people like you still cant accept other people's thoughts over a damn video game.
I don't care about yours or anyone else's choices. You simply said something that is not true and i had to correct you.
You're meager life has no value so you need to be right about this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're life sucks this much that you have to be right. By all means if it helps you feel better take me bowing out of this retarded argument as a victory. pats on the head its ok you do matter.
I'm so done. Its been over a month and people like you still cant accept other people's thoughts over a damn video game. I get it. You're… more meager life has no value so you need to be right about this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're life sucks this much that you have to be right. By all means if it helps you feel better take me bowing out of this retarded argument as a victory. pats on the head its ok you do matter.
I don't care about yours or anyone else's choices.
Then why the fuck are you fighting this so hard? I don't see anyone fight this hard about this! I see you constantly say "Kenny is god" "Kenny is perfect" Its so obvious to me that you care.
people like you still cant accept other people's thoughts over a damn video game.
I don't care about yours or anyone else's choices.… more You simply said something that is not true and i had to correct you.
You're meager life has no value so you need to be right about this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're life sucks this much that you have to be right. By all means if it helps you feel better take me bowing out of this retarded argument as a victory. pats on the head its ok you do matter.
I don't take wins from people who give up
I don't care about yours or anyone else's choices.
Then why the fuck are you fighting this so hard? I don't see anyone fight this h… moreard about this! I see you constantly say "Kenny is god" "Kenny is perfect" Its so obvious to me that you care.
Then why the fuck are you fighting this so hard?
hard? if someone says some bullshit I'm not gonna sit there with my arms crossed an… mored watch others eat it.
I don't see anyone fight this hard about this!
Selective memory. There's a lot more fighting the good fight
Jane made a plan to show Clem who Kenny really is. this is a fact
Jane told Clem to stay out of it. this is a fact
Jane made a plan to show Clem who Kenny really is. this is a fact
I concede these 3. Those were facts. But the rest was speculations. The rest implies that Jane was ready to die to prove a point. If you shoot Kenny she even says how shocked she was that he went that far. But hey lets not let "FACTS" get in the way of making Jane look like the bad guy here.
Kenny assumed the baby was dead. FACT
Jane didn't even have to say anything for Kenny to lose it. FACT
Jane Didn't Kill the baby. Even though you think she wanted the baby dead she could have killed it yet she didn't. FACT
^^ its not like that last part helped or hurt her. Kenny assumes the baby is dead. She could've claimed it was an accident and who was to prove her wrong?
You repeated one, you're getting too worked up over this argument that you're not paying attention.
But the rest was speculations.
How so?
"Jane didn't care about the baby and wanted to get rid of it." Not speculation, you can get this from some dialogue right before Bonnie and Mike betray you.
"The plan was hiding the baby so that Kenny would think she killed it" Not speculation, this was literally the plan that unfolded right in front of your eyes.
"The plan's only purpose was to eventually start a fight so that they both could get rid of Kenny IN SOME WAY" Not speculation. She wanted to get rid of Kenny IN SOME WAY. "It was a stupid plan. I should never have lied to you. But I thought it was the only way you'd see" "I just thought if you saw Kenny like that... you'd know we'd have to leave him" Did you even play ep5?
"Kenny got mad and started the fight that Jane WANTED. this is a fact" Not speculation. She did want the fight otherwise she would have said the baby is alive.
"Jane's strong independant womyn bullshit didn't work and she got overpowered by the superior bearded god." Not speculation, this is literally what happened, i obviously wrote it as a joke though.
The rest implies that Jane was ready to die to prove a point.
She was ready to FIGHT to prove a point
If you shoot Kenny she even says how shocked she was that he went that far.
Of course she would be shocked, Jane's a stupid character, did she really expect to slash someone's stomach and not get hit back?
I don't know what you're trying to say with those "FACT"s . You're starting to speak irrelevant nonsense
Jane made a plan to show Clem who Kenny really is. this is a fact
Jane told Clem to stay out of it. this is a fact
Jane made a… more plan to show Clem who Kenny really is. this is a fact
I concede these 3. Those were facts. But the rest was speculations. The rest implies that Jane was ready to die to prove a point. If you shoot Kenny she even says how shocked she was that he went that far. But hey lets not let "FACTS" get in the way of making Jane look like the bad guy here.
