The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • This is the reason why the first time I tried to doodle him he ended up with a black eye. The guy is just destined to always get beaten up. He's a human punching bag.

    You don't really realize it in the moment, but when you think about it and remember all the blows he's taken... wow, get him to a hospital please.

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is so great! Poor precious Rhysie, I feel kinda bad for him now. Seriously, I've never realised he could be punched so many times. I mean, when you put it all in perspective, it doesn't look like a lot. But when it's all together... ouch.

  • wow, get him to a hospital please

    Shh, @The_Greasy_Broccoli will hear you and try and indoctrinate you into the cult of Ted!

    mirashade posted: »

    This is the reason why the first time I tried to doodle him he ended up with a black eye. The guy is just destined to always get beaten up.

  • I tried xp

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  • There is a certain character from another TellTale game that I think would be perfect for issuing out hugs, provided that that this particular character has time from their busy schedule on the sequel season to their TellTale series. If you know what I mean... really...

    mirashade posted: »

    It had me at Vasquez, but the slow-motion rag-dolling across the desert... Oh man. And that man just has some issues. I think he needs to

  • edited June 2015

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

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  • Cult of Ted, Greasy Broccoli, and Hospital all mentioned in the same comment chain?

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    wow, get him to a hospital please Shh, @The_Greasy_Broccoli will hear you and try and indoctrinate you into the cult of Ted!

  • tbh when i was scrolling i thought there's more... why did you stop right there?! ;_; i'm so jealous of your talent...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

  • why did you stop right there?! ;_;

    because laziness ;---;

    Also, thank you! Actually not so long time ago I thought I'm the worst drawer ever and I was so jealous of everyone else! xD Then something happened and I started to believe in myself. <3

    xfuriouss posted: »

    tbh when i was scrolling i thought there's more... why did you stop right there?! ;_; i'm so jealous of your talent...

  • edited June 2015

    something happened and I started to believe in myself. <3

    the plot of every hero movie ever... or anime...

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    now I'm imagining you and myself and other artists that BELIEVE like those guys above (I'm still laughing)

    lots of screaming+awesome background+belief= endless power


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    why did you stop right there?! ;_; because laziness ;---; Also, thank you! Actually not so long time ago I thought I'm the worst

  • Yes Julie! Exactly! Now I just need that awesome background to get endless power! ;)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    something happened and I started to believe in myself. the plot of every hero movie ever... or anime... now I'm imagining yo

  • edited June 2015

    This is freaking incredible!!!

    Ugh, I love love love his expressions, especially on the second image. Amazing job!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

  • cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`
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  • Your style is really cool. And I like the combination of colors. Nice work!

    jambandit posted: »

    cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`

  • omg thank you!! tbh drawing borderlands fanart has really helped me come out of my comfort zone when it comes to coloring and I love it v wv

    buntingsir posted: »

    Your style is really cool. And I like the combination of colors. Nice work!

  • Thank youuuu! :> I wanted to try something... darker this time. (I don't know why but it's really fun to draw crazy people xD)

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is freaking incredible!!! Ugh, I love love love his expressions, especially on the second image. Amazing job!

  • edited June 2015


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    Wow your style is just adorable! And that cutie Gortys core!!! Hhhnnng!

    jambandit posted: »

    cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`

  • This is INCREDIBLE - Pleeease keep drawing Handsome Rhys!

    And I love the idea that the second Jack gets in control he changes Rhys' hair - imagine if that's what happens if you choose Jack - he doesn't even try to stop the robots until he gets his hair just right. Egotistical, bastard!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

  • They're all so adorable!

    Awesome work. ^_^

    jambandit posted: »

    cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`

  • You also have Rhyiona <3 ;D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yes Julie! Exactly! Now I just need that awesome background to get endless power!

  • gasp om g that teeny gortys is so cute ; A; I love that I'm already attached to another robot who hasn't even appeared in game yet (oops)
    thank you tho aaa ; v;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Beautiful! Wow your style is just adorable! And that cutie Gortys core!!! Hhhnnng!

  • thank you!! v wv` <3

    They're all so adorable! Awesome work. ^_^

  • Thank you so much! I will draw him more :>

    Yeah that would be funny as hell. I can imagine how everyone is fighting in the background while Rhys is struggling to get his hair look more handsome! ;D

    This is INCREDIBLE - Pleeease keep drawing Handsome Rhys! And I love the idea that the second Jack gets in control he changes Rhys' hair

  • Very true. That means I'm already immortal.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    You also have Rhyiona ;D

  • Haha I've been drawing Gortys ever since episode 2 trailer. I just love her design! I thought that claptrap is adorable but Gortys is like diabetes!! Hnnng!

    jambandit posted: »

    gasp om g that teeny gortys is so cute ; A; I love that I'm already attached to another robot who hasn't even appeared in game yet (oops) thank you tho aaa ; v;

  • Omg your style is so awesome! I love the way you draw the characters.

    Gortys <3

    jambandit posted: »

    cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`

  • thank you for this good deed you've done for the fandom v wv
    omg tho did you draw this one comic of Gortys drawing little pictures of everyone else? I think I saw something like that once and I looooved it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha I've been drawing Gortys ever since episode 2 trailer. I just love her design! I thought that claptrap is adorable but Gortys is like diabetes!! Hnnng!

  • thank you so much aaaa ; v;

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Omg your style is so awesome! I love the way you draw the characters. Gortys

  • This one?

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    Yeah, I used to draw these silly little comics.. xD (oh god it feels so weird to look at this now!)

    jambandit posted: »

    thank you for this good deed you've done for the fandom v wv omg tho did you draw this one comic of Gortys drawing little pictures of everyone else? I think I saw something like that once and I looooved it.

  • The last one killed me. This is great!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This one? Yeah, I used to draw these silly little comics.. xD (oh god it feels so weird to look at this now!)

  • edited June 2015

    My secret past in the Tales from the Borderlands forum! ;D

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    The last one killed me. This is great!

  • aaa that one yea!! I think I might have seen it in a google search or something when I was looking for references ; v; (what a sweetheart)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This one? Yeah, I used to draw these silly little comics.. xD (oh god it feels so weird to look at this now!)

  • Oh you..

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    jambandit posted: »

    aaa that one yea!! I think I might have seen it in a google search or something when I was looking for references ; v; (what a sweetheart)

  • Gosh-darnit im shipping your Gortys core with claptrap.

    Is that bad?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh you..

  • I've only just gotten around to commenting on this but -

    Your art is amazing! Especially with the screens, the hype for Jack - Rhys is toooo muchhhhh! Ahhhhh! If you did more I would be so happy, I'll need something to cling to over the next 2 weeks.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

  • edited June 2015


    Gosh-darnit im shipping your Gortys core with claptrap. Is that bad?

  • edited June 2015

    just...gimme a second....

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    Thanks a lot! ;---; You guys are just too nice...

    I can try to draw more of these ! I will try!

    I've only just gotten around to commenting on this but - Your art is amazing! Especially with the screens, the hype for Jack - Rhys is to

  • You can do it!! (Nice gif)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    just...gimme a second.... Thanks a lot! ;---; You guys are just too nice... I can try to draw more of these ! I will try!

  • So, I did make a few quick-ish drawings specifically for the release date discussion thread, but now that we finally have a release date I guess I'll post 'em together here:

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  • Your coloring and art style is so great! Everything is so cute and well done, I love this!

    jambandit posted: »

    cries it's really long but here's a recent set of doodles I did with everyone ; v;`

  • Handsome Rhyssss, I love the idea that he just changes his hair immediately haha. I love their facial expressions in this too, your art is so great!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Handsome Rhys. Enough said.

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