XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Did it automatically download for anyone else when they booted up the game? I downloaded a 600 something MB file that it said was "Smoke & Mirrors". But I can't find it in my download history now, and it is still just prompting me to download the episode from inside the game. I stayed up all night too, just to maybe get an hour and a half of play time. I've been sitting here this whole time.

  • Really? I'm hyped as well, but come on, that's $4,99 down the drain. Just wait for a fix, people!

    sawneybean posted: »

    I gave in and bought it again. I have no self control.

  • %100 agree, I'm not paying $5 for something i already bought ,and i sure as hell am pissed that some people are playing a game, that i already bought, before me just because they didn't buy a season pass(or have no self control)

    swanjackal posted: »

    It is bad skills whatever way you look at this. Season pass members are effectively pre-ordering the game, and being the last to receive it

  • Have a serious problem with the fact that after so many delays, and still coming a day later than other platforms, I still can 'to play the content that I have paid for. Feeling cheated as a customer, and betrayed as a supporter.

  • Your pre-order argument is nonsensical, the season pass is a money-saving and convenience measure. Sure the season pass is a commitment to owning the game but the fact that you can opt out of that commitment is a pro, not a con. Can you just buy 1/5 of any AAA game and then decided you don't like it and not buy any more of it? Buying a game is a gamble, sometimes they just suck, that's life.

    If a person unwittingly purchases Episode 2 after owning the season pass then they are an idiot being punished for not reading clear language telling them not to re-purchase. This delay is inconvenient but good lord you'd think the sky was falling, everybody get a fucking grip. I'm also 99% sure this isn't Telltale's fault, as it is Microsoft's history that shows a pattern of this.

    swanjackal posted: »

    It is bad skills whatever way you look at this. Season pass members are effectively pre-ordering the game, and being the last to receive it

  • Will you come back here and delete this once the problem is sorted and you get what you paid for? The season pass you bought did not include launch dates.

    Have a serious problem with the fact that after so many delays, and still coming a day later than other platforms, I still can 'to play the content that I have paid for. Feeling cheated as a customer, and betrayed as a supporter.

  • Don't know if anyone noticed but episode two is officially available as an add on in the game details, still can't download it without paying though. WTF

  • It's my night off! I just wants me some Fables. :(

    Forsythia posted: »

    Really? I'm hyped as well, but come on, that's $4,99 down the drain. Just wait for a fix, people!

  • Oh, come on. Season pass owners are entitled to get their content at the same time as those who do not own the pass. Would you be okay if season pass owners would get the content a month later then everybody else? Not that this will happen, but your statement makes no sense.

    Will you come back here and delete this once the problem is sorted and you get what you paid for? The season pass you bought did not include launch dates.

  • No, but seriously we were told we could play it on this date. And we're the only ones who can't play it now.

    Will you come back here and delete this once the problem is sorted and you get what you paid for? The season pass you bought did not include launch dates.

  • edited February 2014

    The facts

    • They release the first episode
    • Have different season passes for consoles (PS get all episodes, Xbox only get 2 to 5. Lack of communication between differences causes some playstation owners to accidentally buy episode 1 outside the season pass.)
    • 4 month wait between episodes, with further lack of communication with their consumers (other than the HI, were on christmas break and the game is coming out soon, we promise)
    • They release the second episode, but mac users and people with the xbox season passes cant download.( Some people who don't read are probably gonna buy ep 2 who already have the season pass).

    I don't know what it looks to you guys, but thats some shady shit right there. Lack of respect for consumer, some who have already paid for the product

  • This is happening to me as well, we have all been waiting for this episode for a really long time and now I cant download it? I hope buying the season pass wasn't a waste of money and I wont buy the episode twice.

  • Im so fucking annoyed at this 4 months wait now this bullocks. Luckily for me i didn't have any money the account i use for XBL so when i did click too download it didn't go through. If the money was there though i would have accidental bought the episode twice. On a slightly unrelated note does anyone know why PS3 and others got it 1 day earlier than XBL - seemed strange too me.

    NickL posted: »

    If it lasts long, longer than a day, I'm sure there'll be a lot of angry people posting soon who accidentally downloaded and was charged twice

  • You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Telltale is not out to get you and steal your money. I'm not super pleased that I have to wait to play this either but I can't imagine forming weird conspiracy theories over what is most certainly Microsoft's fault. The way you all whine, you'd think the season pass you bought had CONCRETE LAUNCH DATES on it or something, when it most certainly did not. Patience is a virtue.


    Your pre-order argument is nonsensical, the season pass is a money-saving and convenience measure. Sure the season pass is a commitment to own

  • Shady shit indeed dude!

    Cjcfman posted: »

    The facts * They release the first episode * Have different season passes for consoles (PS get all episodes, Xbox only get 2 to 5. Lack

  • What about it makes no sense? You are all pissed about a couple of days difference and coming in here bellyaching about entitlement, knowing full well it won't help anything, since this is Microsoft's fault.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Oh, come on. Season pass owners are entitled to get their content at the same time as those who do not own the pass. Would you be okay if seas

  • I'm only entitled to what I've PAID FOR. and what launch dates? The game is out. Unless you bought a season pass. I don't think there's a conspiracy, I just think TellTale should be on this. A reply from them would be nice.

    You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Tellt

  • You're no better, you muppet. Quit being a apologist, nothing good will come of it. A little complaining never hurt anyone, it'll maybe help TTG to see their communication issues are a big negative for their fan base.

    You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Tellt

  • Tried getting the episode and its still tried to charge me 3.99 cheeky bastards fix it for sp holders telltale

  • I love Telltale as much as the next fan but come on lets get this sorted! Season pass owners should get priority, hopefully we'll get some sort of offer because of delay. Heres to hoping...

