The Legendary Monkey Island FanArt



  • edited July 2009
    A work in progress I'm not really happy with, probably redraw it at some point
  • edited July 2009

    A little something from MI2. Not finished obviously...but fun :)
  • edited July 2009
    Nice job Macarello and NewYorkNala
  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Nice job Macarello and NewYorkNala
    I entirely agree. Looks great!
  • edited July 2009
    Could anyone give some feedback on my Guybrush? I'd like to know what to improve on. I posted two pages back =]
  • edited July 2009
    KEBSD wrote: »
    Could anyone give some feedback on my Guybrush? I'd like to know what to improve on. I posted two pages back =]

    Its nice... if you want to know how to improve on it? I hate critiquing peoples stuff because im not exactly a pro but maybe be more mindful when you use photoshop filters for highlights and shadows.... By all means use them if they work but do not be afraid to get in there and do a little painting and touch-up....

    Helped at all?


    I changed Elaine to match her MI2 outfit a little more closely.. but not exactly.

  • edited July 2009
    Thanks! I don't really have the proper Photoshop for good image editing so that was pretty much all I could do, but hopefully I can get a better version to improve my graphics. I was never too good with shading anyways.
    Thanks again!
    By the way you are a phenominal artist!
  • edited July 2009
    my pirate accessories :p

    a ship - which could use a little repair, paintbrush, swords and of course - a feather duster :D
  • edited July 2009
    How I think Guybrush should look if they remake MI 2. Based on illustration by the mighty artist Steve Purcell.

  • edited July 2009
    pilouuuu wrote: »
    How I think Guybrush should look if they remake MI 2. Based on illustration by the mighty artist Steve Purcell.


    Sorry but it just doesn't look like Guybrush. Try getting rid of some of that beard.
  • edited July 2009
    Sorry but it just doesn't look like Guybrush. Try getting rid of some of that beard.

    It's MI2 Guybrush. He HAS beard. Unless of course you are refering to his wimp look from Curse of Monkey Island. :-P
  • edited July 2009
    He has beard, but he doesn't have much, as evidenced by some of the dialogue.
    I think the drawing's fine, except for the face. He looks too... tough to be Guybrush.
  • edited July 2009
    I think it looks great pilouuuu! I think his beard is great! I don't really see what people are complaining about. It's great if you compare it to the cover art by Steve Purcell. But I guess everyone has their own vision of what he should look like :/

    And I don't think he does look too tough at all. I always thought he should look a little tougher than that from the lines he comes up with in Monkey Island 2. I mean yeah he gets hung upside down and stuff but usually he tries to put on a tough face so as to be a mighty pirate :D
  • edited July 2009
    Nah it looks nothing like Purcel's cover art, But what it does look like is Purcel's extra material art... like the dress a pirate stuff.. Its cool in my book dude.....

    Its impossible to look like "THE" Guybrush because there is no such thing.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2009
    Wanna guess what Guybrush's GOING to look like by the end of ToMI?

    We all know this is going to happen!!

  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Nah it looks nothing like Purcel's cover art.

    Eh, what?
  • edited July 2009
    Sorry to be dumb but how do I upload my picture of Guybrush, so that it can be viewed on this forum?
  • edited July 2009
    Davies wrote: »
    Sorry to be dumb but how do I upload my picture of
    Guybrush, so that it can be viewed on this forum?
    1. You can upload it to ImageShack.
    2. Browse -> Find your image -> start upload
    3. When you've uploaded it, you'll need to copy the link at the top on the next page.
    4. Now when you post a pic, press this insertimage.gif and paste in the url.
  • edited July 2009

    It's not great I know but I made this in 2005. I'm sure I could do a heck of a lot better now... in fact, I think I'll try this week and upload the results later!
  • edited July 2009
    For those that think that Guybrush didn't have a beard in MI2:



    And the Guybrush from Steve Purcell in which I based the one I made:

  • edited July 2009
    Sorry, I messed up before, here's the picture I made in 2005:


    EDIT: Arg, why won't this work?!
  • edited July 2009
    like ravey told u, first press insertimage.gif and then insert the direct link to picture from imageshack
  • edited July 2009
    like ravey told u, first press insertimage.gif and then insert the direct link to picture from imageshack

    Thanks man, I got it now. I was just being a dope and copying the wrong link. I feel like such an old git sometimes (even though I'm only 26)... back in my day, we was using compooters made o' wood an' powered by steam. Ye whipper snappers don't know ya born!
  • edited July 2009
    Wanna guess what Guybrush's GOING to look like by the end of ToMI?

    We all know this is going to happen!!


