"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • we can only dream

    Clone83 posted: »

    This would never happen, but maybe Breaking Bad?

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    Carley123 posted: »

    we can only dream

  • Thread: Telltale Game's Star Wars? Anyone? no?

    I think that would be a very cool idea..

    Just think about the fuckin' lasers and shit.

  • As a Star Wars fan that sounds pretty awesome. They could work in a cooperation with Disney like they do with HBO right now. The only problem I see is, that it would be really expensive.

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  • I think that "the Prisoner" would be pretty cool. Being trap in the Village trying to escape.

    Or maybe a "Twin Peaks" game.

  • instantly jizzes

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    As a Star Wars fan that sounds pretty awesome. They could work in a cooperation with Disney like they do with HBO right now. The only problem I see is, that it would be really expensive.

  • We already have a Twin Peaks game.

    It's called Deadly Premonition

    Kandyman posted: »

    I think that "the Prisoner" would be pretty cool. Being trap in the Village trying to escape. Or maybe a "Twin Peaks" game.

  • edited December 2014

    Has anyone here ever played I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM? Just picture a Telltale remake, with each episode told from the perspective of a different character.


  • Thread: TellTale Games based on other Games

    If TellTale were to make more games, based on other companies games like Tales from the Borderlands, what game series would you want them to do? I'd love them to do Bioshock

  • A Telltale game on Tomb Raider would be very badass, just saying.

  • Telltalegames presents Mass Effect! :P. Maybe a story where we play as Liara :P

  • I would love for Telltale to make a game based on Scream, i would prefer it be a Scream game, but a who's the killer type game would be amazing even if it isn't Scream.

  • Yes...

    A Telltale game on Tomb Raider would be very badass, just saying.

  • EW NO

    Telltalegames presents Mass Effect! :P. Maybe a story where we play as Liara :P

  • This is one of the rarest occasions when I'm in total agreement with you.


    Flog61 posted: »

    EW NO

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited December 2014


  • I'm looking forward to Season 3 the most, but I would love for them to make a second season of The Wolf Among Us, but it doesn't seem that they will. What I really want is a Telltale Breaking Bad game.

  • Three simple words. TWAU. SEASON. TWO.

  • Well, isn't TWAU technically not one word but 4 words.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Three simple words. TWAU. SEASON. TWO.

  • Technically, yes. Practically, not the case.

    Well, isn't TWAU technically not one word but 4 words.

  • Stole the words right out of my mouth. :P

    Clone83 posted: »

    This would never happen, but maybe Breaking Bad?

  • People have already said TWAU Season 2 and Breaking Bad, so... hmm... what else?

    ...Venture Brothers or Futurama would be my next picks, I suppose.

  • Okay, you see? My personality is very hard to deal with.

    One side of me is saying: "WWE! WWE! WWE!"

    The other side is saying:

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    You see?!

  • The hunger games could work maybe

  • I don't know why, but these would be amusing to see.

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  • Doctor Who. I don't know how they'd do it, but I'm confident they'd do a good job with it.

  • Minecraft...?


  • All of those ideas are better than fucking Minecraft.

  • I think Dragon Age or Mass Effect games made by TellTale would be great.

    Also i would love to see a Zelda game, but i don't think it would happen since there's no TT games on Nintendo plateform and it would result on a Nintendo exclusivity game.

  • Thread: Where is a telltale bioshock?

    they can literally not do anything wrong, pls make a bioshock game with choices and morals and rapture.

  • 'they can literally not do anything wrong'


  • I totally agree. If they can make a Minecraft game (a good one), they can make everything. :P

  • There is one thing I DON'T want them to do... you know what it is.

  • I have a suggestion for Telltale: Carnivale!

    You've already worked out a deal with HBO for Game of Thrones. Carnivale was cancelled after 2 seasons of a planned 6 season run, and the show's creator desperately wants to finish his story, but he legally can't in any form because HBO owns the rights. Rights they aren't using.

    It would be a great way to allow a show with a big cult following to continue.

  • Fatal Frame am i the only one who wants to hear Miku say Mayfuyu name one more time?

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  • I totally agree. If they can make a Minecraft game (a good one), they can make everything

    I rather play Shaq-Fu than this, I will never get this game. Ever. I will never know anything about this game, and i can live my life and be happy with that fact. I would rather fly through the rings in Superman 64 than play this game.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'they can literally not do anything wrong' Mmm.

  • I second Firefly/Serenity... would be perfect.

    Firefly/Serenity. No other franchise deserves a new story more than this. I would also be happy with 24 or Left 4 Dead.

  • I had been thinking an Adventure Time or Bee and Puppycat themed game would be a good choice.

    Oooh, or an X-Files one. I would LOVE an X-files one.

  • Not Minecraft.

  • I'm just going to call it Minecrap from now on.

    Not Minecraft.

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