Numba 200!! - Discussing SBEmail 200 and surrounding toons



  • edited September 2008
    Nah, there'll just the New Paper. After all, it's the New Paper. Can't blame the New Paper for stupidity. Cut it some slack.
  • edited September 2008
    I hope The Paper is coming back. The New Paper is a filthy traitor, he belongs with Homestar.
  • edited September 2008
    I got fwoa hundred Fwaty on The Email is for Homestar and Strong bad gets upset and dumps mountain dew on Homestar's lappy... after finding out Homestar answers his own set o emails and also makes it into Strong Bad's emails disguised as others, or on someone's pills.
  • edited September 2008
    I think some of us should write to Strong Bad, and ask him HOW The Paper was able to come back. I'll bet it was thanks to the repairing talents of Bubs' Concession Stand.
  • edited September 2008
    Nah, I think it's like with "The Geddup' Noise".
    It's the Paper's cousin.
  • edited September 2008
    yeah, it's long lost twin brother..
  • edited September 2008

    Genetic clone with The Paper's old consciousness transferred into the brain.
  • edited September 2008
    the Lil' brudder.
  • edited September 2008
    ITS HERE. it wasn't from me. BUT ITS STILL HERE. and someone in this thread predicted that
    the old paper would come back, AND IT DID!!!
    the poopsmith broke his vow of silence
    it was so awesome.
  • edited September 2008
    dentbuds wrote: »
    ITS HERE. it wasn't from me. BUT ITS STILL HERE. and someone in this thread predicted that
    the old paper would come back, AND IT DID!!!
    the poopsmith broke his vow of silence
    it was so awesome.

    And for the second part, it was With
    "They Might Be Giants" singing the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?1/1?!!!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    I like that Homestar's computer is called the Happy.
  • edited September 2008
    dentbuds wrote: »
    ITS HERE. it wasn't from me. BUT ITS STILL HERE. and someone in this thread predicted that
    the old paper would come back, AND IT DID!!!

    Yeah. That was me.
  • edited September 2008
    Yeah. That was me.

    Yeah but you just throw out all kinds of crazy ideas so one had to stick eventually. Much like Edgar Allen Poe's writing.
  • Yeah but you just throw out all kinds of crazy idea so one had to stick eventually. Much like Edgar Allen Poes writing.
    Lol. So... let's see... Poopysmith broke his vow of silence... Homestar has an email... TMBG makes an awesome comeback... MOUNTAIN DEW makes an awesome comeback... YAY!

    I do wish, though, that we could download that song that starts playing when SB starts the Mountain Dew on the Happy 486.
  • edited September 2008
    NickClick2 wrote: »
    MADNESS! Strong Bad burned the old paper.... or did he? (DUN DUN DUNNNNN)

    ...yeah, he did. :P
    hey you were right. Good job
  • edited September 2008
    I do wish, though, that we could download that song that starts playing when SB starts the Mountain Dew on the Happy 486.

    you just read my mind!:D i need this email and that song on my flashcard! and my comp of course...

    am i one of the only people who love this email? i mean, it was awesome.:D
  • edited September 2008
    I personally really enjoyed the e-mail, or lack thereof. I've been watching SBEmails since... Englilish Paper, and I like that something semi-big happened on this 200th e-mail. There was thunder and Homestar helped me find public landmarks with surprisingly clean bathrooms.

    I'm not sure how much I'd like HREmails though. I liked that Homestar would just show up in e-mails, doing his particular brand of nothing.

    Being said, sbemail 200 turned the whole thing on its' ear, and whether it's episode 201 or episode 001 come a few weeks, I'm still gonna be watching.
  • edited September 2008
    MrQuizmo wrote: »
    sbemail 200 turned the whole thing on its' ear,

    Ahh, Strong Sad's quote that maybe refers to the fact that no major character in the homestarrunner universe actaully has ears. (The only characters that have ears [that we've seen, anyway] so far are Crack Stuntman and the Videlectrix guys... if you can call them characters.)
  • edited September 2008
    Er... I think more likely he was using what's actually a pretty common saying.
  • edited September 2008
    Holy *censored*!

    This e-mail was crazy and awesome.I dislike how they made it look like there won't be any more sbemails...ouch,that would suck so much...
  • edited September 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Er... I think more likely he was using what's actually a pretty common saying.

    *sigh* Yeah, probably. I read into things too deeply.
  • edited September 2008
    Besides, Strong Bad has to have ears. How else could Tiny Handed Strong Bad and our modern day hero have entered the "Dig to China with your Ears" contest...

    Which happens to be the second or third worst contest I've ever heard of.

