Sarah or Jane: A possible choice in amid the ruins



  • This is kind of unbalanced. Most people are going to choose Sarah because she's a child and we've known her longer--I certainly would, pinky promises are forever. It needs a complicated context to make it a harder decision.

    Consider this scenario: Sarah's actions have recently caused the death of a major character. Jane, on the other hand, has recently saved your life. Same decision has to be made--do you stick with Sarah and lose Jane, or abandon Sarah and go on with Jane?

  • edited July 2014

    Still Sarah. I don't leave friends behind.

    skoothz posted: »

    This is kind of unbalanced. Most people are going to choose Sarah because she's a child and we've known her longer--I certainly would, pinky

  • In my eyes, this isn't about survival, It's about keeping your humanity when others around you lose it.

    Michael7123 posted: »

    Well, it's obvious that she is a much more competent survivor than Sarah.

  • Well, then again, Lilly was a grieving woman an we had a choice to leave her out on the road. Then again, Lilly can defend herself.

    abelbennett posted: »

    I think %90 of people choose to take Sarah with us . This is not about hate . Can you leave a crying and mourning girl in the woods alone ? Example : I can't.

  • If Jane never existed, I'm sure Clementine would have brought it up.

    JeraFlow posted: »

    Woah Woah,watch your language there buddy!Jane is the one that had the "Zombie guts" idea so you can escape alive!You owe your life to her!

  • And who says Sarah can't? I don't get why a lot of people keep saying Sarah is useless. It's not like we can't teach her anything?

    Darwin_99 posted: »

    I would choose Jane because she is usefull and she can protect clementine..

  • Pragmatism won't aid you in a game that's probably going to end the same way for everyone, either.

    Fizzdar posted: »

    All those morals won't aid you in the grave.

  • Think about it like this.

    If Jane ditches us, at least she's capable of surviving on her own.

    Sarah is a sheltered 15 year old. If we teach her how to defend herself, and how to keep herself safe, then who says she won't be helpful?

    Jane doesn't exactly strike me as a team player, (Vernon quote, ha) she's more of a "kill or be killed" type of person. I'm not talking about killing in general, I'm just saying it's either her or or someone else on the line. I think she basically used us to escape the camp, and will later ditch us.

  • Do we know how old Sarah is, exactly? It was never brought up in-game, I think, and it seems everyone has a different opinion. I've always thought she was 13, at most, and simply tall for her age. (Or Clementine is small for hers.)

    Think about it like this. If Jane ditches us, at least she's capable of surviving on her own. Sarah is a sheltered 15 year old. If we

  • Sarah is 15, she will tell Clementine that if you correct her in the cabin when she says she hasn't met another girl her age since way before, and Clementine will correct her saying they're not the same age, and Sarah will say, what? How old are you? I'm 15.

    Blackrising posted: »

    Do we know how old Sarah is, exactly? It was never brought up in-game, I think, and it seems everyone has a different opinion. I've always thought she was 13, at most, and simply tall for her age. (Or Clementine is small for hers.)

  • Oh, really? Hmm, who would have thought. Then Sarah looks really young for her age...or at least I can't remember looking that young when I was fifteen.

    Man, to be that innocent at 15...Carlos must have kept her from a lot of things.

    Sarah is 15, she will tell Clementine that if you correct her in the cabin when she says she hasn't met another girl her age since way befor

  • Sarah actually does tell Clementine her age back in the cabin when you ask for peroxide.

    Don't worry, I did the same thing too. I thought Sarah was 13 at the most, but then someone explained.

    Blackrising posted: »

    Do we know how old Sarah is, exactly? It was never brought up in-game, I think, and it seems everyone has a different opinion. I've always thought she was 13, at most, and simply tall for her age. (Or Clementine is small for hers.)

  • Not only did he keep her away from the flesh eating monsters outside, he also kept her away from the internet.

    Blackrising posted: »

    Oh, really? Hmm, who would have thought. Then Sarah looks really young for her age...or at least I can't remember looking that young when I was fifteen. Man, to be that innocent at 15...Carlos must have kept her from a lot of things.

  • I taught her how to use a gun, i hope this has affect.

    And who says Sarah can't? I don't get why a lot of people keep saying Sarah is useless. It's not like we can't teach her anything?

  • I have like a billion save files. I choose both.

  • I found out right away that she was 15 by choosing that dialogue option, so my mind never had a chance to assume her age based on her appearance, so she's always looked 15 to me, and she's extremely tall, so I might have even thought she was older. When she stood up from the bed she was like a skyscraper lol.

    Blackrising posted: »

    Oh, really? Hmm, who would have thought. Then Sarah looks really young for her age...or at least I can't remember looking that young when I was fifteen. Man, to be that innocent at 15...Carlos must have kept her from a lot of things.

  • Who said we couldn't toughen Sarah up? I'm sure that if we did, she'd be able to send people's asses to the grave.

    Fizzdar posted: »

    All those morals won't aid you in the grave.

  • I'm sure it will.

    I taught her how to use a gun, i hope this has affect.

  • She needs a weapon of some sort. Otherwise.. She's just another mouth to feed. But my 1st save file, Clem is Sarah's friend.

    I'm sure it will.

  • I'm sure she kept that gun.

