XBox360 Season pass not working



  • This.

    Juggtacular posted: »

    I understand being angry. But let's not just say "RRRARGH, THEY WANT TO CHARGE US MORE!" The option to "buy it again" isn't that option. It's

  • It's disrespectful and you sound like a schill. You also sound like you think season pass holders are too stupid to realize they're being out in an unfair position.

    Juggtacular posted: »

    I understand being angry. But let's not just say "RRRARGH, THEY WANT TO CHARGE US MORE!" The option to "buy it again" isn't that option. It's

  • Like Blitzkrieg_wop said, this has happened several times before on xbox. To be honest, I can't remember how long it took to resolve, but for now I'd chalk it up to a Microsoft system hiccup and not a diabolical plot by Telltale. These things happen in the first hour or so of release sometimes. I'm sure it'll get fixed.

    It's happened to me on several occasions on Xbox. Not just telltale games but the GoW3 season pass did this and so did bioshock Infinite.

  • how DO you download it with a season pass you click on the season pass thing or should it just automatically download...

  • No dice, a waste of time. Fuck

    NickL posted: »

    I uninstalled everything and moved my save, then cleared my cache. Re-installing and will then put my save back.... I doubt it'll do anything but here's me hoping.

  • Glitches are going to happen. NO way the devs thought, hey maybe these guys will buy the season pass, THEN buy each subsequent episode again! They must be idiots. It's happened on other games so this isn't some conspiracy. It's a screw-up that will get fixed.

  • Good point. Maybe it's Microsoft making Telltale games look like a bunch of assholes.

    dasniper2 posted: »

    agreed...though there is a chance this microsoft's fault due to xbox marketplaces purchasing infrastructure...and if it's gonna take a WHILE to get sorted out...NOT COOL.

  • Did you guys notice there was a new 2Mb update? Perhaps they forgot to code in the season pass for that better not be what happened...

  • In all honesty, I think this was a glitch or a mistake and I don't really think anyone is really at fault, it was probably human error. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm pissed off about the whole thing.

  • I can't believe I woke up at 4am for this.

  • Either that or it's a problem having to do with how season passes kick in on Xbox...if that's the case Microsoft needs to get their $hite together...

    dasniper2 posted: »

    In all honesty, I think this was a glitch or a mistake and I don't really think anyone is really at fault, it was probably human error. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm pissed off about the whole thing.

  • It's fair for you to feel how you feel about the things you are sold and it's fair for me to be disappointed that I purchased something in good faith and now I am worse off for that decision.

    Juggtacular posted: »

    Glitches are going to happen. NO way the devs thought, hey maybe these guys will buy the season pass, THEN buy each subsequent episode again!

  • You start the game as if you were going to play episode one, go to download content and choose Ep. 2. Normally when the White Xbox Live rectangle pops up the price is "Free". At least that's how it's worked in other games.

    dasniper2 posted: »

    how DO you download it with a season pass you click on the season pass thing or should it just automatically download...

  • Man, I stayed up until 4am for this. I'm livid.

    NickL posted: »

    I can't believe I woke up at 4am for this.

  • I can't believe I stayed up to 4am for this.

    NickL posted: »

    I can't believe I woke up at 4am for this.

  • Hahaha I'm right there with you...

    NickL posted: »

    I can't believe I woke up at 4am for this.

  • I agree. An irritating mistake for us the consumers, but a mistake nonetheless. And I'm definitely pissed about it. Been waiting all night for the "Coming Soon!" title to go away. Now I can download it but unless I wait for them to fix it I'll have to pay. I'm plenty mad, but I waited this long. So I'll wait till they fix it.

    dasniper2 posted: »

    In all honesty, I think this was a glitch or a mistake and I don't really think anyone is really at fault, it was probably human error. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm pissed off about the whole thing.

  • Talk about a lump of coal in your stocking

  • It's almost 6am here. EST.

  • I'm to old for that, I had my chamomile tea and went to bed early.

    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    Man, I stayed up until 4am for this. I'm livid.

  • I got an idea...let's all start flooding Xbox's Support Twitter with this issue to see if they respond.