    Now, I need to go make me a real fruit smoothie.

    And stop quoting SBEmails.
  • edited September 2008
    Androu1 wrote: »
    I dislike how they made it look like there won't be any more sbemails...ouch,that would suck so much...
    it is interesting that so many interpret it that way. actually, the only thing from number 200, that may keep strong bad from making more sbemail-shows, is the missing of a paper. the old one got burned after beating up or even "killing" the new paper. the thread of hremails taking over is no more, since homestar won't be able to answer anything with that dew'med computer of his.
    something i missed?
    anyway, you could use sbemail 200 as an ending, but you don't need to...i guess.
  • edited September 2008
    If the paper was burned and came back once he can probably do it again. but the way it ended made me sad like there were no more sbemails to come as mentioned above. Also did anyone find anything on strong sad's blog cause I haven't I think that was just a joke maybe.
  • edited September 2008
    after seeing that...
  • edited September 2008
    I wish The Paper would make a permanent return. It's nice to see it in SBCG4AP and in the 200th Sbemail, but it'd be awesome for it to return on the website. I hate New Paper, he can stay with Homestar's Hremails for all I care.
  • edited September 2008
    Yes, we all know how much the New Paper is horrible. I mean, it's not like there'll be a THIRD Paper that would actually be The Paper's relative, called "Scrap Paper."
  • edited September 2008
    Oh god, what would there be on the scrap paper? Math Problems? Figuring out puzzles? Love Poems?:p
  • edited September 2008
    "Save the last e-mail for Strong Bad..."

    ...not Homestar Runner......
  • edited September 2008
    "Breeng dra little childrens hoooommee."
  • edited September 2008
    The 200th email was pretty sweet, but the whole thing about the end of sbemails is kinda 'eh' for me.
    I mean, yeah, it would suck pretty badly if sbemails disappeared, but then there is prolly more normal 'toons, which I usually enjoy a lot more. And it's called, not =P

    Although maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing.

    p.s. There was a clicky-link on The Paper to email SB, so I think it's very likely there'll be more.
  • edited September 2008
    I don't think they would stop something that is so popular so I am no longer worried
  • edited September 2008
    "Breeng dra little childrens hoooommee."


    "Save the last email for Strong Bad!" (Save the Last Email for Strong Bad!)

    "Save the last email for meeeee!" (Save the Last EMAIL!)

    All the Strong Bad Doppelgangers represent! Sequecentenn-email 2005, er I mean 6.
  • edited September 2008

    "Save the last email for Strong Bad!" (Save the Last Email for Strong Bad!)

    "Save the last email for meeeee!" (Save the Last EMAIL!)

    All the Strong Bad Doppelgangers represent! Sequecentenn-email 2005, er I mean 6.
  • edited September 2008

    "Save the last email for Strong Bad!" (Save the Last Email for Strong Bad!)

    "Save the last email for meeeee!" (Save the Last EMAIL!)

    All the Strong Bad Doppelgangers represent! Sequecentenn-email 2005, er I mean 6.

    encore encore encore
  • edited October 2008
    The site hasn't been updated yet this week (last update was last Thursday, with new quote, fanstuff, and sketchbook... there wasn't even a podcast)... could this possibly mean?....

    No. Not the end of the site. You paranoid over-analyzers.

    I still think that they're working on the REAL 200th email (altho the 200th one would still be on the site, most likely). It would probably somehow explain how the previous 200th sbemail was fake, and then continue to show an even better, new email actually answered. I don't really know how else they would recover from this. I'm almost positive they're not going to follow through with hremails.

    Eh? Eh? Any takers?
  • The site hasn't been updated yet this week (last update was last Thursday, with new quote, fanstuff, and sketchbook... there wasn't even a podcast)... could this possibly mean?....

    No. Not the end of the site. You paranoid over-analyzers.

    I still think that they're working on the REAL 200th email (altho the 200th one would still be on the site, most likely). It would probably somehow explain how the previous 200th sbemail was fake, and then continue to show an even better, new email actually answered. I don't really know how else they would recover from this. I'm almost positive they're not going to follow through with hremails.

    Eh? Eh? Any takers?
    nah. I think the Site's Dead, end of the site... i'm gonna go mourn... jk...
  • edited October 2008
    Ok after watching that my brain esploded. Poopsmith Braking his Vow of Silence, HRmails, The old paper!


    But seriously I think this is in the the top 5 of awesome Sbemails.....
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    "The real 200th email." The real 200th email? Really?
  • edited October 2008
    You know, if the Brothers Chaps were really going to kill off the site, I think they would have told someone first. Nobody from the Telltale Team seems to be confirming/denying it.
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