Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • great chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • @GoldenPaladin , your comment disappeared. but, Rasputin. He's a little strange...

    mr.quality posted: »

    great chapter!!

  • [Buy the Wasteland Raiders]

    Awesome Chapter!!!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • Opinion of Rasputin?

    supersagig posted: »

    [Buy the Wasteland Raiders] Awesome Chapter!!!!

  • Rasputin is...different, I suppose. I like him, but he is kind of weird. In a good way. :P

    Your opinion on Rasputin?

  • [Buy the Wasteland Raiders]

    A Blast From The Past 3-6 Golden- Send for the captured Imperials and send someone into Maxierran Fort. Hello World- Yes General. H

  • A Blast From The Past 3-7

    Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet.

    Hello World- Yes sir.

    Golden- Now send for those soldiers, I'll retire to the War Room and plan.

    Hello world- Yes sir.

    Golden walks off and Hello World goes in a different direction.

    Neon's POV

    Neon walks through the halls of the Assassin's HQ and soon gets to the great hall. The area is lit up with torches and braizers. Soon Neon walks up to Dojo.

    Neon- What's going on?

    Dojo- It's our celebration, during the times of the great snowstorms we usually take a few months to mediate and take very fews trips out.

    Neon- Does that mean less assassinations?

    Dojo- You really love to ask about contracts. To answer your question, Yes. We only take big contracts during the winter months. Give the Mercs across Telltalia a chance, you know?

    Neon- I guess, so...

    Dojo- So? You know you hardly have any friends around here, start talking around.

    Dojo walks off and leaves Neon to herself but soon a male assassain walks up to her and starts up a conversation.

    ???-Hello there little padawan.

    Neon- Hello?

    ???-What's your name?

    Neon- Neon...And yours?

    ???- Mark.

    Neon- Pretty normal name.

    Mark- If you want call me the Joker, not my probs Neon.

    Neon- Alright...So...Hi.

    Mark- Hi.

    Neon- I'm not great with introductions.

    Mark- Apparently.

    Everyone's Choice

    [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    [Make up an excuse about using the women's restroom then never come back]

  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • [Make up an excuse about using the women's restroom then never come back]

    XD Awesome Chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    where did i go

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • thx c:

    You weren't an Assassin. Don't worry you'll appear soon.

  • You weren't an Assassin.

    Don't worry you'll appear soon.

    [Keep trying to talk to Mark] where did i go

  • Woo! Go me! I'm fabulous, rite?

    You weren't an Assassin. Don't worry you'll appear soon.

  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    More details this Joker guy seems kewl

    XD awesome I love it great chapter bro

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • SURE!

    Woo! Go me! I'm fabulous, rite?



  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • Hey gold im sorry but........ could the next part be in Nights of the past

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • Any real reason why?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey gold im sorry but........ could the next part be in Nights of the past

  • [Keep trying to talk to mark]

    Awkward situations are the best. XD

    Great chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • [Keep trying to talk to Mark]

    A Blast From The Past 3-7 Golden- Buy the Wasteland Raiders, they seem like the better bet. Hello World- Yes sir. Golden- Now send

  • Well i really like it.......sorry if i bothered you :(

    Any real reason why?

  • It's fine, Might not be up tonight but it's cool.

    Glad to see you back on the Forums.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well i really like it.......sorry if i bothered you

  • Yeah me too. Though i feel kinda sad that i missed NOTHING. I only used interned once every 3 days while hiding ( punishment) and that was enough. Forum is so innactive.

    It's fine, Might not be up tonight but it's cool. Glad to see you back on the Forums.

  • Sorry, I've been having a very stressful week and haven't had a time to where I was "Sane" of mind to write.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yeah me too. Though i feel kinda sad that i missed NOTHING. I only used interned once every 3 days while hiding ( punishment) and that was enough. Forum is so innactive.

  • Don't worry gold i can wait just make the next part in nights :)

    Sorry, I've been having a very stressful week and haven't had a time to where I was "Sane" of mind to write.

  • A Blast From The Past 3-8

    Neon- So...Anyway...Um...How...Um...Are...

    Mark- I'm fine, you got anxiety or something little one?

    Neon- Sometimes.

    Mark-Hmm, not a very good trait for an assassin.

    Neon- I'm still good.

    Mark- Maybe, You've been on a lot of contracts...You seem to fail most, however I wouldn't blame you, the target seems to always move location when you get there.

    Neon- Yeah...

    Mark- Whatever, so, are you excited?

    Neon- For what?

    Mark- The celebrations...

    Neon- Oh yes.

    Mark- Good, it will sure be a fun winter...

    Mark walks off and Neon stands there and soon joins the activites.

