Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited July 2014

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • edited July 2014

    Here you are:

    Sarah: "What are you still doing here?"

    Clem: "Do you know where can I sew my arm?"

    S: "I don't know. Somewhere no one can hear you. Which is like... not in here. They will find you for sure."

    C: "Don't tell anyone I'm here, okay?"

    S: (hesitantly) "Okay"

    You can also say that her dad didn't care about your arm, and she'll be like: "No, that's not true!" with Sarah will remeber that sign.

    skoothz posted: »

    Really? What does she say?

  • Then Lee reponds with "hush now"

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    If Lee admits to having no clue about barbering, Clem will then say she'll look like a boy. Lee will respond with "but think about how much safer you'll be", which prompts Clem to say she'd rather be dead.

  • where was the picture?

    DID YOU KNOW? If you look at the picture with Brenda and her husband Terry, before you go upstairs, the conversation with Brenda changes wh

  • What???

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    (?) dojo32161 appreciates your participation.

  • Well, I noticed... Lee's parents wrote that when they were hiding inside that room...

    VickH posted: »

    hey hey hey I just noticed something while watching a let's play literally less than 5 minutes ago You know how in E1 of S1 they have to

  • edited July 2014

    SAY WHAT?!

    Edit: Now, THAT'S interesting...

    Kladeos posted: »

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • There is BANAAAANG from Sam and Max in episode one sometime during the conversation between Clem and Rebecca. Sorry no pictures :p

  • The fuck...? XD

    Kladeos posted: »

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • pics?

    Kladeos posted: »

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • In 102 if you dont do anything in the meatlocker Kenny pushes you and calls you worthless and if you drop ben and when Kenny helps Christa if your silent you here him in pain.

  • It also appeared in SE1EP3. I had a screenshot of Banang in Season 2, but I lost it :/

    IAmHoboKing posted: »

    There is BANAAAANG from Sam and Max in episode one sometime during the conversation between Clem and Rebecca. Sorry no pictures

  • A few more forshadows that I've noticed. Sorry that they're less than last time.

    Hershel: Blah blah be good to people blah blah don't be a liar. (The game ends up being mostly about people relations and stuff)

    Hershel: Family's important, you agree with that? (Another core part of the game, kenny and his family, Lilly and Larry, Pete and Nick, just to name a few)

    Ben: What Do I Have To Do For You To Trust Me, I'LL DO ANYTHING!!

    Lilly: The hell you will.

    Ben: I'll keep on watches for months! (Even after Lilly's leave/leaving Lilly, Ben does honor another of his words by standing watch on several occasions. That time when he was looking around the train with Lee. That time when the train stopped before the dangling fuel truck. That time when Lee and Kenny leave and Lee asks Ben to look after Clem/Omid and then Christa asks for his help. And that time at Crawford when Ben was keeping watch outside while kenny tries to open the door.)

    Omid: Christa NOOO!!! You son of a bitch! She's a girl! Don't you know that she's- (That she's what? Pregnant? Pffft)

    Vernon: Stay back or I'll shoot. (Actually, staying back get's you shot, taking the gun solves the situation)

    Clem: He tried to cut it off, but that never works....ever.(Reggie has an objection, as does Pete's friend)

    Nick: You best get to Luke and the others, they'll take care of you, they're good people, better than me at least. A hell of a lot smarter. (Though Clem's the one that does most of the taking care of, the group does indeed remain loyal and trustworthy)

    Troy: You go in there again and you'll feel the back of my hand.(and slapped us for staying there he did)

    Carlos: She is not like you, if she knew how it was, what it was really like out there, she would....cease to function.(Granted the sight of zombies from afar was okay to her. The moment she went into a crowd of zombies she could barley hold her voice, and when Carlos was shot and eaten, she screamed and ran off, that's a shut down(or close to it) if I ever saw one.)

    Lee: You are strong Clem, you can do anything.(Lee knew what he was talking about. 11 year old Clem was significantly more competent than the majority of the group(save for maybe Luke and Kenny) and was on several occasions "the only one able to do this" )

    Reggie: My name is Reggieme, but someone kept yelling at me Reggie Reggie. (Regieme is actually an arabic word for diet. So I suppose arm cutting is a diet of sorts....?)

    Luke: Nick, this is suicide. (Actually, Nick telling Walt saves him and Nick's silence sentences him to death)

  • Ben: I'll keep on watches for months!

    a man of his word

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    A few more forshadows that I've noticed. Sorry that they're less than last time. Hershel: Blah blah be good to people blah blah don't be

  • BANAAAANG. I wonder how it tastes, I never drank anything banana flavoured.

    It also appeared in SE1EP3. I had a screenshot of Banang in Season 2, but I lost it

  • edited July 2014

    The voice of Larry (Terence McGovern) was the voice of Launchpad McQuack in Duck Tails and Darkwing Duck if you are old like me and remember it during your childhood ;). Then again I'm only 22.

  • every time you play the game again you always notice small details, sometimes i don't notice stuff until my 7th playthrough (im not the best at TWDG cause i always go and change stuff then decide i want it back and all that -_-)

    You sure notice a lot of random stuff

  • If you pinky swear, she'll also add: "We're friends, right?" and Clem will confirm.

