Sarah or Jane: A possible choice in amid the ruins



  • So does that mean that back in Season 1 you would choose Ben over Lee?Ben is not that useful but you can teach him something...That's your logic right?Well I'm sure that you wouldn't do it.So,don't act like a nice guy here.In real life,in the most probable case,you WOULD surely choose Jane over Sarah.

    I'm sure she kept that gun. Carver would have thought Sarah was too much of a pansy to have any weapons, so they weren't bothered to chec

  • I'm gonna flip!


    Hbh128 posted: »

    Eh, 5.

  • Clementine probably would've done it anyways. She did do it before. That's what I mean.

    JeraFlow posted: »

    What does that even have to do with anything,Tyranitar?I am talking about this here situation.

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    If Jane never existed, I'm sure Clementine would have brought it up.

  • I definitely know you aren't a douche. But, I just think having humanity and morals left in you in the ZA is kinda important. But, yes I do agree I definitely would go with a strong team over a weak..

    JeraFlow posted: »

    I am not the guy that acts like a "douche",but morals don't work the zombie apocalypse!Here,I'll bring up an example.If you had the choice t

  • Thanks for understanding.Although I understand that it's the same as the Kenny-over-Ben thing.I didn't let go of Ben because I had some faith in him. But after what happened with Carver,I lost faith in humanity.Not everyone is bad I must say but...Yeah.

    kawaiiclem posted: »

    I definitely know you aren't a douche. But, I just think having humanity and morals left in you in the ZA is kinda important. But, yes I do agree I definitely would go with a strong team over a weak..

  • edited July 2014

    Jane i guess. Its about survival and Jane knows how to survive, Sarah doesn't. That means if we choose Jane, then we almost have a full group of people who know how to survive. Maybe Rebecca cant survive either, we never saw her kill a single Walker. Maybe if Sarah could show herself useful, i would choose her, but the way i see it, she cant survive on her own. Maybe if Clem taught her how to shoot a gun in 'A House Divided', she will save a survivor, but if we didn't, she will try and save one, but instead kill a survivor. But its still a hard decision. Sarah is Clementines 'friend', so it would be a hard choice for Clem.

  • I would choose Jane. Sarah is very incompetent, unprepared for surviving, and breaks down over everything. Sis a liability and will get others killed, I know it's harsh, but it's the truth.

  • I honestly don't even really like Sarah. But I owe her Clem's life (via the peroxide). Also, I have a unusual philosophy.

    I'm a compassionate person, but also a staunch individualist. You might think those two things are contradictory, but that's not necessarily the case.

    A good intentioned person might sacrifice/leave behind one person to save the rest of the group. So could a ruthless dictator (ie, carver).

    In my state of mind, the life of any individual group member outweighs the collective well being of the group. Basically, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Only this applies to anyone.

    Jane wants to leave the group? She can go right ahead. She's got that right. But I don't have the right to abandon Sarah because of the risks she poses.

  • edited July 2014


  • She's not another Molly. No where near it. Just because she's fearless, doesn't mean she's Molly.

    Witnessing her father die isn't going to toughen her up, it'll break her down even more considering how soft she is. Now that her father isn't in the way to shelter her, I'm sure Clementine and the group can toughen her up.

    Fizzdar posted: »

    Versus Jane, who's essentially another Molly? That and if getting hit by her father couldn't, if Carver couldn't, if witnessing her father die couldn't, those are just very high hopes.

  • edited July 2014

    Actually the way I think of it Jane wanted Clem to leave Sarah because she's in bad shape that might mean she would do that to anyone including Clem so in a part from ep 4-5 someone would get injured or weak and jane would tell you to leave them

  • I just see this title and went... sarah jane... smith xD

  • Sarah, I owe her that hug.

  • I figured the rope and winch out before she even said anything. I went hmm looks like that's the way out. It doesn't give you the choice to say squat.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She gave us a means to escape Carver's compound, isn't that something?

  • That's why you play 2 versions of the game that way you see both sides...

    abelbennett posted: »

    I think %90 of people choose to take Sarah with us . This is not about hate . Can you leave a crying and mourning girl in the woods alone ? Example : I can't.

  • Of course you did, everyone did as we saw her using it in the trailer.

    haha49 posted: »

    I figured the rope and winch out before she even said anything. I went hmm looks like that's the way out. It doesn't give you the choice to say squat.

  • I like Jane but I'd choose Sarah. If that mean Jane abadons us then so be it. Jane is far more likely to survive on her own, Sarah most definitely is not. Besides, You don't leave anyone behind... unless they did a Lily and murdered a member of your group for no good reason. :P

    Sarah's just lost her father so it's only natural she'd be a mess especially considered how sheltered her father has kept her. It was pretty obvious Carlos would die for Sarah's character to be able to grow and I'm personally looking forward to seeing how she develops. Lee taught Clem how to survive and my Clem will do everything she can to teach Sarah. That's what Lee would want.

  • Thisthisthis, this is why making Clem watch Carver die is in my opinion a terrible choice.

    In my eyes, this isn't about survival, It's about keeping your humanity when others around you lose it.

  • Exactly! Plus, pinky swears are forever.

    Sarah, I owe her that hug.

  • Fearless, calculating, cunning, etc. These are the survival qualities of Molly, aside from her personality, which is more or less moot in the apocalypse.

    Tell me, oh wise intelligent one, how would the group "toughen her up"?

    She's not another Molly. No where near it. Just because she's fearless, doesn't mean she's Molly. Witnessing her father die isn't going t

  • edited July 2014

    So you guys should be pals and not turn your Clementines into little Carvers or Crawfords-to-be.

