The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • I love your art sooooo much.

    Jack. Jack plz.

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    What are you five? Jack plz.

  • Love it!

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    What are you five? Jack plz.

  • edited June 2015

    I made another Handsome Rhys drawing, hope you like it

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  • Woah-wow...! That's badass!

    I made another Handsome Rhys drawing, hope you like it

  • Quite possibly the cutest Claptrap fan art I've ever seen! Art by sanadashin

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    The following is also by sanadashin. Such a cute art style!

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  • Thanks 8)

    mirashade posted: »

    Woah-wow...! That's badass!

  • Hnnnngh that Claptrap!! So adorable! I just want to hug him!!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Quite possibly the cutest Claptrap fan art I've ever seen! Art by sanadashin The following is also by sanadashin. Such a cute art style!

  • I posted this on Rhyiona thread earlier but I don't think this is too "shippy" to be here soooooo yeah..

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  • edited June 2015

    I posted this a long time ago in another thread .. Rhyiona f curss... Hope ya guys like it :3

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    I know, I know Fiona's shirt pattern isn't there... but it was too annoying and it... I was just lazy k?

  • hehe, hopefully people don't get mad at us because of Rhyiona.. :3

    Yeah, all of those annoying to draw.. This is still really detailed so it doesn't really matter.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I posted this a long time ago in another thread .. Rhyiona f curss... Hope ya guys like it I know, I know Fiona's shirt pattern isn't there... but it was too annoying and it... I was just lazy k?

  • I've seen Rhysha here, so I don't see the problem :/

    I would do more drawings like this (In the thread I only post sketches lately as you've seen) but I don't have time with exams and all. A drawing like this takes me from 2 to 5 hours. and you also need the mood to draw... For now I'll go with sketches, when I finish with everyrhing I'll try to make more colored, detailed drawings X3

    btw! how did the animation school thing go? An exam right? Forgot to ask X3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    hehe, hopefully people don't get mad at us because of Rhyiona.. Yeah, all of those annoying to draw.. This is still really detailed so it doesn't really matter.

  • You are right! I'm just worrying for nothing I guess..

    Yeah I totally agree. I would love to draw more detailed stuff but sketches are just so much faster!

    (I failed that test.. ;----; but there's still hope! I have to wait information from two other schools...)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I've seen Rhysha here, so I don't see the problem I would do more drawings like this (In the thread I only post sketches lately as you'v

  • awww <3 don't worry I'm sure you'll get into the school, btw what kind of test it was? Did you have to draw?? orr??

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You are right! I'm just worrying for nothing I guess.. Yeah I totally agree. I would love to draw more detailed stuff but sketches are

  • I had to draw one storyboard. and we had some writing exams too..

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    awww don't worry I'm sure you'll get into the school, btw what kind of test it was? Did you have to draw?? orr??

  • YOOO LOOK AT THEM. badass!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Rhyiona thread earlier but I don't think this is too "shippy" to be here soooooo yeah..

  • Oh cool, seems interesting. To be honest I'm kinda jealous... Always wanted to study animation <3 (all dem gifs I made take long man) But my country isn't much on the artsy part. There was an animation studio once... I guess... but no schools :( All romanian animators are pretty much self-thought. I shall take the same path (I regret wasting my time in highschool instead of making animations)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I had to draw one storyboard. and we had some writing exams too..

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    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Old Piece but eh, All I could think of as soon as I heard Patrick Warburtons voice coming our of Vasquez’s mouth.

  • edited June 2015

    Old Piece but eh, All I could think of as soon as I heard Patrick Warburtons voice coming our of Vasquez’s mouth.

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  • Helll yeaaah! >_<

    I'm surprised that I haven't seen much fan art of "badass Rhys and Fiona"

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    YOOO LOOK AT THEM. badass!

  • edited June 2015

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    i will just leave this here :"))

  • Awww I hear you! ;---; But my situation isn't much better either. Sure we have animation schools in Finland. Two exactly. And those are really really really hard get in. You really have to be the best to get into animation in Finland. I have always admired animation above all else and it feels terrible to see your dream as an "impossible coal" But I keep trying because I want it so much! So don't you give up just yet, there's still hope! cries

    Ps. There's animation schools outside of Romanian too. :3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh cool, seems interesting. To be honest I'm kinda jealous... Always wanted to study animation (all dem gifs I made take long man) But my c

  • Without full pockets I can't go "outside". Believe me I wanted to go in UK to study animation cause "I spik inglis wel" but it's so expensive. I know about the paid school years by the government but... My parents win together like 400 pounds/month... that's like what I would need for a month there (they have bills to pay too).

    You northerners were lucky... not so much damage from wars. My country was the playground of Russia with their stupid communism. Imagine! 25 years ago we were hit by the boom of all the stuff your countries considered old fashioned already! The development of this country is SO bad I'm crying... Well at least we have fast internet (3rd in the World - Romania -> 55,71 Mbps) which is nice :3

    Ps. It's Romania (Europe- crazy, I know) not Romanian(that's the name of the language we speak XD)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Awww I hear you! ;---; But my situation isn't much better either. Sure we have animation schools in Finland. Two exactly. And those are real

  • Oh I'm so sorry for my ignorance! ;---; You are right, I can't imagine what it feels like living in ROMANIA. And yeah, my family isn't rich either and I have to work to pay my bills but at least our system works. I guess I'm very lucky to be a Finn.

    (I have no idea why I made that mistake. Romania is in Finnish also Romania. My brain, I don't even..)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Without full pockets I can't go "outside". Believe me I wanted to go in UK to study animation cause "I spik inglis wel" but it's so expensiv

  • I know, it's a crime!