  • I remember buying this game 4 months ago, all the excitement and anticipation thinking 'oh man in a couple weeks episode 2 will come out and it will be the second chapter of one of the most amazing games i've played in forever!' and then a couple months passed. i was a little irritated but hey, it's all gonna be worth it hopefully before christmas. Then you know what happened? Episode 1 came out for free. Okay so i wasted $5 on episode 1… cool. i mean it was worth it, and now i could tell my friends to get it, i mean hey now it's free. No excuses. Then the season pass was discounted… WTF now i wasted around $7/8 for a game that hasn't come out yet and it's been 3 months…FML. January starts to wind down, word on the street is episode 2 is FINALLY coming out at the beginning of february, i've had my season pass for 4 months i'm ready for this shit to go down. February 4th, 11 P.M. 'hey i should stay up and play this right when it comes out, i deserve it, i've been waiting what seems like an eternity for this.' WELP NOW THIS IS HAPPENING…. i just wanted to play… just… wanted… to play…. :'(

  • It's now appearing as 'Download' in the game... but then it still tries to charge you for it.

  • I also got really p'd off when I saw that my season pass wasn't working. But then, I grew the hell up and moved on with my life.

  • IT'S BEEN AN HOUR AND A HALF, it was supposed to be released at 5 AM EST, you all are acting like it's been days. Communication issues I'll grant you if they haven't responded by a reasonable hour but this ain't it.

    NickL posted: »

    You're no better, you muppet. Quit being a apologist, nothing good will come of it. A little complaining never hurt anyone, it'll maybe help TTG to see their communication issues are a big negative for their fan base.

  • It's been months.

    IT'S BEEN AN HOUR AND A HALF, it was supposed to be released at 5 AM EST, you all are acting like it's been days. Communication issues I'll grant you if they haven't responded by a reasonable hour but this ain't it.

  • Yep, not working for me either. I assume it's not working for anyone on the 360 right now. This sucks but I'm not going to cry and bitch about it. I've got plenty of other games to play. Hope it's fixed soon though.

  • People on other consoles are not having issues, so season pass holders are playing. The only constant here is Xbox.

    I'm only entitled to what I've PAID FOR. and what launch dates? The game is out. Unless you bought a season pass. I don't think there's a conspiracy, I just think TellTale should be on this. A reply from them would be nice.

  • agreed we allready paid our money for the full session. So with them allready haveing my money i expect to be able to download day one its released its the same as preordering you pay to have it on day one.

  • I agree that the season pass thing is not Telltale's fault and some people are firing their anger at completely the wrong people but at the end of the day, they have paid for a season pass (which I'm sure will be in a sale on XBL before the game has finished airing it's episodes) and they have had to wait 4 months WITHOUT COMMUNICATION. There was no "sorry for the delay" or news on when the episode can be expected. The icing on the cake for them is that those who do not bother with the season pass are effectively getting it before they do. Following Walking Dead season 1, most people could assume that you would not be waiting 4 months for an episode. If this was COMMUNICATED by Telltale, do you think that the people moaning would have bothered with a season pass? I suspect most would not.
    I agree that there is no conspiracy to get more money though, it's happened with other games before, not just this one! But I understand people's frustrations.

    You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Tellt

  • Uh, bullshit. Months since Ep 1? Sure, did you think they'd come out daily?

    NickL posted: »

    It's been months.

  • I've paid for a season pass and am about to try resetting my xbox once more before buying the next episode on my credit card. I will then chargeback when I am finished and get my money back on the episode, as I have paid for the episode already in my season pass.

    iamhere posted: »

    agreed we allready paid our money for the full session. So with them allready haveing my money i expect to be able to download day one its released its the same as preordering you pay to have it on day one.

  • There are no refunds on Xbox Live, so good luck with that.

    LordKable posted: »

    I've paid for a season pass and am about to try resetting my xbox once more before buying the next episode on my credit card. I will then char

  • edited February 2014

    There are with my credit card company ;) I'm not asking Xbox for a refund. MBNA snatch the money back, so keep your luck, I don't need it

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    There are no refunds on Xbox Live, so good luck with that.

  • Well this is annoying. I was hoping to get a chance to play before going to work but it looks like this is not getting fixed this morning. I can easily see how after all the waiting people are going to get furious. I hope this is fixed by tonight.

  • Did anyone PAY Microsoft for this game? It doesn't matter if MS is to blame, the people who download the season pass formed a contract with Telltale. It's Telltale's responsibility follow through with their obligations

    What about it makes no sense? You are all pissed about a couple of days difference and coming in here bellyaching about entitlement, knowing full well it won't help anything, since this is Microsoft's fault.

  • I understand being miffed about the delay, although I was never under the impression these would be coming out with any kind of speed, Telltale is a lot busier now than they were during TWDS1. Telltale cannot be blamed for assumptions. This current issue is tiresome but I just can't imagine getting as worked up about it as these people here. As far as not bothering with a season pass because of a delay, that makes no sense; why pay more? In any case, thank you for your measured response.

    LordKable posted: »

    I agree that the season pass thing is not Telltale's fault and some people are firing their anger at completely the wrong people but at the en

  • Meh i just wait till they fix it after all im still waiting for payday 2 update on xbox........

    LordKable posted: »

    There are with my credit card company I'm not asking Xbox for a refund. MBNA snatch the money back, so keep your luck, I don't need it

  • Exactly, we've given them 4 months since episode one, they should have had this figured out by now don't you think?

    Uh, bullshit. Months since Ep 1? Sure, did you think they'd come out daily?

  • Good thinking, wish my CC wasn't at work with the SO right now or I'd do the same thing.

    LordKable posted: »

    There are with my credit card company I'm not asking Xbox for a refund. MBNA snatch the money back, so keep your luck, I don't need it

This discussion has been closed.