    "The weak will die and the strong will live."

    "You are just like me, Clementine. I know it when I see it."

    "Reggie was weak. We couldn't have him in our community anymore."


    "Sarah is weak. We can't have her in our group anymore."

    Ding ding! Carver wins!
    In fact I hope we get a chance to call Jane out on how much she sounds exactly like Carver if she says that quote of hers on the trailer to us.

  • Save Sarah obviously! Jane is fucking gorked! Plus, I doubt it'll happen, because TT would have to make branching storylines.

  • Have you guys seen that tweet by Jane's VA (Christine Lakin) about Jane possibly being determinant? Supports this theory pretty well. :) I would go with Sarah for sure

  • edited July 2014

    fuck jane

    "ooooooooh they're all gonna die clementine blah blah blah"

    of course i'm saving sarah i'm no monster

  • Since I have 2 playthroughs I'm going to choose both but, I'll probably pick Jane first. Sarah isn't fit for the apocalypse, even Carlos said that. Jane is a survivor and that's what we need more of.

  • Ja myśle żę na początku epizodu 4 clementine będzie z jane potem znajda sere a potem będzie wybór kogo uratować.

  • edited July 2014

    Can anyone who'd pick Jane answer me?

    Doesn't it feel hypocritical to hate on Carver for not caring about weaker people, and then doing the same thing to Sarah?

    I mean, you're essentialy proving that his philosophy was right. You guys should be Carver fans. Lol.

    I really don't get it.

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    Blackrising posted: »

    Exactly! Plus, pinky swears are forever.

  • edited March 2015

    Serious? Carver was a sick man who beat/killed/used his own people which is not anywhere a philosophy of "survival" but pure demagogy wrapped in violence. I picked Jane, though I was saving Sara up until the very end where I basically had to choose between a hardened survivor + friend and obviously a dead weight that could in future only put the whole group at risk. Sara didn't want to fight back, she didn't know how, all she wanted is to go back to a small easy world that her father created for her thus sealing her future fate. It is he who is at fault not Sara.
    So, either you stupidly play a hero saving every single sole until you eventually die or more people die because of your "kind-heartedness" or you stop being a pussy and do what you have to do to create a small functional group of like-minded people.

    Jane was my favourite the very first time I got to know her. Well, Luke was nice kind of guy as well, although he was obviously weak.
    Kenny was even weaker. He was a threat succummed to his anger and guilt which never let him go. Deep inside I think he was searching for redemption and peace which only death could give him. Others? Just passers-by who cared only about themselves. Jane and Luke were the only people who actually cared and I am wondering how so many people here didn't see it. Jane obviously has a soft spot for Clementine who basically becomes a second sister to her, if that is not a foundation for a solid friendship then I don't know it is.

    Pride posted: »

    Can anyone who'd pick Jane answer me? Doesn't it feel hypocritical to hate on Carver for not caring about weaker people, and then doing t

  • I just....i dont know, i hate it when people get like this

    Sarah needs the help MORE because shes less competent, she deserves to live

    Michael7123 posted: »

    Well, it's obvious that she is a much more competent survivor than Sarah.

  • Lilly was also still more sane than Jane to be honest though, at least in my eyes

    Well, then again, Lilly was a grieving woman an we had a choice to leave her out on the road. Then again, Lilly can defend herself.

  • A lot of people do, i don't by any means, but a lot of others in fact do. I've come to understand Jane fans more and more, and as many problems i have with Jane, i can see why people like her, even though i hate her for most of the reasons people like her.

    Also i think a majority of the players stayed with Jane

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Fuck Jane. Who honestly cares about her.

  • well., after having played the episode and the season, I think that this choice may have been a bit more satisfying

  • Beated? lol

    Jane pretended a baby died in order to provoke a violent reaction from Kenny just to manipulate a child into ditching him. She was clearly not of sound mind.

    minerals posted: »

    Serious? Carver was a sick man who beat/killed/used his own people which is not anywhere a philosophy of "survival" but pure demagogy wrappe

  • I posted that comment in july.

    colgato posted: »

    A lot of people do, i don't by any means, but a lot of others in fact do. I've come to understand Jane fans more and more, and as many probl

  • I like Jane better than Sarah.

    Pride posted: »

    Can anyone who'd pick Jane answer me? Doesn't it feel hypocritical to hate on Carver for not caring about weaker people, and then doing t

  • care to share why?

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I like Jane better than Sarah.

  • edited March 2015

    (sorry for beat[ed], shame on me).

    To provoke a violent reaction from Kenny one can just try and disagree with his opinion. So what Jane did was obviously needless (at that point) but showed to me that she's something more than just another vegetable.
    If a person can indirectly make other ppl understand what they should have understood long ago that really means a lot.

    Beated? lol Jane pretended a baby died in order to provoke a violent reaction from Kenny just to manipulate a child into ditching him. She was clearly not of sound mind.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't know, there were definitely other ways she could have went about it. Aside from the needless extreme of pretending AJ was dead, she also put him in danger by leaving him alone in the car. She knew very well that Kenny was violent and could kill her, so if she died and AJ hadn't cried, they may have never found out he was alive.

    Maybe she's just been on her own for too long, but there's something just off about the way she interacts with other people. Even her affection for Clem as this potential mini-me/stand-in for her dead sister is off-putting.

    minerals posted: »

    (sorry for beat[ed], shame on me). To provoke a violent reaction from Kenny one can just try and disagree with his opinion. So what Jane

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