Why I've "Embraced the Dark Side." ("Why I Don't Care For AJ.") Strawpoll results!



  • Yeah, it is pretty harsh, but I wouldn't blame anyone for just ditching it or leaving it once it becomes too risky to keep.

    Its perfectly fine that you don't care about AJ, I don't know why people have such a hard time accepting that. But I do think keeping the child as a distraction is pretty messed up though.

  • Well, cowardice would mean that you think something should be done but your fear prevents you from doing it. For instance, Ben leaving Clem in the middle of the street back in episode 4 was an act of cowardice because he knew that he should have tried to help her. In this case, however, the other user clearly thinks that Clem saving the baby at the cost of her own life is something that she shouldn't be doing. So cowardice doesn't really factor in here.

    Wrong: A coward is someone who is driven by fear, surviving has nothing to do with it. Your actions of killing a baby for your own benef

  • Ben was driven by fear.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Well, cowardice would mean that you think something should be done but your fear prevents you from doing it. For instance, Ben leaving Clem

  • Thanks! :D

    fallandir posted: »

    I know you did. Have a puppy to make you feel better.

  • I know you did.

    Have a puppy to make you feel better.

    Alt text

    Tetra posted: »

    I tried fallandir

  • That assumes that the baby's cry can even attract that many walkers. A gunshot is much louder.

    Believe it or not, but a gunshot and a baby cry is not the same.

    Krazy8 posted: »

    his point is legitimate. in REAL LIFE when YOUR LIFE is on the line and a baby thats not even yours is crying and attracting walkers from every direction i bet you would not be so securely placed on that high horse. food for thought

  • edited October 2014

    ...right. That's not really a retort to what I was saying. Let me try it again. If a person thinks that he or she should do X and his or her fear prevents him or her from doing X, that person is behaving out of cowardice (i.e. being driven by fear). If, on the other hand, a person rationally chooses not to do X because he or she does not see that as something that should be done, that person is not being being driven by fear and therefore can't be said to have acted out of cowardice.

    Ben was driven by fear.

  • While a gunshot is louder, you can control when a gun fires and after it goes off, you can move to a different location without carrying the sound with you. Not the same for a baby. If that things starts crying, it's not going to stop until it feels like stopping or until something else stops it. Not to mention that to bandits, the sound of a gunshot signals "I'm a potential danger" whereas the sound of a baby's cry signals "I'm incredibly vulnerable."

    That assumes that the baby's cry can even attract that many walkers. A gunshot is much louder. Believe it or not, but a gunshot and a baby cry is not the same.

  • I'm confused on your stance here... are you for or against abandoning the baby?

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    While a gunshot is louder, you can control when a gun fires and after it goes off, you can move to a different location without carrying the

  • Okay, so throwing a baby at walkers in fear of your life isn't cowardly?

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    ...right. That's not really a retort to what I was saying. Let me try it again. If a person thinks that he or she should do X and his or her

  • edited October 2014

    Ok, the situation would have to be desperate. I'm talking surrounded on all sides, with only a few bullets to spare. It'd have to be a scenario that would call for little other solution than to use the baby to cover an escape.

    Naturally I wouldn't just throw the baby at a single walker five feet away.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    I actually have a question. So you'll let the baby die if it helps you escape an emergency situation. How much of an emergency situation wou

  • Shocking as it may be, I'm in somewhat of a middle ground on the matter. I accept that baby is a huge liability to everyone around it but I'm not gung ho about keeping it around as bait. I'd do what I can for it, but if there's no way I can preserve its life without giving up my own, then there's no way I can preserve its life.

    I'm confused on your stance here... are you for or against abandoning the baby?

  • I want people to stop with insults over my stance on AJ (a video game character). I don't think that's not too much to ask (or maybe it is).

    I think it's funny that you're the one that wants civil conversation when you're also the guy who's advocating for baby-murder. Have fun

  • Not any more than, say, a parent letting another person's child die to save their own child. They're both doing it to avoid a negative outcome that they don't want to happen. They're both arguably even doing it for selfish reasons.

