The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • thank you so much x wx (i love that sasha gif you did btw the spinning eyes are my favorite)

    mirashade posted: »

    Your coloring and art style is so great! Everything is so cute and well done, I love this!

  • oH NO that last one I'm dying
    and aaaa I'm so excited- I love the way you did your lines with Vaughn! ;v;

    mirashade posted: »

    So, I did make a few quick-ish drawings specifically for the release date discussion thread, but now that we finally have a release date I guess I'll post 'em together here:

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    mirashade posted: »

    Handsome Rhyssss, I love the idea that he just changes his hair immediately haha. I love their facial expressions in this too, your art is so great!

  • Ok I have to admit wow! Nice art dude!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just gonna leave it here.

  • Thank you! Appreciate it. (:

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ok I have to admit wow! Nice art dude!

  • These are awesome! Now we just need him to start calling Vaughn pumpkin ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

  • WHOA...

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    FetchWalker posted: »

    Bembiann is making something amazing. If you want to spoil yourself and see the unfinished version: -> https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcd

  • yeah, we talked about this in rhyiona thread, it's gonna be so amazing!

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Bembiann is making something amazing. If you want to spoil yourself and see the unfinished version: -> https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcd

  • Slightly off-topic, but I finally caved and got a Tumblr - and I desperately need more BL fan art all up in my dash!

    I managed to follow those of you with more obvious presences/that I've looked at before (you may or may not have noticed a sudden influx of likes), but I've probably missed heaps.

    If you want to PM me your details (just in case the mods think this is too off topic) I'll be sure to follow you - but also, what are some of the better and/or most active Borderlands-based Tumblrs that share heaps of cool fan art/gif sets etc.?

    Also, I can already tell this is the biggest slippery slope in the history of the world:

    IT BEGINS!!!

  • Woah - this is so cool (but also terrifying)

  • Hyperiontrashcan is a collection of cut audio files from the game.
    Nuky-pookie is constantly reblogging great BL art, screenshots, and other finds (plus her alt blog Ask-TFTBL is full of adorable doodles). Both Redmiel, ZombiDJ, radishezrom and Abysmal-Jack post amazing BL fanart all the time.

    I don't post a ton of BL stuff on my main Tumblr blog, but my art blog Miya-Draws has a lot of BL stuff on it. I'll add more blogs to look into following as I remember them!

    Slightly off-topic, but I finally caved and got a Tumblr - and I desperately need more BL fan art all up in my dash! I managed to follow

  • We need more Timmy on here.

    Here's future!Timothy where his natural hair color has grown back (my headcanon is that it was red) and the cosmetics he had done to change his skin tone and hide his freckles have faded after frequent sun exposure on Pandora, so his freckles are starting to show up again (this part of my headcanon based on a conversation I had with a woman who does permanent cosmetics for a living). Also he has a new action skill - Summon Skag! He raised a baby one (still in pup stage in this pic) and he wanders the wasteland with it. Aww!

    Paired along with Expendable Assets, he's very well set for some solo vault hunting despite being a huge, nerdy cinnamon roll.

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    I got lazy and just reused the same background I painted for a Reese/Jackie picture, which is why it doesn't seem to fit very well with the rest of the image. I know that Timothy wouldn't still be wearing the same shirt and pants he had on in TPS after all this time, but I was kinda worried that no one would recognize him in my style, so I kept them the same.

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    I don't really.. have words other than "I LIKE ATTRACTIVE THINGS HERP"

  • These are all amazing - thank you so much!

    nursethalia posted: »

    Hyperiontrashcan is a collection of cut audio files from the game. Nuky-pookie is constantly reblogging great BL art, screenshots, and othe

  • He's strangling him(self)... O_O

    I LOVE IT!

  • Aww, I love this/your headcanon - Timmy finally gets his precious freckles back!

    nursethalia posted: »

    We need more Timmy on here. Here's future!Timothy where his natural hair color has grown back (my headcanon is that it was red) and the c

  • hahahhahah, advertising everywhere! :DDD

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Bembiann is making something amazing. If you want to spoil yourself and see the unfinished version: -> https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcd

  • OK but wtf, that lizard looks exactly like Willem Dafoe.


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This one? Yeah, I used to draw these silly little comics.. xD (oh god it feels so weird to look at this now!)

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    But why male models?

    I don't really.. have words other than "I LIKE ATTRACTIVE THINGS HERP"

  • I don't know, I guess I like this picture enough to post it here. I like the colors.

    (yes she is popping out of a cake.. just because she can)

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  • Yes! Gortys is adorable! I love her design!!

    nursethalia posted: »


  • Be-cause... they're males... and...

    Why NOT male models? -raises eyebrows- I don't have an excuse, did I need an excuse to draw Borderlands? xD I was listening to Studio Killers, if that explains anything.

    nursethalia posted: »

    But why male models?

  • i'm in love with this cutie

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I don't know, I guess I like this picture enough to post it here. I like the colors. (yes she is popping out of a cake.. just because she can)

  • Thank you, aha, thank you so much--- ;w;

    jambandit posted: »

    oH NO that last one I'm dying and aaaa I'm so excited- I love the way you did your lines with Vaughn! ;v;

  • (ahhhhhh good artists complimenting something i did, shooot mannn thank you ;w;;))

    jambandit posted: »

    thank you so much x wx (i love that sasha gif you did btw the spinning eyes are my favorite)

  • Still being the sweetest metal ball that have ever existed!

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I don't know, I guess I like this picture enough to post it here. I like the colors. (yes she is popping out of a cake.. just because she can)

  • this is super cool! I love it!!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Art by: avionetca

  • Aww! :3 I'm sure I'm going to explode when Gortys appears in the game!!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Still being the sweetest metal ball that have ever existed!

  • ARGHHHHH! want episode 3 now!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Art by: avionetca

  • Haha, yeah, I'm pretty sure me too! I'm really excited to finally hear her and see her in action.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Aww! I'm sure I'm going to explode when Gortys appears in the game!!

  • The colours are so gorgeous - I didn't think it was possible for Gortys to get any cuter!

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I don't know, I guess I like this picture enough to post it here. I like the colors. (yes she is popping out of a cake.. just because she can)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    The even cooler thing is how well their faces match, that's one epic gif!

    Woah - this is so cool (but also terrifying)

  • Ha, I'm just messing around, I look for any excuse to quote Zoolander.

    Be-cause... they're males... and... Why NOT male models? -raises eyebrows- I don't have an excuse, did I need an excuse to draw Borderlands? xD I was listening to Studio Killers, if that explains anything.

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    Decided to post two of my recent fanarts : 3 both are a few weeks old already though haha..
    hope its ok °O°

  • Niiice! And, whoa, your Zer0 is just awesome! Like James Bond, but much much cooler!

    0nryo posted: »

    Decided to post two of my recent fanarts : 3 both are a few weeks old already though haha.. hope its ok °O°

  • I didn't think it was possible for Gortys to get any cuter!

    So my next challenge is to make her even cuter! >:)

    Also, thank you!

    The colours are so gorgeous - I didn't think it was possible for Gortys to get any cuter!

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