Oh...I haven't played Far Cry, i should try to get it soon. It looks like a really fun game, but since I've never played it i don't really have a opinion of it.
Oh...I haven't played Far Cry, i should try to get it soon. It looks like a really fun game, but since I've never played it i don't really have a opinion of it.
Borderlands has a interesting universe and setting and is light hearted. Far cry is serious and just takes place in some remote place with a generic dictator
FarCry doesn't have a consistent world or tone so it could be a lor of different things, the first one is a cheesy story about a Mercenary that gets super powers, the second one is a serious-ish game about being a mercenary in Africa complete with having malaria and shitty weapons that jam and break all the time, the third one is about a rich guy who gets trapped in an island and somehow depite being a normal person becomes a complete badass that does weird somersault things and jumps from guy to guy stabbing them in the face, Blood Dragon is a cheesy over the top comedy thing and I have no idea what 4 is about but I'm not even sure all these games are supposed to take place in the same universe, so it seems weird to just say FarCry, I don't think it's a good idea but I haven't played 3 or 4.
As for Fallout, eh... It already has that choice and cosequence thing going on and your choices in that game affect more than most telltale games so I think if they make that most people will just complain about the lack of consequence and while the universe is interesting I don't think Fallout is a franchise that would benefit much from the Telltale treatment since it just would be a WAY less interactive version of the same thing, Fallout is OK as it is.
I think people are right about Bioshock though, the most interesting things about the Bioshocks are the Lore and the characters so it would be great to interact with the characters and deal with the politics rather than shoot our way through them or through what's left of them, plus the art-style of Infinite lends itself to the Telltale style.
It would be interesting to see, but this should not be in the Game of Thrones section, it's more appropriate in the Telltale Talk section at the bottom of the page. I'm sure a mod will move it soon.
It would be interesting to see, but this should not be in the Game of Thrones section, it's more appropriate in the Telltale Talk section at the bottom of the page. I'm sure a mod will move it soon.
I'm sure it will, but you can't just post a discussion in a certain game's thread when it has nothing to do with the actual game, especially when a mod will move it in like the next few minutes. The Telltale Talk section is pretty popular, so you shouldn't worry about people not seeing it.
I think The Wire could be made into a great Telltale game. It could be in the same vein as Game of Thrones, with going to different characters and such. It would be astounding. It could be either a prequel or an entirely different place on the narcotics scene. Just like the show, making great, moral choices will kill you, and doing what it takes to survive will help you.
And come on, you can't tell me you don't want this to be a dialogue option:
In an ideal world, I'd love to see Telltale buy the Bully and LA Noire licences from Rockstar.
Otherwise I'd also love to see a game set in World War 1 or World War 2.
Oh, I thought of another good one.... Community. It could be hilarious. Now imagine an Arrested Development game. I think these properties would make awesome games.
I also read a rumour that they had considered a stranded horror-themed star wars, the scenario being similar to that long tutorialish level from knights of the old republic 2
arent they doing Minecraft next?
I also read a rumour that they had considered a stranded horror-themed star wars, the scenario being similar to that long tutorialish level from knights of the old republic 2
Thread: Telltale should make a collaboration game with the makers of the 1979 film "Alien"
I love telltale gaming and I'm a fan of the movie "Alien" and I recently got "Alien: Isolation" the game. It seems like a type of environment telltale writers could thrive in.
I think The Wire could be made into a great Telltale game. It could be in the same vein as Game of Thrones, with going to different characte… morers and such. It would be astounding. It could be either a prequel or an entirely different place on the narcotics scene. Just like the show, making great, moral choices will kill you, and doing what it takes to survive will help you.
And come on, you can't tell me you don't want this to be a dialogue option:
First off, while agree that a Minecraft game is a very strange idea for a Telltale game, I personally feel that Telltale could pull it off. (Hell, a movie based on Legos (another strange idea) was released last February and that was a huge hit.)
