Official Walking Dead Poem Thread?



  • There once lived a man.

    He wrote very good poem.

    That man obviously wasn't me.

    Because my poem skills are terribly.

  • There once lived a kid his name wasn't Chuck.

    And to be honest with you, he was quite a Duck.

    He wasn't the smartest, dumb like a sack full of hammers.

    But atleast he got heart and looked cute in pyjamas.

  • These are so awful it's hilarious. (Not saying mine were good.)

    There once lived a kid his name wasn't Chuck. And to be honest with you, he was quite a Duck. He wasn't the smartest, dumb like a sack full of hammers. But atleast he got heart and looked cute in pyjamas.

  • edited March 2014

    I wrote this last Christmas. In the stupid version of Jingle Bells, they say "So and so laid an egg!" So... Since Christa was pregnant, I gave her that line.

    Walker bells

    Brie's expelled

    Christa laid an egg

    Our man Lee crossed a big sign

    To get back his sweet Clementine

    Walker bells

    I doubt Omid can spell

    Kenny's mustache kinda smells

    Ben gets impaled and says, "My legs hurt!"

    What an idiot, his legs hurt

    Walker bells

    Kenny bails

    Danny gets pitch forked

    Larry, even with his wonderful ass charm

    Didn't make it out of the barn

    Larry died

    Lilly cried

    I'm done with this right now

    Oh maybe not, maybe not

    I am not a bot!

    But this sucks, so I'm done

    • Roses are red
    • Here's something new
    • Violets are violet
    • Not fucking blue
  • There once lived two man's. Named Luke and Nick.

    One was a nice guy, the other quite a dick.

    One wasn't the greatest, the other quite a catch.

    But i know one thing is sure, they do look like a match!

  • They are so awful, that they are brilliant again! Read my next one! :D

    These are so awful it's hilarious. (Not saying mine were good.)

  • The end got me, lol.

    I wrote this last Christmas. In the stupid version of Jingle Bells, they say "So and so laid an egg!" So... Since Christa was pregnant, I ga

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited March 2014

    Christa layed an egg O__O

    I wrote this last Christmas. In the stupid version of Jingle Bells, they say "So and so laid an egg!" So... Since Christa was pregnant, I ga

  • Were you that one kid who always fell asleep during sex ed?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Christa layed an egg O__O

  • edited March 2014

    There once lived a guy named Larry.

    And to be honest with you, he was quite scary.

    He was a good father, but yet quite easyle pissed.

    Salt Licked to death, he will be missed!

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited March 2014

    Uh... no? But I fell asleep on my computer once...

    Were you that one kid who always fell asleep during sex ed?

  • A woman's reproductive cell is called an egg. Christa was pregnant, aka, reproducing. So technically, Christa's body laid an egg inside of her womb. GET IT?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Uh... no? But I fell asleep on my computer once...

  • edited March 2014

    You say Nick is a dick

    But out of the two

    I know who I'd pick

    (Real hard time coming up with an ending here)

    To join my clique

    (I liked both characters.)

    There once lived two man's. Named Luke and Nick. One was a nice guy, the other quite a dick. One wasn't the greatest, the other quite a catch. But i know one thing is sure, they do look like a match!

  • edited March 2014

    There once lived a guy named Nate.

    Nate had a dream, he wanted to get laid.

    Nate met a girl named Lilly. She was kinda iffy.

    But Nate didn't care, she gave him a stiffy!

    Nate gave her a 10.

    Yes, Nate was quite a gentelman!

  • Oh, I know was just funny how it was worded, it made it seem like she was sitting on an egg lol

    A woman's reproductive cell is called an egg. Christa was pregnant, aka, reproducing. So technically, Christa's body laid an egg inside of her womb. GET IT?

  • Am I the ONLY one who doesn't ship Nate and Lilly??? XD This was hilarious, though! Haha!

    There once lived a guy named Nate. Nate had a dream, he wanted to get laid. Nate met a girl named Lilly. She was kinda iffy. But Nate didn't care, she gave him a stiffy! Nate gave her a 10. Yes, Nate was quite a gentelman!

