Official Walking Dead Poem Thread?



  • Stache so true MOAR

    Lol, i'm getting better at this!

  • edited March 2014

    Got bit

    Fever hit,

    world went to shit

    I quit.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Stache so true MOAR

  • edited March 2014

    Stache was a clever man

    Did poems whenever he can

    Till the day he could rap no more

    This thread become a bore

    All users wanted MOAR!!!!!!!

    Got bit Fever hit, world went to shit I quit.

  • edited March 2014

    We run and find a place to hide, but some don't make it back inside.

    Our shelter is nowhere near a home, it is a cabin where we can not roam.

    Although all the wood protects us from the dead, we are hungry, we have no bread.

    We go outside we face the bunch, it's our flesh they would like to munch.

    If we stumble on a horde of Walkers, they will turn into a crowd of Stalkers.

    We run untill the days are cold, will we do this untill we are old?

    Why are we here and still alive? Is our only purpose just to survive?

    No it's not Clem, don't give up hope. Kenny is back, the rest of you'r story's has yet to be told.

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Stache was a clever man Did poems whenever he can Till the day he could rap no more This thread become a bore All users wanted MOAR!!!!!!!

  • edited March 2014

    There once was a walker named Ted

    Who Clementine shot in the head

    When his brains poured out

    Little Clemmy did pout

    It's a shame that Carver’s not dead.

  • YESSSS!!!

    We run and find a place to hide, but some don't make it back inside. Our shelter is nowhere near a home, it is a cabin where we can not r

  • Short and sweet nice

    twobears posted: »

    There once was a walker named Ted Who Clementine shot in the head When his brains poured out Little Clemmy did pout It's a shame that Carver’s not dead.

  • edited March 2014

    Don't give a camera to Sarah

    Don't let her pick up a gun

    She's just not completely all there-a

    And she'll shoot herself with either one


    Kenny was lost to the herd but came back,

    Lilly was lost and did not,

    Uncle Pete's ankle meats became a Walker snack,

    And Omid was fatally shot.

    Ed and Diana are roaming Savannah,

    Christa was chased off by some guys,

    Poor Mark was eaten just like a banana,

    Ben plummeted to his demise.

    Katjaa just could not live without Duck,

    Larry got smashed in the fridge,

    The manure in the sewer's where they buried Chuck,

    And Matthew got blown off a bridge.

    Doug was devoured and Carley was shot

    (Or sometimes vice versa, but usually not),

    And when Lee Everett died, everyone cried,

    But he lives on through what Clem was taught.

  • In Tribute to Lee.

    The death of Lee was so sad. To Clem he was like her dad.
    Lee gave her his smarts. And Clem's new life starts.
    But then Kenny returns. With some really good burns(Vanilla Ice)
    It seems he cheated death. Even in his final breath.
    Though I love Kenny. And also pennies.
    No one can replace Lee. He holds but a key.
    A key to our hearts. In his death we part.
    We know you weren't real. But we'll always feel that feel.

  • edited March 2014

    The world is dead, sweet Clementine

    The world is dead, my dear

    Its warmth and comfort, cold and still

    Its kindness, buried here

    The world is dead, sweet Clementine

    It pains my heart to say

    The life you cherished once before

    A memory, fade away

    The world is dead, sweet Clementine

    The days ahead are grim

    You’ll fight for every breath you'll take

    You’ll live on Chance’s whim

    Yet though it seems a hopeless cause,

    I beg you don’t relent

    Endure each day and carry on

    Your spirit, steel unbent

    Defeat your troubles, face your fears

    Resolve that you survive

    For the world is dead, sweet Clementine

    But you are still alive

  • Damn, that is good!

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    The world is dead, sweet Clementine The world is dead, my dear Its warmth and comfort, cold and still Its kindness, buried here

  • edited March 2014

    Let's see it's been a while since I've done this, my apologies if it's too long. I call this "My Friend"

    I once knew a friend who protected me to the end

    He taught me how to shoot a gun and how to survive, with our time together I sure felt alive

    He said my hair was dangerous and he had to cut it short, even though I hated the idea, I was still a good sport

    On the radio I was deceived by a stranger, I should've known better but I was blind to the danger

    When we reached Savannah he told me where I could find my parents, I should've known he was lying, his words were transparent

    He took me and hid me behind a door, I kept yelling and kicking trying to get out but nothing was happening, I felt so ignored

    Later I heard two people talking outside, I managed to open the door and saw my friend, what a surprise!