Kenny assumed the baby was dead. FACT
Jane didn't even have to say anything for Kenny to lose it. FACT
Jane Didn't Kill the baby. Even though you think she wanted the baby dead she could have killed it yet she didn't. FACT
^^ its not like that last part helped or hurt her. Kenny assumes the baby is dead. She could've claimed it was an accident and who was to prove her wrong?
Man I'm so in denial about these facts!
I removed the chain of comments below as they weren't being very civil. Nobody is in trouble, but the posts weren't being very polite and were reminiscent of posts that lead to this thread being created in the first place.
They were both trying to kill each other. Alot of people (including you) seem to forget this very important point.
Ah I see. You're one of those people. Gotta rewrite the real events to make Jane look worse. Ok have fun with that.
I'm sorry! I got carried away! Some of these people are driving me nuts! They cannot let it go and I'm too stubborn to just ignore them! I need a break from all this....
Aren't we in the civil discussion megathread?
I removed the chain of comments below as they weren't being very civil. Nobody is in troubl… moree, but the posts weren't being very polite and were reminiscent of posts that lead to this thread being created in the first place.
I felt that this was the best place to ask this, so here goes:
Who do you guys think was the pizza and who was the ice cream?
I go back and forth on it. Sometimes I think Kenny and Wellington is the ice cream because of all the snow, and Jane and Howe's is the pizza since it's down south more and is warmer. However, personality wise, Kenny is more like pizza and Jane is more like ice cream.
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is entirely my opinion and points of views from the ending. What I say are not definitely what Telltale intended for the endings, unless they confirm so I am just expressing my opinions.
I finally just realised something, and that is what the endings mean. The famous line "Who will YOU become?" was used for the promotion of No Going Back, the finale to Season 2, and even during the trailer it showed Clementine claiming that she was nothing like Carver. Well that depends on your endings.
Carver says "It's not this herd that keeps me up at night. We can handle that. It's not knowing if I got anybody to hand all this [Carvers Camp at Howe's] off to." Well Carver during In Harms Way also beats Kenny and remarks that he should have put Kenny "out of his misery". Comparing Kenny to a mess.
Well killing Kenny for whatever reason, is becoming Carver. Whatever reason you had, you still put Kenny out of his misery, and Clementine went back to Howe's with survivalist Jane. Carver (in a sense) managed to fulfil his goal of handing Howe's to Clementine, as he knew Clementine was truly like him in this sense.
But what do the other endings mean?
Well Clementine being alone shows that Clementine has made little to no progression from All That Remains apart from one major thing. Clementine doesn't have Christa, she instead has a child so it appears like an exchange occurred. Whilst in Christas case, the child died and Christa was alive. Here, the mother died and the child is alive. However the major difference from Clementine in All That Remains and Clementine alone in No Going Back is that whilst in All That Remains she struggled to survive. The journey she undertook in Season 2 has taught her how to make it on her own, and thus she is now able to thrive and survive on her own. In this case Clementine is still mostly the same person she was, the depressed looking girl after the huge time-skip.
Concerning Clementine and Kenny, Wellington represents a beacon of hope and seems very friendly and organised due to appearance, Edith, etc. They were willing to give two bags of supplies to both Clementine and Kenny. Showing they are well-stocked. In other words it's the good version of Carvers Camp. Whether you decide to go with Kenny or stay in Wellington, this represents Clementine still keeping most of her humanity from Season 1. Now this doesn't make this the "best ending" or perhaps the "happiest ending". However it shows Clementine is mentally strong enough to retain her humanity and continue to survive the apocalyptic world in order to forget the hardships of the past.
Just something I thought I would add, I think wen you go to Howe's and get the choice to either reject or accept the family shows a vast different on the type of person Clem is, accepting them shows that you put others before yourself and that you're more compassionate, meanwhile, if you choose to reject the family, although it is indirect, you are pretty much killing the family which could reflect on something Carver said earlier "It ain't murder Clementine, killing another in order to keep others safe is part of survival, its one of the more important decisions a weaker person couldnt make (not saying Jane is weak, however if you stay silent, Jane will feel bad and let the family in), thats why it falls to people like us to keep them in line"
That's a really cool interpretation of the Howe's ending, although I disagree with the idea that it's meant to show that Carver was right about Clementine because of the fact that the whole point of Kenny's story in episode 5 was that he was becoming more and more like Carver. That fact alone significantly blurs the lines. You could easily argue that stopping him is essentially the same as saying "No" to Carver's ideals of killing in cold blood those you deem are detrimental to your survival. Clementine does not kill Kenny in cold blood or for reasons of personal survival if she shoots him while he's attacking Jane, she does it to save Jane's life. That's very different from Carver's beliefs.
