Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited July 2014

    Pro....I'm changing it. Your making it sound like something bad is gonna happen! IM CHANGING IT

    Lol, if you want to stay inside... that's your choice, man. B]

  • I voted for the guns so I don't want that your group is going to shoot him... I guess? xD

    Lol, for CiD, A lot of people are choosing for him to go inside. Hmm... why did you choose that?

  • Hope dangles on a string.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    My life down to chance to see if I live now I like this game cool I wouldn't want it any other way can't wait ;D

  • Heh, but so far it's still looking like it's going to be the other way. B]

    Pro....I'm changing it. Your making it sound like something bad is gonna happen! IM CHANGING IT

  • Mwuahaha! We'll see, Guetta... we'll see. B]

    I voted for the guns so I don't want that your group is going to shoot him... I guess? xD

  • edited July 2014


    Heh, but so far it's still looking like it's going to be the other way. B]

  • Alt text

    HAHAHA Bring it ;D

    Hope dangles on a string.

  • Hey, man. Trying to help you out here, that's why I'm leaving this open for a while, lol.


  • ... Yaiks! >.>

    Mwuahaha! We'll see, Guetta... we'll see. B]

  • edited July 2014


    (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off.

    "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of my eye. I aimed the rifle at his head."Hehe... there you go... go on. Finish this."

    Without wasting anymore time, I took the shot and killed him."See you in hell you bastard..." I looked up at Awesomeo's corpse, and started walking towards him. I knelt down when I reached him, and held his head in my arms."Awesomeo... I'm all alone now..." I started crying, I couldn't hold it it any longer."You used to visit every summer... heh, bringing me a slice of pizza when ever you came over. Stache treated you like you were his own son. I remember when I came up with "SweetPea's Sweet tea" and it became very famous around my town, you were there to help me. I wish that all of this never happened... now all I see is death around every corner. Constant struggles and there's nothing we can do about it. This isn't the same peaceful world I once knew... I think that we'll never get things back to how they used to be before. I'm sorry this happened to you... to Betsy and Stache... to WTD, Raging, and Mokonage." I placed my hand over Awesomeo's eyes and closed them."If only I could hear you for one more time. I'm sitting here, wondering why I'm still alive? Why am I the one that has to go through this? Why do I have to be alone during a time like this? I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this anymore. Droga!"

    I looked at my sundress, and it was covered with blood. I got up and turned around. I went over to the man's corpse and looted his body. I found some ammo and a knife on him. I saw Mokonage's apple, half eaten on the ground. I saw that it still had the seeds inside."Maybe I can try to grow a tree with these." I said to myself. I put everything in my backpack, and then went over to pick up Stache's rifle."I'll stay strong... I have to." I said while looking at Awesomeo's corpse for one more time. I started walking down the small dirt road...


    "So you want to stay in the same room? It's big enough for the both of us, and there's two separate beds." I asked ATR.

    "Yeah, sure. I'd like that." She said to me with a smile.

    "Alright, great. Gonna go have a look around, see what I can find." I told her.

    "Same here, let me know if you find anything." She replied.

    After the others left to find Joe and Sardines, me and ATR decided to look around the mansion to see what we could find. DLB, Deceptio and Wanderer were downstairs with Noncy and Angel, in the small library room. CSB and Jon were outside patrolling the area. We were still waiting for the others to return. I looked out a window and I could barely see the river."Hmm, should definitely go fishing tomorrow." I turned and looked around the room some more. I checked some cabinets, and found a bunch of jewelry and clothes."Hey, ATR. You find anything?" I shouted, but she didn't answer."ATR?! ATR, can you hear me?!" I shouted again."Shit, what the hell is she doing?" I said to myself. I started walking towards the other side of the room. I quietly opened the door, and saw that ATR was nowhere to be found."ATR, where did you go?" I asked. I walked forward and looked around."C'mon, stop playing."

    I walked over to the bed and saw that no one had slept in it for months. I put my shotgun down and got ready to jump in it, but before I could, I heard a loud noise behind me and saw a giant creature come out of the closet."BOO!" It shouted and pushed me onto the bed.

    "AAAAAHH! What the fuck?! GET OF OF ME! HELP!!!" I shouted.

    The creature started laughing, I tried to free myself."Calm down, Jewf! Hahahaha! Oh my God, you're too funny!"

    I quickly stopped and looked in front of me."The fuck?! ATR?! What the... WHAT?!" She was wearing some sort of owl costume.

