Corrupted Wish



  • edited June 2009
    a flute up the nose? you can keep it.
  • edited June 2009
    *steals flute from whoever's currently holding it*

    ...hang on, what was the last wish again?
    i wish i knew what parts of the forum i should go to that i would like

    oh, thank you handy and convenient quote.

    You now know, but get struck by a meteor before managing to post in that part.

    I wish I could think of anything interesting to bring into conversations :P
  • edited June 2009
    you learn a good conversation starter, but you become band for spamming.:)

    I wish for a cheese pizza that never runs out of pizza.
  • edited July 2009
    You get t. It also works as Penicillin.

    I wish the Corru[t a Wish thread (The other one) wasn't made, and people would still write here.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but you barrel roll into a pit of lava. Too bad.
    (Sorry, just had to XP)

    I wish I could be able to figure out why my WiiConnect24 files are corrupted.
  • edited July 2009
    They all did barrel rolls into the same pit of lava as someguyfromazoo did.

    I wish someone would make a GIF of someone doing a barrel roll into a pit of lava. (actually, I might go and do that now, myself).
  • edited July 2009
    granted, but it does a barrel roll into a pit of lava.

    i wish for a sheepfrog.
  • edited July 2009
    It does a barrel roll into a pit of lavaacid.

    I wish i had some popcorn.
  • edited July 2009
    it flys into a meatiorite.

    i wish for a fish.
  • edited July 2009
    The fish eats you.

    I wish for the perfect women who will do whatever I want and never be boring or gross. Also she can't get pregnant or sick, unless I want her to, and will never cheat on me. Also who I'm NOT related to.
  • edited July 2009
    You get a hypnotized woman that can be controlled via a handheld console. Congrats!

    The next day, all the feminists in the world goes into your house and beat the crap outta you and took away your woman. Congrats!

    I wish dinosaurs were more awesome.
  • edited July 2009
    They are now so awesome, that anything less awesome than them (e.g. you) gets destroyed by a thirty foot embodiment of awesome. only dinosaurs and strong bad survive.

    I wish that this wish was in fact the best wish anyone has ever made, and therefore gets rewarded
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but something bad happens, causing the wish to screw up.

    I wish I knew what to buy with this last dollar on my iTunes gift card.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, u buy a Michael Bolton song. Ewww..

    I wish for an uncorrupt-able wish, which I will use in the next time I post.
  • edited July 2009
    Your computer crashes, so you will never be able to post again.


    I wish that i wasn't the only one who could pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism correstly.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but it becomes so easy to say that it becomes the shortest word in the dictionary.

    I wish I could finish my two summer reading books before August.
  • edited July 2009
    The sun explodes, making it winter. In fact, we all freeze to death instantly.


    I wish that Bill Gates gave me all his money.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted. He transfers all of his money to you but later claims to have been coerced at gun point. You're arrested in moments and subject to some pretty nasty police brutality. It turns out that old Bill has paid off the ole' bill to have you 'dealt with'. You're put into a squad car that mysteriously never reaches its destination. After a short investigation Mr. Gates' assets are returned to him.

    I wish I had a working TARDIS and the ability to pilot it as well as any Time Lord.
  • edited July 2009
    Hey you also get a kicky scarf! Too bad life isn't a TV show, sinse you are actually killed like a dog by the first Dalek you encounter.

    I wish I directed the new Transformers movies.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted. They have so bad reviews that you are never again hired as director for another movie.

    I wish to be the boss in my job.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted. Your boss keels over and you become the new boss... Unfortunately one of your co-workers made the same wish, and now you have died and they are the new boss.

    I wish I could spell.
  • edited July 2009
    Unfortunatly you are given the ability to cast spells. You are burned for witchcraft by angry peasants.

    I wish I could bend steel with my bare hands.
  • edited July 2009
    granted, now any piece of steel you touch bends, even if you don't want it to.
    unfortunately, for some reason you have steel plates, and they close upon your food when you try to eat, and then for no reason, you do a barrel roll into a pit of lava, too bad.