Plus, there's the whole point that the choice to let the family in is one of compassion, as opposed to fear and subjugation. It's the equally valid hope of building something good on top of something evil. That's not to say your idea is without merit, particularly because no matter what you choose, it kind of hints at darker times to come, and the fact that Jane, while she has changed somewhat, still kind of defended the idea of letting someone die if it would help your survival even in episode 5. I just don't think Clementine has necessarily proven Carver correct.
Exactly, people seem to not look at that side of that ending. You can say, "we can build something good here". It can be like Wellington 2.0 because its not accepting people anymore, or Alexandria from the comics. They could even set up a trade with Wellington like Alexandria and the Hilltop colony does in the comics. They could be allies and help people.
I personally ended with Jane and turned the family away...I feel like I picked the survivalist path but in no way do I think that´s bad. It´s a way of my duo seeing things and of taking care of themselves. That´s how I saw it at least.
Exactly, people seem to not look at that side of that ending. You can say, "we can build something good here". It can be like Wellington 2.0… more because its not accepting people anymore, or Alexandria from the comics. They could even set up a trade with Wellington like Alexandria and the Hilltop colony does in the comics. They could be allies and help people.
I think she's more independent, and she can be her own person. Jane and Kenny are too immoral for my Clem to stay with. I'm done with their lies and irrational behavior. That doesn't mean i want Clem to become a survivalist type person though.
Because the tone of the Jane endings isn't hopeful. It's paranoid. If you turn them away, you get a "We'll be back" warning. If you let them in, the direction focuses on their weapons and the tension in the air. Sure, Clem could make a community, but that's not the implication at all. The implication is cyclical, never ending paranoia.
I think people look at the ending that way due to Jane is a "Survivalist" and so if Clem is with her therefore ending = survivalist.
Yeah… more it would be cool if they built a community like Alexandria or something along those lines. I think that's a better way to look at Jane's endings.
The choice is ambiguous enough to be for many reasons. Either he's a rabid dog attacking a friend, someone who just murdered and who needs to be killed, or someone with nothing left who would be better off put out of their misery. But if you kill someone for what you view as "a good reason", you - like Kenny and Jane - are doing the same thing Carver does.
NO! Just NO!
Clem didn't kills Kenny to put him out of his misery... she kills him because he was close to kill Jane or in some cases because he killed Jane...
I remember someone once said "if you save Sarah you are Carver"...
Shall we stop talking ridiculously and just let Carver R.I.P.? First, someone's shooting Kenny to put him out of misery doesn't mean everyone does it for the same reason. Second, if you want to say killing = being Carver, then Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed her husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
Thanks for start the "my ending is the best yours suck" again.
Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed her husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
The choice is ambiguous enough to be for many reasons. Either he's a rabid dog attacking a friend, someone who just murdered and who needs t… moreo be killed, or someone with nothing left who would be better off put out of their misery. But if you kill someone for what you view as "a good reason", you - like Kenny and Jane - are doing the same thing Carver does.
Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed h… moreer husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
It's not as simple as boiling down murder to one person. It's not "Carver" that is the thing you become, it is adding yourself to a group of people who totally lose themselves in a quest to protect what they care about and survive. I'd say "Rick" before I say Carver. Carver was way more in control of himself and not as far gone.
I'd also argue that killing Larry, the Stranger, or Matthew is the "Carver Threshold". Those are all acts that the killer did then immediately regretted. That's not the tipping point. It's when you kill someone and feel justified. Like Tyreese when he strangled the boy who shot his daughter, then waited to kill his zombie too. Or the hunters when they ate Hershel's leg. Or Kenny when he tried (?) to kill Jane. These are steps that erode a person into insanity. It's very different than what happened in season 1.
I remember someone once said "if you save Sarah you are Carver"...
Shall we stop talking ridiculously and just let Carver R.I.P.? First, … moresomeone's shooting Kenny to put him out of misery doesn't mean everyone does it for the same reason. Second, if you want to say killing = being Carver, then Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed her husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
Thanks for start the "my ending is the best yours suck" again.
It's not as simple as boiling down murder to one person. It's not "Carver" that is the thing you become, it is adding yourself to a group of… more people who totally lose themselves in a quest to protect what they care about and survive. I'd say "Rick" before I say Carver. Carver was way more in control of himself and not as far gone.