    Okay, so throwing a baby at walkers in fear of your life isn't cowardly?

  • Thank you for being amicable. And I completely understand why you'd do something like that. I'm just a bit pessimistic about the whole thing.

    If it were you and me and AJ though, we'd definitely come to an agreement somewhere in the middle.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Good points, but I disagree with you. Leaving a baby to die or using it as bait is never a good thing. However, if you wanted to leave the baby, you should try to leave it in a safe environment with people you can trust.

  • edited October 2014

    Seems like a pretty unlikely situation to happen, then. Not sure it's worth keeping the baby around at all if that's your only plan for it. Seems far more likely for it to either die of natural causes before something like that comes up. But anyway, this is a far more reasonable stance than what I had originally assumed from your OP.

    Ok, the situation would have to be desperate. I'm talking surrounded on all sides, with only a few bullets to spare. It'd have to be a scena

  • Well, the whole thing is based off an assumption that Clementine may be caught in a situation very similar to the one at the end of episode 3 with no one else to protect her.

    Also, thank you for being cordial and polite through this warzone of a thread. I appreciate it greatly.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Seems like a pretty unlikely situation to happen, then. Not sure it's worth keeping the baby around at all if that's your only plan for it.

  • So would you feed (and care for) the "escape button" or just drag it with you in case of emergency until it dies?

    Well, the whole thing is based off an assumption that Clementine may be caught in a situation very similar to the one at the end of episode

  • If I had enough food for two, I don't see why the baby can't have some. But the baby better be prepared to face a little neglect. If I'm sleeping and the thing starts crying and raising hell, I'd probably go someplace a bit further away (as to not endanger my life).

    Or, just knock it out with some whiskey (if I had any).

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    So would you feed (and care for) the "escape button" or just drag it with you in case of emergency until it dies?

  • Thanks!


  • He grow and he become usefull, just like Clementine in season 1.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Exactly! He is a baby and what do babies do? what do babies do do? huh? huuuuHHH?

  • You're not as dark as your post had led me to believe. Seems to me, in actuality, you would be one of the people who does care for the baby, only more willing to leave it behind if things started looking dreary.

    If you ended up getting attached to it?

    If I had enough food for two, I don't see why the baby can't have some. But the baby better be prepared to face a little neglect. If I'm sle

  • Well maybe I didn't word my post right, cause it's not quite as bad as people seem to think.

    If you ended up getting attached to it?

    Highly unlikely. But IF I did, I would naturally work to keep him safe. And IF caught in a similar condition to the one I've made for the scenario, I'd do everything in my power to protect him.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You're not as dark as your post had led me to believe. Seems to me, in actuality, you would be one of the people who does care for the baby,

  • I can definitely understand why someone would leave AJ due to being incapable of taking care of him.

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, it is pretty harsh, but I wouldn't blame anyone for just ditching it or leaving it once it becomes too risky to keep.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited October 2014

    If I had to... sure. But I'd hate myself.

    I voted! and it seems most people agree with me.

    Thank you for being amicable. And I completely understand why you'd do something like that. I'm just a bit pessimistic about the whole thing. If it were you and me and AJ though, we'd definitely come to an agreement somewhere in the middle.

  • In the end though, everyone agrees with the Strawpoll.

    Even you!

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    If I had to... sure. But I'd hate myself. I voted! and it seems most people agree with me.

  • Yeah, first time I read your post all I was thinking is you were dragging the baby through the mud waiting for a chance to throw it at a walker :p

    Well maybe I didn't word my post right, cause it's not quite as bad as people seem to think. If you ended up getting attached to it?

  • Yeah, that's my fault. No use in changing the wording around now though, most people already have a very intense opinion of me by this time (and it's probably mostly very negative).

    But, thank you for trying to actually start a conversation rather than being a dick. I know it's very easy to be the latter on a discussion like this.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Yeah, first time I read your post all I was thinking is you were dragging the baby through the mud waiting for a chance to throw it at a walker

  • Ok, I'm gonna comment again after I've perused this thread and read some more of your comments.