    She was still laughing."Hehehe. Yes! It's me, silly. Haha." She said and then took the costumes head off, revealing that it was indeed her."What's the matter? Afraid of little old me?"

    "Jesus Christ, ATR! What the hell?!" I shouted.

    "Hehe, relax, Jewf. No need to be afraid." She stuck her tongue out at me and winked.

    "I ain't afraid! You just... I wasn't expecting that." I looked away.

    "Aw, I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" She asked and pouted her lips.

    "No. I'm not mad, ATR. Now get off of me, I need to check this place out some more." I told her.

    "Well, okay... sorry." She said and moved to the side.

    I got out of the bed and picked up my shotgun."I'm not mad, ATR. It's just... if I had my shotgun out and you surprised me a bit earlier, I could have shot you by accident." I looked down."I don't know what I would do if I lost you..."

    "Oh... well I won't do it again, okay? I promise." She said to me."I feel the same way about you. I don't want to lose you either."

    I looked at her and smiled."Thank you. Now would you take that dumb thing off... I'm having a hard time trying to take you seriously, haha." I started laughing a bit.

    "Heh, what's wrong with my owl suit?! You don't like it?!" She asked with a smile.

    "You look ridiculous, ATR." I said jokingly."C'mon. Lets go check on the others."

    "Well, excuuUUUUUUUUUuuse me, Jewf! Now that you said that, I'm going to leave this on just because it bothers you." She said and put the owl head back on, she got off the bed and started dancing around.

    "Heh, you sure you want the others to see you wearing that thing?" I said to her and raised an eyebrow.

    ATR quickly stopped dancing and turned to me."Hmm... maybe you're right..." She said and took the owl head off again."I'm going to take the owl suit off for now. But at night, I'll be watching you..." She said to me.

    "Uh... okay..." I said with a confused look.

    ATR took the owl suit off."Okay, ready." She said, and she grabbed my pinky finger with hers, we smiled at each other and started walking towards the door...


    I was sitting on a couch reading a book with Noncy, Deceptio, Wanderer and Angel in the room with me."This book is awesome." I said out loud.

    "Oh, please, dear. That book is for children." Noncy replied.

    "Pssh, whatever. I like it and I don't care what you say." I told her.

    "Heh, DLB is right. I've read that book before, it's pretty good." Wanderer said to Noncy.

    "I'm always right. Sometimes. No wait, all the time." I said to him.

    "Well this time you are wrong, my dear. I'm the one who is always right, even when I am clearly wrong." Noncy said to me."Oh, and get off my couch please. I was sitting in it earlier."

    "Oh yeah?" I started stomping on the couch."Well fuck your couch, Noncy!" I started to rapidly move my feet, and kept hitting the couch with them."Fuck your couch!"

    "Whoa! DLB. Calm down... It's not that serious..." Deceptio spoke up.

    "Pah, typical." Noncy said.

    "Guys, let's not fight here. Let's just forget this. Deceptio is right." Wanderer told us. Angel looked at me with a confused look.

    I started laughing."Hahaha, I'm just kidding! I'm bored here, so I need some entertainment." I told them.

    "Jeez, DLB..." Deceptio said.

    "So, I see that you're feeling better?" Wanderer asked Noncy.

    "Yes. The pain comes and goes, but I am much better, now." She replied.

    "That's good to hear. I hope the others are able to get Salt's friends back without any problems..." Wanderer told us.

    "Don't worry, man. They'll be okay." Deceptio said with a smile.

    "You guys want to go outside and wait for them? We've been here for a while now." Wanderer asked.

    "Meh, I guess so." I replied.

    "Sure. Let's go see what Jon and CSB are doing." Deceptio said.

    "I'll go as well. Come on, Angel." Noncy said, Angel got up and started wagging her tail. We all proceeded to go out to the front yard...


    "You saved me from Rich. You're not an asshole, Jewf." I said to him as we were walking down the hallway.

    "Heh, not everyone thinks so. I'm just wondering if I should let 'em know about eking. It's been so long, and I just... I don't know." He said to me.

    "I don't either, to be honest. At first I wanted you to tell the group, and then I thought it was a bad idea. But now, I have no clue." I replied.

    "Pro told me, that whatever happened before all of this doesn't matter anymore, as long as we look after each other. But what I did, it was during the second day of the apocalypse." Jewf said and sighed."I'm sorry, eking..." He said while looking down.