I'd also argue that killing Larry, the Stranger, or Matthew is the "Carver Threshold". Those are all acts that the killer did then immediately regretted. That's not the tipping point. It's when you kill someone and feel justified. Like Tyreese when he strangled the boy who shot his daughter, then waited to kill his zombie too. Or the hunters when they ate Hershel's leg. Or Kenny when he tried (?) to kill Jane. These are steps that erode a person into insanity. It's very different than what happened in season 1.
Guys may I remind you, I did say that these are simply my interpretations and opinions and I am not saying that these interpretations I have presented about the endings are the actual meanings of the endings, or what Telltale were trying to achieve. All I'm seeing are lists of comments telling me that I'm biased, or how my opinion is wrong - When really all I'm asking for are perhaps your opinions or interpretations.
I personally ended with Jane and turned the family away...I feel like I picked the survivalist path but in no way do I think that´s bad. It´s a way of my duo seeing things and of taking care of themselves. That´s how I saw it at least.
I agree with your decision. The moment I saw that family, I just thought, "NO, I'm not going to deal with anymore bullshit from some dumbass people!" >:( I feel glad that I turned them away actually.
I personally ended with Jane and turned the family away...I feel like I picked the survivalist path but in no way do I think that´s bad. It´s a way of my duo seeing things and of taking care of themselves. That´s how I saw it at least.
However it shows Clementine is mentally strong enough to retain her humanity and continue to survive the apocalyptic world in order to forget the hardships of the past.
Letting someone murder your friend doesnt sound very humane.
However it shows Clementine is mentally strong enough to retain her humanity and continue to survive the apocalyptic world in order to forget the hardships of the past.
Letting someone murder your friend doesnt sound very humane.
I don't care about yours or anyone else's choices. You simply said something that is not true and i had to correct you.
I don't take wins from people who give up
Then why the fuck are you fighting this so hard? I don't see anyone fight this hard about this! I see you constantly say "Kenny is god" "Kenny is perfect" Its so obvious to me that you care.
hard? if someone says some bullshit I'm not gonna sit there with my arms crossed and watch others eat it.
Selective memory. There's a lot more fighting the good fight
So your tactics when you see bullshit is add more bullshit.
K Good plan.. Good plan.
Facts aren't bullshit. Maybe they're bullshit to you because they make you feel uncomfortable, which is better known as being in denial.
I concede these 3. Those were facts. But the rest was speculations. The rest implies that Jane was ready to die to prove a point. If you shoot Kenny she even says how shocked she was that he went that far. But hey lets not let "FACTS" get in the way of making Jane look like the bad guy here.
Kenny assumed the baby was dead. FACT
Jane didn't even have to say anything for Kenny to lose it. FACT
Jane Didn't Kill the baby. Even though you think she wanted the baby dead she could have killed it yet she didn't. FACT
^^ its not like that last part helped or hurt her. Kenny assumes the baby is dead. She could've claimed it was an accident and who was to prove her wrong?
Man I'm so in denial about these facts!
You repeated one, you're getting too worked up over this argument that you're not paying attention.
How so?
"Jane didn't care about the baby and wanted to get rid of it." Not speculation, you can get this from some dialogue right before Bonnie and Mike betray you.
"The plan was hiding the baby so that Kenny would think she killed it" Not speculation, this was literally the plan that unfolded right in front of your eyes.
"The plan's only purpose was to eventually start a fight so that they both could get rid of Kenny IN SOME WAY" Not speculation. She wanted to get rid of Kenny IN SOME WAY. "It was a stupid plan. I should never have lied to you. But I thought it was the only way you'd see" "I just thought if you saw Kenny like that... you'd know we'd have to leave him" Did you even play ep5?
"Kenny got mad and started the fight that Jane WANTED. this is a fact" Not speculation. She did want the fight otherwise she would have said the baby is alive.
"Jane's strong independant womyn bullshit didn't work and she got overpowered by the superior bearded god." Not speculation, this is literally what happened, i obviously wrote it as a joke though.
She was ready to FIGHT to prove a point
Of course she would be shocked, Jane's a stupid character, did she really expect to slash someone's stomach and not get hit back?
I don't know what you're trying to say with those "FACT"s . You're starting to speak irrelevant nonsense
Aren't we in the civil discussion megathread?
