The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • Okay, I burst out laughing twice this part. When Carley first said "How dare you!" and then I burst out laughing once again when Hope threw up again and I read "It was a direct hit." I was like super sacred too 'cause I thought Hope was gonna die, but then it turned around. XD

    [Lakeside] - Hope using throwing knifes, and I'm pretty sure the lakeside will be pretty open area, so that might help when trying to throw a knife at someone's face. :3

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • Yeah, but i made there be only be one lake for a reason, after awhile all tributes will run out of water (some got water bottles).

    So theyll all have to go to the same lake for water which can cause.. some drama.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Yay more dead people

  • [Village]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • Oh my god I love Hope xD

    [Lakeside] Better to get there first and scoop up some water before the bloodbath ends.


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • [Lakeside] this is tundra so I'm assuming its freshwater, meaning its drinkable. Also water could indicate the presence of fish which could provide a source of food of caught.

    Great chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • No her weapon is vomit.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Okay, I burst out laughing twice this part. When Carley first said "How dare you!" and then I burst out laughing once again when Hope threw

  • [Lakeside]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • edited February 2015

    Poor Jeanie...

    I have to say, the vomit scene was great! I hadn't thought about Hope after the brilliant Reaping, but after that scene she sneakily managed to become one of the tributes I'd like to see as the winner.


    Following the reasoning of TWD_25 and Hope here, the lakeside seems to be the best choice. The village is going to be career country for sure, the mountains and the forest are likely not very good places for one of her two main weapons, so it shall be the lake.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 3/4 HOPE D9 I turn around and see the District 3 boy running with the District 3 girl towards the woods.. "Nero!" She sc

  • I'm writing Part 4 right now and im literally almost crying.

  • edited February 2015

    Oh no.. :(

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm writing Part 4 right now and im literally almost crying.

  • O.O

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I'm writing Part 4 right now and im literally almost crying.

  • Bloodbath: 4/4

    NERO D3

    "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest.

    I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out of her chest quickly. Man, fuck the boy from 10..he was trying to stab me up then Susie turned her body's all my fault.

    "You're okay" I say trying to calm her down

    "It hurts!" Susie cries "Nero!"

    "I'm right here Susie" I say reassuringly..

    I see a field in the middle of the forest and place Susie on the side of the field..Susie lays down on her back and cries in pain. I cant believe this is happening to her, out of everyone in this arena it has to happen too Susie..she keeps screaming as she looks up at the sky.

    "Nero?" Susie cries "Is this my deathbed?! I dont want to die!"

    "Youre fine" I say calmly "I'm right here.. by your side"

    I kneel beside her and hold her bloody hand which has been holding her gash..I look up at her olive skinned face. Her green eyes are fading away as she keeps crying.

    "I dont want to die!" Susie yelps

    "Hey." I say kindly "You want to sing the song? I can sing it to you."

    Susie nods teary eyed and stops screaming.. I hold her hand tightly as it shakes in pain. I clear my throat and close my blue eyes so I don't have to see Susie slowly dying... its too hard too look.

    "Over the hill.." I sing quietly, I open my eyes and see Susie looking up at me barely smiling. I look from her chest blood is spilling onto the reddish grass below.

    "Cross th' sky" I sing, Susie smiles and tears flow down her pink cheeks.

    "That is body lies" I sing sadly looking at Susie...the green trees above her sway gently in the cool breeze.

    "AND it'll BETTERR!...on.. the other side!" I sing teary eyed, Susie's eyes dwindle as she looks up at the bright blue sky.

    "Where you feel nothing.... no diamond ring!" I sing, desperately holding Susie's hand as she begins to cough up blood.

    I feel my hazel brown eyes begin to water up, warm salty tears roll down my face as I look at Susie. But I keep singing..

    "Over the hill.. I sing weakly as I cry "Cross th' sky'"

    Susie looks at me and smiles as she lets go of her gash she was holding onto in pain... the blood just flows out and Susie lets her head back. Her brown hair gets splashes of blood all over her.

    "That is where my body lies.." I sing trailing off "Baby girl, BABY GIRL please don't cry, not one soul escapes this lullaby.."

    I begin sobbing and cant go on, its all my fault this happened! Susie deserved so much better than this.

    "Susie?" I ask her... "Are you there?"

    Susie looks at me with her small eyes

    " a good singer.." She says weakly but smiles "Keep... going"

    I nod in agreement

    "I will" I say "I'll keep going"

    "Because over the hill!" I sing louder ""When you go across the sky!"

    Susie's body began to go still and her smile faded as the blood flowed like a river down her tiny legs..

    "That is where you'll find a body!" The kept singing "That never lied..."

    "Susie?" I say

    Nothing.. but no cannon has gone off.

    Suddenly dark red blood comes spewing out of Susie's mouth.. and she lays back again painfully.

    "Susie?" I say with my hand over my trembling lips.. I began crying again. I thought I wouldnt have mercy in these games and I still wont for most.. but I did for Susie.

    I look at my sword... is it best if i do this or not? If I kill her then she wont be in pain.. theres no way she is going to survive. But...I cant kill her.

    Should Nero kill Susie?

    [Mercy kill Susie] [Keep singing]

    FURRY D7

    "Yeah you run bitch!" Carley yelled at the girl from 10 who ran away from cornucopia, she was the last person still here.

