Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • [Evacuate the men and leave the ships]

    A Blast From The Past 3-4 Sagig's POV Sagig walks through the snow past fields on fire and dead Imperials and Rebels. He walks towards

  • [Try and save the ships]

    A Blast From The Past 3-4 Sagig's POV Sagig walks through the snow past fields on fire and dead Imperials and Rebels. He walks towards

  • [Evacuate the men and leave the ships]

    A Blast From The Past 3-4 Sagig's POV Sagig walks through the snow past fields on fire and dead Imperials and Rebels. He walks towards

  • edited January 2015

    A Blast From The Past 3-5

    Golden's POV

    Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships.

    Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be useful.

    Golden- How are ships useful when we have no soldiers to man them?

    Fallandir goes to inform the saliors. Golden walks onto the flagship S.S. Fire of the Revolution and walks to the cabin to await the leaving. Later the ships move away to the secret hideaway of the Rebellion, the Isle of Pestin Mustira. Upon the landing Golden walks onto the tropical forest island. He walks through the pathway of the island which has soldiers everywhere. He gets to a large fortress and walks in where soldiers drink and train and he walks to a room in the back. He walks in and sees Hello World sitting at a large table filled with maps.

    Golden- Hello World, hello.

    Hello World- Hi...I can't believe i'm still stuck here.

    Golden- Better than dead?

    Hello World- I guess, I just don't have a leg so I'm stuck being in charge of the War Room.

    Golden- Be glad.

    Golden smiles as he walks over and takes a knife out of a map and puts a small token there.

    Hello World- So, you took another village?

    Golden- And saved most of the villagers.

    Hello World- Great, well while you were away we got some...News.

    Golden- What "News"?

    Hello World hands Golden some letters and documents. Golden sits down and reads them. The first was from scouts reporting no word or sightings of Creeping and the temple he was at is destroyed and they captured some Elite Imperial Soldeirs from the area. Then there's a report from Neon, the guild is snowed in and with that the messages and reports of assassinations must stop, so no news on assassinations before they happen. Then reports from scouts saying that Maxierran Keep Coming and X1H2 were sent to has Imperials going to it and no signs of the two. Then a document from spies in St.Terra saying that mercs have been spotted going into Lord EAA's Palace. Then finally a note from Hope saying that he is going to The Retreat to save bloop.

    Golden- Damn, never any good news is there?

    Hello World- No...But we need to decide to do some things. I might also remind you that our ships have kept being sunk by Maxierran Fort...We must decide to do something. I also took the way to have Mercs of our own sent here.


    [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria]

    [Send soldiers into Maxierran Keep to investigate Coming and X1H2 disappearence]

    [Send spies into Lord EAA's Palace]

    [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines]

    Pick Two

    Two will have POV points from the Rebel Side and the other two from the Imperial Side

  • edited January 2015

    [Send soldiers into Maxierran Keep to investigate Coming and X1H2 disappearence]

    Awesome Chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-5 Golden's POV Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships. Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be us

  • You can only vote for those, and you only voted one.

    supersagig posted: »

    [Send soldiers into Maxierran Keep to investigate Coming and X1H2 disappearence] Awesome Chapter!!

  • Ohhh sorry , i didn´t understanding it :P. I am very dumb sometimes

    You can only vote for those, and you only voted one.

  • Still only voted for one. :P

    supersagig posted: »

    Ohhh sorry , i didn´t understanding it :P. I am very dumb sometimes

  • oh shit, yeah...

    Raging Blades is Neutral Standing now!

    [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines] [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria] I don't think I count as an Imperial, I'm kind of in between so I can vote on both. Too bad. :]

  • [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines]

    [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria]

    I don't think I count as an Imperial, I'm kind of in between so I can vote on both. Too bad. :]

    A Blast From The Past 3-5 Golden's POV Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships. Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be us

  • [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines]

    Still only voted for one. :P

  • You love those Maxierran choices don't you. :P

    supersagig posted: »

    [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines]

  • Great chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-5 Golden's POV Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships. Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be us

  • Yup...You want to vote for what you want to see done in Imperial POV?

    mr.quality posted: »

    Great chapter!!

  • XD. Yep i love them :P. They seem more intersting than the others

    You love those Maxierran choices don't you. :P

  • [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines]

    [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria]

    A Blast From The Past 3-5 Golden's POV Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships. Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be us

  • But my drawing is so shitty.

    Your comment disappeared :c. By the way, could you edit the map into the OP

  • Your comment disappeared :c.

    By the way, could you edit the map into the OP :)

    [Send someone to Maxierran Fort to sneak behind enemy lines] [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria] I don't think I count as an Imperial, I'm kind of in between so I can vote on both. Too bad. :]

  • Ahhh gone again. :c. I could care less though. I draw worse. It looked pretty good when I saw it, and a lot of locations were mentioned. Come on Golden ;P

    Your comment disappeared :c. By the way, could you edit the map into the OP

  • But there are new locations I didn't mention.

