Official Walking Dead Poem Thread?



  • Walkers are eating me

    Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?

    edited April 2014

    And let's not forget

    about Lee Everett the pimp,

    who kicked ass and got bitches

    all over his di- reproductive organ! (nailed it).

    Lingvort posted: »

    Kenny survived Only due to sheer luck Clem's but a replacement For his late son Duck

  • Alt text

    Walkers are eating me Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?

  • Brilliant poem also if anyone wants see the story go to this thread just brilliant recommend taking a look at it

    (The story is on end of page 4)

    A little poem dedicated to a character of my creation, Asim. Truly Alone * Who am I even doing this for? * I'll continue, hell, I sw

  • lol how the hell do you find this I was busy all day wasn't on the forum then come back and see this thread back just brilliant probably took you ages to find thanks bro

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Let's bring this muthafucka back!

  • lol love it

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Alright...continuing my long forgotten limerick collection. . Doug was a technical genius Who sadly was cursed with a penis So w

  • On the TWD story and fanfic page you can see my full story, but basically he got revenge on the people that slaughtered his group, and by the end of the poem, it's talking about him losing his mind.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nice! If you don't mind me asking, who did he(?) kill and why?

  • Thank you, Mark, your poems were really good, too.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Brilliant poem also if anyone wants see the story go to this thread just brilliant recommend taking a look at it (The story is on end of page 4)

  • Ben fell up the stairs? Wat.

  • lol little stupid joke put in that ben was so stupid he managed to fall up the stairs somehow just found it funny

    Healoz posted: »

    Ben fell up the stairs? Wat.

  • The Doug one was fucking hilarious!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Alright...continuing my long forgotten limerick collection. . Doug was a technical genius Who sadly was cursed with a penis So w

  • edited April 2014
    • When the zombie plague is in full swing

    • And the undead roam the streets

    • Ill drive a pickaxe

    • Through your skull

    • before you turn, my sweet.

    • Id hate to see your soulful eyes

    • All blood thirsty and insane

    • So before that day ill also try

    • To shoot you in the brain.

    • These thinks i do to show my love

    • My motives are quite pure

    • For the zombie plaque

    • Is sure to come

    • As as yet there is no cure.

  • Yes love this moar

    * When the zombie plague is in full swing * And the undead roam the streets * Ill drive a pickaxe * Through your skull * before

  • edited April 2014




  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    AAH but I love TWD promise lol


  • I don't like the approach the writer took to the poem. But it was well written, especially incorporating Lee's actual dialogue in there.

  • You have successfully made me sad. Damn you, for that beautiful poem.

  • Hehe that was kinda funny. As Mark says, moar!!

    * When the zombie plague is in full swing * And the undead roam the streets * Ill drive a pickaxe * Through your skull * before

  • Good poem!

  • That is one seriously dark humor. Nice job!

    * When the zombie plague is in full swing * And the undead roam the streets * Ill drive a pickaxe * Through your skull * before

  • Yeah, I think i's one of my better ones. :) Unfortunately, I'm beginning to run out of material (read: grisly deaths to crack jokes about). Episode 3 needs to get here ASAP.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    The Doug one was fucking hilarious!

  • Nice! Will read.

    On the TWD story and fanfic page you can see my full story, but basically he got revenge on the people that slaughtered his group, and by the end of the poem, it's talking about him losing his mind.

  • Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    I don't know how to rhyme


  • Kenny, is that you??

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Roses are red Violets are blue I don't know how to rhyme Boat.

    edited April 2014

    This is really good Clayton

    A little poem dedicated to a character of my creation, Asim. Truly Alone * Who am I even doing this for? * I'll continue, hell, I sw

  • Hey, haven't seen you for a while!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


  • Holy shit, this is old. I remember the old times.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alt text

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


  • Alt text

    My ancient thread cool :D

  • Man this brings my back to the day I wrote The Stranger when I was stuck waiting at the DMV, that shit was dope! Time to celebrate this thread's triumphant return by pressing Ctrl+V on a poem I made alittle while ago.


    Death came a'knocking.


    I'm sorry Clementine, but it would seem your day is done

    You're backed into a corner, you can neither hide nor run

    But I know of a place where you need never live in fear

    Join us in the afterlife, we've saved room for you here.


    It's astounding what you'll do to live another day.

    But the ling'ring chill of death will never go away

    We believe you are deserving of eternal life

    So pick up that gun and put an end to all this strife


    Don't you see the road you travel only leads to pain?

    Your guardian defied my will and yet he died in vain

    Death is not a punishment nor something you should fear

    You'll reunite with loved ones when you choose to join us here.


    I won't succumb to hopelessness, I know what I must do

    This world is hell but I intend to guide my people through

    Lee rests in Savannah but he's with me day and night.

    He taught me not to run or hide but stand my ground and fight!

  • Alt text

    Peoms like that are the reason I made this thread perfection :')

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Man this brings my back to the day I wrote The Stranger when I was stuck waiting at the DMV, that shit was dope! Time to celebrate this thr

  • (Passes Markd a tissue) Glad you liked it; all that reading poetry and listening to rap finally pays dividends. XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Peoms like that are the reason I made this thread perfection :')

  • edited July 2014

    (wipes tear) I'm glad my peoms in OP inspired you XD

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    (Passes Markd a tissue) Glad you liked it; all that reading poetry and listening to rap finally pays dividends. XD

  • edited July 2014

    Here's a haiku poem I just wrote:

    Snow's gentle landing

    Winter chills hand, face, and cap

    All the dead lie down

  • Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    If you disagree with Kenny

    He'll drop a saltlick on you.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited July 2014

    Came up with something off the top of my head after listening to 'Who Shot Ya?' By Notorious B.I.G. I'm gonna try to write a TWD-related rap using Biggie's style. It's gonna be about Carver and I'm going to make it as menacing as possible. Let's see how it goes.


    I cull the weak like Pol Pot in Cambodia

    Step outta line, word is bond I'll fuckin' bury ya'

    bitch slap your face if I think you need correction

    Beat your ass to death and call it natural selection

    Absolute power, I abuse it absolutely

    Blow out your brains if your homies try to shoot me

    I rule by decree and you really shouldn't test me

    I've filled shallow graves with the fucks who tried to best me


  • Haha yeah been busy :p

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Hey, haven't seen you for a while!

  • I give that an A+

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Came up with something off the top of my head after listening to 'Who Shot Ya?' By Notorious B.I.G. I'm gonna try to write a TWD-related ra

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