    I wish all the games I've lost would turn up.
  • edited July 2009
    Oh yes, all the games you lost that were lying on their backs turned and are now facing up.

    I wish for a tiny Professor Layton, alive, for me to devour alive whenever I want...
  • edited July 2009
    granted, but people get so disturbed by watching, that they destroy you with lasers.

    I wish that winter would get here faster (arrgghh! so long to wait for those games!)
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but then you realize you still get all the stress from 5 months of waiting (only condensed) which causes a stress induced heart attack.

    I wish I could find the ****ing remote!
  • edited July 2009
    You find the ****ing channel, only to realize you still can't change the channel...but you CAN add unnecessary bleeps to the current show! Too bad it's the Weather Channel.

    I wish that my headphones were in perfect condition again...
  • edited July 2009
    Your headphones are now in perfect condition, but you no longer have feet.

    I wish I had some chocolate.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but you die of diabetes.

    I wish they'd come out with a Team Fortress 2 movie, and it'll turn out just like I expected it to be.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted. The movie is everything you expect it to be, but it is in 3D and the movie theater refuses to give you any 3D glasses. You try and watch the movie anyway and go completely blind.

    I wish you had a puppy.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah? Well you get my puppy... inside your chest! Seconds later the little sweetheart breaks trough your ribcage and runs away.

    I wish I had a giant manly handlebar mustache!
  • edited July 2009
    Oh my... I didn't want your puppy... I wanted you to have a puppy... Oh well *replaces ribcage, and stitches up chest.

    Alright. So you want a handlebar mustache. Granted. Your handle bar mustache is so cool that some adoring fans rip it off you face damaging your upper lip so you can no longer grow hair there.

    I wish I was a three headed monkey.
  • edited July 2009
    Ah, wish granted....but then the real 3-headed monkey comes and kills you for being unoriginal.

    *sigh* I wish Don Paolo would already send me my EVIL instructions....
  • edited July 2009
    Ah, wish granted....but then the real 3-headed monkey comes and kills you for being unoriginal.

    *sigh* I wish Don Paolo would already send me my EVIL instructions....

    Your instructions arive in the mail, however they're the kind that self destruct. Sadly you skimmed through the instructions, missing that part and stick the instructions in your pocket. You survive the explosion but you're permenantly injured and your waste will always have to be collected in a colostomy bag.

    I wish Tom Jones was never famous.
  • edited July 2009
    Wish granted, but due to him never being famous, this has altered the course of history, ultimately ending up in you dying.

  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but every copy is sold out and they discontinued any further copies.

    I wish people would stop getting killed by wishes.
  • edited July 2009
    There was a *jingle* song in the air, as changes were implemented to prevent people getting killed by wishes. Now they are maimed, decapitated, mangled, truncated, mutilated, paralyzed or castrated. Coincidentally, suicides resulted from corrupted wishes increases dramatically.

    I wish there will be no more petitions in Telltale Games Forums.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted, but then someone starts a petition to allow there to be petitions in the forums again. Wait, what?

    I wish that i could think of something to wish for.
  • edited July 2009
    Granted. You get locked in a tall tower with no way out.

    I wish I had more of that delicious cake I just ate.
  • edited July 2009
    A dozen of the delicious cake appear right in front of you. While you were gouging down the sixth cake, you saw the list of ingredients for the lovely cakes you are pigging through. Mono-sodium glutamate, titanium doixide, hydrogenated oil, sugar, lark's vomit, corn flour (GMO corn), artificial flavours, cockroach cluster, Ram's bladder, small amazonian frogs and metallic springs. Hurrying to the sink, you vomitted everything possible, took some laxatives from the medical supplies and ended up with a diarrhea for five hours.

    I wish I was a five-foot tall young asian babe.
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