I removed the chain of comments below as they weren't being very civil. Nobody is in trouble, but the posts weren't being very polite and were reminiscent of posts that lead to this thread being created in the first place.
I'm sorry! I got carried away! Some of these people are driving me nuts! They cannot let it go and I'm too stubborn to just ignore them! I need a break from all this....
I felt that this was the best place to ask this, so here goes:
Who do you guys think was the pizza and who was the ice cream?
I go back and forth on it. Sometimes I think Kenny and Wellington is the ice cream because of all the snow, and Jane and Howe's is the pizza since it's down south more and is warmer. However, personality wise, Kenny is more like pizza and Jane is more like ice cream.
Thread: What The Endings Mean
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is entirely my opinion and points of views from the ending. What I say are not definitely what Telltale intended for the endings, unless they confirm so I am just expressing my opinions.
I finally just realised something, and that is what the endings mean. The famous line "Who will YOU become?" was used for the promotion of No Going Back, the finale to Season 2, and even during the trailer it showed Clementine claiming that she was nothing like Carver. Well that depends on your endings.
Carver says "It's not this herd that keeps me up at night. We can handle that. It's not knowing if I got anybody to hand all this [Carvers Camp at Howe's] off to." Well Carver during In Harms Way also beats Kenny and remarks that he should have put Kenny "out of his misery". Comparing Kenny to a mess.
Well killing Kenny for whatever reason, is becoming Carver. Whatever reason you had, you still put Kenny out of his misery, and Clementine went back to Howe's with survivalist Jane. Carver (in a sense) managed to fulfil his goal of handing Howe's to Clementine, as he knew Clementine was truly like him in this sense.
But what do the other endings mean?
Well Clementine being alone shows that Clementine has made little to no progression from All That Remains apart from one major thing. Clementine doesn't have Christa, she instead has a child so it appears like an exchange occurred. Whilst in Christas case, the child died and Christa was alive. Here, the mother died and the child is alive. However the major difference from Clementine in All That Remains and Clementine alone in No Going Back is that whilst in All That Remains she struggled to survive. The journey she undertook in Season 2 has taught her how to make it on her own, and thus she is now able to thrive and survive on her own. In this case Clementine is still mostly the same person she was, the depressed looking girl after the huge time-skip.
Concerning Clementine and Kenny, Wellington represents a beacon of hope and seems very friendly and organised due to appearance, Edith, etc. They were willing to give two bags of supplies to both Clementine and Kenny. Showing they are well-stocked. In other words it's the good version of Carvers Camp. Whether you decide to go with Kenny or stay in Wellington, this represents Clementine still keeping most of her humanity from Season 1. Now this doesn't make this the "best ending" or perhaps the "happiest ending". However it shows Clementine is mentally strong enough to retain her humanity and continue to survive the apocalyptic world in order to forget the hardships of the past.
Thank you for reading.
Just something I thought I would add, I think wen you go to Howe's and get the choice to either reject or accept the family shows a vast different on the type of person Clem is, accepting them shows that you put others before yourself and that you're more compassionate, meanwhile, if you choose to reject the family, although it is indirect, you are pretty much killing the family which could reflect on something Carver said earlier "It ain't murder Clementine, killing another in order to keep others safe is part of survival, its one of the more important decisions a weaker person couldnt make (not saying Jane is weak, however if you stay silent, Jane will feel bad and let the family in), thats why it falls to people like us to keep them in line"
That's a really cool interpretation of the Howe's ending, although I disagree with the idea that it's meant to show that Carver was right about Clementine because of the fact that the whole point of Kenny's story in episode 5 was that he was becoming more and more like Carver. That fact alone significantly blurs the lines. You could easily argue that stopping him is essentially the same as saying "No" to Carver's ideals of killing in cold blood those you deem are detrimental to your survival. Clementine does not kill Kenny in cold blood or for reasons of personal survival if she shoots him while he's attacking Jane, she does it to save Jane's life. That's very different from Carver's beliefs.
Plus, there's the whole point that the choice to let the family in is one of compassion, as opposed to fear and subjugation. It's the equally valid hope of building something good on top of something evil. That's not to say your idea is without merit, particularly because no matter what you choose, it kind of hints at darker times to come, and the fact that Jane, while she has changed somewhat, still kind of defended the idea of letting someone die if it would help your survival even in episode 5. I just don't think Clementine has necessarily proven Carver correct.
Why can't Clem and Jane build a good community and let people join like Rick in the comic? Why is that a survivalist ending?