    "Don'y worry too much about it. You do what you think is best." I said to him.

    He smiled and we kept walking. We made it down the stairs and we saw the others heading outside the front door."Hey, Jewf and ATR." DLB said to us.

    "Whats up, guys? Why are you going outside? Did the others come back?" Jewf asked them.

    "Nah, we're just heading outside for a bit. Check up on Jon and CSB." Deceptio replied.

    "Ah, okay." I said to them.

    "Want to come with us?" Wanderer asked us.

    Jewf turned to me."Uh, sure."

    "Yeah, we'll go with you guys." I said to them with a smile.

    "Good. Let's go then." Noncy replied.

    We made our way outside and spotted Jon patrolling the area."Hey, Jon. Where's CSB?" DLB asked him.

    "He's keeping watch at the back of the mansion. What are you guys doing out here?" He asked us.

    "Just came out for some fresh air, and to see how you were doing." Deceptio told him.

    "Ah, I'm good, thanks." Jon said with a smile.

    "It's been like two hours since the others left. You think they'll be back soon?" Wanderer asked him.

    "Remember, Salt said it took him a day to get to us. They're probably still driving, who know's when they'll be back." Jon replied.

    "Want me to take over the watch when you get too tired?" Jewf asked him.

    "Sure thing, man. CSB is in the back, though. I don't know how he's doing." Jon said to us.

    "Um... I can switch with him." Wanderer told Jon.

    "Really? You think you'll be up for it?" Jon asked.

    "Yeah, I've had plenty of sleep for the day." Wanderer replied.

    "The thing is, you can't shoot." Jewf told him.

    "Yeah, that's the only problem here." Deceptio said.

    "CSB isn't an expert either. Just give Wanderer a handgun and let him keep watch if he wants to. I just hope you'll be able to warn us if there's any danger. Don't do anything reckless to get us or yourself killed." Noncy said with her arms crossed.

    "I'll be fine, guys. I'll do a good job, don't worry." Wanderer said with a smile.

    "Alright, then. I'll teach you a few things, before you start." Jon told him.

    "Hey! Who's that?!" DLB pointed towards the woods.

    "The fuck? A walker?!" Jewf said when he turned to look.

    "It's pretty far... but it looks like a walker." Jon told us.

    "Shoot it!" DLB shouted.

    "Hold on... I'm not sure..." Jon replied.

    "What are you talking about? Shoot the damn thing!" Jewf replied.

    "It's too far. I can't really see it, and it's dark out here. It's not moving like a walker." Jon said to us.

    "Fuck that, let's not risk it. Could be a bandit or something." Deceptio said to us.

    I was squinting my eyes."Hmm... are those weapons?" I asked the group.

    "Can't really tell... looks like the walker is wearing a dress, so it's a female, has blood on it. I think you're right... looks like it's holding a rifle, and another on it's back..." Jon said.

    "Walkers with guns now? That's great..." Noncy said sarcastically.

    "Well Deceptio is right. Let's not take any chances. Shoot at them." Jewf told Jon.

    "And draw more of them to us? Come on, man." Jon replied.

    "Then what do we do?" DLB asked.

    "Do any of you have a knife?" Wanderer asked.

    "Actually, yeah. I'll be right back." DLB ran inside.

    "Fuckin' walkers... we find a good place to stay in, and they come here to ruin it." Jewf said while shaking his head.

    "We'll take care of it." Deceptio replied.

    "I'm back!" DLB shouted."I brought back a knife and a silencer." She handed them over to Jon.

    "They stopped moving. They're just standing there, now." I said to them.

    "Maybe it's looking for food, or trying to hear something." Wanderer said.

    Jon put the silencer on his M16."Alright, now what should we do?" He asked...

    1) Shoot them, let's not take any chances.

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    3) Say nothing.


  • SweetPea's come!!! :D Also... ATR and Jewf are definitely a thing now. <3

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • Lol, this part had a lot of jokes in it. :p

    SweetPea's come!!! Also... ATR and Jewf are definitely a thing now. 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

  • LOL I know, that owl suit and the couch thing...... I thought someone was gonna get killed, but it turns out it was just ATR xD


    Lol, this part had a lot of jokes in it.

  • edited July 2014

    LOL I know, that owl suit and the couch thing...... I thought someone was gonna get killed, but it turns out it was just ATR xD DAMMIT ATR YOU SCARED ME

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    We've come this far, now, BUT WE CAN'T KILL FUCKIN' SWEETPEA.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • Noooooo you can't shoot SweetPea, she's the nicest person ever! D:

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful. We've come this far, now, BUT WE CAN'T KILL FUCKIN' SWEETPEA.