    Apologies for coming off judgmental and aggressive earlier. I read your initial post and just assumed that you would throw the baby to the walkers at the first sign that things might get a little "iffy" so to speak. But I've looked through this thread some more, and I can see from some of your comments that I was wrong in assuming that you were just waiting to leave the little guy in front of a zombie or two the first chance you got. Honestly, if it was a very desperate situation like you described somewhere above, well, I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't do the same thing.

    Sorry for misunderstanding you, and for those unfavorable comparisons I made back on page 2 or 3. I can't judge someone for doing something I might do myself if the situation got desperate enough, no matter how much I'd kill myself about it afterward.

  • My idea!

    In the end though, everyone agrees with the Strawpoll. Even you!

  • You'd really do that? Sacrifice a baby to save yourself?

    Rock114 posted: »

    Ok, I'm gonna comment again after I've perused this thread and read some more of your comments. Apologies for coming off judgmental and a

  • Thank you for reading through again and apologizing. It was my fault for not being clearer in the description though, so I could see how some of the initial confusion would happen.

    Honestly, I can't say I wouldn't still use the baby as bait if the situation wasn't dire enough, but It'd have to be quite a bad situation.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Ok, I'm gonna comment again after I've perused this thread and read some more of your comments. Apologies for coming off judgmental and a

  • I might. I don't know how I would react in an extremely dire situation, and if I DID do it, I don't think I could live with myself afterward. I wouldn't tow the baby around just for bait though. If I thought there was a chance of saving its life then I'd try. I'd do my damndest to take care of it and keep him alive as long as I could, but I'm not a brave person. Not by any means. If I was surrounded by a horde, facing an imminent, bloody death and AJ was literally my only way out? I'd like to say I wouldn't do it, that I wouldn't consider it even for a second, but I'm not sure I can say that truthfully. If I ever did do it I'd hate myself, probably for the rest of my life, no matter the circumstances I was in or how long I lived.

    KCohere posted: »

    You'd really do that? Sacrifice a baby to save yourself?

  • edited October 2014

    I chose "Definitely without a doubt" however that's not the one I wanted to choose. What I would choose would be "if I had to sure" but the only reason I didn't choose that is because the second half of that option. I wouldn't hate my self just because of trying to survive. I already hate myself enough anyway. Just because you're thinking about survival doesn't mean you're a sick person. AJ does nothing for the group and is just a waste of time, supplies and is an alarm that draws walkers that follows you everywhere.

    I don't care for AJ either, but leaving him won't be my first option. My first option would be to go find someone else to take him off my hands because I wouldn't be able to handle him in the sense that his whining would be annoying and will put my life at risk and just simply drive me insane. I will only sacrifice his life if it meant there was no way for me to get out. Consider it a last resort.

  • edited October 2014

    Until AJ learns at least how to talk, run from danger, and perhaps use a gun, he is not helping neither Clementine, the group, nor himself. I sort of feel bad for AJ however, because Rebecca and Alvin brought AJ into this shitty world, and AJ didn't make a choice. The moral is that do not give birth in an apocalypse, and if pregnant, use abortion pills to terminate the pregnancy immediately.

  • edited October 2014

    We should have left that helpless brat at Wellington and then Kenny and Clementine will be free of liabilities.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Good points, but I disagree with you. Leaving a baby to die or using it as bait is never a good thing. However, if you wanted to leave the baby, you should try to leave it in a safe environment with people you can trust.

  • Humanity > Survival

    Just because the world has gone down to shit, doesn't mean you have to go down with it.

    My Clementine is completely separated from anyone other than the baby by the end of season 2. So, that argument doesn't really carry much cl

  • I'd rather die a hero than die being teared apart by a walker, and knowing I killed an innocent baby.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I disagree.. How does choosing to survive make one a coward? Must we all be willing to risk or sacrifice our lives just to die a hero? I

  • You must be great with children.

    Next time you babysit, be sure to tell them how you'll sacrifice them to Satan so you can die another day.

    Calling me a coward does nothing to strengthen your argument. In fact, I'm more sure than ever using AJ as bait is the right choice because of your insult. Thank you.

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