Secondly, a couple games that I will add to this list (again) would be:
Dinotopia: This series of children's books created a huge franchise of tv shows, movies, and games that Telltale would definitely benefit from. While the premise of an island where dinosaurs and humans co-exist together is interesting enough, the series also has a large amount of lore and interesting characters that would be perfect for a Telltale game.
Harry Potter: Let's face it, the Harry Potter games that have been released weren't good mainly because they were tie-ins to the movies. But with J.K. Rowling continuing to add more lore to an already dizzying amount, Telltale could easily dwelve into the wizarding world for a new adventure. They could either tell an original story set in the Harry Potter universe or even pull a Game of Thrones and tell an original story that runs parallel with the events of the books.
Revival: This is a recent comic book series that takes a totally different look at the zombie mythos. Rather than dead people coming to life to devour the living, these dead people from a small town just simply return to their daily lives, resulting in religious paranoia, scientific curiosity, and general fear across the citizens. One thing the comic excels at was it's non-linear narrative that showed how this strange event effects many different people from this same town, a perfect Telltale Game idea.
Grand Theft Auto: If Telltale could make a Borderlands game, why not a GTA game? The GTA series have been renowned for their political satire, dirty humor, and interesting characters, the makings of a good Telltale game. A really cool story idea they could pull off would be having the main character be a cop who have to deal in dirty business to keep his or her family safe. They could really pull of inspirations from the Ferguson case and maybe some other controversial cop news stories of the past year.
Doctor Who: What could I say, it's a series that explores the morality of humanity while exploring the whole universe of time and space. With so many locations and time periods to travel to, there is a good Telltale story somewhere in the universe. I personally think a good Telltale Doctor Who would be one that revolves around multiple Doctors from the entire history of Doctor Who that tie together into one overrarching story, kind of like what they did with Law and Order Legacies.
Batman: While the Arkham games may be recognized as the greatest Batman games, I feel they don't represent the world's greatest detective part of the Batman mythos that well. A Telltale game set in the batman universe would be awesome, having players solve crimes via a puzzle solving detective method, but also throwing in some Wolf Among Us - ish action.
Chew: This is a comic series with a pretty unique concept. It revolves around the mysteries of Tony Chu, a detective for the FDA set in an alternate future where poultry is outlawed. Tony is a cibopath, meaning that he can tell where anything he eats comes from, from pieces of food to human parts. The game would be awesome with its morality system, as I can clearly a situation where you must choose to solve a mystery with either the longer but more acceptable conventional method or the faster but more frowned upon method of eating a piece of a corpse.
A game based on House would be awesome. He's rude but an incredible doctor. The game would revolve around making choices such as how much of a jerk you are to others, and whether or not you go outside the system to try to save lives. Of course, you then have to deal with the consequences of those actions, such as doctors quitting on you or killing off your patients.
I personally think they should make a game version of DEATHNOTE. but not with the main characters, they should make another story that can either be connected or not to the original story.
Awww man I would have loved a Scott Pilgrim game by TellTale! Oh well i can always still enjoy the original game and the movie.
And no, Star Wars is owned by Disney now and they are basically putting the major Star Wars projects over to EA right now, so I doubt TellTale would be able to grab any material from that IP sadly.
Yeah, they are doing Minecraft next.
I don't know about that Star Wars thing, but a while back (before TWD) they were planning to do a Scott Pilgrim game, but the creator said no.
Scott Pilgrim creator rejected Telltale Games' title offer
They should totally do a " The Thing" game series. The older one from John carpenter is all about trusting others and people making difficult choices. It could really be interesting if done correctly.
Yeah, at this point Star Wars is out of the question since EA currently has the exclusive rights to make Star Wars games for the PC/console market. The only way they could do it is to make a game for the mobile market only, but that's very unlikely since Telltale's development philosophy is to have their games on as many platforms as possible, and they definitely would want to do that for a license as large as Star Wars.
Awww man I would have loved a Scott Pilgrim game by TellTale! Oh well i can always still enjoy the original game and the movie.
And no, … moreStar Wars is owned by Disney now and they are basically putting the major Star Wars projects over to EA right now, so I doubt TellTale would be able to grab any material from that IP sadly.
