"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • breaking bad will be awesome I would love to play as a new character maybe Mexican guy somehow he gets in trouble with the cartel and he break bad, then they send him to Jesse Pinkman so he force Jesse to teach him how to cook meth.

  • Breaking Bad game would be awesome. And I believe TTG said a while back that would be one of their dream games to do.

  • Alright I know that this idea may seem hard to believe but i know a few ways it could work, just hear me out on this
    Alt text
    The game series can take place before and/or after the seires, explain the events leading up to it or the events that take place afterwards, there's alot more possibilities here than you think

  • Fallout and Pulp Fiction

  • Or True Detective

    Cyber-Funk posted: »

    Fallout and Pulp Fiction

  • I would LOVE a Kill Bill game. Those QTE's would be phenomenal! Instead of a 3rd movie, they should just partner up with Miramax and do a game.

    LOST would be awesome too, a new cast of characters on the Island after Hurley becomes the protector, and the man in black survives after Jack "kills" him?

    Harry Potter would be awesome too, maybe a sequel series about his children?

    TTG can make just about anything perfect.

  • Harry Potter would be awesome!! I don't know if i'd like play as his children, but it would be great a game based on the books and movies.

    dvg2016 posted: »

    I would LOVE a Kill Bill game. Those QTE's would be phenomenal! Instead of a 3rd movie, they should just partner up with Miramax and do a ga

  • I'd love if Telltale made a Bioshock game. That would be fantastic.

  • It should be based on the Marauders while they are in school with special appearances of Lilly and Snape

    Insta- buy

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Harry Potter would be awesome!! I don't know if i'd like play as his children, but it would be great a game based on the books and movies.

  • edited December 2014

    Metal Gear Solid

    Breaking Bad

    Death Note



    Something with greek mythology

  • How would you like a Sons Of Anarchy telltale game? :)

  • Warhammer 40,000 would be interesting considering it would be a challenge to make a likeable cast from a setting where biggotry and dehumnization is a norm that will never change because there is no saving humanity. I don't the general TTG audience would appreciate the setting, though, even it's ful of humour.

  • I didn't think about that, it would be great! Especially if we could play as all of them 4.

    It should be based on the Marauders while they are in school with special appearances of Lilly and Snape Insta- buy

  • The Hunger Games, Dragon Ball ( I can dream, right? ), The Fifth Wave...

  • Bioshock game series.

  • Blade Runner needs to happen!

  • Here are 6 games I think TellTale should make.
    6. Hell of Wheels - Since they have already adapted one of AMC's tv shows, The Walking Dead, this one seems perfect for their skill set, and I would love to see it!

    1. Legend of Korra(Or any different character in the Avatar universe) - I know this is a fat chance, But I think it would be awesome, think, you're the avatar, you have to make choices with who to side with, you have to choose which actions to make, and you have to fulfill all your duties as avatar, I personally think it would be an amazing game.

    2. Star Wars - This one is a no brainer, especially with Episode 7 on its way, it would be awesome, the possiblities are endless for telltale, theres just so much they could do with the franchise its mind boggoling, and I would love to see one in the near future.

    3. Lord of the Rings - I know this is a slim change of happening, but it would be perfect for telltale, since theres so many tales to tell that the movies and books never even touched on.

    4. Star Trek - This seems like a good possibility, especially since the easter egg in one of their games. Think, you're the captain of your ship, you make all the choices, you pick which planets to explore, you pick your combat strategies, in the heat of battle, you issue commands all while sitting on your cammad chair. If this happens, I will die of happiness.

    5. Doctor Who - Need I say anything more?

    Ok thats my list, and just an idea, what it telltale were to come up with another ip, set in medieval times, your a king, you lead armies, and do all the kingly stuff kings do :) Let me know what you think of my list!

  • Thread: So what game would we want next?

    Im aware of the fact theres still lots of episodes to come from GoT and TotB, however, with successes as these, with telltale growing. I can fanboy my way around to what kind of stuff we want next. Acting becomes hard for older generation actors, while voice acting is comparatively easier.
    For shows like firefly, the actors have gotten older, but their voices havent. Stuff like that makes so much possible all of the sudden.

