Pete though I wish he'd been around longer cause to me he was awesome from the get-go.
Kenny will always adore him haha
Luke I feel so cheated out of my ice cream choice, like you have no idea (even said choice probably would've destroyed my emotional stability for tears to come)
Didn't add Clementine cause yea she's like a given cannot love Clem it's impossible, I think.
AJ had the best dialogue!
Excluding Clem
That's cold, man. Funny, but cold.
I liked him more that way. Couldnt annoy me anymore or hurt others.
You're annoying too, you know..
Beside Clementine, my favourites are/was Kenny, Luke and Nick.. oh and Pete!
1) Nick
2) Jane
3) Mike
Yeah, I said it.
Of course i am. I have very different way to see things than most people.
Wait shit, this isn't SnK.
This is a dangerous game you're playing.
I like to live dangerously.
That's okay I guess. At least you admit it.
Nice username you got there.
Season 1 : lee , clem , Ben
Season 2 : Clem , Luke , kenny
I know right. In fact, I'm almost jealous of yours.
(not including Clem)
2.Uncle Pete
Sad to think that they are all dead ;-;
Aside Clem
3: Bonnie
2: Rebecca
1: Sarah
Jane was close to making the list.
Least favorites for the fun of it:
3: Sarita
2: Pete
1: Kenny
Fun to see a different list for once...
Excluding Clem:
I think I kind of liked Luke by the end as well. Liked Mike a lot in episodes 3-4 (and parts of 5 I guess).
Not including Clementine;

For season 2: clem, luke, and walter i guess
not incluiding clem
1 Pete
2 Luke
3 Walter
Well not including Kenny and Clem
And Mike when he was cool. god damnit Mike
Apart from Clem and Kenny:
Pete, Reggie, Clementine
I didn't put Clementine as the first, because that's kind of cheating. She'll always be first, much easier to leave the protagonist out.
You must have loved Episode 4, then.
(Excluding Clem)
Didn't add Clementine cause yea she's like a given cannot love Clem it's impossible, I think.