  • As well as TellTale Game's twitter.

    dasniper2 posted: »

    I got an idea...let's all start flooding Xbox's Support Twitter with this issue to see if they respond.

  • You think I'm not disappointed? I'm as pissed as everyone else. I've been a Telltale fan since the Jurassic Park game back in 2010. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to cry conspiracy because Telltale fucked up. And to say they're "Forcing" season pass holders to buy the game again and forgetting that not everyone will buy a season pass so people without one need an option to purchase the game as well.

    It's fair for you to feel how you feel about the things you are sold and it's fair for me to be disappointed that I purchased something in good faith and now I am worse off for that decision.

  • Yes, Microsoft will respond and fix the problem in seconds. They have tender, warm and kind hearts there <3

    dasniper2 posted: »

    I got an idea...let's all start flooding Xbox's Support Twitter with this issue to see if they respond.

  • "you sound like a schill" well, you sound like a high-strung asshole who can't stand it when things aren't perfect. No one's making you pay for anything, just wait a damn minute and it will work. jesus christ take off the tinfoil hat and act like an adult

    It's disrespectful and you sound like a schill. You also sound like you think season pass holders are too stupid to realize they're being out in an unfair position.

  • If anyone wants to camp out online, we could start an Xbox live party. Hahaha

  • Not sure if it's the same for US people but in the UK it seems Microsoft have hiked the price up for episode 2. Episode 1 was £3.49, but now episode 2 is £3.99... So yeah fuck you Microsoft, I'm glad I bought the season pass when I did... but then again when shit like this happens it makes me wish I didn't bother.

  • Alright so I made an account specifically for this. It automatically downloads in the background when you start the game up. I just can't get it install...

  • To Twitter we go!!!

    dasniper2 posted: »

    I got an idea...let's all start flooding Xbox's Support Twitter with this issue to see if they respond.

  • edited February 2014


    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    If anyone wants to camp out online, we could start an Xbox live party. Hahaha

  • Good luck everyone. I hope it's fixed ASAP.

  • Hashtag suggestions?

    Scytheslay posted: »

    To Twitter we go!!!

  • I've never had a season pass from them before but was it a problem with The Walking Dead ect? I'm thinking we're going to have to wait till office hours, seeing as it's 3am atm where Telltale are based. As it's a Telltale thing updating their own games vs Microsoft updating XBL. How could they be so stupid,

  • edited February 2014

    I would like to think they would have people working overnight when a game is released to ensure that any problems would be quickly addressed. That's how i would run a business that depends on digital sales

    I've never had a season pass from them before but was it a problem with The Walking Dead ect? I'm thinking we're going to have to wait till of

  • Wait so it said it downloaded, but now I can't find it in my download history. Fuck.

  • For anyone blaming TellTale, this is almost certainly not their fault. I've had the same problem with games like Forza Motorsport 4. The DLC came out, but season pass owners could only download it after a few hours. Blame Microsoft.

  • Just about to post about this. sigh - it's there but I can't get it. Well I can, but I'd have to pay again and I don't have the money

  • This is a really REALLY depressing end/start to my day/night. I don't know if i should go to sleep or just keep waiting…. i mean i've waited 4 months so whats another day i guess

  • I gave in and bought it again. I have no self control.

  • It is bad skills whatever way you look at this.

    Season pass members are effectively pre-ordering the game, and being the last to receive it, kind of negates the advantages of a pre order system. In reality, season pass should be first to download, as they have paid for the content and only require an activation code without purchase details needed to slow the process. People may point to the fact that it is cheaper for a season pass than paying for individual episodes should balance this, but not so as the season ticket owner has committed fully to the purchase and cannot back out even if dissappointed with a turn in episodic events like someone who has not made the same commitment.

    Also, couple this with getting to the in game download content screen, if you follow the season pass instructions and go to download episode in game, currently you will be charged for the privilege to do so. I can see some people being unwittingly charged for the episode despite owning the season pass as well. Poor showing by telltale/microsoft (delete as applicable for whoever is at fault for this shambolic treatment of the consumer.)

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