 5/2 as a gender ratio in a universe where the sexes are treated equally seems a little silly.

  • Thread: Mass Effect: A Telltale Games Series

    The story would be set about a week after the events of Mass Effect 2. About a year before the Reaper Invasion and before Omega is taken over by Cerberus. Since it would be hard to import your choices from the trilogy, there would be an in-depth comic that determines who is alive and who is not. For instance, if Samara was killed during the Suicide Mission, she would not appear. If she survived, she will appear in Episode 4, saving a characters life. Like Game of Thrones, it would be a 6 Episode format. There would be 8 playable characters who's stories intertwein. Clarke, a human male who is working for Cerberus as a sleeper cell really working for the Alliance. Archathina, a 150 year old Asari who is a soldier on Thessia. Wrogg, a young Krogan trying to earn the title of Urdnot by working for Wrex/Wreav. Raikon, a Male Turian who is a C-Sec Detective. Valtiax, a female Turian doctor on Huerta Memorial Hospital.on the Citadel. Rayaina Zerah Vas Gorian, a female Quarian ready to go on her Pilgramage. Nyrek, a Male Batarian Captain trying to make ends meet with his crew. And Tarthan, a Male Drell Bounty Hunter on Omega trying to raise money for his family who are with him on the station by doing odd jobs for Aria T'Loak. Each Episode is about 3 Hours Long and will take you to locations such as The Citadel, Omega, Noveria, Thuchunka, Illium, and Earth. Determinately, squadmates such as Samara, Liara, Mordin, Ashley/Kaidan, Miranda, and James will make appearances with a few surprises.

  • Damn it Garrus.

    I'm sorry , I didn't catch that. I was in the middle of some Calibrations.

  • A horror game, not a freely touchy game.

    How about a Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, Anything that will scare people. Just don't make Outlast, because that is stupid.

  • I would perfer it as before ME1 or after ME1.

    Cerberus has an interesting backstory.

  • Leave ME to Bioware.

  • People said "Leave Borderlands to Gearbox."

    Lingvort posted: »

    Leave ME to Bioware.

  • Bioware is doing fine with Mass Effect, for the most part (those ME3 endings, urgh....).

    People said "Leave Borderlands to Gearbox."

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