I previously commented on here way back when the thread first started but I wanted to add afew IPs that I think could easily be brought into the TellTale formula.
1) Deus Ex - PLEASE HEAR ME OUT FIRST! I loved the crap out of the original Deus Ex, kinda liked Deus Ex: Invisible War too (though massively disappointing in comparison to the original) and Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a game that I waited for almost 8 years and it went beyond my expectations (the Diretcor's Cut made it even better with the boss fights which was the main con I had with the original release). Now as for what TellTale could do here, first of all the world is rich with all kinds of conspiracies, The Illuminati, and rich-backstory that TellTale could easily be able to take advantage of such as with the 2030s when the NSF were first founded by Leon Woods or when they officially changed their name from the Northwest Secessionist Forces to National Secessionist Forces in 2042 in response to the Sporting Weapons Act. This could be possible since Square Enix has announced that Deus Ex Universe will be a multiple tie-in-game project over a period of time and TellTale could be an outside group that could contribute more to the back story of events within the games (especially since Deus Ex is known for tying their branching story-lines together into one)
2) Any World of Darkness series - I repeated this before, but I would still like to see a White Wolf (merged with CCP) title game from their World of Darkness series. It sucks so hard that CCP canceled the MMO project that they were developing for years and now I feel like CCP is better off just simply outsourcing the IP to another developer for develop (such as Obsidian who worked on the South Park The Stick of Truth game which was pushed around for long time). It could be on any species with the World of Darkness series such as vampires, werewolves, mages, etc. I honestly don't really mind, I just want something to help fill the void of White Wolf's absence. ;_;
3) Saga (Comics) =- this series has so much lore and potential that it would be a real shame if it didn't get its own adaption by TellTale as a video game as there is alot of interesting and graphic material that I think TellTale would have an great time tackling.
Those are my thoughts anyway. Probably will have other ideas down the line, but that is it for now.
So... There's probably another thread, but I really loved the idea of Bioshock and Telltale, and with them doing Borderlands there's a greater chance for that to happen.
Anyone who has played that game knows how big Bioshock's Universe is.
I'd love to see a non-action game featuring Rapture before the Civil War, choosing Between Ryan and Fontaine or even Lamb or maybe acting as a crucial character as Bill McDonagh or Tennembaum.
So... Please Telltale... Would you kindly make a Bioshock game?
there is a lot they could do with series from telling stories of the marauders to even the story of dumbledore when he was younger!
maybe voldemorts rise to power, or even just base it on the wizarding world and do a story of the aurors and their search for evil wizards! we could even play as mad eye moody and go through a story of him chasing some wizard gone bad! i feel like there would be endless possibilities for a Harry Potter series and i feel like there is no way it wouldn't do well in terms of sales!!
also Harry Potter even became more violent as the series went on, so TTG wouldn't even need to tone things down much from their recent releases if they wanted to continue with darker stories!
plus now that they've expanded the Harry Potter theme park the game would stay current for quite awhile!
Honestly at this point i'll play just about anything TTG releases because so far everything i've played from them has been amazing! i just really think Harry Potter would be an incredible TellTale Game!
I googled "What should telltale do next?" Found This Created an account
These are my Picks
1) Firefly - With such a Large Fan base and Very few Episodes There is a lot of room for a pretty good story in this 'verse'
2) Supernatural - First off I'm A Huge Fan of the show and I think This Would be a Cool idea Maybe play as a Lone Hunter Hunting things that go Bump in the Night Or maybe a Creature Being hunted Just trying to survive
3) The x-Files - Alien Abductions, Creatures, Government Conspiracies Who Can be trusted? This Would Be a great for a telltale game Making decisions on who you can and who you can't Trust to get to the Real truth
Don't hold your breath. Nothing has been announced about it and the last Fallout game was a while back. Whats wrong with Far Cry?
Oh...I haven't played Far Cry, i should try to get it soon. It looks like a really fun game, but since I've never played it i don't really have a opinion of it.
