The Hunger Games: Forum Edition (EPILOUGE RELEASED!)



  • Starting sneak peak (Day 2 will resume Saturday or Friday)

  • edited February 2015


    NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released.


    I sit by the warm fireplace when Zach walks in

    "We need to speak" He whispers cautiously

    "What?" I ask in confusion

    "Its about Carley" Zach says nervously "Its serious.."


    "HELP ME!" I screamed as it began mauling me to death.

    I tried to grab my knife lying on the freezing ground but it began dragging my almost lifeless body backwards.


    "We need a plan" Hope says nervously "I think we need more people to help us"

    "I agree" I say to her

    "Atlas" Hope says soberly "Day 2 is like the calm before the storm.. but when that storm comes most of us are going to die. Are you ready for that?"


    We hide behind the bushes as he walks by us holding onto a bloody sword.

    "Where did he go?" I ask

    I turn around and there he was holding a sword aimed at my throat..

    "Please dont kill me!" I beg "Please.."


    "I'm not afraid to kill you!" I yell at her

    "You bitch!" She screams back

    "Dont fucking make me!" I mutter back holding onto the knife.


    Hope this made the wait for Day 2 easier! I've got lots of schoolwork to do (and tests to cram for) so i'm taking a day's break to study. I'll probably start Episode 2 on friday or saturday (depending).

  • O.O Jesus... looks like day 2 is gonna be intense af

    btw take your time and good luck on your exams!! c:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • This is going to make the wait feel longer.

    "HELP ME!" I screamed as it began mauling me to death

    Wat. o.o

    Hope says soberly "Day 2 is like the calm before the storm.. but when that storm comes most of us are going to die. Are you ready for that?"

    No...i'm not ready at all.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • Thanks! :)

    ayylmao posted: »

    O.O Jesus... looks like day 2 is gonna be intense af btw take your time and good luck on your exams!! c:

  • Well you better get ready >:)

    Carley123 posted: »

    This is going to make the wait feel longer. "HELP ME!" I screamed as it began mauling me to death Wat. o.o Hope says sob

  • Wow... O.O

    This looks super intense :DDD

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • Hype is pretty high... I'm scared for everyone's life in the games. ;-; (Minus Carley, she's mean)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • Alt text

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • Awesome!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • It will be :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Wow... O.O This looks super intense :DDD

  • Oh my god theres a crow behind the first duck!

  • Oh gosh, the hype is real. O.o

    I'm dying to know who the Mutt is about to kill, or the girl with the knife, or the boy with the sword.

  • Oh no ;-;-;-;-

    Oh god

    Abandon thread for now


  • edited February 2015

    Hey guys so #TeamSarah has been banned for a day (He bumped an old thread jokingly :s) He told this shouldn't have any effect on the story since he was already taking a one day break. He apologizes to you guys for any inconveniences,.

  • D:

    supersagig posted: »


  • Okay... now I'm hyped. Very hyped.

    I am quite relieved that Hope apparently does not plan to stab Atlas in the back for now. Though I am scared for the person that is mauled to death (apparently by a mutt, yes?), for the knife girl and for the person threatened with the sword. I do have the bad feeling that the sword boy is Nero...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    DAY 2 SNEAK PEAK NOTE: Not all storylines are done so something may change when the actual day is released. -------------------------

  • Aw darn it :(

    Carley123 posted: »

    Hey guys so #TeamSarah has been banned for a day (He bumped an old thread jokingly ) He told this shouldn't have any effect on the story since he was already taking a one day break. He apologizes to you guys for any inconveniences,.

  • edited February 2015

    #TeamSarah will start part 1 once he's unbanned.

  • edited February 2015

    Hey guys so im unbanned, errgh its so embarrassing to be banned :c I wasn't thinking straight and feel really bad so sorry guys especially for the mods.

    I'm starting Part 1 now though. c:

  • Part 1 of Day 2

    SOON D1

    I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was no longer in a comfortable soft bed but instead the hard cold ground. No cannons went off through the night which is a shame usually one or two will go off through the first night.. my blue eyes blur when I first wake up, I see Furry's light brown hair close to me. I flop to the other side and see Carley sitting and pretend flicking her throwing knives.

    "Morning!" Carley chirps "Ready for today?"

    "Give me about five more hours.." I joke "I couldn't sleep.."

    "What time is it?" I ask

    "The sun is barely in the sky." Carley says "Its 7 or 8 in the morning"

    "Too early" I flop over

    "Wake up sleepyhead!" Carley giggles "We have a busy day ahead of us.."

    "We do?" I ask her

    "Yeah!" Carley says "Theres still 15 of us alive! Maybe we can bring the number down to 10 by the end of the day!"

    "Carley" I say to her "Killing people is exhausting.. I need a break from it"

    Carley glares at me with disappointment as I sit up

    "We dont have time for rests!" Carley hisses "Soon, this is the Hunger Games!"

    She is kind of right, but killing people is a worse feeling than I thought it would be.. I can still remember the feeling of my sword going through the boy from 8's neck. I can't forget the sound of his dying breath and the crunching sounds of the bones inside his long neck.

    "I'm sorry" Carley says calmly "I didnt mean to snap at you, forgive me"

    "Yeah..." I say "I forgive you"

    "Good" She says smiling

    "So whos still alive?" I ask, I missed the fallen last night

    "Boy from 3" Carley says "Girls from 4, 5, 7. Both from 6 and 9 and the boys from 11 and 12."

    "Intresting.." I say "So whos the target?"

    "Girl from 9" Carley says angrily "Theres no way im letting her survive today"

    I put my hand on her small shoulder and she smiles.

    "Hey" I reply kindly "If she lives one more day thats fine"

    "We'll see" Carley wonders.

    Carley leans over and whispers in my ear.

    "I like you Soon" She says almost seductively "You're hot.."

    She leans in a puckers her light red lips... should I kiss her..

    What should Soon do

    [Kiss her] [Pull away]

  • Pull away

    Idk... I dont even trust my own character at the moment. :s

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • It happens buddy! :)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hey guys so im unbanned, errgh its so embarrassing to be banned :c I wasn't thinking straight and feel really bad so sorry guys especially for the mods. I'm starting Part 1 now though. c:

  • thx :d

    Carley123 posted: »

    It happens buddy!

  • [Pull away] Idk what I should do. It would be kinda awkward, so.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • edited February 2015

    [Pull away]

    Kissing her would be so awkward omg e.e

    and btw, welcome back c:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • [Pull away]

    Great chapter!!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • [Pull away] Carley's going to be pissed.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • [Kiss her]

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • [Pull away] she doesnt actually like me I bet

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • ty c:

    ayylmao posted: »

    [Pull away] Kissing her would be so awkward omg e.e and btw, welcome back c:

  • [Pull away]

    Normally I'm quick to ship anyone. But when it comes to psychopaths... eh, better not. Besides, maybe she'll kill Soon for refusing her, leaving the career team weakened. A man can only hope :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • [Pull away]

    Dont touch those nasty ass lips Soon.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • Heys guys, I found this really cool video where these guys made the Hunger Games into a video game. Its super cool and makes me wish there was a real Hunger Games video game. :c

  • Starting Part 2 :D

  • I've seen that as well :o Hopefully they make a hunger games game once the movies are over c:

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Heys guys, I found this really cool video where these guys made the Hunger Games into a video game. Its super cool and makes me wish there was a real Hunger Games video game. :c

  • [Pull away] DON´T KISS THE DEVIL!!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Part 1 of Day 2 SOON D1 I wake up to the cool wind blowing, the sound of birds singing through the air. I open my eyes realizing I was

  • :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Starting Part 2

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