Numba 200!! - Discussing SBEmail 200 and surrounding toons



  • edited September 2008
  • edited September 2008
    Please tell me that wasn't the real Sbemail 200... As awesome as the singing Poopsmith and return of the bottomless Mountain Dwah was, that was barely a Sbemail at all.
  • edited September 2008
    Since TMBG's song was in this email, this must've been the real deal.
  • edited September 2008
    Well... that's kind of disappointing.

    Ah well, at least the ending and beginning owned. Maybe something will come of HRemails. :D

    Better yet, Homsarmails. :p
  • edited September 2008
    It was still hilarious :)
  • edited September 2008
    Heh... awesome that Homestar has an OLPC :)
  • edited September 2008

    I found this one to have exactly the kind of humor that I *dislike* in Sbemails.

    Whatever. It was free and he'll have another good one. Maybe next week.
  • edited September 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Heh... awesome that Homestar has an OLPC :)

    Holy hell, I never noticed! Disappointment... waning... waning...... RISING!... waning...
  • edited September 2008
    I have to mention something I find rather interesting about the discussion of the 200th email and SBCG4AP on the two main Homestar Runner related forums out there. forums goers seem to have a rather negative general opinion about the Telltale game (saying that it was "very poorly written and far below the level of the website" and calling out against a second season being produced), and they are absolutely in love with Email 200.

    Most of the posters here generally love the SBCG4AP game and generally praise it and so far, negative opinions about email 200 (with the reasons stated above.)

    Am I one of the only few people that absolutely loved both Email 200 and SBCG4AP, or something? O_o Or is it that I just naturally appreciate good work?

    As people know, I have high praise for the Telltale H*R games, but I thought Sbmail 200 was hilarious, and extremely clever with the surprising revelation that Homestar had his own email checking segment all this time and Strong Bad was merely a minor player in the hremails. It was short, but to the point. And strange. The kind of strange that takes a second or third viewing before it truly settles in (as with any good twist ending.)

    It was like the surprising and jolting feeling as if one just got switched up with a Twilighlt Zone-ish switchup ending. I have a strong theory that it was merely the shorter length of email 200, coupled with the difficult-to-process shock being confused with disappointment, here.

    Honestly, i did have to watch it twice before it sunk in, but when it did.. I was like "whoa."
  • edited September 2008
    Am I one of the only few people that absolutely loved both Email 200 and SBCG4AP, or something?

    Well, I'm with you, that's for sure. Though, Homestar Runner already has "The Show".

    What I wonder is if HRmails would be a perfect excuse to play as Homestar Runner in a possible Season 2 of SBG4AP? Homestar Runner gets an email and attempts to answer it in a rather stupid method.

    I also wonder if that email that SB gotten was a "real" email, and TBC ran off with that to its logical conclusion.
  • edited September 2008
    Homestar wouldn't WORK as a playable character. The reason Strong Bad works as a playable character in SBCG4AP is that his style of humor involves snarky, sometimes wittty remarks. That make sense. And can be used as clues.

    Homestar or Homsar in a starring role would be...bad.

    Also, Homestar Wiki members are....



    They tend to thrive on in-jokes and references, keeping in their mind tiny strings of continuity that few people would ever try to remember.

    And what they love...

    ...isn't funny on its own. Usually.

    What makes the Strong Bad e-mails so extremely attractive, to me, is the fact that they tend to take something from the real world and then joke about it through the Homestar universe's warped lens.

    The fact is, I simply don't like in-jokes.

    That's why I didn't like it. Not because it was shocking, or that I "didn't get it", or that it's a sophisticated flavor of humor that requires a refined, acquired taste.

    I just didn't like it.
  • edited September 2008
    All I can say is....

    1. Email Homestar

    2. THE PAPER!!!!!

    3. The Poopsmith Speaketh!

  • edited September 2008
    I loved it! :D

    The Poopsmith is one of my favorite characters because at times I feel like we're in the same business :P, so that part was really cool, and I loved the return of The Paper!!!! (Now is it permanently returned or just returned for this email? That is the question....)

    Loved the game, loved the sbemail. :D
  • edited September 2008
    bpgisme wrote: »
    (Now is it permanently returned or just returned for this email? That is the question....)

    I was wondering that too. It burned at the end, so... I'm not sure. Oh, and I loved it. :D
  • edited September 2008
    i might just cry. i was hoping that the poopsmith had a cooler voice.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    supraface wrote: »
    i might just cry. i was hoping that the poopsmith had a cooler voice.

    Cooler than John Linnell? :( Dunno...
  • edited September 2008
    Homestar wouldn't WORK as a playable character. The reason Strong Bad works as a playable character in SBCG4AP is that his style of humor involves snarky, sometimes wittty remarks. That make sense. And can be used as clues.

    Homestar or Homsar in a starring role would be...bad.

    I'd have to disagree, in that Homestar's own game would just not work as a point-and-click-em-up adventure game, due to the fact that adventures are logically structured, and Homestar's methods of solving puzzles is all but logical, yet they all work better than doing the logical thing, sort of.

    Also, these so-called HR fans are just a bunch of retards. Didn't Strong Bad himself say that it's the fans that ruined the franchise, perhaps in a jokingly way, but still to a point that it actually seemed to make sense it had to be true?
  • edited September 2008
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    I'd have to disagree, in that Homestar's own game would just not work as a point-and-click-em-up adventure game, due to the fact that adventures are logically structured, and Homestar's methods of solving puzzles is all but logical, yet they all work better than doing the logical thing, sort of.

