Sarah or Jane: A possible choice in amid the ruins

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead

Disclaimer: What follows is a hypothetical choice that might make it into the game. I know the choices have been leaked, but I don’t know what they are. If this is in the game, then I made a lucky guess, and nothing more.

After getting out of the herd, Jane and Clementine are probably going to travel alone for a bit. After Jane gives you some survival lessons and tips, the two of you stumble on Sarah, alone in the woods, weeping over the death of her father. Clementine starts to move towards her, but Jane puts a hand on your shoulder, stoping you. She tells you to leave her.

Here is the choice:

You can abandon Sarah in the woods, and give her an unknown status (but very likely dead). Clementine and Jane will return to the group alone.

If you choose to help Sarah, Jane will ditch you and the rest of the group, and gets an unknown status (but much more likely to be alive).

What would you choose?



  • I think everyone but the Sarah haters will choose Sarah, since Jane hasn't really done anything to make us care about her.

  • I would choose Sarah

  • I think %90 of people choose to take Sarah with us . This is not about hate . Can you leave a crying and mourning girl in the woods alone ? Example : I can't.

  • Fuck Jane. Who honestly cares about her.

  • I would choose Sarah. She very well might have saved my life with the peroxide. I owe her big time.

  • Well, it's obvious that she is a much more competent survivor than Sarah.

    I think everyone but the Sarah haters will choose Sarah, since Jane hasn't really done anything to make us care about her.

  • had a theory close to this. What if Sarah screws something up in episode 4 and Jane wants her dead and tells you (Clementine) because she trusts you. You have a choice wether to tell Sarah or not and if you don't tell Sarah then she dies. If you do tell Sarah then Jane dies.

  • She gave us a means to escape Carver's compound, isn't that something?

    I think everyone but the Sarah haters will choose Sarah, since Jane hasn't really done anything to make us care about her.

  • I don't think they would branch the storyline like that

    Carley123 posted: »

    had a theory close to this. What if Sarah screws something up in episode 4 and Jane wants her dead and tells you (Clementine) because she tr

  • I would choose Sarah. Jane i barely know, but Sarah needs help now that her father is gone.

  • I would choose Jane because she is usefull and she can protect clementine..

  • Yeah well I'm not Sarah hater or anything, but with a mentally ill person your own odds of surviving lowers, so you know where this is going..

  • it's not a huge branch. they branched the story like that in A House Divided; you don't directly save Nick. you save him by telling Walters he's nice

    Tyranitar posted: »

    I don't think they would branch the storyline like that

  • Jane! I know it's mean but I can't stand Sarah

  • Hmm. I guess they could do a Carley/Doug thing again.

  • I know Jane may have higher survival skills, but I'd pick Sarah. If Jane would ditch the group for me not leaving Sarah to die then she'd probably end up ditching them anyways at some point.

  • I'd choose Sarah... but I don't... think... that's... like... a... choice...

  • Well, duh'. Sarah, of course. Jane might be capable, but there's no way she can be trusted to have my back.

  • I like Jane and hope we get to know her, but if she ditches us for saving Sarah that's her problem. At least she'll probably be alive if she ditches us.

  • All those morals won't aid you in the grave.

    abelbennett posted: »

    I think %90 of people choose to take Sarah with us . This is not about hate . Can you leave a crying and mourning girl in the woods alone ? Example : I can't.

  • Definitely Sarah. You don't leave friends behind :).

  • edited July 2014

    Who said that? Clementine in Season 1 said that. And we're playing as Clementine, so saving Sarah would be the Clementine thing to do.

    Spooch posted: »

    Definitely Sarah. You don't leave friends behind .

  • I say it boils down to this: Are you more focused on your own survival, or are you trying to help and keep everyone else alive with the risk of putting yourself in a position where you might get hurt/injured/killed yourself?

    I think the people who picks Sarah do so because they feel like she needs help to survive, and that MAYBE she can prove to be useful later on. It can also have something to do with the fact that Jane doesn't seem like a very caring person and that we don't know her and can't really trust her.

    The ones who pick Jane think that she is much more capable of surviving and can also be of assistance to Clem's survival. Or they just plainly think Sarah is useless and will just be "dead weight".

  • edited July 2014

    I choose Sarah as she would not last long alone, Jane is capable of surviving by herself and does not need Clems help.

  • Hey I am a Sarah fan but I'd choose Jane.

    I think everyone but the Sarah haters will choose Sarah, since Jane hasn't really done anything to make us care about her.

  • Woah Woah,watch your language there buddy!Jane is the one that had the "Zombie guts" idea so you can escape alive!You owe your life to her!

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Fuck Jane. Who honestly cares about her.

  • Umm..Back in Carver's Camp I helped her with her work.But I don't want a living danger in our group...I'd rather save Jane because she is the one that got us out alive,except for Carlos...

    Rylee posted: »

    I would choose Sarah. Jane i barely know, but Sarah needs help now that her father is gone.

  • edited July 2014

    "We don't leave friends behind!" Sarah.

  • Sorry Jane but Sarah somehow managed to stop annoying me, i choose her

  • I'd have a hard time leaving Sarah like that, and I think my Clem would, since she helped with Sarah's plants, protested when she was going to be hit, etc. I don't think she'd abandon someone who needed her.

  • Imagine if you lost your father or someone very close to you. That person was the only one left. Also, you are very upset and depressed, and somehow you ended up alone. Wouldn't YOU want someone to come and help you out? I'm not trying to be rude, but would you want to be depressed and lost in the middle of the woods?

    JeraFlow posted: »

    Umm..Back in Carver's Camp I helped her with her work.But I don't want a living danger in our group...I'd rather save Jane because she is the one that got us out alive,except for Carlos...

  • I love Jane.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Fuck Jane. Who honestly cares about her.

  • I'd take Sarah.

  • Yeah, but Walter dies either way. They would have two determinant characters in a situation like this.

  • Jane's a badass for sure and if the choice meant she would only leave the group, I'm fine with that. She stands a better chance at surviving on her own than the vulnerable Sarah does. Besides, Sarah has the potential to be a longstanding (and relatively childhood) friend for Clementine, whose humanity I've decided is imperative to my gaming experience. Sarah would win because she needs Clementine.

  • Then again, in this season, you have the option to watch as Kenny pounds Carver's face in with a crowbar. Last season, she was cowering in a corner after the salt licking.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Who said that? Clementine in Season 1 said that. And we're playing as Clementine, so saving Sarah would be the Clementine thing to do.

  • edited July 2014

    okay but it doesn't mean they can't do it, Nick is determinant from how you talk to Walt. Carley and Doug were both determinant for 2 episodes.

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, but Walter dies either way. They would have two determinant characters in a situation like this.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited July 2014

    I'd give her a strong six.

    Alt text

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Fuck Jane. Who honestly cares about her.

  • Lee did it first buddy.

    JeraFlow posted: »

    Woah Woah,watch your language there buddy!Jane is the one that had the "Zombie guts" idea so you can escape alive!You owe your life to her!

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