    "Ugh" Carley cried

    "Why are you crying?" Zach asked as he poured water bottles on Carley too get rid of the vomit.

    "We only killed six people!" Carley exclaimed "Six is so little!

    "Theres 7 bodies here though..." I say

    "Thats because the boy from 3 killed somebody!" Carley snarls at me and I step back.

    "This is fucking ridiculous!" Carley whines "First we only kill 6 and that bitch from 9 vomits all over my face!"

    I look at Zelda and Zelda smiles back, we both want to laugh right now but cant.

    "Zelda where the hell where you during the blood bath?!?" Carley snarls "And Furry you killed nobody!"

    "I tried..." I said

    "Whatever.." Carley said "We need to go out and kill some more of these pussies now. Hopefully we run into the girl from 9"

    "Where do you want to go?" Zach asks excitedly

    "Village" Carley says "I saw the girls from 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 all go there at separate times.

    "Furry stay back here" Carley says glaring at me "And if anyone comes into cornucopia, kill them. No mercy!"

    I nod

    "Now pick someone to stay with you" Carley says to me

    I'm friends with Soon and Zelda but maybe Zach would be best to have for protection? But I dont really trust him and plus Soon is pretty skilled too..

    Who should Furry pick to stay back?

    [Zelda] [Soon] [Zach]

  • That was so hard to write :(

  • edited February 2015

    [Keep singing]

    I don't think killing her is the right thing to do, it's not like she's going to reanimate... I hope.


    Since they're going to the place where both of my tributes are, I want Zelda to go since she will have more mercy if she finds any of them. Also leaving Furry and Zelda together could result in either of their deaths.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • [Keep singing] - Susie wanted her to keep singing.

    [Soon] - The Village is going to become a second bloodbath, better try to save someone from that.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • Alt text

    [Mercy kill Susie]

    If she dies in pain..:(


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • [Keep singing]

    I'm literally crying right now. Susie deserved so much better.. I hate that boy from 10 so fucking much right now :(


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • Dun cry :(

    ayylmao posted: »

    [Keep singing] I'm literally crying right now. Susie deserved so much better.. I hate that boy from 10 so fucking much right now [Soon]

  • I'll try :(

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Dun cry

  • [Keep singing] God damn... ;-;


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • Part 1 of Day 1 will be tonight :D

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text

    This is easily the most heartbreaking part so far and so much more sadder than the worst outcome I could have imagined for the Nero/Susie friendship... Poor Susie, she would have deserved to win this ;_;

    Now that Susie is out of the game, I don't even know who to root for anymore. Hope, Shelly, Nero, Ylenia, there are so many who I'd like to see winning this now. I just hope that the damn careers won't make it!

    [Keep singing]

    This choice... I don't even... on the one hand I don't want her to be in pain... on the other hand she wanted him to continue singing. It's kind off her last wish and I think he should honor it... Oh god, this breaks my heart so much :(


    Zelda is probably the only career I somewhat like and nowhere nearly as brutal as the others. Like Purugly said, maybe some of the village people survive due to her not being able to kill as ruthlessly as the other careers. Seeing how many of my favourites are in that village, I guess a friendly career can't be a bad thing to have in the bloodbath that will follow

    And finally:

    "We only killed six people!" Carley exclaimed "Six is so little!

    Seriously, somebody has to bash her head in!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • edited February 2015

    RIP Susie. [Keep singing]

    [Soon] because Zelda is one of the weaker careers but I don't know about Zach. If Shelly dies I'll riot.

  • edited February 2015

    Bloodbath is over:


    7 Dead

    24th. Santiago

    23rd. Unk

    22nd. Athena

    21st. Super

    20th. Garrett

    19th. Finn


    4 Wounded:





    Gone but not forgotten, hopefully you can all take a sigh of relief knowing Bloodbath is over.

  • [Keep singing] its better this way. I never thought I could hate my own character this much but seriously, fuck that guy.


    Great chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • Oh my god...damn that was gutwrenching.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath is over: Stats: 7 Dead 24th. Santiago 23rd. Unk 22nd. Athena 21st. Super 20th. Garrett 19th. Finn 18th.

  • lol I was totally kidding, the death is just beginning >:)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh my god...damn that was gutwrenching.

  • ;-;

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    lol I was totally kidding, the death is just beginning

  • Wait, didn't Hope get stabbed?

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Yeah, she got stabbed in the hand.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Wait, didn't Hope get stabbed?

  • That was Jeanie, Hope saw her get stabbed. Hope threw up in the person's face and got away.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Wait, didn't Hope get stabbed?

  • mixed up Hope with John sorry.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Wait, didn't Hope get stabbed?

  • [Keep singing]


    Awesome Chapter!!!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • [Mercy Kill Susie] I don't want her to die in pain.


    Awesome chapter!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Bloodbath: 4/4 NERO D3 "Ahhh!" Susie screamed in pain as we were deep in the forest. I look down at her gash...blood is pouring out

  • edited February 2015


    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 1 will be tonight

  • edited February 2015

    Starting part 1 of day 1! :)

  • yay! :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 1 of day 1!




  • Awesome :D:D:D:D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting part 1 of day 1!

  • I get it I get it! xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    DAY 1 COMING SOON heuheuhehueuhehuueheuheuheuhehueheuhehu jk

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