I would recommend it. Its not as good as Fallout but a great open world adventure game. Telltale could do something with characters like Vaas.
The only thing about far cry is no one really played it for the story, it was just a really good shooter
The same can be said about Borderlands
Borderlands has a interesting universe and setting and is light hearted. Far cry is serious and just takes place in some remote place with a generic dictator
Which FarCry?
FarCry doesn't have a consistent world or tone so it could be a lor of different things, the first one is a cheesy story about a Mercenary that gets super powers, the second one is a serious-ish game about being a mercenary in Africa complete with having malaria and shitty weapons that jam and break all the time, the third one is about a rich guy who gets trapped in an island and somehow depite being a normal person becomes a complete badass that does weird somersault things and jumps from guy to guy stabbing them in the face, Blood Dragon is a cheesy over the top comedy thing and I have no idea what 4 is about but I'm not even sure all these games are supposed to take place in the same universe, so it seems weird to just say FarCry, I don't think it's a good idea but I haven't played 3 or 4.
As for Fallout, eh... It already has that choice and cosequence thing going on and your choices in that game affect more than most telltale games so I think if they make that most people will just complain about the lack of consequence and while the universe is interesting I don't think Fallout is a franchise that would benefit much from the Telltale treatment since it just would be a WAY less interactive version of the same thing, Fallout is OK as it is.
I think people are right about Bioshock though, the most interesting things about the Bioshocks are the Lore and the characters so it would be great to interact with the characters and deal with the politics rather than shoot our way through them or through what's left of them, plus the art-style of Infinite lends itself to the Telltale style.
Wreck it Ralph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fallout. i would buy it without hesitation if they did fallout.
Thread: Telltale Game's South Park? Anyone? No..?
It would be interesting to see, but this should not be in the Game of Thrones section, it's more appropriate in the Telltale Talk section at the bottom of the page. I'm sure a mod will move it soon.
I've considered moving it to the Telltale's section.
But the Game of thrones section will get more people to see my Idea.
I'm sure it will, but you can't just post a discussion in a certain game's thread when it has nothing to do with the actual game, especially when a mod will move it in like the next few minutes. The Telltale Talk section is pretty popular, so you shouldn't worry about people not seeing it.
I think The Wire could be made into a great Telltale game. It could be in the same vein as Game of Thrones, with going to different characters and such. It would be astounding. It could be either a prequel or an entirely different place on the narcotics scene. Just like the show, making great, moral choices will kill you, and doing what it takes to survive will help you.
And come on, you can't tell me you don't want this to be a dialogue option:
In an ideal world, I'd love to see Telltale buy the Bully and LA Noire licences from Rockstar.
Otherwise I'd also love to see a game set in World War 1 or World War 2.
Oh, I thought of another good one.... Community. It could be hilarious. Now imagine an Arrested Development game. I think these properties would make awesome games.
arent they doing Minecraft next?
I also read a rumour that they had considered a stranded horror-themed star wars, the scenario being similar to that long tutorialish level from knights of the old republic 2
Yeah, they are doing Minecraft next.
I don't know about that Star Wars thing, but a while back (before TWD) they were planning to do a Scott Pilgrim game, but the creator said no.
Scott Pilgrim creator rejected Telltale Games' title offer
Thread: Telltale should make a collaboration game with the makers of the 1979 film "Alien"
I love telltale gaming and I'm a fan of the movie "Alien" and I recently got "Alien: Isolation" the game. It seems like a type of environment telltale writers could thrive in.
Yeah, That's a good idea actually, There's a lot of potential there.
This sounds awesome!
Heavy Rain Chronicles.
There was a whole series planned but it got canned so that they could work on the motion controls.
They did release one episode: The Taxidermist...
Please exercise caution, It's a pretty gross and gnarly game...

First off, while agree that a Minecraft game is a very strange idea for a Telltale game, I personally feel that Telltale could pull it off. (Hell, a movie based on Legos (another strange idea) was released last February and that was a huge hit.)