    And if you knock again, Clem tells her to not tell anyone she was there and Sarah agrees

    fallandir posted: »

    Here you are: Sarah: "What are you still doing here?" Clem: "Do you know where can I sew my arm?" S: "I don't know. Somewhere no on

  • Kenny foreshadows his eye getting fucked up, if you decide to not get Reggie in trouble you can tell Kenny you couldn't find anything and he says something like "Damn I thought you might have a better chance of spotting something these old eyes couldn't, they're getting more useless every day" and then one day later his left eye becomes completely useless :P

  • Are you serious??! I'm going to go look at that. Nice find though!

    Kladeos posted: »

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • I didn't see shit

    Kladeos posted: »

    In episode 3, when you try touching the butterfly, you see Lee's face in the sky smiling at you.

  • I'm sure this has been mentioned a million times in this thread already, but I always thought it was cool how if you go back and replay Episode 1 of Season 1, and you check the fridge in Clementine's house, her parents have left a note that says they're at the Marsh House.

    Also, if you listen enough times at the door in S2E1, it sounds like Carlos might actually be vouching for you a little, or at least he's arguing more middle ground than anything. He actually talks about how you could get a fever anyway from the infection (so maybe they should help you.) Just goes to show maybe he wasn't a bad doctor or a bad man after all - he just didn't want to decide for the rest of the group that he could use their supplies on you. Maybe if the group had decided to help you during the house meeting, he would have come out to the shed to help later.

    They also mention how they can't stay in the cabin for much longer (as Carver will find them.)

  • itsajoke

    Are you serious??! I'm going to go look at that. Nice find though!

  • If you appeal to Carlos, he will say he feels awful delaying treatment but they HAVE to make sure, so it's no shock he would vouch for you

    sardines posted: »

    I'm sure this has been mentioned a million times in this thread already, but I always thought it was cool how if you go back and replay Epis

  • Ahaha I get you. 7th playthrough ?? Omg xD I only made 3 and for a long time I'm not making anymore

    Kennysucks posted: »

    every time you play the game again you always notice small details, sometimes i don't notice stuff until my 7th playthrough (im not the best at TWDG cause i always go and change stuff then decide i want it back and all that -_-)

  • I only played it once O_o

    Ahaha I get you. 7th playthrough ?? Omg xD I only made 3 and for a long time I'm not making anymore

  • edited July 2014
    1. Lee might had used to read comics (he say to Duck that he knows Dick Grayson is Robin)

    2. Kenny was not just a fisherman, but he was a fishing boat captain as he says in S1E4 (The average salary for fishing boat captain jobs is $37,000, so Kenny was a successful man)

    3. After the events of S1E1 is implied that the group went to find shelter in the Air Force Base where Lilly used to work in, that's when they find Mark, who tells then that the base was overrun.

  • Left side, before the bathroom.

    where was the picture?

  • Kenny just does not like people's faces. Maybe he's got a phobia or something.

    TheMPerson posted: »


  • So if you scare her about her dad she makes you promise twice?

    If you pinky swear, she'll also add: "We're friends, right?" and Clem will confirm. And if you knock again, Clem tells her to not tell anyone she was there and Sarah agrees

  • My Clem didn't knock. She just opened the door with her badass little face.

    If you pinky swear, she'll also add: "We're friends, right?" and Clem will confirm. And if you knock again, Clem tells her to not tell anyone she was there and Sarah agrees

  • edited July 2014

    In S1 EP1, while at Hershel's farm, Kenny can admit that his son, Duck, is "dumber than a bag hammers".

    One of the cutest moments of Clementine was in Season 1 when she told Lee a story about how her pet hamster escaped and ate some cookies, only now the group are cookies and the walkers are the hamster.

    The happiest smile Clementine ever gave in The Walking Dead was in Season 1, when she shows Lee that she put stickers on her walkie-talkie.

    In 400 days, during Wyatt's scenario, the cop that gets hit by the car was one of the cop's on the bus from Vince's scenario who ran away(according to TWD Wikia).

  • In my playthrough, I just pinky swore and didn't mention anything about her dad. Sarah just asked again if they were friends.

    So if you scare her about her dad she makes you promise twice?

  • The guy Wyatt hit was Bennett whom was the prison guard that Vince, Danny, and Justin get mad at because he bailed on them

    In S1 EP1, while at Hershel's farm, Kenny can admit that his son, Duck, is "dumber than a bag hammers". One of the cutest moments of Clem

  • Alt text

    IAmHoboKing posted: »

    There is BANAAAANG from Sam and Max in episode one sometime during the conversation between Clem and Rebecca. Sorry no pictures

  • I don't remember, that guy was still alive?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    The guy Wyatt hit was Bennett whom was the prison guard that Vince, Danny, and Justin get mad at because he bailed on them

  • Well if Wyatt goes out of the car he finds that Bennett is still hardly alive and he tries to save him but can't

    fallandir posted: »

    I don't remember, that guy was still alive?

  • Thanks. That's pretty sad.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well if Wyatt goes out of the car he finds that Bennett is still hardly alive and he tries to save him but can't

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    Depending on what order you play the stories in 400 days in, some of Becca's dialogue will change slightly, if you played Russel's story after Shel's, Becca will say that if Clive dies, he will make a better watchdog anyways, and one of the watchdogs is the character Bennett whom was a prison guard bus in Vince's story, however if you played Russel's story before Shel's, Bennett will be replaced with the old man that Nate killed and Becca's dialogue will change and she will say that if Clive dies he will make a better watch dog than those old people

  • Another detail people might not know about:


    If you pinky swear, she'll also add: "We're friends, right?" and Clem will confirm. And if you knock again, Clem tells her to not tell anyone she was there and Sarah agrees

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