  • I don't wanna repeat myself but...they sure do look like a match! :D

    Am I the ONLY one who doesn't ship Nate and Lilly??? XD This was hilarious, though! Haha!

  • edited March 2014

    Nice rhymes

    I wrote this last Christmas. In the stupid version of Jingle Bells, they say "So and so laid an egg!" So... Since Christa was pregnant, I ga

  • LOL. What if I said Rebecca laid an egg? Or Anna Correa?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Oh, I know was just funny how it was worded, it made it seem like she was sitting on an egg lol

  • edited March 2014

    There once lived a guy named Vince.

    And i can assure you that he wasn't a prince.

    He killed a man, which is quite bad.

    But he didn't kill out of anger, he tryed to protect his brother instead.

    And if you ask me, that's quite concrete.

  • =_= LilLee forever. No Natilly allowed in my life!

    I don't wanna repeat myself but...they sure do look like a match!

  • It would have been kind of disturbing to say the least, lol. And they technically already laid eggs, so it would also make sense in a way :)

    LOL. What if I said Rebecca laid an egg? Or Anna Correa?

  • edited March 2014

    This thread is pure gold. Anyways... a Walking Dead haiku:

    Brave Lee met a girl

    He tried to protect her life

    Gave up his, for hers.

  • It's funny how most us who are making these poems (including me) just throw in random stuff to make it rhyme with the other words even though it makes no sense at all... lol.

  • edited March 2014

    I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should.

    You are a form that is told what to feel. Yet you seem so real.

    Tragedy and death on this path we walk. I'm sad that we never really got to talk.

    Lifeless form without thought or mind. Now i feel depressed and blind.

    In the end the strong became weak and the weak became strong. It might have been withing you all along

    I know you are not real, so i know you will be fine. I will miss you, Clementine!

    Alt text

    I hope you enjoyed it!

  • Ignore all my other Poems, this one here is serious!

    I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should. You are a form that is told what to feel. Yet you seem s

    • Roses are red, apples are sour
      *open your legs and give me an hour!
  • That was beautiful tear actually came to my eye just brilliant

    I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should. You are a form that is told what to feel. Yet you seem s

  • short and sweet and thank you for thread compliment

    This thread is pure gold. Anyways... a Walking Dead haiku: Brave Lee met a girl He tried to protect her life Gave up his, for hers.

  • lol I was actually waiting for comments saying how the f*** did ben fall up the stairs in my poem lol even though never one asked taught because seen as stupid thought just say fall up the stairs makes no sense just though be funny

  • Wow, that one was actually pretty good dude.

    Your others are hilarious though ;)

    I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should. You are a form that is told what to feel. Yet you seem s

  • edited March 2014

    Some people listen to their heart

    Some listen to their head

    Larry got attacked in both

    And now he's super dead.

    When Clementine

    Met a canine

    Their new friendship seemed permanent

    But when he chomped

    She kicked and stomped,

    Then slit his throat (Determinant)

  • edited March 2014

    lol nice

    Some people listen to their heart Some listen to their head Larry got attacked in both And now he's super dead. When Clementin

  • true :D

    GoldFish27 posted: »

    No but if it rhymes then it's a lot more musical and easy to read

  • edited March 2014

    Omid was a bro

    For those who didn't know

    He died so sad for my bro

    Christa will never let him go

    Thank god lee will never know

    I'll never let him go

    The end of a Bro

    Alt text

  • edited March 2014

    Our brother Omid

    He was cheerful indeed

    The world didn't seem so grim

    Until that bitch Michelle shot him

    So then Christa came and saved the world

    By shooting that ratchet ass girl

    P.S. Fuck Michelle

  • lol haha that rhymnes and is brilliant good sir

  • edited March 2014

    The streets lay there, with noone inside.

    The ruins of the dead, they give us a fright.

    One by one, or in hords they hunt. We slaughter with knifes, sharp or blunt.

    Suriving to the end, is not easy to ask. In order to exist, we must were a mask.

    Our identitys lost, from the lives we once had. Our familys are gone, most of them dead.

    All day and all night, we didn't have a clue. Kenny confirmed for Season2!

    Alt text

  • Lol, i'm getting better at this!

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