Secondly, a couple games that I will add to this list (again) would be:
Dinotopia: This series of children's books created a huge franchise of tv shows, movies, and games that Telltale would definitely benefit from. While the premise of an island where dinosaurs and humans co-exist together is interesting enough, the series also has a large amount of lore and interesting characters that would be perfect for a Telltale game.
Harry Potter: Let's face it, the Harry Potter games that have been released weren't good mainly because they were tie-ins to the movies. But with J.K. Rowling continuing to add more lore to an already dizzying amount, Telltale could easily dwelve into the wizarding world for a new adventure. They could either tell an original story set in the Harry Potter universe or even pull a Game of Thrones and tell an original story that runs parallel with the events of the books.
Revival: This is a recent comic book series that takes a totally different look at the zombie mythos. Rather than dead people coming to life to devour the living, these dead people from a small town just simply return to their daily lives, resulting in religious paranoia, scientific curiosity, and general fear across the citizens. One thing the comic excels at was it's non-linear narrative that showed how this strange event effects many different people from this same town, a perfect Telltale Game idea.
Grand Theft Auto: If Telltale could make a Borderlands game, why not a GTA game? The GTA series have been renowned for their political satire, dirty humor, and interesting characters, the makings of a good Telltale game. A really cool story idea they could pull off would be having the main character be a cop who have to deal in dirty business to keep his or her family safe. They could really pull of inspirations from the Ferguson case and maybe some other controversial cop news stories of the past year.
Doctor Who: What could I say, it's a series that explores the morality of humanity while exploring the whole universe of time and space. With so many locations and time periods to travel to, there is a good Telltale story somewhere in the universe. I personally think a good Telltale Doctor Who would be one that revolves around multiple Doctors from the entire history of Doctor Who that tie together into one overrarching story, kind of like what they did with Law and Order Legacies.
Batman: While the Arkham games may be recognized as the greatest Batman games, I feel they don't represent the world's greatest detective part of the Batman mythos that well. A Telltale game set in the batman universe would be awesome, having players solve crimes via a puzzle solving detective method, but also throwing in some Wolf Among Us - ish action.
Chew: This is a comic series with a pretty unique concept. It revolves around the mysteries of Tony Chu, a detective for the FDA set in an alternate future where poultry is outlawed. Tony is a cibopath, meaning that he can tell where anything he eats comes from, from pieces of food to human parts. The game would be awesome with its morality system, as I can clearly a situation where you must choose to solve a mystery with either the longer but more acceptable conventional method or the faster but more frowned upon method of eating a piece of a corpse.
I would love to see a TT game in combination with the H.P Lovecraft mythos
-1920s setting, sanity, cultists etc..... would be pretty cool
A game based on House would be awesome. He's rude but an incredible doctor. The game would revolve around making choices such as how much of a jerk you are to others, and whether or not you go outside the system to try to save lives. Of course, you then have to deal with the consequences of those actions, such as doctors quitting on you or killing off your patients.
A love story between a goose and a llama perhaps?
10/10 great water.
Thread: What should Telltalegames make next?
I personally think they should make a game version of DEATHNOTE. but not with the main characters, they should make another story that can either be connected or not to the original story.
This is even more awesome because they are actually bringing Twin Peaks back in 2016 on Showtime!
I second this!
Awww man I would have loved a Scott Pilgrim game by TellTale!
Oh well i can always still enjoy the original game and the movie.
And no, Star Wars is owned by Disney now and they are basically putting the major Star Wars projects over to EA right now, so I doubt TellTale would be able to grab any material from that IP sadly.
They should totally do a " The Thing" game series. The older one from John carpenter is all about trusting others and people making difficult choices. It could really be interesting if done correctly.
Yeah, at this point Star Wars is out of the question since EA currently has the exclusive rights to make Star Wars games for the PC/console market. The only way they could do it is to make a game for the mobile market only, but that's very unlikely since Telltale's development philosophy is to have their games on as many platforms as possible, and they definitely would want to do that for a license as large as Star Wars.