    Carver would have thought Sarah was too much of a pansy to have any weapons, so they weren't bothered to check Sarah.

    Sarah could have actually gotten bullets from the armoury, she might've had a job in there, and took some bullets.

    She might be sheltered, but I'm sure she's smart.

    She needs a weapon of some sort. Otherwise.. She's just another mouth to feed. But my 1st save file, Clem is Sarah's friend.

  • Maybe it's just her appearance coupled with her sheltered personality that made me assume she was younger than she actually is. I haven't been that innocent since I was 12 or so. Not since I first joined the 'ruined by the internet' crowd.
    A lot of it comes from the way she speaks, I think. I mean...'let's be best friends and pinky swear on it'? Who DOES that at 15? And a book about tansdimensional body snatchers wouldn't even have excited me at 13 anymore...then again, I've been reading historical novels since I was ten.

    Plus, I liked the thought of Sarah being about the same age as Clementine, but completely towering over her.

    I found out right away that she was 15 by choosing that dialogue option, so my mind never had a chance to assume her age based on her appear

  • What's guaranteeing you Jane doesn't bring you into one or someone else near you?

    Fizzdar posted: »

    All those morals won't aid you in the grave.

  • Sarah Jane if anyone noticed that.

  • I'm usually pretty 'save everyone' but in Sarah's case, I just feel like she's doomed one way or another because she's so ill-equipped to survive in the world. I don't hate her, I mostly feel sorry for her in fact, but I don't see continuing to carry her working out in the group's favor. I'm not overly confident in Jane sticking around if the going gets tough, but I'd still go with her.

  • ditch Jane like a bad smell in a new york minute

  • edited July 2014

    Sarah. Jane hasn't shown us how to do anything we haven't already thought of, and abandoning a little girl in the woods? She can go fuck herself. Her opinion of us or her abandoning us is not a valid incentive against people who would want to save Sarah, anyway.

  • sarah could watch the baby when the group is on the move or when they are looking for food and bullets

  • She's an intelligent, calculating, obviously knowledgeable adult in the apocalypse. Chances are we'll probably have to go on another suicide mission to rescue Sarah as we did with Clementine and die/have a main character die - I just don't think having some healthy moral fiber is worth that.

    Fangster posted: »

    What's guaranteeing you Jane doesn't bring you into one or someone else near you?

  • edited July 2014

    Versus Jane, who's essentially another Molly? That and if getting hit by her father couldn't, if Carver couldn't, if witnessing her father die couldn't, those are just very high hopes.

    Who said we couldn't toughen Sarah up? I'm sure that if we did, she'd be able to send people's asses to the grave.

  • I'd rather die a month down the road than today, but then we go into the topic of the "meaning" or "nature" or life. Doing what in that time makes it worth living that very time?

    skoothz posted: »

    Pragmatism won't aid you in a game that's probably going to end the same way for everyone, either.

  • That's great.

    Fizzdar posted: »

    All those morals won't aid you in the grave.

  • Eh, 5.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I'd give her a strong six.

  • Don't get me wrong, from what I've seen I really like Jane... but Sarah is too cute to leave.

  • I'd better like an option where you can save either Sarah from a bunch of bandits or hide together with Jane. And of course I'd take Jane because Sarah just pissed me off with her assburger behaviour the past episode.

  • edited July 2014

    Yeah, it seems we'll be stuck with Jane in the beginning since she can be seen in the background fighting while Clem is also fighting within the horde.

    But I don't think she'll die anytime soon, since judging by the trailer she'll be the one who'll start teaching Clem new survival skills in the episode.

    At the very most saving Sarah will only make Jane extremely disappointed in you

    Jane can take a hike as far as I'm corcerned, I'm giving Sarah that sneak hug I promised :<

    My Clem will not be adopting that "the weak die, the strong live" mentality anytime soon. If she starts leaving people behind because they're weaker than her that would just prove Carver was right about her being just like him.

    "Ben is my friend. We don't leave friends behind!" - Anyone remembers this? I'm not letting that part of her go.

  • I would pick Sarah over Jane any day

  • What does that even have to do with anything,Tyranitar?I am talking about this here situation.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Lee did it first buddy.

  • I don't know too much about Jane, though she does seem pretty bad ass. But there is something about her that makes me ask, "Should I trust her?"
    Call me a softy, but I can't stand by and watch a child suffer so I wouldn't dare leave Sarah to perish! And in her defense, I blame Carlos more for how she is. He sheltered her from everything that was going on and didn't prepare her to defend herself in case of emergency.

  • I am not the guy that acts like a "douche",but morals don't work the zombie apocalypse!Here,I'll bring up an example.If you had the choice to go with a ''strong'' team or a ''weak'' team in football or anything else I am sure you will go with the strong team and in this here situation,Jane is the strong one.

    kawaiiclem posted: »

    Imagine if you lost your father or someone very close to you. That person was the only one left. Also, you are very upset and depressed, and

  • Maybe the death of Sarah's father was the threshold of her becoming tough? Come to think about it, after her father got shot she took off faster than any of the other members of the group. I say that Sarah just needs time to mourn and I bet she'll turn out for the better. Jane, on the other hand, is already an astute survivalist and could be beneficial to Clem in the long run.

    So I'm kinda torn between the two...

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