I did it. I don't care if it made me look weak, Ryon's father and brother just died so of course I wanted him to be at the funeral
Like Lady Forrester said: "It doesn't mean anything", so why not just do it and get Ryon for it? Of course that doesn't mean I liked doing it and that I would do anything, don't get me wrong here, there are limits. But kissing the ring was just a "Ugh okay, whatever, just give me my brother" moment for me.
Nope... I kneel to no one and I kiss no one's ring unless is someone I respect as a power figure. So not the WHitehills... I don't think I've kneeled to anyone during the gameplay so yeah I'm kind of screwed :P THe only thing I said once was with Ethan when I said that Ramsay would have anything to worry about because "the crown will get what it needs" and that's preety ambiguous I never said nothing about the Whitehills being a part of it, I jsut spoke about the crown :P
Oh and I once said that my loyalty was with the Kign and not with Margeary but I thought that was the best, this is the game of thrones mates I lie a lot... ANd Cersei then comes and says "you once said your loyalty was with the crown but now your loyalty is with Margeary don't change oppinions that much" and I was like "Yeah bitch it wasn't a change of mind I just leid the first time... People lie that's what evveryone does the differente is I don't mind being called out for it, I just stay there like "yeah I lied people lie... The onyl bad thing here is that you found out..."
I did. My logic that (as well as having Ryon for the funeral) we would seem more or less under Whitehill control. Thus they would be less prepared for our eventual counter-attack. I would still try to negociate on arguments brought up; I just woudn't try to piss them off.
As for Ryon we needed to see in what condition he was in. Not to mention trying to get any intel we can on the Whitehills.
What if I kiss the fucking ring and he was just fooling me around? What if my brother never showed up for the funeral? And, cmon... I could not do that in front of my lady! I DIDN'T kiss the ring.
I was ok with submiting to gryf but gryf is the bad guy and lud is the devil and i couldn't kiss the hand of the guy that was part of my brother's killing,i am gonna get ryon one way or another
I kissed the ring on my second play through, I did it because I wanted to make Rodrik look weak but than I decided to stand up to gryff because it shows rodrik's development
A man who kisses another man's ring, isn't a man. Besides, Ryon knows the motto... Iron From Ice!
I didn't kiss it. No way I would allow myself to look weak in front of Elaena.
It all depends on why. If it's done out of genuine respect there isn't anything wrong with it. It's only shameful when it's done out of fear.
I did it. I don't care if it made me look weak, Ryon's father and brother just died so of course I wanted him to be at the funeral
Of course that doesn't mean I liked doing it and that I would do anything, don't get me wrong here, there are limits. But kissing the ring was just a "Ugh okay, whatever, just give me my brother" moment for me.
Like Lady Forrester said: "It doesn't mean anything", so why not just do it and get Ryon for it?
No, the only thing the forresters have left is their dignity, i ain't giving that
Nope... I kneel to no one and I kiss no one's ring unless is someone I respect as a power figure. So not the WHitehills... I don't think I've kneeled to anyone during the gameplay so yeah I'm kind of screwed :P THe only thing I said once was with Ethan when I said that Ramsay would have anything to worry about because "the crown will get what it needs" and that's preety ambiguous I never said nothing about the Whitehills being a part of it, I jsut spoke about the crown :P
Oh and I once said that my loyalty was with the Kign and not with Margeary but I thought that was the best, this is the game of thrones mates I lie a lot... ANd Cersei then comes and says "you once said your loyalty was with the crown but now your loyalty is with Margeary don't change oppinions that much" and I was like "Yeah bitch it wasn't a change of mind I just leid the first time... People lie that's what evveryone does the differente is I don't mind being called out for it, I just stay there like "yeah I lied people lie... The onyl bad thing here is that you found out..."
Why would I!?
I did. My logic that (as well as having Ryon for the funeral) we would seem more or less under Whitehill control. Thus they would be less prepared for our eventual counter-attack. I would still try to negociate on arguments brought up; I just woudn't try to piss them off.
As for Ryon we needed to see in what condition he was in. Not to mention trying to get any intel we can on the Whitehills.
What if I kiss the fucking ring and he was just fooling me around? What if my brother never showed up for the funeral? And, cmon... I could not do that in front of my lady! I DIDN'T kiss the ring.
I pissed them off every moment I could and maimed Gryff. But I think it is worth it for Ryon to come to the funeral of his brother and father.
I kissed it.
I was ok with submiting to gryf but gryf is the bad guy and lud is the devil and i couldn't kiss the hand of the guy that was part of my brother's killing,i am gonna get ryon one way or another
I kissed the ring on my second play through, I did it because I wanted to make Rodrik look weak but than I decided to stand up to gryff because it shows rodrik's development
Hell no. My Rodrik wasn't going to knell to a whitehill.
This is probably the only choice that I did that pleased the Whitehills. I just wanted Ryon at the funeral. So yes, I kissed that scrubby ring.
Yeah, I kissed Ludd's ring and I have no regrets with that. I just wanted to see Ryon at the funeral. ;-;
A Forrester is a Forrester...
I wanted to see Ryon at the funeral, and I wanted to be smart about how I handle the Whitehills.
He made me his b.... I felt like dirt. (Looks to the ground in shame).
lol no my woman was watching so I had to be a "man" and not do it, even for Ryon. I felt like an ass afterwards but my honor remained intact!