    That's pretty damn cool but why is his ring on his right hand?
  • edited July 2009
    Scapetti wrote: »
    That's pretty damn cool but why is his ring on his right hand?

    Well, because he's the mirror image of his former-self of course and left handed people are more often more prone to aggression then right handed people (apparently this is actually true)!
  • edited July 2009
    Davies wrote: »
    Well, because he's the mirror image of his former-self of course and left handed people are more often more prone to aggression then right handed people (apparently this is actually true)!

    I'm glad to be right handed now!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2009
    Scapetti wrote: »
    That's pretty damn cool but why is his ring on his right hand?

    Duh, it's because I messed up. ;)

    I was playing with the thought to horizontally invert the picture, which would have set things right - however, I would have had to invert the signature twice, so I dropped the thought.
  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I changed Elaine to match her MI2 outfit a little more closely.. but not exactly.

    Very very nice, indeed!
  • edited July 2009
    Can't compete with most of the stuff posted here, but I still think it's a cute image.
    Keep in mind it was made by somebody who positively, absolutely can not draw and just decided to spend 2 hours in PaintShopPro and try his best.

    I made this image to get a better understanding about how the MI2 Guybrush could be turned into hires. You'll notice the heavy shadows around the eyes: That's because they are there in MI2 too, and so is the beard. I originally drew this as an outline, but as it turns out it looks better with just the fill color and no outline.
  • edited July 2009
    PS, here's the same drawing with a thinned outline:
  • edited July 2009
    PS, here's the same drawing with a thinned outline:

    I think it looked nicer without the outline. Also, I like the way you did the hair. Nice one :)
    By the way, do you have a scanner because it's much easier to draw on paper and then colour in Photoshop, it would be cool to see what you come up with.

    On an unrelated note, are there any other Brits here annoyed by the fact that the spellchecker on this forum is set to Bastardised-En... sorry, I mean American-English? It's spelt 'colour', not 'color' damn it ;)
  • edited July 2009
    All my stuff is done start to finish in Photoshop.... I think its just as easy to draw in PS as it is on paper.....

    BTW picking on the way we spell color is ridiculous because the English got the word colour from the Latin word color... so it actually is COLOR ;)
  • edited July 2009
    It's both. But is there even a spellchecker on this forum? I get the Firefox builtin one. And since I'm neither English nor American I can spell it whichever way I prefer.

    BTW, I don't have a scanner and I really don't need one since my daily work is completely paperless.
  • edited July 2009
    Micki! wrote: »
    I made another one, thanks for showing the first i made Armakuni...
    Oh my i'm so naughty... I should draw her properly dressed at some point, haha

    Due to forum regulations and sensitive members, the drawing contains a censor bar to retain viewable for anyone, although, honestly, there's nothing there, no really... I just put the text there to be safe...

    Regretably, i haven't even played a single MI game ever, although i'd love to, especially the third, i love the art style...

    Full Size

    I hope I wasn't the only one who clicked the link in hopes of an uncensored coloured version :(
  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    All my stuff is done start to finish in Photoshop.... I think its just as easy to draw in PS as it is on paper.....

    BTW picking on the way we spell color is ridiculous because the English got the word colour from the Latin word color... so it actually is COLOR ;)

    I guess you're drawing with a watcom, right?
  • edited July 2009
    Yes I use a Wacom Intuos3 4 x 6-Inch Wide Format Pen Tablet.

    I would love to get an Intuos4 with a bigger surface...

    On Amazon right now you can get a little starter pen tablet for about $60
    If you like drawing and painting with photoshop I really recommend getting a tablet... its worth the money.

    The Wacom Bamboo

    The big difference between this one and the one I use is a little smaller surface (not much)... and mine is much more pressure sensitive.... I.E. press harder get darker and thicker lines.
  • edited July 2009
    Sadly, I don't get to work with anything handdrawn that often, so I never really got used to tablets (had one for about 6 months before I broke it). When I deal with graphics it's usually in a more technical way.
  • edited July 2009
    Dan2593 wrote: »
    I hope I wasn't the only one who clicked the link in hopes of an uncensored coloured version :(

    You are pretty much the only one, yes.....

    Have you considered professional help?


  • edited July 2009
    You are pretty much the only one, yes.....

    Have you considered professional help?




    If so, then you better do not look at this one:

    Micky, if you don't like the way I colorized it or generally don't want people to tamper with your artwork, just tell me and I'll remove it immediately.
  • edited July 2009
    If so, then you better do not look at this one:

    Micky, if you don't like the way I colorized it or generally don't want people to tamper with your artwork, just tell me and I'll remove it immediately.

    Can anyone say... Jessica Rabbit?!
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