  • Wait? Is that person SweetPea?


    Noooooo you can't shoot SweetPea, she's the nicest person ever!


    Well, at least SweetPea isn't alone anymore!

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • edited July 2014

    Well, I don't know. The person is wearing a bloody dress, and she's holding a rifle, so it seems like it.

    Edit: Phew, you changed your vote. Good. c:

    Wait? Is that person SweetPea? Fuck.

  • Lol, that was sweetpea :P

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful. We've come this far, now, BUT WE CAN'T KILL FUCKIN' SWEETPEA.

  • edited July 2014

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • It's okay.

    Alright, I don't usually do this, but for the newest part, every vote will determine what happens with other character's POV's. So choosing

  • Damn right!

    Alt text



    Alt text

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    Even if it does turn out to be a walker, why waste a bullet when you could just stab it? Plus, a gunshot could attract unwanted attention.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • May your owl suit forever be god like.


    THE OWL SUIT SCENE! 2) Get closer to them, but be careful. Even if it does turn out to be a walker, why waste a bullet when you could just stab it? Plus, a gunshot could attract unwanted attention.

  • Don't kill me, I'll make apple tea for you guys. <3

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • edited July 2014

    3) Say nothing to the rescue! xD

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • Everything points out to the person being SweetPea, even if it turns out to be a walker, better to kill it without any noise than shoot it.
    Just make sure its not a potential threat first, then take it out if need be. I'm pretty sure its SweetPea though....

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    Welcome home SweetPea :D

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • Oh my gawd that was awesome pro. And I'm always right, Noncy is wrong.

    Alt text

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    It's SweetPea! Btw, you are really capturing me pretty good. I always think of many possible outcomes and consequences. I'm a level headed guy and reading my lines shows that personality.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • edited July 2014

    1) Shoot them, let's not take any chances.

    Kill them you think morals will save you honorable but mistaken lets have some fun :D

    Alt text

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • Who else but JonGon?!

    JonGon posted: »

    2) Get closer to them, but be careful. It's SweetPea! Btw, you are really capturing me pretty good. I always think of many possible outcomes and consequences. I'm a level headed guy and reading my lines shows that personality.





    Cluke_is_Dumb I went outside and decided to wait for Guy to return. As I was walking out of the medical station earlier, I watched Tobi i

  • 2) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of



    SweetPeaClem (!) Shoot him in the head. Finish him off. "Go on, girl... just do it already!" He said to me. I had a tear coming out of

  • edited August 2014


    I Started revving up the chainsaw."What the fuck, Tobi?! A chainsaw? What the hell?!" Broken shouted.

    "Tobi, stop this! Enough!" Shadow yelled at me.

    Guilty was laying down on the floor, holding his thigh."You've lost it... no matter what we tell you... you won't listen."

    The others stayed quiet I was grinning at them. Pur moved back."Valky, since Guilty had his turn. You'll be next. Just giving you a heads up here... I may get out of hand, haha." I said to them.

    "Fuck you, Tobi! Finish me off instead, you fucking coward!" Guilty shouted.

    "No! I'll take her place!" Sardines told me.

    "Shut up! I made up my mind. Valky is next. Pur, do your fucking job." I said to him.

    Pur aimed his gun at them."Stay back! Let Valky through!"

    "Shit..." I heard Shadow.

    "I'm sorry..." Broken told her.

    "No, Tobi, please!" Valky shouted.

    "Get over here, now." I said with a serious face.

    "Oh no..." AC said while standing in a corner.

    "Tobi! Look at me! Don't fucking do this!" Guilty kept talking, but I ignored him.

    "Either Valky takes the punishment, or you all die." I said with a smile.

    "I... I can't do this..." Sardines said."Tobi, just..."

    "Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Right now, Valky!" I shouted.

    "Guys... let go of me." Valky told them.

    "No! We can't!" Shadow shouted.

    "Do it, Shadow." Broken told him.

    He looked at her."Fuck... alright." He turned to Valky and let her go.

    "Valky, no!" Guilty shouted.

    "That's a good girl." I said.

    Valky made her way over."No, Valky! Don't do this! Tobi, kill me instead!" Guilty pleaded.

    I had the chainsaw ready."Things would've been so much easier, but you all disappointed me." I said to them.