    Kaleion's POV

    Kaleion sits at a table inside of the Govener's mansion. He checks over the notices for arriving supplies. The orders came in and some people are upset at the focus on weapons he notices. He soon looks out of a window and notices a slight snowfall...

    Kaleion- I rarely snows here...Hmm...I miss the Imperial City.

    Kaleion finishes his notes as a guard walks in.

    Imperial Guard- Hello Sir Kaleion, Govener Mario wishes to see you.

    Kaleion- Is he getting worse?

    Imperial Guard- Sadly yes...My sir.

    Kaleion- Oh course...Take me to him.

    Kaleion follows the guard to Mario's Quarters and walks in to see Mario coughing and dying. Mario looks at the guards to leave them.

    Kaleion- Hello Mario.

    Mario- Hello Kaleion. How unfortunate my death be at this time.

    Kaleion- Why do you say that?

    Mario- That damned thief, robbing the Fort blind. I won't see him brought to justice.

    Kaleion- Her.

    Mario- What?

    Kaleion- The thief, she's female.

    Mario- Oh yes, I keep forgetting. You know something my boy? The Mods used to get this disease at times.

    Kaleion- They did?

    Mario- Rarely, however they had a certian...Blood. This blood usually was resistant to the disease. Normal people got this disease too but they all die...I'm going to die, that's what I'm trying to say.

    Kaleion- Who will lead the fort?

    Mario- That is up for you to decide...I'm most likely going to die by the end of the day, I wish to give my right of picking a new Gov, to you.

    Kaleion- This is an honor...

    Mario- I trust you will pick wisely.

    Kaleion- I will try...

    Kaleion walks out of the room and back to his, he had a lot to plan for...

  • A Blast From The Past 3-9

    Kaleion walks to his room and enters to find the form for the new Govener on his desk. He sits down to look at the people he could choose from. There was Aura, a woman who was commonly inproper and is well liked by the people. There was Tobi, a man who is well lied by the governement although not much by the people. Then there was himself, he could make himself govener if he wanted. Kaleion looks to his side and there he found a note, "Make your choice a good one, I would hate to cause an accident- Signed, A friend.".

    Kaleion- She's watching me...Whoever she is...

    Imperial Choice

    [Make Aura the New Govener]

    [Make Tobi the New Govener]

    [Make Kaleion the New Govener]

    ???'s POV

    Beta is strung up in a caravan, he looks around to Omega and Delta.

    Beta- Guys...We have to do something.

    Omega- Damn it sir, give up, we're captured.

    Delta- ...

    Beta- Are you alright Delta? You haven't spoken since you were saved from the Temple.

    Delta- A dark time is coming...A dark force.

    Omega- Great, he lost his mind.

    Beta- Yup, he's lost.

    Delta- The skies shall rip open, the darkness shall run in the streets...The streets once filled with bloodshed from a dirty revolution, many revolutions of our dark history shall be covered in the silence of the destroyer. The final demise of us all, he is coming, Thy name is Etic.

    Omega- Hey, Carl...Mind not predicting the world over there?

    Delta- The darkness shall entice us all, the lives of a thousand souls shall run through the streets as the rift devours them and turns them into souless husks. The shining light of hope shall exist but only through sacrfice shall the blight be ended.

    Omega- Deceptio, want to help out here?

    Beta- Call down Omega...But hell, you want to use real names I'll call you Poogers.

    Omega- Fine, fine, calm yourself.

    Delta- The end is coming, the blight shall be ruled by not only the darkness but by the most cruelest of hands, Man himself shall rule the final kingdom left standing only by the blood, sweat, and tears of those lower than him.

    Beta- Carl, seriously, Calm down...We'll be fine.

    "We'll be fine"

  • The darkness is coming Smiles

    A Blast From The Past 3-9 Kaleion walks to his room and enters to find the form for the new Govener on his desk. He sits down to look at

  • I foreshadowed a lot in this chapter.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    The darkness is coming Smiles

  • Yes im starting to theorise but i wont say anything

    I foreshadowed a lot in this chapter.

  • No, I want to hear them.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yes im starting to theorise but i wont say anything

  • Awesome Chapter!!

    A Blast From The Past 3-9 Kaleion walks to his room and enters to find the form for the new Govener on his desk. He sits down to look at

  • Okay but promise me it wont affect the plot

    if it wont ill pm you my theories

    No, I want to hear them.

  • I just want to hear them, it won't change what I have planned.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Okay but promise me it wont affect the plot if it wont ill pm you my theories

  • k im pming

    I just want to hear them, it won't change what I have planned.

  • Are...Are you going to?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    k im pming

  • just did sorry i write alot :)

    Are...Are you going to?

  • Hmm, let's chat about these.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    just did sorry i write alot

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