    Badass Rhys and Fiona = best Rhys and Fiona.

    Seriously, I wish they wore these outfits all the time.

    (And awesome artwork!)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Helll yeaaah! >_< I'm surprised that I haven't seen much fan art of "badass Rhys and Fiona"

  • Haha, I just commented above that we need more pictures of Rhys and Fiona in their badass outfits and I scroll down and see this!

    Gorgeous work, not-so-lazy Lewis! ^_^

    Zuka-Lewis posted: »

    i will just leave this here :"))

  • Time for some Sasha!

    Art by redmiel

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    Art by mirashade

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  • I'm glad you like it! ;----;

    I kinda prefer past Fiona to future Fiona.

    I know, it's a crime! Badass Rhys and Fiona = best Rhys and Fiona. Seriously, I wish they wore these outfits all the time. (And awesome artwork!)

  • Ahh no worries, others don't even know that Romania exist... We have our pros... they don't stand in money, yes... but seeing how other countries are... it just misses that romanian spirit... No place like home after all. And it's not such a bad country, very beautiful actually if you know where to look.

    There is no perfect country after all :3

    Pff.. everybody makes mistakes!

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh I'm so sorry for my ignorance! ;---; You are right, I can't imagine what it feels like living in ROMANIA. And yeah, my family isn't rich

  • haha jeaaah, be proud Romanian!! (now it's Romanian right, RIGHT??)! ! And to be honest, nobody really knows that Finland exist either. :3 Sweden steals the spotlight all the time >:)

    Ooops, we are getting little off -topic here, you think?

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Ahh no worries, others don't even know that Romania exist... We have our pros... they don't stand in money, yes... but seeing how other coun

  • Nahh.. they can keep scrolling down. And for the Finland thing, because our finals are in Geography too everybody has to know every country in Europe. So at least I know that Romania knows about your country X3.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    haha jeaaah, be proud Romanian!! (now it's Romanian right, RIGHT??)! ! And to be honest, nobody really knows that Finland exist either. Sweden steals the spotlight all the time Ooops, we are getting little off -topic here, you think?

  • Really? mischievous grin

    Well then, tell me something about Finland and promise me not to use google!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Nahh.. they can keep scrolling down. And for the Finland thing, because our finals are in Geography too everybody has to know every country in Europe. So at least I know that Romania knows about your country X3.

  • Hey I think I've seen your art somewhere before and I was just wondering if you've got a tumblr account or if you post your art on there? :P Your art is amazing, I really love the style and everything :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I posted this on Rhyiona thread earlier but I don't think this is too "shippy" to be here soooooo yeah..

  • edited June 2015

    First of all, thank you so much! And secondly, no. Only place you might have seen my art is in Rhyiona thread. I don't have a tumblr account because I had the longest art block and thoughts of not being good enough to post my art to tumblr (yeah stupid me)

    But I think I'm finally feeling more confident about my skills and style so yeah, I'm going to create a tumblr account soon :3 And draw more art (not just Rhyiona stuff)

    Hey I think I've seen your art somewhere before and I was just wondering if you've got a tumblr account or if you post your art on there? :P Your art is amazing, I really love the style and everything

  • edited June 2015

    Well I won't take the exam (cause I chose to take the Logic exam- too complicated to explain this choice thing) but I do remember something from the last lessons which where on climate (and just for the record it's mostly general stuff -when we present the general stuff we mention which countries apply to that). So here we go... hmm (also some names of things I have no idea how to translate in english so it might sound weird at times XD). There is the solar radiation... in the northen part of the Europe it gets to aprox 70-ish kcals and it also can rise cause of altitudes, but 70 is the standard. Ok now.. it's logical that the polar climate affects your country, and also the ocean does too. You have oceanic and polar masses of air (dunno if correctly translated).which affects the temperature and all that. Rainfall stuff in between 400-600 mm/year most of it solid. (Somewhere in a galaxy far far away-"My name? Snow. Jon Snow." puts on glasses; awesome music starts playing)

    OK soo I remember I actually had a test where I had to answer a question. Why the density of population in Finland is smaller than Bulgaria(I guess in english Bulgary-sounds weirder thou) we had to do some math and calculate the actual dansity, compare the results from each country, then explain the difference. Of course the reasons where obviously the climate. I mean look at Russia that country is so BIG but the population's density is so small. Too cold I guess XD.

    This is definitely something

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Really? mischievous grin Well then, tell me something about Finland and promise me not to use google!

  • Oh. ...I have an account I just was too shy to post it outside the Rysha thread haha. Thanks for thinking it was worth posting :')

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Time for some Sasha! Art by redmiel Art by mirashade

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    That is definitely something..

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well I won't take the exam (cause I chose to take the Logic exam- too complicated to explain this choice thing) but I do remember something

  • T'was worth it my friend. Nice art ^_^

    mirashade posted: »

    Oh. ...I have an account I just was too shy to post it outside the Rysha thread haha. Thanks for thinking it was worth posting :')

  • Haha, you're welcome! It was very much worth posting. You've got a super cute art style! :D

    mirashade posted: »

    Oh. ...I have an account I just was too shy to post it outside the Rysha thread haha. Thanks for thinking it was worth posting :')

  • No problem! I don't go on the ship forums/threads though so it can't be that but I'll be looking forward to see more of your art in the future. Art block can be a pain in the ass sometimes :/ good luck!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    First of all, thank you so much! And secondly, no. Only place you might have seen my art is in Rhyiona thread. I don't have a tumblr accou

  • hhahahaha

    Rhys: ?

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Old Piece but eh, All I could think of as soon as I heard Patrick Warburtons voice coming our of Vasquez’s mouth.

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