    Valky then spit in my face."Fuck you, Tobi. You don't scare us." She said to me.

    I wiped my face and laughed."Haha, you stupid bitch." I slapped her and she fell down.

    "No! Fuck!" Guilty shouted.

    "This will only hurt a little bit." I said...


    After dinner, Ever took us to our beds."Alright, guys. Get some rest, tomorrow you start working. I know Tobi can seem like a bad guy, but if you follow orders and get your work done, he might promote you to guard duty. Just... try not to piss him off." She told us, and closed the door and locked it.

    We were in a large room, but it seemed custom built. Sheep spoke up."I've been thinking about my brother all day long..."

    "We all have, Sheep. Today was probably the worst day for us." King told him.

    "Heh, I remember when me and him stumbled upon you guys. We were just walking down a dirt road, trying to get away from the city. We spotted the church and saw you guys tending to Guetta."

    "Yeah... I had jumped out a window that day, trying to land on a pile of hay, but I missed it and landed on my side. Luckily it wasn't that high and the fall just knocked me unconscious." Guetta replied.

    "Heh, that was really stupid, Guetta." Shiina told her.

    "Haha, yeah... I was running away from Azlyn, she was trying to catch me and I had nowhere to go, so I jumped." Guetta told her.

    "She was so worried about you. We all were." I told her.

    "You're lucky you didn't severely hurt yourself." Gamer told her with a smile.

    "Yeah, SGK helped me a lot." She said while looking down.

    "My brother was a surgeon, but he knew what to do with you. Shiina and Goust didn't trust us right off the bat, but we proved ourselves." Sheep said to us.

    "Sorry, man. It's just, with the way things are now..." I said.

    "I understand. No worries." Sheep said with a smile.

    "Heh, yeah. A few days later Gary showed up. He was by himself, he had food with him and was friendly." Shiina said.

    "Haha, I almost killed him. Thought he was a bandit trying to trick us." Twistee spoke up.

    "Yeah, didn't you say you broke out of prison during a riot?" Gamer asked him.

    Twistee looked down."That I did. I was with two other guys, they were pretty much dumb-asses, though. I was able to escape early, we found a car and stole it from some guy who had a leather jacket and fedora on, heh, he never saw it coming. One of the guys wanted to go back to the prison to finish off all the cops. I didn't want any part of it, but with everything that was going on, I didn't really care what we did. When we reached the station, one of the guys took out a megaphone and started shouting through it, tellin' the cops to come out so we could kill 'em. Out of nowhere, a teargas grenade landed next to us, and I started coughing and crying while rolling around on the ground. I heard the other guy using the megaphone and talking back to the cops. I remembered how we had a gas mask in the back of the car, so he must've taken it. I heard gun shots but I couldn't see anything. The guy got in the car and told us we were useless, he shot and killed the other man, but decided to let me live. He just drove off. After several minutes, I got up and headed towards the woods. I was alone for a while, I reached a gun shop and took it over. I found a car and drove out further into the countryside. That's when I found you guys." Twistee told us.

    "I'm glad you found us, even though you were a prisoner, you proved that surviving is more important now." King told him.

    "Heh, truth is... I was planning to take over and kill you all." Twistee said while looking down.

    "Jesus... I'm glad you didn't do that." I said to him.

    "Yeah... I changed my mind on the last second. I saw that you people needed help, you've shown nothing but kindness to me. I can't ever repay you guys for that. I'm a piece of shit, but at least I have people that care. You guys are like the family I never had." Twistee told us.

    Guetta smiled."We're here for you."

    "We have each other's backs, no matter what." Sheep said.

    "We'll get out of here." Shiina told us.

    Suddenly the door opened."Alright, Mark. Get some rest." Ever told him, while he entered.

    She closed the door and locked it again."Hello my fellow psychos." He said with a smile.

    "Great... It's this fucking asshole." Gamer said.

    Mark started walking towards us."Oh, I'm sorry... I thought we were all friends here." He said with a confused look.

    "At least he doesn't smell like shit anymore." King said.

    "We're not friends!" Sheep shouted.

    "Calm down, Sheep. I know he's not our friend, but maybe he can help us." I told him.

    "Yes, listen to the old man. I am very useful, just ask your friend Twistee here." Mark said with a smile.

    "Shut up, man! You've caused nothing but trouble! Next time, I'll make sure I kill you." Twistee told him.