I previously commented on here way back when the thread first started but I wanted to add afew IPs that I think could easily be brought into the TellTale formula.
1) Deus Ex - PLEASE HEAR ME OUT FIRST! I loved the crap out of the original Deus Ex, kinda liked Deus Ex: Invisible War too (though massively disappointing in comparison to the original) and Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a game that I waited for almost 8 years and it went beyond my expectations (the Diretcor's Cut made it even better with the boss fights which was the main con I had with the original release). Now as for what TellTale could do here, first of all the world is rich with all kinds of conspiracies, The Illuminati, and rich-backstory that TellTale could easily be able to take advantage of such as with the 2030s when the NSF were first founded by Leon Woods or when they officially changed their name from the Northwest Secessionist Forces to National Secessionist Forces in 2042 in response to the Sporting Weapons Act. This could be possible since Square Enix has announced that Deus Ex Universe will be a multiple tie-in-game project over a period of time and TellTale could be an outside group that could contribute more to the back story of events within the games (especially since Deus Ex is known for tying their branching story-lines together into one)
2) Any World of Darkness series - I repeated this before, but I would still like to see a White Wolf (merged with CCP) title game from their World of Darkness series. It sucks so hard that CCP canceled the MMO project that they were developing for years and now I feel like CCP is better off just simply outsourcing the IP to another developer for develop (such as Obsidian who worked on the South Park The Stick of Truth game which was pushed around for long time). It could be on any species with the World of Darkness series such as vampires, werewolves, mages, etc. I honestly don't really mind, I just want something to help fill the void of White Wolf's absence. ;_;
3) Saga (Comics) =- this series has so much lore and potential that it would be a real shame if it didn't get its own adaption by TellTale as a video game as there is alot of interesting and graphic material that I think TellTale would have an great time tackling.
Those are my thoughts anyway. Probably will have other ideas down the line, but that is it for now.
Maybe something original and non-violent? Don't hit me :x
Thread: Bioshock Telltale
So... There's probably another thread, but I really loved the idea of Bioshock and Telltale, and with them doing Borderlands there's a greater chance for that to happen.
Anyone who has played that game knows how big Bioshock's Universe is.
I'd love to see a non-action game featuring Rapture before the Civil War, choosing Between Ryan and Fontaine or even Lamb or maybe acting as a crucial character as Bill McDonagh or Tennembaum.
So... Please Telltale... Would you kindly make a Bioshock game?
Yes TellTale, please make a Bioshock game.
They could also do a lot of cannon things in the story. Maybe the main character becomes song bird at the end, or subject delta
i Definitely agree with Harry Potter!
there is a lot they could do with series from telling stories of the marauders to even the story of dumbledore when he was younger!
maybe voldemorts rise to power, or even just base it on the wizarding world and do a story of the aurors and their search for evil wizards! we could even play as mad eye moody and go through a story of him chasing some wizard gone bad! i feel like there would be endless possibilities for a Harry Potter series and i feel like there is no way it wouldn't do well in terms of sales!!
also Harry Potter even became more violent as the series went on, so TTG wouldn't even need to tone things down much from their recent releases if they wanted to continue with darker stories!
plus now that they've expanded the Harry Potter theme park the game would stay current for quite awhile!
Honestly at this point i'll play just about anything TTG releases because so far everything i've played from them has been amazing! i just really think Harry Potter would be an incredible TellTale Game!
You guys NEED to make a breaking bad game i want it in my life please it would be such a good game i love the show!
I googled "What should telltale do next?" Found This Created an account
These are my Picks
1) Firefly - With such a Large Fan base and Very few Episodes There is a lot of room for a pretty good story in this 'verse'
2) Supernatural - First off I'm A Huge Fan of the show and I think This Would be a Cool idea Maybe play as a Lone Hunter Hunting things that go Bump in the Night Or maybe a Creature Being hunted Just trying to survive
3) The x-Files - Alien Abductions, Creatures, Government Conspiracies Who Can be trusted? This Would Be a great for a telltale game Making decisions on who you can and who you can't Trust to get to the Real truth