    Also, these so-called HR fans are just a bunch of retards. Didn't Strong Bad himself say that it's the fans that ruined the franchise, perhaps in a jokingly way

    Yes, in
  • edited September 2008
    This is weird...I keep getting 404'd when I go to watch Email 200...I waited for about a minute and nothing started. Anyone else having this problem?
  • edited September 2008
    bpgisme wrote: »
    I loved the return of The Paper!!!! (Now is it permanently returned or just returned for this email? That is the question....

    I wonder...
    didnt the paper kill the new paper.
    Will there be a new new paper.
  • edited September 2008
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I wonder...
    didnt the paper kill the new paper.
    Will there be a new new paper.

    I guess they both died so, maybe.
  • edited September 2008
    Use spoiler tags people!!!!I'm killing time on this site while I wait for the toons menu to load!!!!Now I know what happens!:(
  • edited September 2008
    Use spoiler tags people!!!!I'm killing time on this site while I wait for the toons menu to load!!!!Now I know what happens!:(

    Oh, sorry.:(
  • edited September 2008
    S'okay, but I'm really annoyed I've been waiting 30 minutes, maybe more and the site isn't even half loaded!!!Did the people who saw the toon go during work hours or something when the traffic wasn't so high?
  • edited September 2008
    S'okay, but I'm really annoyed I've been waiting 30 minutes, maybe more and the site isn't even half loaded!!!Did the people who saw the toon go during work hours or something when the traffic wasn't so high?

    I just loaded it again. Is your computer really slow? D:
  • edited September 2008
    Hey, sorry to ask again, but is anyone else getting 404'd when they load the email?
  • edited September 2008
    Yup. I think it's a trick.
  • edited September 2008
    This was a super special awesome email! I really hope this isn't the last sbemail. It would be a rather fitting end, with Strong Bad
    ending both shows
    . Plus, there's Strong Sad's comment in an easter egg.
  • edited September 2008
    Stephen wrote: »
    Hey, sorry to ask again, but is anyone else getting 404'd when they load the email?

    Working fine for me. Are you going to:
  • edited September 2008
    NickClick2 wrote: »
    I just loaded it again. Is your computer really slow? D:
    No, it isn't.On my Mac I got as far as the sbemail menu, and it didn't take that long.I selected E-mail thunder and it started loading, and it loaded for 15 minutes and still didn't work.I'm beginning to lose hope!If it was still summer I could just watch the toon at like 1:00 a.m. but it's the schoole year now and the traffic on the site is INSANE!!!!Is there anyone on here who HASN'T seen it?(besides the people who got 404'd?)

    P.S. when e-mail 100 came out it was NOTHING like this!!!What kind of computer are you using NickClick?

    P.P.S. I hope TBC is working on a solution to this problem!!!

    EDIT: 1.Now the e-mail doesn't even go to the loading screen!

    2.I read the transcript for the email on hrwiki.It was funny, but not that funny.I would probably have to see it to actually get the full experience.(By the way, can you believe people have posted tributes and played the email 200 song in videos but no one has actually put on the email yet?!)
  • edited September 2008

    I loved it when the Old Paper was alive, then died. Hillarious-ness.
    Also, did you check that Strong Sad easter egg? He mention he hadn't updated his blog in years (hint hint).
  • edited September 2008
    If the paper is burned up, and the new paper went traitoron us, then why will
    SB take it back? A new, new paper?
  • edited September 2008
    I'd have to disagree, in that Homestar's own game would just not work as a point-and-click-em-up adventure game, due to the fact that adventures are logically structured, and Homestar's methods of solving puzzles is all but logical, yet they all work better than doing the logical thing, sort of.

    I'd have to agree. Adventure games are supposed to require thinking. Once you take that out, you get something like Beavis and Butt-head: Virtual Stupidity, in which problem-solving was made more difficult because it requires (a) pensive protagonist(s), something that game clearly did not have.

    ...not that I didn't enjoy the game, though...
  • edited September 2008
    bpgisme wrote: »
    Working fine for me. Are you going to:

    Yes. But it's not working.
  • edited September 2008
    WHOO HOO!Oh, I knew It all al-*Old Paper goes "Fwoosh"*......
    *Cue Super Mario RPG "Sad" Song*
  • edited September 2008
    *Final confrontation between Strong Bad and the Happy 8600* *Cue L theme*
  • edited September 2008
    All I can say is....

    1. Email Homestar

    2. THE PAPER!!!!!

    3. The Poopsmith Speaketh!


    Well, bully-bully for you. As for how The Paper came back, I think that after he bid farewell to him, Strong Bad traded his printer in for the New Paper, and told Bubs to fix the Old Printer, so it would one day end the New Paper's Trial Status, with the Resurrection of The Paper! I mean, how else was The Paper able to exist in SBCG4AP?
  • edited September 2008
    Good news, everyone who can't watch sbemail 200 on the site!!!!A very good person has recorded the email and put it on youtube!Here's the link!
    My thoughts on the email are it was not very good, and it seems like they might actually end sbemails!!!(no, this is not because of Strong Sad's comment in the easter egg)I really wish they could have just done a regular email like they did with 100 instead of doing an email that was a lot more like a toon, what with Strong Bad not even getting an email from a real person.Oh well.My biggest concern is that sbemails might be no more.
  • edited September 2008
    Maybe... just maybe... this wasn't actually the 200th sbemail, since he never actually answered an email. Maybe the real one will be next week.

    I think TBC don't like making these "special" toons. This email and Trogday 08 both parodied what we would really want from them, so maybe they just want to do regular toons and sbemails without the fuss of a bicentennial whatnot? They probably would have been more comfortable doing a regualr one, altho this one was freakin hilarious.
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