"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • edited January 2015

    I always thought it would be cool if telltale did an anime game but they probably won't be able to pull it off.

  • Thread: Telltale should make a Breaking Bad game

    I honestly don't know why this isn't a thing yet! There's so much potential! They could get Aaron Paul and do a prequel where he is Captain Cook working with Emilio and Krazy-8. The only possible problem with that could be that Emilio is most likely appearing in Better Call Saul since Jesse says Emilio has been represented by Saul before. But there are so many more opportunities.But honestly I desperately want this! Especially if Vince Gilligan helps write it and Aaron Paul reprises his role
    I mean, I cant be the only one

  • I've been saying this for a long time now, a Telltale Breaking Bad game would be incredible, perhaps maybe as a sequel to the show following Jesse after he escapes. Whatever it is, Telltale, get on it.

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  • Alot of people want a Breaking Bad Game, and Im a huge Breaking Bad fan, but I really dont want one. Like, there isnt much they can do, Jesse defiantly isnt going back to cooking meth. Who would we play as? What would we do?

    Would we just be something stupid like a guy trying to live up to Walter White's name? Because honestly that would just feel like something similar with breaking bad, with just a few references.

    I just dont see it working well as a TellTale Game.

  • Would we just be something stupid like a guy trying to live up to Walter White's name? Because honestly that would just feel like something similar with breaking bad, with just a few references.

    Lol have you played TFTB? Rhys basically is that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Alot of people want a Breaking Bad Game, and Im a huge Breaking Bad fan, but I really dont want one. Like, there isnt much they can do, Jess

  • YES! I've always said this. But will use existing characters or start of with some completely new?

  • But tfbl is a comedy, and Jesse and Walter is what made Breaking Bad

    Would we just be something stupid like a guy trying to live up to Walter White's name? Because honestly that would just feel like something

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    But tfbl is a comedy, and Jesse and Walter is what made Breaking Bad

  • edited January 2015

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  • edited January 2015

    Mad Respect, Woolie's on your side though! On a serious note, I don't think it could work but I think the unilateral dream crushing wasn't super worth it guys? It might be interesting to see...

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  • I want NAruto to be the next tale tale game

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  • i like naruto, but please that's funny.. and one does not simply telltale and kishimoto mix it together... like wait what? xD
    they had there own game so no need telltale to adapt that

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  • Please keep all posts about what Tell Tale Games should make in this thread. Thank you... http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/50940/the-generic-telltale-should-make-thread

  • Lol.

    Please keep all posts about what Tell Tale Games should make in this thread. Thank you... http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/50940/the-generic-telltale-should-make-thread

  • what's so funny? lol


  • Breaking bad is about one guy not a universe so it wouldnt really work as a game here

  • Better Call Saul?

    Breaking bad is about one guy not a universe so it wouldnt really work as a game here

  • Well, they could start with an entirely new cast of characters. A similar situation in a different area.

  • That's already a tv series :p

    Better Call Saul?

  • It basically is though :p If it isn't Walt it's another character. The universe itself is bland IMO, since it's basically our world. There's not much they can do with it, that hasn't or isn't already being done.

    I was referring to that fact that the universe wasn't only about one guy.

  • It basically is though :p If it isn't Walt it's another character. The universe itself is bland IMO, since it's basically our world. There's not much they can do with it, that hasn't or isn't already being done.

    I was referring to that fact that the universe wasn't only about one guy.

  • I was referring to that fact that the universe wasn't only about one guy.

    Green613 posted: »

    That's already a tv series

  • It basically is though :p If it isn't Walt it's another character. The universe itself is bland IMO, since it's basically our world. There's not much they can do with it, that hasn't or isn't already being done.

    I was referring to that fact that the universe wasn't only about one guy.

  • The same thing could be said about The Walking Dead, but they already made 2 seasons of a video game about different characters in the same universe. And are about to make spinoff series with more new characters. They can definitely make a video game about different characters in Breaking Bad universe.

    Breaking bad is about one guy not a universe so it wouldnt really work as a game here

  • I'll back it!

  • I have huge issues with sound of this game. Also, graphics looks outdated.

    Also, its not really licenced Twin Peaks game.

    Also, its not really Telltale adventure game. ;)

  • Thread: Titanic Game?

    I think telltales would be perfect to make a game based on the Titanic. Start off trying to get aboard, then cause trouble and do interesting things on the ship (insert cool plot here, something with the usual violence we love about telltales), and try to survive the sinking. Would be interesting to see. Sinking would be very cool, trying to escape the ship as it breaks apart and slowly sinks into the sea. I dunno, just thought I would share this thought.

  • Maybe there was a show on it recently that was kind of like that. It could work.... maybe

  • Yawn.

    Maybe there was a show on it recently that was kind of like that. It could work.... maybe

  • I bet the ending would be super shocking

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  • Not really. It may be a lot to ask from Telltale but based on your actions (Ex. save kid/warn family or keep moving) determines if you die or not.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I bet the ending would be super shocking

  • Would be an interesting thing to see but I doubt it would be episodic.

  • Yeah, maybe if it was just some 1 episode thing they wanted to make, like, you just cant make 5 episodes about the titanic

    Would be an interesting thing to see but I doubt it would be episodic.

  • Maybe you still could. Titanic sank on it's fourth day, so you could make four episodes out of that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, maybe if it was just some 1 episode thing they wanted to make, like, you just cant make 5 episodes about the titanic

  • I think it's an excellent idea. If it centered around the ship and sinking during the whole story, then it would fall flat, but maybe a fictional story taking place around the event. There was a Titanic CD game in the 90's that did that.

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