    "Twistee! Buddy! Come on, now. Don't be that way, I was the one that was going to let you all live, but then the real asshole showed up, Mr. Tobi. He screwed up my plans, and he took us all in. Killed two of your friends, correct? He proved to us that he's a psychotic fuck nut, right? I even told Twistee that I was going to let everyone live. I just wanted to be the leader of a group, and then we could all live happily ever after." Mark told us.

    "You're a psycho yourself, Mark. You as a leader? Don't make me laugh." Shiina replied.

    "Forcing people to follow your every command is already proof enough that you would be a bad leader." I told him.

    "Yes, just like Tobi. He uses scare tactics, and forces his people to follow his orders. But yet, they still do what he tells them to do because he provides them with safety, food, shelter, etc. He may be a lunatic, but I'm impressed with his work. Although, I would do things a bit differently." Mark told us.

    "So you're admitting that you're a piece of shit like him, right?" Gamer told him.

    "Hahaha! I love it! No, Gamer. I have my problems, but at least I know how to keep my cool. Tobi is unstable, he has a temper. I do not harm women and children unless they have it coming, but that's just... beyond crazy. I may be a bad guy, but I would do a much better job than he would." Mark replied.

    "Whatever, man. Shiina is our leader, and you won't be replacing her. Either you find other people to harass, or we just leave you behind when we escape this place." King told him.

    "Yeah, man. Sit the fuck down. We don't want to hear any of your bullshit." Sheep told him.

    We heard loud bangs on the door."Go the fuck to sleep!" It was Ever.

    I sighed."Get some rest guys. We'll see how things go tomorrow." I told them.

    "He's right, if we're too tired to work... I don't want to imagine what Tobi would do." Guetta spoke up."I just hope Gary will still be alive."

    "He will. Don't give up. We'll all get out of here. Azlyn is still out there as well. She'll find a way." Shiina told us.

    Mark started walking towards a bed."Heh, fools. It's an insane world we live in..."

    Everyone said goodnight and headed towards the beds. I kept wondering if we were ever going to make it out of this place."Come on, Azlyn. I hope you're still alive..."


    (!) Get closer to them, but be careful.

    "Get closer to them, but be careful." ATR told us.

    "You sure about that?" Deceptio asked.

    "Yeah, I don't know about that." Jewf replied.

    "Well, if we get close we can see if it's really a walker or not. If it is a bandit, then we can shoot and kill them, but we'll just have to keep an eye out if there's more of them." ATR explained.

    "Well, I'm not going to check, so I'll be going back inside with Angel." Noncy told us.

    "Same here, I don't want to die tonight, and I think some people should wait inside the mansion just in case." DLB Said.

    "I'll stay out here." Wanderer told us."I'll let the others know if I see anything. I could run back and warn CSB as well."

    "I'll stay out here, too." ATR said.

    Jewf turned to her."You sure?"

    "Yeah, don't worry." She replied.

    "Alright, then. Guess I'll be inside with DLB, Noncy and Angel. Can't do much with these crutches." Deceptio told us.

    "Okay, then. I'll go check with Jewf. Come on." I told him.

    "Be careful you guys." Noncy told us.

    "Look around, make sure there aren't more of them." ATR told us.

    "Alright, you guys stay safe, too." Jewf told them.

    Me and Jewf started running towards the field."If it's not a walker, just be careful." I told Jewf.

    "I still say we should shoot them either way, but I'll look around if it's not a walker." He replied.

    I looked ahead and saw that they were sitting down."The fuck? I don't think it's a walker, Jewf. That person is alive, but they still have weapons on them."

    "Shit. You're right. I'll have your back, man." He told me.

    We stopped running and we both aimed our guns at them. We were slowly walking closer."Hey! Who are you?!" I shouted.

    The person looked up at us."Don't try anything stupid! We will shoot you!" Jewf told them.

    She slowly raised her hands up."Don't shoot me, please..." She said.

    We kept our distance."Where's your group?!" I asked.

    "It's just me. My group members all died..." She said to us.

    "What happened?" Jewf asked her.

    "It's a long story... I'm not in the mood to tell it. I just lost a friend a bit earlier, some bandit killed him thinking we killed his partner back at the river or something. This is my friend's blood on me..." She looked down after she said that.

    I turned to Jewf."Partner by the river? You know who she's talking about right?" I whispered.

    "Yeah..." He replied. He turned back to her."Were there any more with the guy?"