That's how I saw Jane endings as, building a good community. It could be Wellington 2.0
Exactly, people seem to not look at that side of that ending. You can say, "we can build something good here". It can be like Wellington 2.0 because its not accepting people anymore, or Alexandria from the comics. They could even set up a trade with Wellington like Alexandria and the Hilltop colony does in the comics. They could be allies and help people.
I personally ended with Jane and turned the family away...I feel like I picked the survivalist path but in no way do I think that´s bad. It´s a way of my duo seeing things and of taking care of themselves. That´s how I saw it at least.
I think people look at the ending that way due to Jane is a "Survivalist" and so if Clem is with her therefore ending = survivalist.
Yeah it would be cool if they built a community like Alexandria or something along those lines. I think that's a better way to look at Jane's endings.
Don't trust someone who's named "Randy". He could be a rapist,a murderer,and a psycopath!
I think the alone ending symbolizes that she was just back from where she was in No Time Left. Alone, everyone she knows, gone.
I think she's more independent, and she can be her own person. Jane and Kenny are too immoral for my Clem to stay with. I'm done with their lies and irrational behavior. That doesn't mean i want Clem to become a survivalist type person though.
NO! Just NO!
Clem didn't kills Kenny to put him out of his misery... she kills him because he was close to kill Jane or in some cases because he killed Jane...
Because the tone of the Jane endings isn't hopeful. It's paranoid. If you turn them away, you get a "We'll be back" warning. If you let them in, the direction focuses on their weapons and the tension in the air. Sure, Clem could make a community, but that's not the implication at all. The implication is cyclical, never ending paranoia.
The choice is ambiguous enough to be for many reasons. Either he's a rabid dog attacking a friend, someone who just murdered and who needs to be killed, or someone with nothing left who would be better off put out of their misery. But if you kill someone for what you view as "a good reason", you - like Kenny and Jane - are doing the same thing Carver does.
I remember someone once said "if you save Sarah you are Carver"...
Shall we stop talking ridiculously and just let Carver R.I.P.? First, someone's shooting Kenny to put him out of misery doesn't mean everyone does it for the same reason. Second, if you want to say killing = being Carver, then Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed her husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
Thanks for start the "my ending is the best yours suck" again.
Kenny is Carver since he killed Larry, Clem is Carver since she killed the stranger, Christa is Carver since she shot the woman who killed her husband, NIck is Carver since he killed Matthew, Lee has been Carver all the way since he killed the one who slept with his wife, and all the policemen who shoot criminals attempting to murder are Carvers.
If all of em are Carver, then, who is Carver?
I just want to say, "killing someone for what you view as a good reason = being Carver" is ridiculous.
It's not as simple as boiling down murder to one person. It's not "Carver" that is the thing you become, it is adding yourself to a group of people who totally lose themselves in a quest to protect what they care about and survive. I'd say "Rick" before I say Carver. Carver was way more in control of himself and not as far gone.
I'd also argue that killing Larry, the Stranger, or Matthew is the "Carver Threshold". Those are all acts that the killer did then immediately regretted. That's not the tipping point. It's when you kill someone and feel justified. Like Tyreese when he strangled the boy who shot his daughter, then waited to kill his zombie too. Or the hunters when they ate Hershel's leg. Or Kenny when he tried (?) to kill Jane. These are steps that erode a person into insanity. It's very different than what happened in season 1.
HarjKS, your kind of biased, just because Clem is at howes dosnt mean shes Carver
If anything you could spin it any way. Personally until season 3 i doubt we'll know the implications
Clem cried the shit out of her after shooting Kenny.
Guys may I remind you, I did say that these are simply my interpretations and opinions and I am not saying that these interpretations I have presented about the endings are the actual meanings of the endings, or what Telltale were trying to achieve. All I'm seeing are lists of comments telling me that I'm biased, or how my opinion is wrong - When really all I'm asking for are perhaps your opinions or interpretations.
Of course she did. She's not a monster yet. I'm only saying it's steps on a gradual process.
I did too, but then i thought what they could possibly do. They were desperate and desperate peole can be dangerous.
I agree with your decision. The moment I saw that family, I just thought, "NO, I'm not going to deal with anymore bullshit from some dumbass people!" >:( I feel glad that I turned them away actually.
Letting someone murder your friend doesnt sound very humane.
Kenny is Clem's only friend.
Well that determinant and even if you are friends, he is really bad one.