    He looked at an item on the table, I grabbed it and smashed the stranger's head. I hoped it would be fatal

    The two started fighting, he was choking my friend and I watched in horror, I picked up a gun and shot the stranger, it was finally over

    It felt like a nightmare, my friend told me I gave him such a scare

    We hugged like never before, I felt so happy and secured

    I noticed his arm was missing and he looked scary, he said don't worry about that sweet pea we have to hurry

    He opened the door and a walker came in, he noticed that it didn't do a thing

    He killed the walker and said he needed to cover me in it's blood, it was going to be smelly, I kept thinking oh crud

    My friend grabbed it's entrails, It was disgusting but it was only way to protect ourselves

    When we got outside he told me not to yell, If I stay quiet everything will go swell

    We walked past the walkers as they were giving us clearance, I turned to look around and I saw my undead parents

    I couldn't believe it I was shocked and in doubt, my friend said "Clem, Don't..." before he blacked out

    I dragged him to safety before it was too late, when he woke up he told me to get the door open there was no time to wait

    I told him it was okay that we were safe now. He said listen Clem I got bit... I didn't want to believe it no way, no how

    He said I should've told you sooner but we have to get you out, things didn't look good, I was losing the person I care about

    I told him you can lean on me if you have to, he said I'm okay I'll pull through

    We walked a bit farther but he was too weak to go on, he fell to the floor and tried to get up but he couldn't hang on

    We saw a walker trapped on the other side, luckily it was just one. He said "Get the gun, Clem. Always the gun."

    Looking at the walker I felt scared, My friend said you're faster and smarter, if it attacks just be prepared

    When I reached over, the walker somehow got free. I tried to run but it still got a hold of me

    A display stand fell and almost knocked out my friend, He passed me a baseball bat and then I had the upper hand

    I could see that my friend was hurting, He said "You're strong, Clem. can do anything."

    My parent's were walkers did you see? " I can't imagine Sweet Pea". Don't become one of them, don't become a walker PLEASE...please

    "You have to shoot me, honey" He said, It was the only way to keep him from becoming one of those mindless undead

    "Keep that hair short" He told me, I will. I'll cut it myself I guaranteed

    He was slowly fading his last words were "I'll Miss you" I stared crying more and said Me, too.

    It was time to say goodbye, I will remember his advice. I pointed the gun and took the final shot, my heart broke in pieces I was heavily distraught

    Farewell and watch over me, thank you for everything I'll never forget good friend Lee.

  • edited March 2014

    claps and cries tears of joy That was beautiful.

    Don't give a camera to Sarah Don't let her pick up a gun She's just not completely all there-a And she'll shoot herself with either

  • Brilliant

    Let's see it's been a while since I've done this, my apologies if it's too long. I call this "My Friend" I once knew a friend who protect

  • Thanks for taking the time to read it bro, glad you like it!

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • There was a kid, his name was Duck

    He was Kenny's son, but boy did he suck

    Always crying, always sobbin'

    Poor guy never got to be Robin

    I guess the SATCHE can't protect them all

    R.I.P. Duck, God bless your soul

  • It's a very simple rhyme scheme: a b a b etc. I timed myself, 14 minutes. Tell me what you think.

    As death surrounds-

    the despair compounds.


    A little girl with such long hair-

    must face this world if she can dare.


    Escaping the safety of her house in the trees-

    help the damned up to their knees.


    Befriend the convicted now charged with life-

    All in all a mortal strife.


    Though fallen from grace with a heavy heart-

    the damned gives all and plays his part.


    The convict now, who lays with death-

    says his byes with a dying breath.


    One last sound before the rot-

    the tragic echo of one gun shot.


    The silence shatters as it comes in waves-

    whimpers with tears which could fill up caves.


    On the outskirts of town on a lonely log-

    she peers through tears thicker than fog.


    Over the hill the duo speeds-

    to find the girl who hides on trees.

  • feels ;-;

    GoldFish27 posted: »

    I already posted this on another thread but... It suits this one perfectly!

  • Love it viva never knew were such gangster rapper love this

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It's a very simple rhyme scheme: a b a b etc. I timed myself, 14 minutes. Tell me what you think. As death surrounds- the despair comp

  • Oh boy...looks like i am getting competition here! So many good poems!

  • lol going need poem off i can't choose stache v lee hard to say who's more gangster

    Oh boy...looks like i am getting competition here! So many good poems!

  • edited March 2014

    " The journey of Clementine-Everett the brave "

    I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should.

    You are a form that is told what to feel. Yet you seem so real.

    Tragedy and death on this path we walk. I'm sad that we never really got to talk.

    Lifeless form without thought or mind. Now i feel depressed and blind.

    In the end the strong became weak and the weak became strong. It might have been withing you all along

    I know you are not real, so i know you will be fine. I will miss you, Clementine!

    Alt text

    Clem found Omid and Christa. They are alive and alright.

    The streets lay there, with noone inside.

    The ruins of the dead, they give us a fright.

    One by one, or in hords they hunt. We slaughter with knifes, sharp or blunt.

    Suriving to the end, is not easy to ask. In order to exist, we must were a mask.

    Our identitys lost, from the lives we once had. Now Omid and Christa are gone, most certainly dead.

    All day and all night, Clem didn't have a clue. That Kenny was confirmed for Season2!

    Alt text

    We run and find a place to hide, but some don't make it back inside.

    Our shelter is nowhere near a home, it is a cabin where we can not roam.