    "I don't know. He didn't mention any more people..." She told us.

    "Look, we believe you, but I'm not sure we should trust you." I told her.

    "That's okay. I'm not looking for any friends. I just spotted that mansion over there, and I saw a few of you out by the front door. I didn't know whether to run, hide, or shoot. I just sat down here and waited." She told us.

    "That man by the river... he killed one of our group members, so we had to kill him. I'm guessing his partner thought you were with us and killed your friend. I'm sorry about that, we didn't know if he was alone or had others with him." I told her.

    She started crying."I'm just tired of losing everyone..." She covered her face.

    Jewf looked at me."What do you think, man?"

    "I don't know." I turned back to her."What's your name?"

    She looked at us."Sweet... SweetPeaClem." She said.

    "Do you mind showing us where your friend is? We just want to be sure..." I said.

    she remained quiet for a moment, and then finally spoke."Okay..."

    "But first... we need to take your weapons." Jewf told her."We're just trying to be safe here."

    "I... I don't know. I'm trying to be safe here, too. I don't know you and you don't know me... it's hard to trust people nowadays." She replied.

    "That's understandable, but we're trying to help you out here. If it turns out that you're telling the truth, then maybe you can stay with us." I told her.

    "What? Come on, Jon?! We don't know her." Jewf said to me.

    "Pro said that we should start making this a safer place for others to live in. It starts with helping others, and gaining their trust." I told him.

    SweetPea looked at us."You seem like good people... but I would like to keep my weapons on me. I'll show you where he is, but I just want to be safe." She told us.

    "Same here. Look, if you're telling the truth, we'll take his body and dig a grave for him. You could visit whenever you want." I said.

    She smiled."Thank you." She got up."Okay... just follow me. It's not that far." Me and Jewf looked at each other and nodded. We followed her into the woods, but kept our distance. SweetPea told us everything as we were walking."He had a silenced rifle, the one I'm holding right now. I used it to kill him."

    "Damn, so Mokonage's apple saved you, huh?" Jewf asked.

    "Yes... I'm hoping I could use the seeds to plant a tree somewhere." She said.

    "You've been through a lot. I'm sorry for your losses..." I told her.

    "We've all gone through hell, ever since this started. I just wish it would be over already." She said.

    "Yeah... if only it could end and we could go back to living a normal life." I said. We followed the dirt road and spotted two corpses on the ground."Damn... which one is Awesomeo?" I asked.

    "The young one with the cap and backpack..." SweetPea told us, and started crying a bit.

    "Okay... we'll have to get rid of both of the bodies. We'll take Awesomeo and dig a grave for him. I'll burn the bandit's body. Jewf stay close to her." I said.

    "Alright, man. Need any help, let me know." He said.

    I walked up to Awesomeo's corpse. He had been shot in the head, I turned and saw that the bullet had passed through and hit a tree. I got up and walked over to the other guy. Shot in both knees like SweetPea said, and then shot in the head to finish him off. I saw another bullet hole on the tree that she said she was hiding behind. I turned and saw that Awesomeo had blood near his stomach from when the guy shot his body."Alright, SweetPea was telling the truth, it seems."

    "I am. I'm not a liar, and even if I was, I see no point in lying about this." She told us.

    "Okay, then. We'll take care of this and explain it to the others. We'll see if they want to let you stay." Jewf told her.

    "Thank you so much. I hope it's no trouble." She said.

    "Don't worry about it." I told her. Jewf walked over and started to carry Awesomeo's corpse back with SweetPea's help. I started dragging the man's corpse farther away from the mansion. I took it near the river, and checked his body. He had a watch and a box of cigarettes."We'll burn this guy in the morning." I said to myself. I ran back to find the others.

    I made it to the open field and saw that Jewf and CSB were already digging a grave."Hey! Jon is back!" Deceptio shouted.

    "CSB, where's Wanderer?" I asked.

    "Out in the back, he's keeping watch, for now." He told me while digging the hole.

    "You'll be okay, don't worry." I heard ATR telling SweetPea. They were sitting down with DLB and Angel. Angel was letting SweetPea pet her.

    "What are we going to do with her?" Deceptio asked me.

    "I don't know. Maybe we can let her stay, but we should wait for the others to decide." I said to him.

    "Alright, Jon. Whatever you think is best. She did mention that she doesn't mind leaving, though." Deceptio told me...

    1) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide.

    2) If she doesn't mind leaving, then she can leave, I guess.


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