    For those reasons alone i would feel Firefly would be a great show to make a game out of. Such a vast universe that was left unexplored because of Fox....
    Other then that, as a Star Trek fanboy, the next generation would be a great choice to make a game from, all the diplomacy that went on there. The love for voice acting Patrick Steward and Jonathan Frakes seem to have.

    I could go on, but i would like to hear what you guys would love to see depicted into a telltale game.
    Let me know!, Thanks :)

  • thanks, sorry i havent been around here for a while.

  • I would kill for a Star Wars or Lord of The Rings (Middle-Earth) game. I really would!!

    I have a feeling though that sooner rather than later, they will make a Disney game with Mickey Mouse et al. Tron would be cool as well, since it has lots of moral stuff in there.

    Here are 6 games I think TellTale should make. 6. Hell of Wheels - Since they have already adapted one of AMC's tv shows, The Walking Dead

  • I'm pretty sure the idea listed in OP's post is actually mine, before this thread was made, or was merged into it.... regardless.... I have a few "Original ideas" telltale could work with.

  • edited December 2014

    Clive Barker's NIGHTBREED. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, see the movie (especially the "director's cut" that was just released this year by Scream Factory). Try to imagine playing as one of the monsters in the aftermath of the fall of Midian.


  • Something to do in the Harry Potter universe would make a lot of money.

  • A Telltale Carnivale game would be the most amazing thing that could possibly happen. It's very unlikely though since HBO is clutching those rights tightly and the show itself isn't as popular as, say, Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. One can hope :(

  • Probably nothing new in this, but with Star Wars coming back this time next year, I'd really like to see Telltale's take on this massive universe. TftB and GoT will probably finish around the middle of next year and this would give Telltale time to write and make a Star Wars series in time for the film release (or just after). Just imagine how great this could be with some decent writers for once.

  • If Jurassic World isn't a flop and actually revives the series, then I can foresee a second season to the Jurassic Park game.

  • Well, I don't know how telltale could do it, but a telltale game based off the Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, would be amazing.

  • I would like a telltale game based on Stephen Kings Dark Tower series, because I think that universe is so awesome

  • I only have a few ideas....

    1. (more in detail) Another realistic zombie Apocalypse game. I would love to be able to design your characters and back stories, Personalities, what they can say, (type boxes?) TT did excellent on TWDG 1&2 And i cant wait for season three. i bet they'd do great making this one to if they do some things like in TWDG And any dramatic things..... :)

    2. Criminal minds!!

    3. I dont know..anything dramatic or action packed/thrilling

  • I actually can see happening:

    • Breaking Bad

    • Harry Potter

    • The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

    As for TLotR, I think it might be too expensive, and it might not even be a tale worth telling, because we've been there already in the story.

    But a Breaking Bad game set after the show, canon to the spin-off? Hells to the yes, count me in Day 1.

    And Harry Potter also seems possible. I sure hope so, it's also a vast universe. However, I don't think J.K. Rowling would want her story to be continued (with Harry's kids at Hogwarts), and if I'm quite honest, I don't want it either. The series end on such a great note, even Telltale and a great game might destroy thaz beautiful ending.

  • Hello, I don't know if this series has been proposed but I think Homeland is a really good choice. I made a post about it in other thread:

    Hello! I'm a fan of the emotional power that comes with the TT games, so the last few days I've come to realize that, in my opinion, a Homeland game would be THE game. It's currently one of the most emotionally charged series in air and the choices of the characters have an incredible weight in the outcome of the whole series. The action is very well balanced -something that goes very well with TT games-. So that would be my pick, TT would be wise to take a look and think about getting the rights and do a game about it, maybe sharing the universe without interfering with the series, like in GoT... And I know the writing from TT applied in Homeland would just be AWESOME.

    Pleeeaaase consider it :)

  • edited December 2014

    Thread: Choose ONE game you wish Telltale made next

    I hope this thread doesnt get merged, its different than just asking.
    I want to know what is the most requested game, whats the most and least popular idea for a game. (you can add you own things you wished they made)

    Games added:



    Freaks and Geeks


    The Hunger Games



  • Korra. Nuff said

  • This would never happen, but maybe Breaking Bad?

  • I'd rather have a Steins;Gate video game made by telltale.

  • Twin Peaks please!

  • I say Leverage

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