    Ahhh gone again. :c. I could care less though. I draw worse. It looked pretty good when I saw it, and a lot of locations were mentioned. Come on Golden ;P

  • Add it, or just put it in. Stop stalling. xD

    But there are new locations I didn't mention.


    Dude, stalling in my best trait.

    Add it, or just put it in. Stop stalling. xD

  • Raging you're a teen. XD

    Teenagers these days are so lazy. If you can click and type then it can't be that hard.

  • Teenagers these days are so lazy. If you can click and type then it can't be that hard.

    BUT I'M SO TIRED. Dude, stalling in my best trait.

  • That's irrelevant. Post now.

    Teenagers these days are so lazy. If you can click and type then it can't be that hard.

  • Soon.

    That's irrelevant. Post now.

  • Hmmm. Maybe.

    Yup...You want to vote for what you want to see done in Imperial POV?

  • [Send for the Captured Imperials be interrogated at Pestin Mustria]

    [Send soldiers into Maxierran Keep to investigate Coming and X1H2 disappearence]

    A Blast From The Past 3-5 Golden's POV Golden- Evacuate the men and leave the ships. Fallandir- Are you sure? The ships could be us

  • A Blast From The Past 3-6

    Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort.

    Hello World- Yes General.

    Hello World hands the orders to a Rebel Runner and he runs off. Then a large commotion goes on inside the Main Hall.

    Hello World- I think that's our...New friends.

    Golden walks into the Main Hall where three different groups of Mercs all gather together. One of the groups are strange warriors in armor that covers their skin and they have strange runes on them. The other is a group of Mercs from The Castellean City who look war torn and ready for battle. Then the last group...Are a group of normal servants.

    Golden- Who are these groups?

    Hello World- The first group are known as The Wasteland Raiders. They are presumed from The Northern Wastes. The second group are The Castellean Elites who have a strong hatred of Empress Green. The last are...From Seteria...Representing one....Rasputin...Is this the Rasputin I think it is?!

    Servant- I think you know...

    The servant starts clapping and a people start playing instruments.


    (Just replace Russia and Russians with Seteria and Seterians. The Bible with Eterise.)

    A large man in Royal Attire and with a power gun walked in. He was dancing as the music was ending. When it finished he shot the gun into the air.

    Rasputin- Haha! You like my song?

    Hello World- Golden! This...This is The Hero of Seteria! He was thought dead!

    Rasputin-Maybe I am? Who knows anymore?

    Hello World- Well...Mr.Ghost of the North, you and any soldiers you have are welcomed to join!

    Rasputin- Why thank you little lady, I'll talk to you later General!

    Rasputin walks outside.

    Hello World- This is so...Amazing. The Revolution is so well known you have The Ghost visiting you and asking to join! Seteria are at civil war because of his death!

    Golden- Now calm down.

    Golden laughs at Hello World's excitment.

    Hello World- Alright...Pick one of these groups to fight for us, we only have enough for one more.

    Rebel Choice

    [Buy the Wasteland Raiders]

    [Buy the Castellean Elites]

  • [Buy the Wasteland Raiders]

    The Castellean Elites sounds like they want a revenge mission. Emotion might cloud judgement.

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • What do you think of Rasputin?

    [Buy the Wasteland Raiders] The Castellean Elites sounds like they want a revenge mission. Emotion might cloud judgement.

  • No idea. Weird I guess.

    What do you think of Rasputin?

  • I gave him a musical opening. :P

    No idea. Weird I guess.

  • What country is that?

    Ah, shame that I can't vote on that one (by the way, I think I'm still missing in the Imperial character list) I like this Rasputin guy, he seems to be quite great, even though youtube banned the music in my country.

  • Ah, shame that I can't vote on that one (by the way, I think I'm still missing in the Imperial character list)

    I like this Rasputin guy, he seems to be quite great, even though youtube banned the music in my country.

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • Damn. :(

    Well...The song is called Rasputin.

    @GoldenPaladin: What country is that? It's Germany. There is a long running lawsuit that Google and a certain german department can'

  • @GoldenPaladin: What country is that?

    It's Germany. There is a long running lawsuit that Google and a certain german department can't agree on (can't really explain that, since I hardly understand it myself), so many Youtube videos are simply banned in Germany.

    Ah, shame that I can't vote on that one (by the way, I think I'm still missing in the Imperial character list) I like this Rasputin guy, he seems to be quite great, even though youtube banned the music in my country.

  • [Buy the Wasteland Raiders]

    Sure, they might be a bit violent, but the Castellan Elites just seem like trouble.

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • Rasputin...Your opinion?

    mr.quality posted: »

    great chapter!!

  • Your opinion on Rasputin?

    [Buy the Wasteland Raiders] Sure, they might be a bit violent, but the Castellan Elites just seem like trouble.

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