    Although all the wood protects us from the dead, we are hungry, we have no bread.

    We go outside we face the bunch, it's our flesh they would like to munch.

    If we stumble on a horde of Walkers, they will turn into a crowd of Stalkers.

    We run untill the days are cold, will we do this untill we are old?

    Why are we here and still alive? Is our only purpose just to survive?

    No it's not Clem, don't give up hope. Kenny is back, the rest of you'r story's has yet to be told.

    Alt text

  • What can I say? I'm straight up G!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Love it viva never knew were such gangster rapper love this

  • That was beautiful definitely a contender for best poem i seen

    " The journey of Clementine-Everett the brave " I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should. You a

  • hahaha loving it

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    What can I say? I'm straight up G!

  • MD-Unit back to represent fo shizzle my nizzle

    Lee was a killa

    While zombies danced like thriller

    I love vanilla

    before I became a killa

    I see myself in the mirror

    while i eat my vanilla

    that's how became a killa

  • Better than the majority of rappers today...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MD-Unit back to represent fo shizzle my nizzle Lee was a killa While zombies danced like thriller I love vanilla before I became a killa I see myself in the mirror while i eat my vanilla that's how became a killa

  • Let me tell you about this guy named Kenny, boy he sure isn't like many

    He has a godlike 'stache which brings him popularity, well except from this one girl named Lilly

    You see, he smashed her father's head with a salt lick, but to be honest the guy was kind of a prick

    He'll be your bro only if you agree with him, make sure you go with his boat plan, you don't want to be stuck forever at the motor inn

    Kenny thinks urbans know how to pick locks, but he doesn't really mean it, it's just that florida talk

    When he risked his life we weren't sure about his fate, But he returned for season 2 and it was well worth the wait!

    Now the solution to the apocalypse had been solved, when Kenny showed up his godlike 'stache had evolved

    Cool your jets there rambo, let Kenny attack, now that he's returned he'll have Clementine's back!

    Alt text

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, Carley's still alive and this is all a dream...

  • lol that second one was fucking divine

    Some people listen to their heart Some listen to their head Larry got attacked in both And now he's super dead. When Clementin

  • my fave so far.

    Don't give a camera to Sarah Don't let her pick up a gun She's just not completely all there-a And she'll shoot herself with either

  • Damnnn

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    The world is dead, sweet Clementine The world is dead, my dear Its warmth and comfort, cold and still Its kindness, buried here

    • Sometimes people dismiss me just because I'm small
    • Then they all berate me, and soon they have the gall
    • To tell me to "stay innocent" - and I reply "fuck you."
    • 'cause I have done some awful things that you could never do.
    • I've seen my parents, both transformed; others I've seen worse
    • I almost ate an Air Force man. The world is just a hearse.
    • I shot my best friend in the head - for living I've a knack
    • Underestimate me, go ahead. But I would watch your back.
  • Nice

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    * Sometimes people dismiss me just because I'm small * Then they all berate me, and soon they have the gall * To tell me to "stay innocent

  • Just brilliant the stache and the poem

    Let me tell you about this guy named Kenny, boy he sure isn't like many He has a godlike 'stache which brings him popularity, well except

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited March 2014

    Decided to make a little limerick and it spiraled out of control. Enjoy!

    At the age of eight years Clem had plenty of fears

    Like ghosts and spiders that crawl into your ears

    Though they sometimes caused fright

    In the dark of the night

    She never cried out or shed tears


    It's been more than a year, Clem has much more to fear

    Like the gruesome demises of those she holds dear

    But Lee taught her good

    Now she aims like she should

    And cuts her own hair a few times every year


    Come walker or Winston, Clem's ready to fight

    She'll grapple, she'll pummel, she'll shank and she'll bite

    She targets the head

    Or just shoots til' they're dead

    Lee would be proud of that little girl's might.


    When the going is tough and the plan goes to shit

    The group is disgruntled and ready to split

    She can blackmail or lie

    Even threaten to cry

    But dickbags like Carver deserve to get hit.


    This is story of young Clementine

    Some think she is doomed, others say she'll be fine

    There's now way to know

    But it really would blow

    If Episode Five was the end of the line

  • Is a limerick:







    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Decided to make a little limerick and it spiraled out of control. Enjoy! At the age of eight years Clem had plenty of fears Like ghos

  • D'aaawww. The last line and the picture below it warms the cockles of me heart.

    " The journey of Clementine-Everett the brave " I protected you as well as i could. I got so attached, maybe more than i should. You a

  • Ooh, this is a good one I might have to bookmar- Wait a second, you spelled which wrong!!! TAKE MY DOWNVOTES! (Just kidding, I upvoted)

    There once lived a guy named Vince. And i can assure you that he wasn't a prince. He killed a man, which is quite bad. But he didn't kill out of anger, he tryed to protect his brother instead. And if you ask me, that's quite concrete.

  • Alt text

    Thanks man.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just brilliant the stache and the poem

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